Disclaimer: The loud house is owned by Chris Savino and Nickelodeon. I own none of the properties, characters, or ideas, described in this story. Any references to any other characters or media in this story are attributed to their creators and not owned by me. This story is solely for entertainment and should not be treated as canon.

Subject Name: Lincoln Loud

L Force Codename: Link

Overview:The man with the plan. Lincoln has always possessed an enjoyment of superheroes and was ecstatic when he and his sisters gained superhuman powers. Indeed he was the first person to suggest putting the teams abilities to the use of fighting crime. Due to a lack of skill and his powers having no combat potential he turned to using his powers in a support role, acting as mission control and strategist for the team. Despite being a major part of the teams success, he dreams of the day when he can stand in the light of day and fight side by side with his team!


Enhanced perception: Lincoln's brain was altered to be able to analyze and examine the environment at extreme speeds and then calculate the most successful course of action to take in achieving a goal, whether that goal be fighting a giant robot or snatching the remote from his sisters.

Master Tactician: Already having some experience with crafting strategies, with the addition of his powers Lincoln has become a master strategist capable of constructing effective and simple strategies on the fly.

Analytic abilities: Thanks to his abilities Lincoln can examine things much faster and with more detail than most people. He can take in even the most minute details of a location in seconds and by examining things such as people and objects, he can gain a better understanding of them and how they work.


Reaction speed: While Lincoln's brain can give him the best options, his body may not be able to execute the plan itself. He has tried to use the power to get ahead of his sister Lynn in a fight but due to his body not being able to execute the correct movements.

Physical Weakness: Even by human standards Lincoln is the physically weakest member of his family. It is due to this and the fact that his powers have no offensive use that he is kept in his position as mission control.

Uncontrollable perception: He is unable to control or deactivate his enhanced perception. His power is constantly active and this has some issue such as him no longer being able to enjoy video games due to being able to easily see and execute the most strategies. He can also be overwhelmed by too much input and sometimes must switch his focus from one problem to another.

Unforeseen variables: While Lincoln is an expert tactician, his power can be beaten by variables or problems he cannot anticipate or see coming. His power is essentially worthless without an understanding of the situation


Lincoln's circle: Lincoln's computer desks composed of multiple different types of high tech devices from sonar to high speed computer. Lincoln uses this setup to communicate with the team in the field and find any information they might need.

L-Force communicator: Used to keep in contact and relay information with an member of the team.



Strength: 1



Lisa Loud Summary: Lincoln's power is quite interesting. It's not so much an intelligence increase like me, rather its a kind of enhancement to his problem solving abilities. It's like his penchant for long named operations has been expanded. Though he posses no offensive or defensive abilities, Our brother has certainly been a major part of our superhero operation. His battle tactics and advice in the field have often been vital to our success and his strategies have no doubt helped save countless lives. But don't tell him that. He might start to get a big head

Sorry to anyone who was reading the first L-force story. I felt like this wasn't enough to make up a chapter but it could work as one of those extra fact book type things and voila! More is coming soon.