Authors note: I changed '-' to " because I got many criticisms about it. I will slowly edit previous chapters and change it too. I am lazy person so it will take me a while :D
Harry was in the lair with Diggle and Oliver. He just trained at Salmon's ladder until he was groggy and he put his head on the desk and accidentally he falls asleep...
He was walking down the street feeling very excited: Finally, he will find the man that he was looking for!
"Harry! Harry!"
"What?" Harry asked waking up.
"You fell asleep and you were saying: Gregorovitch," Oliver said before his eyes turned more concerned. "Did you have one of... 'those' dreams?"
"Yes...but you don't need to worry," Harry said quickly as he saw Oliver opening his mouth to say something. "I don't think HE knows about it."
Oliver nodded while Diggle asked with slight irritation:
"What are you talking about?"
Harry quickly explained his visions to Dig who didn't seem to be surprised at their explanation of another branch of magic as he was a while ago.
"Well, that sounds terrifying." Dig commented "Watching from a perspective of someone who is murdering sociopath."
Harry nodded."Yeah" he said weakly. Dig seemed to notice it and dropped the topic.
"We were just talking about Christmas." Diggle was saying. "Any happy memories?"
Harry smiled a real smile. "Oh Yeah! My best memories are from Hogwarts... The whole castle was decorated... I had Ron and Hermione with me at the castle and... it might sound funny considering the place I'm talking about but the atmosphere was magical..." Harry finished happily. Diggle and Oliver had similar smiles about the thought of their Christmas memories...
5 years ago
Harry and Oliver were in the cave waiting for Yao Fei to come back. Harry told Oliver about the magic... Oliver didn't believe him at first but Harry said his stories from the 1-st year so Oliver concluded that it was too much to make up...
Yao Fei walked in carrying a dead rabbit and a jug of water. He put the items down and looked at them in surprise.
"You not dead." He said "Good."
"Where the hell you been? We ran out of food and water days ago." Oliver groused. Harry gave Oliver's arm comforting squeeze and shook his head; arguing wouldn't take them anywhere.
Yao Fei turned and walked out of the cave. "Hey-hey, where are you going?" Oliver called and tried to crawl after him.
Oliver saw the jug and lunged for it. Harry observed him quietly; it seems like Oliver was never starved like he was and while he wished that he could drink it, he will wait until Oliver will satisfy thirst.
But both of them stopped thinking about it when they saw Fyres being led to the cave by Yao Fei.
"You..." Oliver said in surprise, then he drew back and slugged the man hard on the jaw.
Harry tried to lunged himself at Fyers but Yao Fei stopped all of them.
"Stop! Stop!" He commanded them.
"He's the who tied me up and had me tortured." Oliver growled."And he tortured Harry much longer! All because he was looking for you! He would've killed us if you didn't show up!" Harry nodded quickly glaring at Fyers.
Yao Fei held out a knife to them. "Then you kill him." He offered.
"No! I'm not a killer." Harry said terrified at the thought of taking this man's life even if he tortured him.
"You will have to kill to survive sooner or later." Yao Fei said with firmness.
"Then I hope it's later," Harry said stubbornly. Yao Fei sighed with exasperation.
"In that case, he can take you home..."
They looked at him surprised "What?" They said together.
"He has a plane." Yao Fei revealed. "A way for you off this island."
Harry and Oliver were back at Queen Mansion to hopefully get some rest.
"Hey." They greeted Thea who was walking out of the dining room. "You look very pretty. What's the occasion?"
"Mom and Walter are having a dinner party with some big muckety-mucks." She turned to Harry "She is hoping you would join them."
Harry let out a groan of exasperation and Thea looked at him with pity. "You will be fine." She comforted him by squeezing his arm.
"Thea, why aren't there any decorations up in the house?" Oliver asked curiously. Thea was taken back.
"What do you mean?"
"No wreaths, no trees." He noted. Thea let out a nervous laugh.
"Everyone has just been really busy lately. I'm sure they haven't get around it yet."
Harry looked at her calculating wondering if it was the real reason behind lack of decoration...
"Does mom at least have some of these boxes of candy canes? Remember we used to race to see who'd finish first" Oliver asked grinning at the memory.
Thea smiled back. "Yeah. I always won."
"No. You cheated." Oliver argued with a smile.
Thea sighed. "Well, she went sugar-free last year, so I doubt you'll be seeing any of those around." She said moving off. Oliver looked at her, sighed and turned to Harry "Do you think about the same thing I think?"
"Yeah." Harry nodded "How could your mother go sugar-free? Sweets are one of the best things in the world." Harry finished as Oliver shook his head with a smile and they moved off to the dining room.
