A/N: Sorry it's so late, song is Urgency by Jason Michael Carroll. Enjoy! :)
Darcy can't help but smile as she watches her father, brother, and Eddie as they work with some of the carpenters her father had called to build what is going to be Darcy and Eddie's new house. After some deliberation, it was decided that, since Darcy had just graduated and their second child was on the way, they'd build a house on the farm. This way, they would be close to their family and Edwin loved the farm. Darcy is glad he will get to grow up on the same land she'd been raised on. It seems a silly thing to be happy about, but she is.
After everything their family went through with Eddie getting taken for three months only to return with a light in his chest and nightmares. Then learning that Obadiah had betrayed Eddie so deeply and callously. Eddie getting sick and almost dying just over a year ago. And that Shield had known and done nothing. She can never forget the manic worry that Eddie had displayed when he thought there was a chance of Shield finding out about his family and exploiting it. Darcy and Edwin had stayed on the farm and hid as Eddie tried to find a way to survive the poisoning from the device keeping him alive.
Darcy cringes at the memory of watching Eddie crash the race car on television. She'd been so angry with him for that. Rhodey had made a trip to the farm just so she could yell at him in place of Eddie. Then he'd let her cry on his shoulder before telling her that he would handle it. She hadn't counted on him and Eddie getting into a fight. Their family has been through so much but they've come out the other side.
Now, she focuses on watching the men in her family work. Eddie had drawn up the blueprints for their house with the help of Jarvis, Edwin, Rhodey, Caleb, and Darcy's father, Wayne. Bruce was currently finishing a trip in South America so wasn't available to help and Rhodey had only consulted over the phone since he was busy with his actual job in the Air Force.
Bruce never sent any concrete information of his whereabouts in case Shield, General Ross, or someone else somehow figured out he was in contact with Darcy and Eddie. He promised to finish everything before Darcy's second trimester was over, though.
Honestly, she can't help but be so proud of Bruce. He's taken an accident that nearly destroyed his life, and used it to help others. He went to places that very few were willing to go for fear of catching a disease or other illness, and he took care of people.
Thinking of Bruce inevitably reminds Darcy of Eddie and how things had been after she'd had Edwin. Bruce had been such a big help when Darcy had talked to him about her feelings. She told him that she was exhausted all the time with school and a child. It felt like her and Eddie had fallen into a rut that she couldn't see a way out of.
I don't need your passing kissing in the hall, or I love you's when you call, although they're nice to hear,
What I need is to know you live and breathe, the way you did for me, for oh so many years,
Yeah, I need a little urgency, I need a love, a little less routine, a passion fashioned for the silver screen,
Yeah, I need a little urgency, show me something that's in between, where we are and where we use to be,
The love you gave that made me believe, yeah, I need a little urgency,
Darcy is sitting at the kitchen counter, sniffling as she wipes away tears of exhaustion. She feels so overwhelmed with everything. She's finally managed to get Edwin down for a nap, his teething making it extremely difficult. Since she decided to double her major, she was struggling to juggle her lectures with her classwork, tests, and getting enough food and sleep to remain standing upright. She's lost weight, enough that her cheekbones are starting to stand out in a decidedly unattractive way.
And besides that, she barely has time to be alone with Eddie, which he's usually busy with Stark Industries or down in his lab working anyway. His assistant, Pepper Potts, is amazing and nice and always tells Darcy how pretty she looks even if she looks like she was hit by a freight train. God bless that woman.
Darcy can't stand Obadiah and she's glad that he barely acknowledges her presence when she visits Eddie at the office. She doesn't know who Obadiah thinks she is, but she's grateful for that because she doesn't trust him. She doesn't want him to know there's a new Stark heir. It feels dangerous to allow him that information. Especially when she sees the way he looks at Eddie.
"Darce?" A familiar voice calls her name and she stands up, spinning around.
"Bruce!" She says happily as she hurries to hug him tightly. "It's been too long. Are you hungry?"
"Sit down, I can get it." He tells her as he leads her to a stool at the island counter. He immediately moves to wash his hands. She can tell that, despite him always stating he's not a medical doctor, he's used to scrubbing in. He scrubs his hands and forearms thoroughly, digging below the nails, before snatching a few paper towels and drying his hands. "How's Tony and Little Eddie?"
"They're good." She replies, watching as moves to the fridge and starts pulling out ingredients. "Little Eddie is down for a nap and Big Eddie is at Stark Industries. Obadiah needed him to come in today."
