I'd like to go off the record and say, I do not own any rights to Power Rangers. I only own some of the characters and the story itself. I would like to thank decode9, Charlotte 'Charlie' Hartley, LovingGinger30, and all the other author's who have been so supportive throughout the years to make me a better writer and even push myself.

EPISODE ONE - Next Generation

Stepping off the school bus was a young sixteen year old guy. He took off his headphones with his music playing loudly. This guy has shaggy red hair,
blue eyes, fair skin tone, slightly muscular, standing at 5'10" tall, and slightly lean. He was a bit taller for his age, but he wasn't the only really tall tenth grader. He was wearing a red t-shirt, his Clover Hill varsity jacket on top with his honors letter and his basketball letters on it, blue jeans, and red high tops.

"The start of a new year," He frowns as he continued to walk toward the school.

Clover Hill High School.

It has been sixteen years since the huge event that shook the town of Clover Hill. Sixteen years since there was a Power Ranger team in Clover Hill.
Life had gone back to normal, as if people knew what it was like prior to the monster attacks in town. A whole generation born without any clue about these stories.

"Hey, man!" Shouted another sixteen year old from behind.

The guy in red turns, "Brad, hey." The one in red spoke.

Brad smiles, "I haven't heard from you all summer, RJ."

RJ rubs the back of his neck, "Yeah sorry. My sis and her husband were in town all summer, they brought their kids with." RJ sounded annoyed.

Brad looks at his friend, "Dude those are your nephews, you could always boss them around." Brad said.

Brad has copper red hair, blue eyes, his skin complexion is fair, he stands at 5'10", and sort of muscular due to the sports he plays. He is wearing a black jersey, blue jeans, and white tennis shoes.

RJ looks at his friend, "You think the only reason we're friends is because we look like we could be brothers?"

Brad laughed at that, "No because you were born in November and that is way before I was born." Brad continued to laugh as he walked.

RJ shakes his head, he then noticed a familiar face get out of her parents car. Saying goodbye to hear parents was a young girl that RJ shared a class with a year before. In the car was her father and mother in the front seats.

"I'll see you after school, mama and papa." She spoke to them.

Then the car drove off. The girl has medium length black hair straight hair, brown eyes, tan skin complexion, skinny body type, also a bit flexible, and stands at 5'7" tall. She is wearing a loose fitted blue long sleeve shirt, black skinny jeans, blue flats, and this year she is sporting circle framed glasses.

"Whoa," Brad said, "Is that Jasmine?"

RJ nods, "She's gotten hot."

Brad turns to his buddy, "You are too popular for her."

RJ made a face, "Since when?"

"Since last year coach placed you on varsity," Brad said, "Dude I care about you as a friend but no one can see you and Jasmine as a thing. Just accept the crowd were in."

RJ shrugs it off, "Whatever."

RJ watched Jasmine get cat called by assholes who were on the football team. He knew Jasmine wasn't one to let the assholes talk to her like that, but knowing her strict background she wasn't going to say a thing.


Standing by his locker was a young sixteen year old guy. He was wearing green t-shirt, khaki pants, and a pair of black sneakers. He has short brown hair, bright blue eyes, fair skin complexion, standing at 5'8" tall, and skinny but also slightly a bit muscular.

Walking over to this guy's locker was Jasmine, "Morning." She had a smile on her face.

This guy had a smile the second he saw her, "Morning, Jazzy."

Jasmine rolls her eyes, "It's Jasmine. I'm not five anymore."

He chuckle, "Okay but you must call me Barry, I will never be Bartholomew." He said.

Jasmine unlocks her locker and nods, "Deal."

Barry noticed RJ and Brad looking in their direction, "Looks like you are getting some attention."

Jasmine glanced over and rolled her eyes, "Yuck them? No way."

Barry opens his locker to get his notebook, "But didn't you have a huge crush on RJ in middle school or something? Like I thought he asked you out freshmen year too?"

Jasmine grabbed her math text book and shut the door, "Yes that's all true," She leans against the lockers, "But he wasn't who I thought he was."

Barry shuts his locker slowly and looks at her, "Oh yeah? And what is he?"

Jasmine kept her glanced on RJ and Brad laughing it up with the football players, "An arrogant asshole."

Jasmine and Barry began to walk down the hallway, even passing the football players. Some hadn't even noticed Jasmine at first, but that changed quickly and some even decided to make cat calls.

"Hey baby!"