"The thing that people forget is that Robin Hood was a criminal." Commissioner Nudocerdo was saying as Harry and Oliver took their seats.
"And stealing from the rich to give to the poor is really the job of the Democrats." One of the business men joked snidely, to the chuckles of all.
"All joking aside, Commissioner, crime is down for the first time in 5 years," Malcolm noted.
"That's because of the changes my department has implemented," Nudocerdo argued.
"Bullshit," thought Harry but unfortunately couldn't say it out loud.
"Or perhaps." Walter chimed in. "It's because the vigilantes activities have had a chilling effect on the city criminals."
"I like Walter" Harry thought happily.
There were murmurs of agreement around the table. Malcolm glanced at Moira before he turned attention on Oliver. "What are your thoughts, Oliver?" he asked with a smile.
Oliver considered for a moment "I think," he began, "the vigilantes need a better code name than 'The Hood' and 'Red Arrow'." He joked to everyone's laughter.
"What are your thoughts, Mr. Potter?" Malcolm asked and everyone turned their eyes at him.
"I think that name 'Red Arrow' is cool but as Oliver said 'The Hood' needs a better nickname," Harry said a little challenging to Oliver.
"I agree." Malcolm considered for a moment himself "How about 'Green Arrow'?"
"Cool/Lame." Harry and Oliver said together.
Walter's phone rang. "Forgive me." He said rising. "It's the office. Excuse me."
A few moments later the patrol man walked over to Nudocerdo and whispered something in his ear.
"I'm sorry," he said, "Something's come up."
"Is everything okay?" Oliver asked and Harry also looked curious.
"The vigilantes has struck again," he replied. "They just put an arrow in Adam Hunt."
Harry quickly texted to Dig to call them and as soon as his phone rang he and Oliver got up.
"Oops." Oliver said "We really need to take this call. It's our contractor."
Moira nodded. "Of course."
"Excuse us," Harry said as they left the room.
Harry and Oliver were in the lair deep in thought after they went on to the crime scene and Lance said that this is a copycat they are dealing with.
"Who would kill Adam Hunt with an arrow?" Dig asked, "I mean, other than you."
Oliver shot him a look but quickly frowned. "A setup, maybe."
"No that's not it," Harry said. "We only use red and green arrows. If this person wanted to set us up he would have put at least minimal effort at this and paint the arrows."
Oliver nodded after a moment. "You're right... Whoever it is he's good." He stated. "The guy's a legitimate archer." He said more to Diggle than Harry.
Diggle leaned forward. "So someone who would be particular about his arrows."
They quickly caught on Diggle's line of thought "We get an arrow, we get a lead on where he purchased them."
"So, what are you gonna do?" Diggle asked them.
"Yeah. Are we doing this again: Break into the police station, steal the evidence and walk out like a badass?" Harry asked with a smirk.
"No" Oliver shook his head with a smile. "We call a cop."
Harry quickly caught on. "You want to call Lance? No offense but he hates you as you and The Hood so I doubt he would have helped us."
Oliver shook his head. "Lance is a good man, he knows that we are the only people who can catch this killer." Harry nodded after a minute.
Oliver called Lance while Harry was talking to Diggle.
"You know it's a shame that this guy had to show up at Christmas." Dig said looking at Harry with concern "I was hoping that you two could take a break from... vigilantism."
Harry nodded. "He had to ruin people's free time... Jerk," Harry added with smile and Diggle let out a short laugh. "I don't think it's going to be a good Christmas anyway..."
"Well, I wish that I could be with Ron, Hermione... Ginny but I can't... As you know they put a reward for me in Britain so..."
"You can't show up there because you will put them in danger." Finished Dig and Harry nodded sadly.
"We're celebrating Christmas," Oliver said to Harry, Moira, Thea, and Walter in the sitting room.
"I went five years without it then Thea tells me you didn't have it either and I'm the reason. So maybe now I can be the reason we have Christmas again. I thought I would throw the Queen Christmas party."
"You?" Thea asked incredulously.
"I can help." Harry volunteered
"I know that I haven't been the son or the stepson or the brother that all of you deserve, especially lately but this feels like the right moment to start making up for lost time." Oliver was saying and then he looked at his mother. "What do you say?"
"I say yes."
"Yes. Okay. I will take care of everything, you don't have to do anything. Just show up, look fantastic, and bring some Christmas cheer, okay? Even you Harry I will take care of it myself." he said.
"Okay." Moira agreed
Oliver looked at Thea expectantly. Thea didn't look happy at the idea. "Fine."
