The 2nd of my Fire Emblem Awakening One-shots. This one is for none other than the famous prince himself, Chrom! Who is paired with the one and only FemaleAvatar/Robin. This will be a long story I think. So enjoy.
Female Avatar:
Build - 1 (medium)
Face - 4 (gentle eyes)
Hair - 3 (ponytail)
Hair Color - 5 (dark brown)
Voice - 3 (energetic)
This is my actual Avatar, but I'll still use the name Robin.
"Chrom, we have to to do SOMETHING..." A feminine voice whispered sounding concerned.
"What do you propose we do?" Another masculine voice asked.
"Er, I don't know!"
The woman who was previously sleeping opened her eyes to see two strangers standing above her. They returned their gazes back to her with smiles of relief.
"I see you're awake now." The man said grinning.
"Hey there." The girl giggled.
"There are better places to take a nap then on the ground you know?... Give me your hand." He held out his hand, and for some reason the groggy woman had felt compelled to reach out and take it, even though she didn't have a clue who this man was.
Without hesitation she extended her arm and interlocked their palms as he helped her onto her feet.
His gentle expression was unlike anything she'd ever witnessed before.
She looked around and saw that they were standing in the middle of a field. Confusion flowed through her as she couldn't recall what she was doing there.
As a matter of fact, she didn't know what was happening around her at all. Nor could she remember anything else before the strangers before her had awoken her from slumber.
The concerned look reappeared on the man's face.
She looked back up at the unknown trio who had found her. The girl, who appeared the youngest out of them all was fairly short, only a little shorter than herself. She was blonde and her hair was tied up into two high pigtails. And she wore a dress that was nearly identical to color hue of her hair.
The man standing behind her was the tall one whom she hadn't noticed at first. His dark chocolate brown eyes seemed like they were glaring directly at her. He had brown hair, and his arms were formally folded behind his back. By the look of his expression he seemed like he was on guard, most likely because of her presence, and she couldn't help but briefly wondered why.
Then finally she stared at the one who had first spoken to her.
This man was fairly tall... Standing around 5' 10". He had dark blue hair that was slightly messy with his bangs framing the sides of his face. His eyes were a deep blue that matched his hair albeit brighter... but they nearly entranced her. The look inside of them had her practically gawking.
They radiated an intensity so strong, and yet they also managed to look so inviting. A combination that intrigued her.
He wore an attire that resembled something of a knight, and even donned a majestic cape of sorts that flowed gently in the breeze behind him.
The expression he made still posed some kind of concern, but he also seemed to be a bit questioning.
After a moment of silence he eventually spoke up; breaking the semi-intense aura.
"Excuse me but, might I ask who you are?"
She blinked. Unsure of how to answer.
He wanted to know who she was but... Who was she again?
"I... I'm not sure." She replied closing her eyes tightly deep in thought.
And although she could not see his face, she had guessed that he was a bit distraught by her response.
"What? You don't know who you are?" He asked as his eyebrows furrowed.
She opened her eyes and saw that he was staring straight at her. She blushed slightly from embarrassment before responding.
"No." She whispered solemnly. Gripping the sides of her face, she shook her head again in the instance he hadn't heard her the first time.
"I can't remember..." She added.
He stared her in slight disarray and then to the other girl standing next to him as they exchanged reluctant glances.
"Hey, I've heard of this! It's called amnesia!" The girl gasped slightly.
He nodded and returned his attention back the mysterious woman before them.
"If you can't remember anything, then I suppose we could introduce ourselves." He said.
"Ah, thank you... Chrom." She replied cracking a smile.
Alarmed, the trio jumped at her words. How on earth had she known that name?
"You... You know who I am?" He asked a bit hesitantly.
She jumped at his question.
He was right after all. How did she know his name?
"I don't know. Your name just... Came to me I suppose." She replied rubbing her left hand to her head in thought.
He eyed her curiously.
"I see... Well, then I guess I should explain everything." He said scratching his head.
