AN: Many thanks to fineillsignup for her fantastic MadaSaku comic translations, and to MAOQ for her gorgeous MadaSaku illustrations! This story was directly inspired by photos from MAOQ's Pixiv account.

AN: VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: This story was not written in a linear manner. Some chapters will be out of order in the timeline.

Sakura knocked on the door of her sensei's room at the inn before entering at his call, automatically covering her eyes with her small hand.

An amused chuckle met her ears and her cheeks pinked at the deep reverberations.

"I'm decent," he drawled.

Pursing her lips, Sakura let her pinky drop just enough to check whether her sensei was wearing pants.

Long, bare, masculine feet peeked through.

"No you're not!"

He laughed. "Look higher," he said.

Pressing her lips together a bit more, she lifted her pinky and her ring finger.

Black trousers wrapped around long, lean, muscular legs. She held her breath as she lifted a third finger. A belt! He'd even done up his belt that day!

So relieved was she that she let out a sigh and dropped her hand—

—only to 'eep!' adorably and slap both hands over her burning face when her sensei stretched his chiselled torso and pulled his undershirt down over his abdomen.

"Sensei!" she gasped. "You're a very bad person!"

"Sakura, I'm dressed. And it's nothing you haven't seen before. During the team swimming training we were all wearing bathing suits—"

"This is improper!"

Madara shook his head, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from teasing her further.

"Are the boys up?" he asked, standing and slipping on his shinobi sandals.

"Yes. And next time I'll ask them to come get you!" she said indignantly, backing away with one hand waving behind her to help her find the doorframe. Her other hand remained clapped firmly over her virgin eyes.

As she bumped and stumbled out of her sensei's room, Madara watched her fondly before getting up and following her.

He hadn't believed Izuna when he'd suggested Madara take on a genin team, but he was coming around to it.