"You're a good man, Oliver," Walter said
5 years ago
Oliver and Harry led Fyers forward while Yao Fei was leading them through the jungle.
"You're good men. I can see it." Fyers started "Well, beneath the privileged upbringing and the wealthy veneer."
"I'm not rich" Harry growled. That wasn't completely true: he had a small fortune at Gringott but he used it only for school supplies.
"I saw it when my man tortured you." Fyers ignored Harry "You wouldn't give up your friend. Not even a friend, really. Someone you just met."
"Shut up," Oliver whispered
"What do you know about him, hmm? Nothing, I suspect." Fyers continued "Do you even know what this island really is? It's a prison. I mean this literally. Until eight years ago, the Chinese military operated this island as a penitentiary for criminals deemed so dangerous they couldn't be safely incarcerated on the mainland. When the military shut the program down my unit came in and disposed of all the inmates. With the exception of two."
Harry turned to Oliver. "Don't listen to him, guys like him always will say anything to mess with your head," Harry said bitterly and turned to Fyers. "Move Mr. Savior of the world." He gave Fyers a push when he stopped.
"How do you know that?" Oliver asked Harry quietly.
"There was one man that always wanted me dead... He liked to always make you angry or make you doubt yourself... Don't let them." Harry said firmly
Oliver nodded
They were back at the Lair. Lance just called Oliver telling him about the arrow that they needed to track down new archer. Oliver and Harry started to study the arrow when Diggle walked into the lair.
"So your friend Lance gave you a Christmas present after all," Dig said as Oliver was staring at the arrowhead under his magnifier.
"Teflon-coated titanium blade serrated to split the bone. The shaft is some type of specialized polymer, which is stronger than a typical carbon fiber. This.. is a custom job." Oliver finished with admiration.
"So Lance gave in after the other archer dropped in another body," Dig said.
"Nelson Ravich," Oliver confirmed.
"Another name of the list," Harry said slowly. "This archer has to be related to the list..."
"Why?" Oliver asked. "He could be just trying to copy our actions."
"It just doesn't fit..." Harry started. "Professional Archer shows up and starts killing people we already brought to justice... I don't buy it."
"Either way we will have to find this guy." Dig said firmly.
Harry and Oliver went to Queen Consolidated to I.T department. They wanted to get Felicity's help. They walked into the room to see Felicity working on her tablet, oblivious to their presence.
"Hey," Oliver said, causing her to jump in her seat.
"Don't you knock?" she asked, recovering her composure.
Oliver smiled at her. "Felicity, this is the I.T department. It's not the ladies room." He noted.
"Right." She laughed nervously. "What can I do for you?
"My buddy Steve is really into archery. "Oliver began. "Apparently it's all the rage now."
"I don't know why. It looks utterly ridiculous to me." Felicity mumbled. Harry couldn't stop himself he chuckled while Oliver smiled thinly.
"Mm-hmm," Oliver said non-committal. "Anyway, it's Steve's birthday next weekend, and I wanted to buy him some arrows. The thing is, he gets these special custom-made arrows, and I have no idea where he gets them." Oliver held out an arrow.
"I was hoping you could find out where this came from."
"He's so testing her," thought Harry.
"Careful," Oliver said to Felicity.
"Yeah. The shaft's composite is patented. And that patent is registered to a company called Sagittarius. That's Latin for 'the archer'."
"Really? Could you find out where and when this was purchased?" Oliver asked casually.
"We really appreciate your help," added Harry. Felicity smiled at that.
"According to Sagittarius company records that particular arrow was part of a bundle shipment. Two hundred units sent to this address."
"Felicity, you're remarkable," Oliver said with a smile.
"You really are," Harry added.
"Thank you for remarking on it." She said smiling back
"And Merry Christmas."
"I'm Jewish."
"Happy Hanukkah./Happy Holiday." Harry and Oliver said together.
O-o-O-oRed Arrow and The Hood went to the address Felicity gave them. They opened the door and slowly walked in cautiously. At the end of the room, they saw a single black arrow sticking up out of the floor.
"Why does it feel like a trap?" Harry whispered.
Before Oliver could answer the door slammed shut... They spun around reaching for the arrows but there was no one there. They saw large device filling water; some sort of bomb.
Harry thinking quickly shouted "Reducto" and destroyed the door they came in. They ran for their lives to the door thankfully making it in time.
Oliver and Harry were back in Queen Manor for the Christmas Party. They walked over to Diggle.
"I see the halls are decked," Oliver noted.
"You okay?" Dig asked with concern.
"We're good" Harry answered quickly "It's just a bomb... Typical Wednesday for us..."