"Hold a moment my lord. How are we certain we can trust this mysterious stranger? Especially if she claims to know of your name but not remember her own?" The taller man spoke up firmly.
With one simple sentence his words had cut right through her and left her body in a state of shivers.
He certainly was a cold fellow wasn't he?
Chrom stared at him without any hesitance or fear. He simply responded to him as if he were any other normal person.
"Come now Frederick. This woman says that she lost her memory. What else can we do besides explain her surroundings?" He asked.
Frederick stared at him for a moment and then stared back at the stranger before them. "Alright my lord, but proceed with caution." Once again his words sent shivers down her spine.
'He's a little harsh...' She thought to herself.
Chrom nodded and faced himself back to her. "Since it seems you know of my name, and now you know Frederick's, this delicate lady next to me is my little sister Lissa." He smiled.
Lissa's face puffed up in anger. "I am NOT delicate Chrom!" She huffed flailing her arms.
The woman couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle at Lissa's sudden ferocity.
"Heh. Anyway, this land is known as Ylisse. And the three of us are Shepherds." She shot him a confused look.
"You tend sheep in full body armor?" She questioned. Chrom nodded.
"Of course. It's a very dangerous job description. One that most seem to underestimate." He smiled.
"It must be if you have to dress like that. Oh, my name is Robin... Strange... I just remembered that suddenly." She replied grabbing her chin in thought.
"Robin? Is that foreign?" Chrom asked arching an eyebrow.
"Perhaps we should be more careful with what we say my lord. 'Twould not do to let a wolf into our flock." Frederick glowered.
Robin flinched. So far this man didn't seem very fond of her, and although she understood why, she still felt a little insulted. Chrom nodded once again.
"Perhaps you're right. We should take her back to town and sort this out."
Robin stepped back slightly. "Do I have any say in this?" She asked nervously. Chrom waved his hands.
"It's fine. We aren't going to do anything as long as your story is true." He replied.
"So then. Shall we get going?" Frederick asked climbing onto his horse, who also had full body armor on.
They exchanged nods and gestured for the her to follow them.
It had been months since that incident occurred...
Not soon after they left for the town capital did they find themselves charging into a dangerous fight with several bandits.
Without knowing why or how Robin had found herself assisting them, and to their surprise and her own, she had been quite an asset to their group thanks to her brilliant strategy.
She wasn't sure how she managed to maneuver them all, but she did. And they had found themselves winning the battle unanimously.
Apparently, she was a master strategist.
Able to come up with multiple tactics at once with ease, and before she knew it, she was made Chrom's personal tactician.
Of course only after finding out that he and Lissa were prince and princess of Ylisse along with their Exalt and elder sister Emmeryn did she become the chief tactician of his army.
Now they were at war with a group known as the Risen. A bunch of soulless warriors who killed anything blocking their path.
But as of right now the entire militia was at a time-out for the next couple of days, giving everyone a chance to relax before the storm managed to kick start again.
Robin most of all was happy that she could take a breather.
Not having to worry about guarding everyone, preparing a plan for everyone's safety, or overworking herself to the point of exhaustion for a couple of nights would be a rewarding treat. One that Chrom had said she well deserved.
"You've been supporting everyone a lot lately Robin. Now you can relax and support yourself for the next couple of days. Have a little time to yourself for a change." He smiled.
She nodded happily. "Thank you Chrom. It has been a while since we could relax hasn't it? Perhaps you should take a break as well."
"Er, me?" He thought about it for a moment and then shook his head.
"No, someone has to keep an eye on everyone and everything else for the next few days. I'm taking over for you in that department." He smiled.
"Wait. You mean you aren't going to relax at all? But Chrom you've been working harder than anyone else. You shouldn't worry about me. I don't need a break as much as you do. Let me keep watch. You can relax alright?" She protested.
He shook his head. "No. You're the one who's been working the hardest. It's true Robin. You're the one that everyone turns to if something's bothering them. You have everyone's lives on top of your shoulders, and that is more than I can say for myself." He frowned slightly.
Robin stared at him and began to protest again.