Darcy's sure her sigh at the end gives her away but Bruce only glances at her as he starts aligning ingredients on the counter, his slight OCD making an appearance. He methodically swipes mayonnaise on four thick pieces of bread before moving on to the tomatoes and lettuce.
"You wanna tell me why your eyes are red or is it none of my business?" He finally asks her as he turns away to grab the salt and pepper shakers. One has Na Cl on it and the other has Pe + (Pe) r. Darcy had bought them at a random shop because she likes novelty knick knacks. Novelty anything, really.
"I'm just having a hard time." She says as she looks down at the counter.
"I can see that. You wanna tell me why?" Bruce asks her in his kind doctor voice as he slides an amazing looking sandwich in front of her.
"Has Eddie-? I mean, do you think-?" She stops twice, trying to figure out what she wanted to say. She looks down at the t-shirt and jeans she's wearing. Her t-shirt has been washed so many times, the material is nearly see-through. It says 'Totally Straight' with a picture of a rainbow behind a glittery unicorn. Her jeans have so many holes in them they don't really qualify as clothing anymore. Her hair is piled on top of her head in a messy bun and her face is makeup free. "Is he done?"
"Done?" Bruce asks her with a frown. "What do you mean?"
"Is he done with me?" Her voice is a hoarse whisper because she doesn't know if she wants Bruce to hear. And really, it has nothing to do with what she's wearing or how she looks. Eddie has seen her without her hair brushed, no makeup, and sweaty. He's seen her when she's unshaven and without running water. But they've fallen into this pattern of her going to school and taking care of Edwin while Eddie works and helps take care of Edwin. They barely have time to sleep and there's only quick kisses and I love you's.
"I'm not done." Darcy hears behind her and she jumps and glares at Bruce, who looks down guiltily, before turning to look at Eddie. "I'll never be done."
*end flashback*
Cool water soaking her hair and t-shirt brings her back to the present and she gasps in shock as she looks up to see her dad and Eddie laughing. She glares at Caleb as she stands up slowly and walks forward as he backs up. When she snatches up the ice water she had been drinking, he throws his hands up and his eyes widen.
"Caleb," she states calmly, a sweet smile forming on her lips. "I'm going to kill you."
Darcy throws the water at her brother and runs as it splashes his face. She leaps off the porch, heading for the water hose as Caleb sputters and tries to catch up with her after his delay.
"Anthony Edward Stark, if you don't have that water hose on and ready before I get there." She doesn't have to finish her threat because Eddie runs to do what she says and she reaches him seconds before Caleb catches her around the waist.
Putting her thumb over the spout, she points the hose over her shoulder and sprays her brother, catching him in the face and chest. He chokes a little as he breathes in some water and manages to gently wrestle the hose away, mindful of her very tiny bump. Eddie had joked that they'd have another Christmas baby.
Once the hose is in Caleb's hand, he strikes back by holding it over her head. He's over a foot taller than her and he keeps it out of reach easily while also dousing her. He laughs harder until Eddie wisely turns the water flow off and comes towards them to give Darcy a supportive hug.
"You look like an angry kitten." Caleb says and she pouts, poking her lip out for maximum effect.
A second later she hisses at him and Eddie startles before laughing so hard he has tears coming out of his eyes. He eventually stops and offers to get her a towel and a change of clothes so she doesn't track water all over the house. She heads for the barn to wait for him as he rushes inside.
Moments later, Darcy hears footsteps and looks towards the barn door to see Eddie stepping inside. When his eyes meet hers, her breath catches in her throat and his gaze moves from her face all the way down to her feet, sliding over her soaked t-shirt that's clinging to her and over her cut-off shorts. Her hair is a mess because she wrung all the water out she could and then finger combed it away from her face. Darcy feels her face flush at the way Eddie's looking at her.
He stalks forward with purpose, dropping her towel and clothes on an empty bench. Then, his lips are on hers and she feels a fire race through her belly. She knows he is determined to never make her feel the way she'd felt after Edwin was born and he is definitely off to a good start.
People change and sometimes fall apart, but that's not where we are, we can still be saved,
We are so used to the thought of me and you, haven't thought of what we do, if it all ended at the end of the day,
Yeah, I need a little urgency, I need a love, a little less routine, a passion fashioned for the silver screen,
Yeah, I need a little urgency, show me something that's in between, where we are and where we use to be,
The love you gave made me believe, yeah I need a little urgency,
Bruce excuses himself quickly, taking his sandwich with him as he goes to his rooms that he occasionally stays in when he's in Malibu. It's a sort of suite set, with a small sitting area and entertainment system blocked off from the bedroom area by a half-wall. Darcy glares at his back one more time before facing Eddie and taking a deep breath.
