I am taking inspiration from DZ2's Child of the Chamber so I recommend you read that first as it is actually very well written

I dont own Harry Potter

Eventually HP/DG

Chapter 1

So it begins

7 year old Harry James Potter, twin of the famed Boy-who-lived Sam Pendragon Potter, was never a happy child. Especially after that night. Halloween of 1981 was that night. Lily and James Potter were helping in a raid at St. Mungos when the wards at Godrics Hallow went off informing the newlyweds that their babys were in danger. Little did they know, it didnt matter...

Once the young couple arrived their house were in shambles. Smoke was arising from the room of their twins. Racing up the stairs they saw the cribs broken and babies crying with scars on their head. They looked around for Death Eaters but to no avail. They did see a pile of ash with a robe and wand contained. Voldemort's wand. The scars on their babies shined in the moonlight. Sam with a lightning bolt and Harry with a snake-like engraving.

Ever since that night Sam was treated as a king while Harry wasn't given a second glance. Sam parties; Harry Beatings, Sam gifts; Harry bruises. Everything Sam got Harry didn't. Harry had tried in the past to eavesdrop on Sam's private lessons with Dumbledore but got beaten and even tried to sneak books out of his dads personal library and got beaten with the same book.

Harry can't deal with it. He needs love that he can't get, even on his birthday. The fire has been lit on his soul.

To be continued...

AN: There is a prophecy which will be said next chapter. I shouls be able to get the next chapter by the end of the month. Bye Bye.