"But you-" She stopped the instant he set his hands onto her shoulders gently.
His eyes gazed deeply into her own. He needed no words to convey his feelings. They were firm and reassuring. He practically told her that he would be perfectly fine handling things on his own.
Robin blushed. She hadn't realize that she had been staring at his face for quite some time now.
She averted her gaze and turned her head away from him, hoping he wouldn't acknowledge her embarrassment. Luckily, he didn't seem to notice. She nodded begrudgingly.
"All right. You win this time Chrom." She sighed teasingly.
"Ha! Good. Now go enjoy yourself. There's no need to worry about anything else. I promise to take good care of everyone. I already told them about your time off. So now no one should bother you." He assured.
She smiled. As usual he was stubborn with his word. He had never once broken it before, so she didn't even bother to try and convince him otherwise anymore. There was no point.
He waved goodbye with a smile before heading off back to his tent.
Lately it felt like he was spoiling her. Almost to the point where it seemed like he treasured her friendship over anyone else's.
She laughed to herself. "He's a strange man."
Once Robin returned to her tent she looked around the room. Her desk was full of papers that she scribbled on from the past few battles. She shook her head. "Maybe I am a little overworked." She frowned.
"Excuse me? Robin are you in there?" A voice called.
Robin recognized it as Sumia's. She sighed. 'I thought you told everyone not to disturb me Chrom?' She thought exasperated.
She knew that he was sometimes a bit... Incompetent... So it didn't completely surprise her that he missed giving someone the memo.
But since it was Sumia, she didn't mind too terribly.
"Yes I'm here. Come in." She replied.
Sumia entered slowly, most likely so that she wouldn't have one of her clumsy tripping moments. Her expression seemed a little shaken.
"Good afternoon." She replied smiling nervously.
"Good afternoon Sumia. Is there something you need?"
The long haired brunette began to twiddle her thumbs in a repeated motion as if she wanted to ask something.
"There's no need to be nervous Sumia. You can ask me anything." Robin assured her.
Sumia's eyes flicked back up and started to twinge in anticipation. "Really?" She asked hopefully. Letting out a soft sigh, Robin nodded smiling.
Suddenly Sumia walked up to her and grasped both of her hands into her own. She lifted them up and held them at chest height.
"W-will you spend some time with me?! Er I mean not just me but me and some of the other girls?" She begged.
Robin blinked several times.
"Er... Is that all?" She managed to finally ask.
"Is that all? You mean you don't mind?!" A little taken back by Sumia's outburst the tactician shook her head. "Not... Really." She answered. The daydreaming girl looked overjoyed that her offer wasn't rejected, and released Robin's hands while smiling to herself.
"This is great! We finally get some well deserved girl time. And with our wonderful and beautiful chief tactician." She swooned.
'Wonderful? Beautiful?' Robin thought. No one had ever described her so...graciously. At least not that she knew of. "Er, Sumia?" She asked. The babbling girl hadn't heard her and continued ranting about the fun they would all have together. Sighing, she tried getting her attention one more time.
"S. U. M. I. A!" She spelled out loudly.
"Hm? What is it?" Sumia asked finally hearing her.
"Who exactly is going to be joining us?" Robin asked raising an eyebrow.
"Oh of course! It's going to to be you, me, Maribelle, Lissa, oh and Tharja... She said she would happily join if you were coming. Er actually I believe her exact words were 'Is Robin coming? She better be coming, or I'll curse you in your sleep.'... She's a bit um... Creepy." She replied shuddering.
Robin shook her head. Tharja certainly was odd, but she had gotten used to her unstable stalking habits and managed to actually become on fairly good terms with her.
Even so she was a little skeptical.
"Alright. So what was the plan for today's events?" She asked.
"Well we were all going to bathe in the hot springs nearby later tonight and have a girl's talk I suppose." Sumia smiled pointing her finger in the air.
Girl talk? For some reason that kind of conversation seemed like an unknown territory to ponytail sporting brunette. Although she knew what it normally consisted of, she still hadn't quite known everything that was spoken or discussed during it.