"It's not that I think you don't love me anymore." She tries to explain, toying with the end of her shirt. "I just think you've gotten used to me. And I've gotten used to you."
"What do you mean?" He asks her as he steps closer to her.
"We barely have time to talk." Darcy tells him as she leans against the counter. "We barely see each other, even though we're married and live together. We sleep in the same bed almost every night and I never see you."
"Darcy, I didn't mean-." He tries to say but she shakes her head, needing to get it all out now that she's talking about it. She doesn't think she'll have the nerve to bring it up again if she doesn't do it now.
"No. I know that. It's not your fault any more than it is mine. I just, I don't know. We say all these perfect things but it feels like a schedule. There's 'I love you' in the morning while we both get ready, then a call at lunch, a kiss goodnight. It's always the exact same thing."
Darcy can feel her eyes welling with tears again and she angrily brushes them away because she's tired of crying. She's tired of being tired. She's startled from her thoughts when she feels Eddie's hands on the sides of her face. His thumbs running along her cheekbones as he stares into her eyes.
"I have an idea, but you have to bear with me. I don't want to give you any details yet, because I want to make sure first, okay?" He asks her as he leans down to press a kiss to her forehead, then her lips.
She can't help but smile slightly into the kiss as it deepens. When Eddie's tongue touches hers, his hands move to her hair, gripping tightly. Darcy kisses him back just as fiercely, twisting her fingers in his shirt, uncaring that it's going to wrinkle and he probably has to go back to work.
Eddie grips the backs of her thighs and lifts her onto the counter but they don't get much farther. Darcy hears a muffled cry on the baby monitor and Eddie's phone starts ringing. The reluctantly separate, Eddie giving her one more kiss before answering the call as she walks towards the nursery.
*end flashback*
Now, as Eddie's hands move over her hips to grip her backside, she presses her hips against his and returns the kiss. He breaks away momentarily to turn and grab the towel he'd dropped. He runs it gently over her skin before reaching for the hem of her shirt. She lets him pull her shirt off and run the towel over her shoulders and down her chest to her stomach.
Eddie drops to his knees and kisses a spot just below her belly button. Then, he reaches for the button on her shorts and unsnaps it easily. He eases them down her legs, running the towel over her skin again. A few drops of water remain and he catches them on his lips and tongue as he kneels in front of her, slowly worshiping her body.
He stands up and moves to drape the towel over a bench before sitting on it and pulling her forward. He divests her of her bra and panties quickly before removing his own shirt and unbuttoning his jeans. He stands up to ease them down his thighs, along with his boxer briefs.
Darcy's breath catches at the sight of him and the evidence of what she makes him feel. Eddie pulls her forward once more and she presses her knees to the bench on either side of him as she straddles his lap. His talented fingers dance over her core, checking to see if she's ready for him.
Once he can tell that she is, he pulls her closer and presses his lips to hers in a passionate kiss as he slowly rocks his hips into hers, entering her an inch at a time. She gasps into his mouth at the sensations he's causing and starts rocking in tandem with him.
Pregnancy, as they've learned, has made her a little extra sensitive and it's not long before she's coming apart in his arms, biting her lip to muffle any noise as he bands an arm around her waist, his other hand gripping her thigh tightly.
He comes soon after her and they sit there, panting, before straightening up and using the towel to clean up as best as they can without a shower.
They redress slowly, giving each other soft kisses in between putting on articles of clothing. With fresh, dry clothes on, Darcy pauses to gather her wet clothes and smiles when she notices what's sitting on the bench where everything had originally been dropped.
Picking up the small bundle of wildflowers, Darcy breathes in their scent as Eddie wraps an arm around her and leads her out of the barn.
I know we come too far to throw it all away, but I need you to make me want to stay,
Yeah, I need a little urgency, I need a love, a little less routine, a passion fashioned for the silver screen,
Yeah, I need a little urgency, show me something that's in between, where we are and where we use to be,
The love you gave made me believe, yeah, I need a little urgency,
Ooh, oh. ooh….oh
When Bruce announces that he's babysitting, she doesn't know what to think. She doesn't want to intrude on his rest and relaxation but he insists that it's fine and that he has all the pertinent numbers if he needs help.
The delivery at the door is a surprise, too. A large basket of wildflowers, soaps, lotions, and other assorted items. With it is a card from Eddie that reads: Take a break. Soak, relax, dinner is at eight.
