Hey look! A wild update! xD Here is Chapter 4! Enjoy the pure Lancelot smut!

Lance wasn't sure when, but he had somehow at some point managed to fall asleep, although he had no way of knowing how much sleep he had gotten. If he were to guess, though, it wasn't too much, because his head was still foggy when the sound of an opening door woke him up. Or maybe that was just because of his heat, which he was reminded of by the intense fluctuating of heat in his body; particularly his ass as he looked up and saw Prince Lotor himself closing the door to his cell behind him, walking over to Lance. He gulped, slumped against the floor and pressed against the wall.

"What do you want?" He asked, his voice breathy and unfocused. Lotor grinned, leaning forward a bit as his eyes scanned Lance's naked body from his rock hard dick up to his lust-filled eyes. His hand went forward and cupped Lance's chin in his fingers, forcing him to look his way. Lance couldn't even struggle much against Lotor's grip as he squirmed a bit at the touch, sparks pulsing through his body. Lotor chuckled at his squirming.

"You'll know what I want soon enough. But the real question is, what do you want?" Lance's heart was beating faster, and his face faltered at that. Lust was practically coursing through his veins at this point. He might as well have been running on sex drive as opposed to oxygen, and he was only getting more aroused as Lotor's thumb slid up his chin and into Lance's slightly parted mouth, pressing against his tongue and exploring inside. Lance was taking heavy breaths as Lotor's thumb slowly pulled out of his mouth, strings of saliva extending from it and connecting them.

Lance knew what he wanted. Sure, he wanted sex, but it was so much more than that. He was beyond turned on at this point. He wanted everything, wanted to be touched, wanted to be punished, wanted to be praised. His eyes were screaming everything that he refused to say, and Lotor seemed to read all of it as his thumb pulled back completely. Lance shifted against his chains a bit so that he was facing Lotor more directly. The Galra prince frowned at this. He reached for his sword, slashing at the chains. Lance winced a bit for fear he was the target, opening his eyes in surprise when he saw the chains were no longer binding him to the wall.

Just because he wasn't chained to the wall anymore though didn't mean he was leaving it. Lotor crouched down on Lance's level and shoved him up against the wall, head moving forward until he was breathing into Lance's ear.

"You want this, don't you?" Lance let out a small whimper, mind focusing on the feeling of Lotor's hot breath against him. The rough treatment was only turning Lance on more, which was undoubtedly Lotor's intention. His small noises seemed to answer Lotor's question as he licked Lance's earlobe, causing the boy to shiver.

"Do not hold back. Let it out." He bit down lightly against the soft flesh on his neck, ripping a whine out of Lance's throat. Lotor seemed to really be enjoying all of the high pitched sounds as he cupped Lance's chin again, pulling back until he was looking him directly in the eyes. Both of them were staring at each other in pure lust, except Lotor's was direct while Lance still had some denial. Just some. That denial began to melt away though when Lotor's head moved forward, pressing their lips together. The heat flared throughout Lance's body like crazy. He instinctively opened his mouth wider, allowing Lotor greater access as his tongue slid in, exploring the wet cavern.

He shoved Lance's head up harder against the wall, deepening the kiss into a mess of tongue and saliva. Lance's eyes were shut tight as he felt the pleasure rushing through him, head tilting back and letting Lotor violate his mouth. Every tick that they made out was another multiplier to his heat, making it harder and harder for his mind to justify fighting back at this point. Why would he? He wanted this, right? Yes, he did...but somehow, the thought that he wanted this made tears begin to slowly fall from his eyes. He felt awful.

Lotor pinned Lance's wrists above his head with one hand as they continued their kiss, his tongue showing complete dominion over Lance's. He pulled back slowly, and Lance immediately began sucking in large gasps of air, panting hard. Lotor moved to kiss Lance's tears, trailing them up back to his eyes and kissing them away.

"Shhh...you're doing good. Your voice is beautiful, and your tears are so pretty." Lance squirmed a bit at the praise, looking Lotor in the eyes with a bit more acceptance for his lust. Lotor began kissing him again, and this time, Lance didn't just sit there, but he actually kissed back. Lotor moaned approvingly into the kiss as Lance's tongue rose up to meet his, both of their eyes shut as they made out passionately. Lotor's hands quickly began roaming Lance's chest as Lance put his hands on the Prince's shoulders for support. Every kiss and every touch just intensified his heat, and he felt like he was losing his grip on reality. He needed friction against his ass, needed his heat to be fed, otherwise he felt like it would consume him and drive him insane. He began pressing back against the wall, but Lotor pulled him away, mouth leaving Lance's.

"No. You aren't allowed to pleasure yourself without permission." Lance gulped, looking behind him at his ass which so desperately needed to be touched. The heat was killing him.

"B-but-!" Lance gasped as Lotor slapped him right across the face, shutting him up and sending him crashing to the floor. His hands slowly went to his burning cheek, looking up at Lotor with tears falling from his eyes. Lotor looked down at him without a hint of sympathy.

"Don't you dare question me. I am the master here. Understood?" Lance's bottom lip was trembling as he slowly shuffled to his knees, hand still gripping his stinging cheek. He didn't speak, only bowed his head a bit to show that he understood. Lotor smiled, crouching down again. Lance shied away, but Lotor's hand went forward and moved Lance's hand off of his cheek, caressing the mark for him.

"That's a good boy." Lance let out a high pitched whine, head leaning into Lotor's caress as his body squirmed a bit at being called a good boy by Lotor. The prince moved forward to kiss Lance's forehead, only adding onto the praise and making Lance more giddy. "You see? If you do as I say, if you be a good boy, you'll be rewarded. And I'll let you know when you're being a good boy. Understood?" Lance nodded a little too quickly, knees shuffling together. If obedience was what was required to be called a good boy, he'd do it. It felt so good just hearing those words from Lotor's mouth even though he was just talking about saying it and hadn't directly been calling Lance by it just yet.

