Hey guys so I've done fanfics before but never as Nagisa being a girl, I hope you guys like this fanfic I tried my best with the whole fem Nagisa sorry if it's a little weird I wasn't sure how to go about this anyway enjoy :D oh by the way if you are confused as to why I keep addressing Nagisa as "him, he, or his" even though he's a girl in this fanfic it's because his charter rather be addressed as a he...anyway enjoy the fanfic guys!

A Lost Nagisa Chapter 1

"You damn brat! I told you! You WILL wear what I tell you to! Do you understand me,"

Nagisa's mother had gotten into another fight with him. Although Nagisa was in fact his mother's little girl he didn't want to dress like one. He wanted to dress the way he wanted to which was a boy, this wasn't the first time Nagisa had a fight with his mother, most of the time Nagisa would just go along with what his mother said but when his mother decided that he wouldn't be wearing pants anymore and only dresses or skirts Nagisa decided to speak against it.


His mother had Nagisa by the blue locks of his hair banging his head into the table. "You better be! Now go to your room, tomorrow you will wear the dress I bought for you, do you understand me!"

She yelled, Nagisa nodded quietly. His head pounding, He made his way to his room his head was pounding…

He closed the door behind him before he sat down on his bed...the tears in his eyes finally pouring out..."Nagisa?" He heard a voice, he looked down to his phone Ritsu was their looking up at him,

"R-Ritsu.." He wiped the tears from his eyes. "W-why are you on my phone right now?" He asked, Ritsu looked rather concerned..."Nagisa...would you like me to call one of your friends?" Nagisa thought for a moment before he slowly nodded, "Which friend would you like me to call?" She said, the faces of his friends appeared on screen. He thought about calling Karma but he decided not to…

"Can you call...Nakamura..." He said slowly, Ritsu nodded before she dialed Nakamura's number. Only a few people knew about Nagisa's true gender, and by a few he meant only Nakamura. He didn't tell her she found out on her own. One day Nakamura was teasing Nagisa about his hair she ended up tripping on to him and when she tried to stand up she felt something weird on Nagisa's chest. Later when everyone had left class Nakamura had pulled Nagisa aside to ask him.

"Nagisa...are.." she paused..." are you a girl?" When Nagisa had admitted the truth he begged her not to tell anyone...she teased him about it a little but she agreed to keep his secret.

When his mother did things like this Nagisa felt like talking to Nakamura about it seeing that he wouldn't have to lie.

Nakamura's face appeared on the screen. "Hey Nagisa what's up?" Nagisa liked how Nakamura treated him like she had before, before she knew his secret...it was nice that she didn't judge him.

"...Nagisa...are you okay...your crying.." Nagisa wiped the tears that were coming down his face again..

"I-I'm fine...Just..." he paused, Nakamura seemed to figure it out…

"Oh..Nagisa...I'm sorry..."

..."I-it's okay...I'm used to it...but now she's making me wear skirts and dresses to school..." He said slowly,

"Well...at least you look good in a skirt.." Nakamura said trying to lighten the situation, Nagisa sighed…

"Maybe..but I don't wanna wear this stuff! I want my pants back..." Nagisa mumbled…

"I know..." Nakamura paused, "Have you tried talking to her about it?" she asked lowering her eyebrows looking concerned. Nagisa shook his head slowly.

"No...I-I haven't.."

"Nagisa, you can't let her control you for the rest of your life..."

Nakamura began when suddenly Nagisa's door was broken open. He looked at the door in horror as his angry mother entered. Her face red and twisted with rage.

"Why are you talking to someone who's filling your mind with nonsense!" She yelled, had she been listening!

She charged at Nagisa snatching his phone away. She looked at the pretty blonde on the phone.


He sat there trembling at the scene before him... ( I'm sorry Nakamura...) he thought feeling sorry for the girl..

"It's not nonsense! Nagisa is adorable we all know that but Nagisa should dress the way he wants to, your his mom you should let him." Nakamura spoke though the phone.

"Don't you dare call my little girl a HE!" Her head snapped to Nagisa, "You don't need useless friends like this Nagisa!"

She said throwing the phone down and smashing the screen with the heel of her shoe.

"No!" Nagisa yelled out the look of sheer horror on his face.

His mother's head snapped over to him again, she glared down at her "child" before grabbing him by his shirt.

"You will never talk to her again! You don't need useless friends like her! All you need is me...your dear mother...now go to bed sweetie..." she said in her false caring tone before dropping him on the bed and slamming the door on the way out.

Nagisa looked down at the smashed phone devastated, tears filling his eyes…

"No..." Nagisa's eyes began to fill with anger. "Dammit!" He shouted angry...

...Although Nagisa was angry he couldn't do anything about it. He ended up crying and screaming into his pillow until he had fallen asleep...