Hopefully nothing bad would come of it. She wasn't in the mood to deal with Maribelle's constant remarks about how unfeminine she was. Or Lissa's constant teasing about pretty much anything wrong she could find with her.
But maybe it would be fun. After all Robin did enjoy hot springs.
"Sounds fun." She finally said. Sumia smiled. "Then it's decided! I'll come back later to get you." She added before waving and exiting.
"Why come back later? All I have to do is take my clothes off..." She shook her head. Sumia was definitely an excitable woman.
Suddenly a low growl vibrated inside of her stomach.
"I'm pretty hungry now that I think about it. I wonder if there's anymore bear meat...?" Maybe it wouldn't hurt to grab something to eat before Sumia came back.
She hadn't eaten all day, and she wanted to enjoy some quiet isolation before being surrounded by a large group of fairly loud young women.
Not 5 seconds after exiting her private quarters did she hear another familiar voice.
"Hey there Bubbles."
She turned to see Gaius; the candy loving thief and new fund provider for the army waving her way as he casually walked up to her. She couldn't be happier to see him, mostly because he always carried sweets with him.
"Gaius. That was pretty perfect timing. You wouldn't happen to have anything to eat?" She smiled knowing it was a pointless question.
The fiery orange haired man chuckled lazily.
"Hungry huh?" He asked. She nodded.
"I think I have somethin' in here for you Bubbles... Aha! Here, I know it's your favorite." He pulled out a chocolate candy bar from his small sack of goodies and handed it to her.
"Thank you Giaus. I haven't had a chocolate bar in such a long time. I appreciate it." She replied thankfully with a slight watering mouth.
His face turned a bit serious. "Hey now. Don't eat that just yet. Get somethin' else in your system besides chocolate."
Robin stared at him in disbelief. He was actually lecturing HER about eating nothing but sweets?
"You hypocrite..." She teased.
Her comment earned one of his signature lopsided smiles.
"Yeah I guess I am." He replied. "But I'm also right aren't I?" He added.
Now Robin laughed.
"Yes I suppose you are. Fine. I'll go get something else to eat first. It was nice talking to you Gaius." She waved before walking off.
"Same to you Bubbles... Ah and don't forget our lessons!" He replied waving back.
Robin caught his remark and shuddered. She didn't want to think back to that conversation they shared a while back. So she pushed it out of her head and carried on.
Chrom sat inside of his tent quietly.
He sighed deeply to himself.
Not a single person had come to discuss something with him ever since this morning.
He had told everyone that Robin was to be left alone for the remainder of their break, and that anyone with any issues could come to him.
But no one had even attempted to speak to him.
"How does Robin do it?" He asked himself shaking his head.
"I guess she is more approachable than the Prince..." He chuckled.
Although he had to admit, talking to her was relatively easy regardless of social class. She had the remarkable ability to understand anyone's feelings, and then find a way to help them feel better about themselves. She was the one person whom everyone could depend on in their time of need.
Her relaxed smile always seemed to warm the hearts of anyone who laid their eyes on it, including himself.
She was simply amazing, and he trusted her judgement above anyone else's.
And seeing her had always been the highlight of his day.
But now that he thought about it... He had just begun to notice how pretty she was. It wasn't just her smile that he found attractive. It was everything about her.
Her light hazel eyes were so strong yet calming and lovely all at once. Her long dark brown hair that she almost always wore up into a neatly styled curly ponytail with two small braids attached along the top sides of her head, wrapping perfectly into the hair ribbon she used. Her flawless creamy skin and lightly flushed cheeks giving off an attractive glow.
Soon the prince found himself blushing. He rubbed his forehead with his right hand.
"Gods... Just what am I thinking about?" He sighed.
But he couldn't deny that he was attracted to her.
In fact, he didn't deny it at all.
He was falling for his very own chief tactician and dearest friend. Something he couldn't possibly deny.
It was only a little while ago that he had first encountered her in that open field.
She was just a stranger, yet something about her was simply alluring.
