Hi There. This Part of the Story is over. Complete.
HOWEVER, even though this technically violates some rules, I am including an advertisement for the next part of this story, The Daughter of the Sith.
I would include an advertisement but instead I'll just include the URL, since if you reached this far I hope you intended to continue reading anyway?
Maybe I'm wrong. Anyway that is slightly heavier on legends, but that's sort of why I set up the Legends Notes so that I could introduce you slowly to Legends and include more stuff as it went on.
Daughter of the Sith: s/13260332/1/The-Daughter-of-the-Sith
So, if you wanted to complete this series, this is the next chapter, set a couple months after, by the way there's going to be a larger time jump for the next segment. Like three years or something. Or wait? Five? I have to do the math in my mind, and my mind is a bad place for logical math.
I really did enjoy writing this, and this is definitely a project I won't drop, because I love Star Wars and also Gravity Falls so combining their ideas is really fun and enjoyable for me. Even if I'm definitely not the best writer out there.
ALSO to that guest who had an entire thing on the Lightside-Darkside matter, I actually really liked your arguments and I forget if I already responded, but your arguments are reasonable and understandable. The issue is that the Jedi definitely intend to bring balance when they refer to Anakin, but they also don't believe the sith are around. However it is possible they believed the darksides return was possible, and it became even more likely when they found out that the Sith were still around. Also the fact that the Darkside is indicated to actually throw the force out of balance means that the actual numbers don't matter very much.
Maybe I already responded if so ignore that.