"Look at that body!"

One of the football players nudged his teammates after Jasmine had passed, "Dude, she's a person not some sex object."

The one speaking up has brown hair, hazel eyes, light tanned skin, standing about 6'1" tall, skinny, but has a muscular frame. He wears a yellow t-shirt underneath his football Letterman jacket, dark blue jeans, and black converse.

"Jamie," One of the players said, "She likes it."

Jamie rolls his eyes, "I don't think so."

RJ and Brad remain quiet. Brad didn't want to get the attention seeing as his life was hell in his freshmen year of the football team, and RJ didn't want the seniors to tell the basketball seniors if he said something. He has been through hell from the senior basketball players, he didn't want more attention.

Jamie rolls his eyes and heads off.

Brad heard some of the players say some awful things about Jamie, he was about to say something but then a cheerleader came over to her boyfriend and everyone shut their mouth.


In the history class for sophomores was a young sixteen year old and what looked to be her father who was the history teacher. They looked nothing really alike, actually not at all when you actually looked at them.

She is a biracial half Australian and half African American. She has light brown skin tone with brown hair and green colored eyes. She has an athletic body tone with some muscle on it. She is around 5'8". She has a white blouse, blue jeans, and flats. She also has a black leather jacket as well.

"You didn't have to come to class early, Jack." Spoke the father/teacher.

The girls, Jack, looked at the man, "But dad I don't know a single person here. I just wanted to duck out more before I am known as the new kid."

The father looks at her, "Jack, you'll be fine. I know you'll make some friends."

And soon enough students started coming into the classroom. Some of which were Jamie, Jasmine, Barry, RJ, and Brad. As the class started to fill up the seats began to fill, but one.

Then the bell rang, but as the bell rang in came a girl who looked a bit panicked.

"Is this US history with Mr Cooper?" She asks the teacher.

He nods, "I am Mr Cooper. Please take a seat and try to be on time tomorrow."

The girl found the only seat she could sit in which was next to Jack. She is one of the shorter kids in the class, as she is 5'3" tall and yet has a flexible yet semi athletic build to her. She has skin tone is darker, her dark red hair reaches just below her ears and has a choppy cut to it, and she has blue eyes. She normally wears a pink long sleeved turtleneck shirt, and tan shorts with grey velcro boots. She also wears a simple silver bracelet around her wrist.

She turns to Jack and smiles, "I'm Melody, but fill free to call me Mel."

Jack smiles faintly, "I'm Jack. It's short for Jacqueline."

Mr Cooper stands in front of the class and says, "Hello everyone. Welcome to your first day in Clover Hill High as tenth graders. And welcome to your first day in US history, I am Mr Cooper and I'd like to start today light. First with roll call and then I'll talk about the schedule for the year."

Mr Cooper began with roll call starting with the kids with first names starting with A and then moved along to the ones with B.

"James Banks?" Mr Cooper said.

Jamie waves, "I prefer Jamie, sir."

"And I just prefer Mr Cooper," He joked, "Jasmine Bhandari?"

Jasmine held her hand up, "Here."

"Jacqueline Cooper," Mr Cooper said.

Jack raised her hand, "Here and I'd like to be called Jack."

Mr Cooper glanced at his daughter with a small smile and continued down further with the names in the roll call. Then he reached the J's in the list of students.

"Bartholomew Jones?" Mr Cooper asks.

Barry raised his hand, "I go by Barry."

Mr Cooper nods, "Noted." He wrote a small note like the others with nicknames, "Bradley Pearce?"

"I go by Brad." Brad said as he raised his hand.

"Melody Rays," Mr Cooper said.

Melody raises her hand, "You can call me Mel or Melody," She smiles.

Mr Cooper went on as the list went and finally he reached the final name in the entire class.

"Richard Walker?" Mr Cooper spoke.

RJ looked up from glancing out the window, "It's RJ."

Mr Cooper nods.

He went to his desk and grabbed some text books and began to hand them out to each student row. The students groaned getting the text book, but they all took the book. Mr Cooper finished and he walked over to the front of the class.

"Now like I mentioned prior," He started, "I'd like the first day to be pretty light so I am giving out an assignment that will be due at the end of the year. I want you all to write a small paper on what kind of legacy you want to leave in history."

The class stared at their history teacher in confusion.

"I'll leave the rest of the class to allow you start on the paper or you can all get to know each other better." He spoke.

