AN: Major Character Death - Underlying

It had been months.

Ducky showed up once a week. Restocked the fridge. The Bourbon. And straightened up the couch cushions.

Someone had to.

Tony couldn't make it through the door. McGee had tried and failed. Ziva respected his wishes.

"Leave me alone."

Three simple words he had left them with that fateful night.

Ducky never did listen too well.

It was the second day of the third month when Gibbs spoke to his friend.

"How are they?"

The ME was startled by the voice as he turned to face him. His beard was scraggly at best and he looked as though he had aged years in just a few short months.

"Tony is stoic, he has had some practice taking over when you go…" He swallowed. "Timothy & Ziva are showing up, in pain, but showing up." He lifted up his keys. "I could drive you to see them? Perhaps you'd like to shower?"

Gibbs didn't make eye contact and only slumped onto a kitchen chair. His hands covering his face for a moment. "I won't be going back."

Ducky nodded. "Just as well. You seem to have lost yourself anyhow."

He knew what he was doing. "Trying to bait me into a fight Duck?"

"You know me well. I only wish I knew the man looking at me now."

"He died." Gibbs deadpanned. "With her…"

The tears in Ducky's eyes were familiar. They felt as though they had rested their for months right along with him. "You feel this is what she would want then?"

Gibbs chest constricted at the thought of her. "She's not here."

"No, no she isn't." Ducky said plainly before adjusting the last cushion on the couch. "I'll be going."

"Tell them," Gibbs began. "Tell them I'm sorry."

Ducky approached him slowly, watching his friend stand up and back away. "Thanks for the bourbon."

He moved back towards the door, seemingly defeated when his friend called back.

"I miss her Duck."

He nodded. "I know."

"I never wanted to do this…" he lifted up the bourbon. "Be like this, again."

His friend knew the past pain he was referring to. "You still have a family Jethro."

Gibbs nodded and moved back towards the basement. "Same time next week?"

Ducky watched him disappear down the steps and spoke quietly to no one. "Until you're ready to come back to us dear boy, until you're ready."