Dig smiled slightly at that.
"Is everyone having a good time?" Oliver asked curiously.
"You sure you want to do this, man? Maybe now is not the best time for you to be Martha Stewart's elf."
"My family needs the party, Diggle," Oliver said sternly. "Which means that I need it."
"You're sure that's what they need right now?" Harry asked skeptically. Oliver frowned at him. "I mean that Thea didn't seem very enthusiastic about it."
"I'm sure she will like it," Oliver said with conviction.
"If you say so..."
The front door opened in that moment and Thea's friend Shane walked in.
"Hey, dude." He said casually. "Thea invited me. I hope that's cool." Oliver glanced at the flowers in his hand. "These are for your mom." He explained.
"Yeah sure," Harry thought with amusement.
Oliver stared at the kid for a few moments then turned to Diggle and Harry. "Smooth." He whispered,
Just then the door bell rang and Harry looked surprised.
"Are we expecting someone else?"
Oliver smiled at him slightly. "Yes, we do... I invited them myself because I knew that you would panic and wouldn't do it yourself."
Oliver walked into the door and opened it letting the guests in.
"I'm so glad you could make it," Oliver said.
"How could we not." replied Hermione Granger.
Harry looked at the guests in shock... Here they were: Hermione, Ron and... Ginny. Harry's heart stopped for a second as he looked at his (ex)girlfriend...
Before he could say anything he was already wrapped up in a hug and the only thing he could see were bushy hairs.
"Oh, Harry! We thought you were dead... and I know that you called to us saying that you are fine but still seeing you right now... How are you? No! You probably don't want to talk about it... I..."
"Hermione let him breathe," Ron said smiling warmly. "It's good to see you, mate!"
Harry felt so happy at seeing this familiar faces.
"Hi, guys! I didn't know that you were coming." Harry said in shock. He looked at Ginny "Ginny...I..."
"Don't." She said softly smiling at him. "You don't have to apologize for anything. We're good."
"I'm glad," Harry said sincerely.
"We can be here only for an hour or so... our Portkey will take us to the Britain," Hermione said a little cautiously.
"I'm still glad you're here." Harry smiled at them warmly and then looked at Oliver. "Thank you," he said gratefully.
"No problem. Dig said that you can't go to them for Christmas so I brought them to you." Oliver explained with a smile.
Harry's smile grew wider and he and his friends walked together to the sitting room where Moira, Thea, and rest of the guests. Oliver walked over to his family while Harry stayed with his friends wondering how he should start a conversation...
"So, you're living with The Queens now, huh?" Ron started the talk. Harry looked at him with caution but he didn't saw usual jealousy.
"Yeah, they are really nice people." Harry replied, "Though all this going to parties and pretending to like someone when you really don't... well it's not for me."
"So that much hasn't changed," Ginny noted.
"So, I've heard that you play for Harpies Holyhead." Harry turned to Ginny. "How do you like it there?"
"It's great it's... something I always wanted to do," Ginny answered slowly. Harry smiled at her warmly.
"I'm glad... You deserve to be happy." Ginny smiled at him but it looked slightly forced. Ron and Hermione looked like they wanted to say something.
"Come on guys... If you want to tell me something, just say it." Harry said firmly. Hermione raised her hand and Harry could see a wedding ring.
"You got married?!" Harry asked excitedly "Congratulation!"
"You're not mad?" Ron asked avoiding Harry's eyes.
"Why would I be mad?" Harry asked with confusion.
"Well, because we got married and you couldn't be at the wedding..." Hermione trailed off.
Harry shook his head with a smile. "I'm happy for you and I'm definitely not mad." His friends smiled back. Harry decided that he needed to talk about something more serious.
"Listen, guys... I know that it must have been hell for you while I was... gone and while it was horrible for me too I don't want you to pretend that everything is fine..." Harry was saying. "What I mean is..."
"We know what you mean," Hermione said with sadness. "You're right it was hell for us... I've lost my best friend... You-Know-Who was winning the war and it seemed like the whole world has gone to... crap."
Harry gave her a hug. "I'm sorry. I wish that the island would never happen."
"We too, mate, we too," Ron said sadly.
Harry looked sheepish. "I'm sorry I ruined the mood."
Ginny shook her head. "No, it had to be said. We're just happy you are alive."
Hermione looked at her watch with a disappointment. "We have to go... I wish that we could have stayed a little longer."
"Don't worry... I will call you and when things at Ministry will cool down a little I will visit I promise." Harry said firmly.
"We keep your word," Ron said. All four of the friends hugged and said goodbye. Harry felt a huge sadness, happiness, and nostalgia at the same time...