Mr Cooper took it to himself to sit back down at his desk. Which is where he was continuing to clean and get things ready. The students didn't take long to start talking or texting on their cell phones. Melody nudged Jack, she turned to the girl she had just met.

"So you're new, huh." Melody said.

Jack nods with a small smile, "Is it obvious?"

Melody smiles with a small smile, "Kinda."

Jack frowns, "Great."

Melody shakes her head, "Hey, don't worry about it. Besides, I grew up in Norland until moving here a few years back. I get it."

Jack smiles faintly as she seems to be gaining a new friend, "Thanks."

Melody turns to Jasmine and Barry, "Hey how about I introduce you to some of my friends."

Jack seemed a bit nervous about it, "Um sure."

Melody turns in her chair, "Jazz! Barry! Come over here."

Jasmine had an annoyed look on her face as she walked over, "Mel, I told you over summer to stop calling me that."

Melody smiles, "It got your attention, didn't it?" Melody asks.

Barry walks over and has a smile on his face, "We just seem to ignore it, huh."

Melody continues to smile, "These are my friends; Jasmine and Barry. Guys this is Jack, she's new."

Barry and Jasmine took a seat next to them. Jack was shocked on how nice both Jasmine and Barry were being to her, she didn't expect people to be nice to the new kid. Mostly after hearing the history of this school relating to bullying.

"So this school isn't what I thought it would be." Jack said.

Barry looks at her, "What did you expect it to be?"

Jack shrugs, "I just had heard rumors about the staff being bad at noticing bullying and cover ups."

Jasmine frowns, "Yeah despite the fact its been over sixteen years since any of that stuff, people still gossip."

Melody nods, "Uh huh. Even back at my old junior high in Norland, the kids still talked about that. Heck, didn't your English teacher last year go here during that time?"

Jasmine nods at Melody's comment, "Yeah."

Jack looks at the three, "So is there any problems with bullying?"

Barry shrugs, "It's high school," He started, "It isn't the worst school in the area but you have your problem students."

Jasmine nods, "Very much so."

Jack seemed confused at the tone and the comment Jasmine made.

Melody turns to Jack, "Jasmine gets harassed by people because of her religion and where her family came from."

Jack looks confused as she turned from Melody to Jasmine.

Jasmine had an annoyed look, "People tend to look at one Muslim as a terrorist and it makes every Muslim a terrorist."

Jack frowns, "Well those people are jerks. You seem pretty cool and I would never judge someone based off their faith."

Jasmine thanks, "Thanks."

Across the room, RJ was staring at that group over there. Brad noticed it, he nudged Jamie and the two guys looked at their friend.

"Everything okay, Walker?" Jamie asked.

From time to time the guys referred to the other by last name, it kind of helped when they were in their teams for school. Some kinds shared the same names and everyone was called by their last name only.

"Yeah," RJ said.

Brad looked over at the new girl, "She looks familiar, like I've seen her before."

Jamie shakes his head, "How can she be? She's new."

Brad shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know."

The bell rang to dismiss the students. The teens began to slip out of the classroom, RJ picked up his pace and caught up with Jasmine who was heading in the same direction as he was for his next class. Jasmine had an annoyed look on her face the moment he stepped in front of her.

"Yes?" Her tone was not pleased.

RJ looks at her, "Can I talk to you?"

Jasmine frowns, "I have class to get to."

"I'll talk and walk with you." He spoke.

Jasmine didn't say anything.

"Look," He started, "I didn't mean for what happened to you at the pool this summer."

Jasmine looks at him with an expression hard to read, "You feel bad now? So back then you wouldn't speak up because of the guys who were your friends saying how I am a terrorist and should die? I don't want to hear it, Dick."

RJ felt her bump her shoulder against his, "Jasmine," His voice sounded hurt.

She stopped in the hallway and turned to face him, "This sucks, because I actually was stupid enough to like you. But I can't like a guy who is too afraid to stand up to others when someone needs help."

Jasmine then continued down the hallway.

(A/N: And that's a cut from the first chapter. No action in this one, I want the characters to be introduced before it gets crazy. I would like to point out that the topics may get a bit "too real" relating to Jasmine's beliefs and so on. I want to make a story were it shows the harsh reality of things as well as dealing with the people speaking hate.

Please review down below with any comments. Are you excited that Jurassic Squad is back? What do you think of the characters so far? And so on. Anyways, I got to go work on the next chapter. Until next time, -ICrzy)