Note: This is a re-write of The Missing Link.

All original content belongs to Nintendo.

Story idea came from ChanglingRin and HylianBagel

(Dimensional Links and Forever Linked, respectfully)

Prologue: A Link to the Past


It is ever changing, ever lasting.

There are "fixed" points, those of which cannot be altered, and "flexible" points, which are those that can be altered.

Several worlds, or realms, have interfered with time-travel, and have even changed the course of history itself.

The realm known as Hyrule is renowned for this.

Scholars and historians alike have conflicted over the different time streams that somehow collided on that fateful day...This is that story.

Of how the three timelines collided on a crash course, and those that were never supposed to meet did in fact meet each other, and saved the realm and others from total ruin.

This, is Legends Untold.

Hyrulialus Capital Building- Defense

Date: 03-24-3412

Time: 0:100

General Shakeel was known for his reputation. Renowned, even. He had risen through the ranks just as anyone else had, but there were qualities that had made him the best choice for General.

Such as the ability to remain calm in basically any situation.

Including the one that he was facing now.

"What's the situation here?", Shakeel barked as he swept his golden gaze around the white washed room. Several people were running between computer and machines, writing down various things and comparing data-banks.

A young man ran up to him, clutching a clipboard that had an important looking document attached to it.

"Queen wants you to see this, Sir. It's bad."

The older man coolly took the clipboard and read the attached paper.

"...Hmmm...This looks interesting..."

He raised his gaze to the biggest screen in the room, up on the wall in front of him.

"Sarah, bring up the live feed."

The black-haired woman nodded behind her screen, moving her hands as she talked. "Doing so now, Sir!"

All in various places, the energy readings were off the scales, and the visual feed showed the same thing- a throbbing golden...thing floating in the air, distorted, as if it had been placed there by something.

Shakeel's heart began to race, he didn't know that the clipboard slipped from his fingers and clattered to the carpet beneath him.

"...Gods...That...That isn't possible!", he yelled, taking a step forwards.

Then the intercoms came on.

"Attention. This is a Code Amber. I repeat, this is a Code Amber. All staff, please leave your stations. All staff, please leave your stations..."

Shakeel was rooted to the carpet, his golden eyes only focused on the golden portal floating there on the screen, it was now swirling, as if something was being pulled through it...

And something was, eventually.

But what stood before the portal was a thing from ancient legends, a beast whose true origins had been lost to time.

What remained were the tales from old, those that were written down by long dead scribes and sooth-sayers.

And the beast that stood before the portal was the great evil that had threatened Hyrulialus when she was still medieval.

The one beast that everyone had secretly feared would come back.


Hyrulialus Capital Building-Command Office

Meanwhile, Commander Greg was having a personal meeting with the Queen herself.

"Zelda, I appreciate your concerns, but we have the situation under control."

The woman merely glanced around the office before replying.

"Really? If so, then why did you tell everyone to leave?"

The man sitting at the desk before her blinked.

"Ah...Standard one thing we can try..."

Zelda raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? And that is...?"

Greg got up and walked over to the stoned side of the room- the last original section of the previous structure that had stood here centuries ago- Hyrule Castle.

"Follow me."

Hyrulialus Capital Building-Old Section

"Greg, why are we down here?"

Greg reached out and took a torch from its scone and lit it with his lighter.

"You remember the legends, don't you?"

Zelda merely stared at him in the flickering light.

"Of course I do! Who doesn't?"

Greg motioned for the Queen to follow him and she complied.

Several minutes later, the two came upon a very old door.

"This is it. What lies behind this door will save us all."

"And that is...?"

Greg smiled softly.

"I think you know."

With one push, the man swung the door open and stepped inside the room.

There, lying on a table, was a sheathed sword, one that was colored a sapphire blue and glowing slightly.

From what was visible, the crossguard was a set of bird's wings, angled downwards, with three raised curves, representing feathers.

Zelda walked forwards and gently lifted the sheathed weapon from the table.

"...I know this..."

Greg stepped up to the table.

"The last time that sword was held was over one thousand years thousand, three hundred and ninety-five years, to be exact..."

"That long...How has it not turned to dust...?"

Greg held out his weathered hands and Zelda handed him the blade.

"Demonslayer...the Blade of Evil's Bane, the Blazing Blade that Burns...the legendary Master Sword..."

The man slightly touched the hilt of the sword but did not draw it.

"She still has one last fight before she does. Somewhere out the man that will wield her..."

Zelda was staring up at the ceiling.

"Greg...Look at this..."

Above them was a relief painted onto the ceiling.

And there was writing on the wall above the table.

Zelda picked up the torch and lit it, then stepped up to the wall and began to read.

"...When the time comes...Draw the sword that lies on this table..."

Zelda turned to Greg, who nodded, tightened his grip, and drew the winged blade.

Somewhere else...

The sound echoed through out time and space, through the void and beyond, eventually reaching the dreams of a eighteen year old man, one that had grown up reading and hearing about the Ancient Legends. But at that point in time, in that instant, he had no idea of the wonders that would befall him, the people and species he would eventually meet, and the places he would travel to.

No, for now, he was content with his day to day life, working on his ancestral Estate...But that would change very, very soon...

For there was word of a strange portal out in the forest behind the Estate, and one day, he would be drawn to it, not knowing the consequences of nearing the strange anomaly.

And on that day, history itself would be changed.


He had grown up with the legend surrounding him, but when the man stepped into the portal, he lived it.

This, is The Legend of Zelda: Legends Untold.