Oliver and Diggle walked over to Harry just as he wiped his eyes from wetness.
"You okay?" Diggle asked with concern.
"I'm fine. What's up?"
"Dark Archer took hostages."
Harry didn't need to hear more. "Let's suit up?"
Oliver nodded with determination.
5 years ago
Oliver, Fyers and Yao Fei were walking through the woods when Yao Fei stopped. He turned to Fyers and pulled out a radio.
"Call your people." He demanded. "Tell them to bring the plane."
Fyers looked at him lightly. "There's no need, Yao Fei. My people will be here shortly."
"It's a trap!" realized Harry.
"Do you not think it convenience you capture me so easily?"
Ahead of them, they could see the masked man along with several other men in black.
"Go!" Yao Fei yelled them as he pulled up his hood.
"What?" Oliver asked confused but Harry quickly pulled his sleeve and they ran away together long enough to look back just to see mercenaries capture Yao Fei.
"We have to come back for him," Harry said firmly but Oliver looked at him with fear.
The Hood and Red Arrow shot a line to the building with hostages and rode it down to a zip line. They landed on the roof and jumped down through a skylight landing on the floor next to the hostages. Harry cast silent "Aresto Momentum" to alleviate the fall.
They quickly saw the hostages that were tied up so they went over to free them.
"Where is he?" The Hood asked the woman while Red Arrow was freeing the others.
"I don't know." She replied fearfully.
"It's going to be okay. Follow us." They led the hostages down the hall to a stairway. "Get up on the roof."
"What about-"
"We'll take care of him." Red Arrow said calmingly. "Move."
They walked down the hall and reached the end. They stopped and quickly turned around to see Dark Archer at the far end of the hall.
"Thank you for coming." He said. "After the warehouse, I knew I'd have to do something dramatic to get your attention."
"What do you want from us?" The Hood called out.
"What any archer wants- to see who's better!" The Dark Archer moved to draw but The Hood beat him to it. The Hood fired first, and the Dark Archer dodged and shot an arrow at Harry who caught it before it could hit him.
The Hood and Red Arrow went around the corner firing as they went. They hid at the upper support to shot the other archer with surprise... He saw the reflection of them at the broken glass and disarmed The Hood while Red Arrow disarmed Dark Archer.
The Hood was disarmed so he jumped to swing from a hanging light but Dark Archer picked up the glass that was lying on the floor and hit Oliver in the upper thigh. Red Arrow quickly shot an arrow at the Dark Archer but he caught it in the air just like Harry did earlier... The Dark Archer quickly picked up his bow and shot an arrow at Harry's ankle making him fall from the platform he was in. He cushioned the fall with a spell but his ankle was still damaged. He pulled out an arrow from his ankle and started to walk towards Dark Archer just to see him kicking Oliver and saying:
"I know about the list and the man who authored it wants you dead!"
Harry went over to him silently and stabbed him into the knee. Dark Archer was still conscious but Harry hit him with a kick that sent the archer into a wall and knocked him out.
Harry could easily check who the other archer is but he had a bigger concern: Oliver. He grabbed his friend's arm and they jumped out of the window. Harry again cushioned the fall. He quickly pulled out the radio:
"Dig... We need help!"
Harry woke up in his bed seeing Oliver lying in the bed next to him and Diggle standing over them.
"What happened?" Harry asked curiously.
"I brought you two to the hospital you got lucky: you have broken ankle... Oliver is... worse... but he will live."
Harry breathed with relief.
"Oliver's family was here, they just left... it seemed like this guy really worn you out because just as we arrived at the hospital you fell asleep."
Harry nodded. just as Oliver woke up and climbed painfully out of his bed and shuffled slowly over to the window, leaning heavily on a cane.
"How are you?" Harry asked with concern.
"I've been better," Oliver said bitterly. "When we confront somebody from the list we tell them that they failed this city. But tonight it was me who failed."
"More like us... I couldn't do anything," Harry said sadly.
"Five hostages are home tonight with their families enjoying the holidays." Dig pointed out. "Because of you two. This guy, the other archer- he'll get his. And you'll give it to him."
"We might have a bigger problem," Oliver said. "The other archer told me that somebody compiled the list. I always assumed it was my father. But what if it wasn't?" he asked.
"What do you mean?" Dig said.
"I think there's someone else out there. Someone who's more danger than the archer." Oliver seethed. "And I am going to take him down." He vowed.
"I will help. I don't know how many times I have to remind you that you are not alone." Harry said firmly.
Oliver didn't smile but he looked grateful "Thank you."