Even so, he never would have guessed that he would have developed a crush on her.
"Maybe I should get some air." He suggested to himself.
Quickly standing up he exited the tent, but felt something harshly bump into him and fall to the floor with a thud. Then he heard a small noise.
Looking down he saw Robin sitting on the ground in a discombobulated stance.
She rubbed her rear in slight pain. "Ouch." She said as she closed her eyes.
Chrom was quick to apologizing.
"Oh Gods! Robin I am so sorry! I wasn't looking. I should have been more careful. Again I'm really sorry!"
The brunette opened her eyes to see the blue haired prince hovering over her with an apologetic expression. He hastily extended out his hand to her. A gesture that caused the flustered woman to blush from reminiscence.
This was exactly like how they had met wasn't it?
She smiled gently and reached out to grab it. He quickly pulled her back onto her feet and apologized again. She dusted herself off before waving her hand.
"It's fine. It was an accident... At least I hope it was." She teased. He blushed lightly.
"It was..." He breathed.
She nodded while laughing.
"What is so funny?" He asked looking at her confused. She shook her head.
"It's nothing really. It's just that the scenario was oddly familiar." She replied grinning. Chrom took a moment to think about what she implied and then he managed to catch on.
"You meant when we first met... I did reach my hand out to you like that before too didn't I?" He asked now smiling. She nodded.
"Back then we were complete strangers. And yet you still treated me with the utmost kindness you would have given to a close family member or a trusted comrade. Even when Frederick doubted me, you still defended me, and for that I am truly grateful." She smiled serenely.
Chrom blushed again. There was that smile that he and everyone else around them loved so much. He couldn't help but grin whimsically himself.
"You're welcome Robin." He replied tranquilly.
He he extended his arm out and gently set his hand on top of her head. He brushed her bangs out of her face with his thumb before softly resting his fingers on her cheek.
Robin's eyes widened at the feel of his touch, and she could feel the blood rush to her face as her cheeks burned brightly.
"C-Chrom...?" She questioned.
He didn't answer her. He took the time to admire her flushed expression, and he couldn't help but feel satisfied knowing that it was his actions that brought out her rare and adorable shy side. But he needed to end everything he started before he made her feel uncomfortable.
As much as he didn't want to, he pulled his hand away from her face and smiled.
"Sorry about that... Where were you heading just now?" He asked changing the subject.
She took a second to regain her senses, and then cleared her throat.
"I was heading to the mess hall tent to get something to eat..." She looked down at her feet hesitantly, almost as if she wanted to say something else.
"Yes?" Chrom asked in place of her. She looked back up at him.
"Did you... Want to join me?" What was she thinking? Didn't she just tell herself that she wanted to be alone?
Chrom blinked hard, and seemingly thought about it for a moment.
"I would love to... That is, if you're fine with just me." He replied almost bashfully.
"Of course! Chrom you are about the only person at this blasted camp that I can have a regular conversation with." She laughed finally returned to her normal self.
He chuckled. "Same to you. Everyone else seems to always be having a crisis of sorts." He added. She nodded in agreement.
"So then. Shall we go?"
"Yes." He smiled.
They walked side by side with happy expressions and shared a conversation about how Frederick was still uptight even though he and Lissa were now engaged. Laughing at how funny a combination they formed considering their respective personalities.
"Still. I think I saw it coming. They seemed to share a constant relationship if you think about it." Robin admitted.
"True. My sister and Frederick always seemed like they were wrestling with their feelings ever since the first day they had met."
'Similar to me.' Chrom thought.
It wasn't long until they arrived at the mess hall. They were instantly confronted by Lissa and Sumia.
Speak of the devil...
"Robin? What are you doing here? You should be getting ready. Here I'll take you back and-oompf...!" Sumia cried falling flat on her face.
"Gods! Sumia are you all right?" Robin shouted running over to her stumbling friend.
She reached out and put Sumia's arm around her shoulders and helped her up.
"*Sigh* I'm fine... Thank you Robin." She smiled embarrassed. Robin shook her head. "You really need to get new footwear." She sighed.