With a smile, Darcy takes the basket to the large bathroom that's connected to their bedroom and lines up candles on the edge of the tub. She starts the water and adds oils and salts, starting the jets. She lights the candles and asks Jarvis to put on an audiobook of his choice with sounds of a thunderstorm. He obliges, dimming the lights as she undresses and gets into the tub.
The water shuts off automatically when the tub is full and she relaxes her head against the inflatable pillow on the side of the tub. She closes her eyes as she lets the water jets, the scents, and the sounds relax her. The water is kept at a comfortable temperature thanks to the heating technology in the tub that's controlled by Jarvis.
He interrupts her after a while and tells her that there's a package on the bed for her and that Miss Potts will be there soon to help her get ready. She's confused at first, but getting out of the tub, she dries off and wraps herself in her robe before going to see what's on the bed.
Darcy finds herself grinning at the sight of the bags on the bed. There are no names on the outside of them but she knows they're from very exclusive shops. Opening the first one, she finds a beautiful, ice blue, silk lingerie set complete with garters. Black thigh-highs are also in the bag. In the other bags she finds chocolates, more lingerie, bath and body products, and assorted items.
A knock at the door has her glancing up to see Pepper watching her with a soft smile. The woman enters and helps her sort through the items and put them where they need to go before going to her closet to grab a garment bag.
"Go put on your moisturizers and all that while I set up the hair stuff." Pepper tells her and Darcy nods as she grabs the basket again and pulls out some moisturizer that smells like honey and lemons. She slathers it on and lets it dry before slipping on the lingerie and the matching robe that she'd found in a separate bag. She heads into the room again and lets Pepper sit her down at a vanity table to dry her hair. She puts curlers in it next and starts on her makeup, applying it with an expert hand.
Next, Pepper pulls out the dress and Darcy smiles at the design. It's a smoky gray wrap dress that clings in all the right places. It's paired with black pumps. Pepper takes the curlers out of Darcy's hair and sprays it lightly before stepping back and urging her to stand. The result are amazing and Darcy thanks Pepper profusely for her help.
"Have fun." Pepper tells her with a wink before leaving.
Darcy makes her way to a sitting area that overlooks the ocean and is happily surprised to see that it's been transformed into a small dining area. Eddie is standing at the window and turns as she walks in, causing her to catch her breath. He's in a charcoal gray suit, hair combed and a large grin on his face.
They sit down and enjoy a nice dinner of chicken parmesan. For dessert, Eddie tells her to follow the trail. With a grin, she notices that just outside of the sitting area is a trail of white petals. They're not rose petals but she isn't sure what kind of petals they are. She follows them down the hall as Eddie follows her.
Her first thought is that they head to the bedroom, but they bypass the bedroom and take her to the roof of the house. A canopy is set up and looking inside she can see a lot of candles, pillows, and blankets. A couple of ice buckets that are holding champagne are also visible. A tray of strawberries and chocolate sauce is sitting between the buckets.
Turning around to look at Eddie, her eyes widen because he's holding out one hand while the other points a small, black device towards empty air. Strains of Richard Marx's Right Here Waiting float through the air as Darcy puts her hand in his and he pulls her towards him, slipping the device into his pocket.
His arms go around her as they start to sway to the music, the warm night air surrounding them as they stare into each other's eyes. It feels like such a profound moment and Darcy doesn't want to miss a second of it, especially when Eddie starts to softly sing along to the song. Tears well in her eyes as he lets her see his heart in his eyes and she tries to do the same.
"Oh, can't you see it baby. You've got me going crazy. Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you. Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks, I will be right here waiting for you. Waiting for you."
She presses her lips to his, letting him feel all of her love for him. He kisses her back slowly and softly before pulling back slightly and resting his forehead against hers.
"I could never be done with you. With any of this." He whispers to her. "You're it for me, Darcy. You're everything."
A tear escapes and makes its way down her cheek as she breaths in shakily and nods, letting him know that she hears him and understands. He presses another kiss to her lips before stepping back and leading her to the tent.
*end flashback*
Darcy smiles at the memory. At the gentleness of it all. She wraps her arm around Eddie's waist as they make their way onto the porch to be greeted by their son. He starts talking a mile a minute about an email he got from his Uncle Bruce and a phone call from Uncle Rhodey. Darcy listens to him and Eddie start making plans for a family gathering as she sits down on the porch swing and just enjoys being here with most of her family. She wouldn't trade any of it for anything in the world.