"Eh-heh..." Sumia laughed nervously.
"Hey brother! What are you doing? Shouldn't you be keeping an eye on things around here?" Lissa scowled. Chrom scratched the back of his head.
"Well I-" Lissa cut him off. "I guess you were too distracted by a certain pretty faced tactician." She teased leaving Chrom visibly flustered.
"W-What are you-?" She cut him off again. "There's nothing you can get past me you know~" She cooed winking.
He let out and exasperated sigh and rubbed his temples in annoyance. He was just glad that Robin was out of hearing distance. "Lissa now is not the time to tease me. I should be asking why YOU are here?" He frowned.
She waved her hand. "I was just talking with Sumia here. Girl stuff, something you wouldn't understand. And something I won't even attempt to explain." She replied rolling her eyes.
His eyebrows narrowed.
"Try me." He said.
"Nah. It's something that a boy like you should never know." She smiled.
"Sumia! We should get going. Robin and my big brother are going to stay for a little while and eat here." Lissa called. Sumia nodded her way and unhooked her arm from Robin's shoulders. "Right! Ah, thank you once again. We'll see you later." She bowed before following after her.
"What was that about?" Chrom asked staring ahead. Robin shrugged her shoulders and sighed. "I never know what Lissa's planning."
"They mentioned that you needed to get ready for something?" He questioned.
"Hm? Oh that. Well Sumia suggested that I spend some time with her and a few other girls later today. I planned on spending some alone time before being swarmed by them."
Chrom eyed her confused. "So you wanted to be alone?... Then why did you invite me to accompany you here?" He asked.
Robin blushed. Why HAD she invited him?
Of course she already knew the answer...
She was incredibly fond of the man.
He was the one person that didn't drive her mad in anyway. But that wasn't the only reason why and somehow she'd always known that.
It was clear to her now.
She had fallen for the blue haired prince...
Something she didn't catch onto until just now.
Why was it that she had noticed these feelings now?
Suddenly she remembered when Chrom caressed her face so gently; only a moment ago. How his warm hand felt against her cheek, the tingles it sent through her skin like it was electricity. Without realizing it she unconsciously touched the same cheek that he had, and a look of pure bliss appeared upon her face...
Chrom blushed. Why was Robin cradling her face like that?! Was she... Thinking about his hand touching her instead...?
The look on her face made his mind reel. His heart started to race at the pure sight of her beauty. She had never looked so... Sexy... A look that was foreign to his brain's storage of her expressions. The way her cheeks flushed so vividly and the glazed look appearing in her eyes was slowly starting to excite him, but he tried to remain calm and retain his senses.
"R-Robin?" He asked clearing his throat.
The sound of his voice apparently woke her from her thoughts. She grew flustered and quickly drew her hand away from her reddening cheek.
"I-I um... I apologize." She bowed. Chrom's face widened in shock.
"Why are you apologizing?" He asked shaking his head drastically.
"Well... I didn't answer your question." She replied. He thought for a second.
He asked her a question? Then he remembered.
"Ah that. Well it doesn't matter. You don't need to have a reason for inviting someone to go somewhere with you. Now how about we get you something to eat and catch up with each other?" He suggested. She nodded and smiled.
"I am pretty starving. Not to mention I want to get something else into my system so that I finally eat my chocolate." She replied. Chrom blinked.
"Why wouldn't you be able to eat your chocolate right n-" Robin covered his mouth with one of her palms and gave him an exasperated look.
"Don't ask..."
Welp. Here I am!
Go ahead and shoot me, feel free to do it.
I'll explain more later on, but I basically wanted to let everyone know that I'm not dead and that I'm back with another Fire Emblem Awakening story about Chrom and Robin (again).
I'll explain myself soon, I promise.
I decided to split this story up rather than make it a huge like 20,000 word one-shot, lol.
I'll also probably edit this like 50 times since I made this almost 2 or 3 years ago, so if you read this more than once... you'll know.
Until then, Enjoy!