Lotor grinned triumphantly as he moved forward and kissed Lance again, hand still caressing his cheek and cupping it a bit as Lance closed his eyes and kissed Lotor back. The constant tongue action only made Lance's cock ache more as his ass soaked with need. He let out a throaty whining noise into the kiss, making Lotor pull away, tugging Lance's face close to his.

"What is it? Tell me what you need." Lotor said simply. Lance slowly nodded his head, whimpering and squeezing his eyes shut when Lotor's thumb dragged itself across his bottom lip slowly and sensually.

"I...I need to be touched..." Lance pleaded, looking down at his wet lower half. "I need you to touch me..." He looked up at Lotor with watery eyes. The prince pulled Lance's face closer, lapping at the tears before they could fall. He then moved his head into the cranny of Lance's neck, licking the sensitive skin and whispering into his ear.

"Really, now? You want your sworn enemy to touch you?" Lance trembled and whimpered, his heart conflicting with his body and mind. It was wrong, and he knew it was, but...he couldn't help it. He needed to be touched more than he needed anything in the world right now, he couldn't think about anything other than what it would feel like to have Lotor giving him the pleasure his body desperately desired. He felt Lotor's teeth grazing his sensitive neck threateningly because he was taking too long to answer. "When I ask a question...you answer me!" Lotor's teeth sunk into Lance's skin, making him scream and thrash against Lotor, eyes flying wide open.

"Yes Lotor! Touch me!" He cried out in response to the biting. Lotor slowly lifted his teeth off of his neck, smirking. Lance's chest was heaving and tears had begun to stream down his face from the bite. There was desperation in his eyes as Lotor pulled back until they were staring straight at each other. A few moments passed, quickly becoming too many moments with no action. Lance let out a small whine, but didn't complain anymore than that. He wanted to be a good boy for Lotor, wanted to hear him say those words. Finally, Lotor's hand began moving down Lance's cheek, down his neck and shoulder to his chest, where he found his nipples. He fingered them experimentally, making Lance squeal a bit. It felt strange...he'd never really touched himself there before.

Lotor wore a grin, seeming to enjoy exploring his human body. His hand trailed down Lance's stomach, making him shiver in anticipation. Lotor was getting closer now. Closer to touching him where he needed friction. Lance bucked his hips needily just by Lotor's fingers being near his erection, making him chuckle a bit.

"You are so sensitive, aren't you?" Lotor said. Lance slowly opened his teary eyes, looking up at Lotor with a small nod of agreement. Lotor moved his face forward, kissing at Lance's tears once more, making Lance wince a little at the feeling. "Your tears are beautiful and delicious. Cry for me, pet. Cry beautifully for me." Lance sniffled a bit before giving another small nod. He couldn't seem to stop his tears, anyways. They were a result of the conflict between his heart and body still occurring deep within him, but at least Lotor liked them. His eyes shut and squeezed out more tears, letting Lotor trail them back up to his eyes with kisses. Suddenly, he felt Lotor's hand close around his dick, making Lance cry out.

Lotor was grinning at the amount of power he had over Lance, hand squeezing his cock and pulling back on it. Lance squirmed in his touch, hips pushing up into his fist as he leaned his cheek against Lotor's hand. His thumb slowly began scaling the underside of Lance's shaft, pressing hard and massaging its way up until it reached the red, swollen head.

Lance let out a heavy mewl upon feeling Lotor's thumb press against the head of his cock, shivering and bucking his hips. Lotor rubbed his thumb against the sensitive flesh in circular motions before applying more pressure, pressing his thumb down against the head hard. Lance was trying to thrust himself against it now as needy moans and whimpers escaped his mouth in a flurry.

"L-Lotor...! Lotor, Lotor!" His eyes opened slightly, tears trailing from their corners as he looked at Lotor's smirking face with need. It felt incredible having someone else's hand on his cock for the first time, the feeling of not being in control of his own pleasure so torturous, and yet, Lance loved every second of it. He loved not being able to decide when or how he got pleasure, loved being completely vulnerable and dependent on somebody else, needing their touch and attention...and Lotor gave him plenty of attention.

His hand began pumping Lance's dick hard all of a sudden, thumb pressing against the head whenever it got there. Lance cried out in pleasure each time Lotor's fist went down on his cock and then screamed more when he went up and tortured his sensitive head.

Lance was a hot thrashing mess at the mercy of Lotor's hand on his cock, hands gripping the floor as tears poured down his face from his inner conflict. His mouth was parted, giving out endless cries and pleas that seemed to spur Lotor on, his hand working faster as Lance's voice got more desperate. Or maybe it was the other way around, with Lance's voice getting more desperate as Lotor sped up? Either way, Lance could feel his orgasm quickly approaching him, and he arched his back at the intense pleasure flooding his body, fully prepared for his first orgasm at someone else's control.

"Lotor-!" Lance was cut off mid-scream, crying out in frustration and need with crazed eyes as his bubbling orgasm stopped right in the pit of his stomach. He looked down to see the purple ring around his cock that he had somehow forgotten about amidst all the torturous pleasure he'd been receiving. Lotor continued pumping Lance's cock as he fell into a suspended state of a constant need to cum.

"L-Lotor...!" He begged, tears spilling from his eyes for a multitude of reasons now, one of them being his sheer desire to cum. Lotor seemed to be enjoying torturing him, moving forward and kissing up all of his tears. Lance was whimpering shamelessly, moving his hips into Lotor's hand and constantly crying out his name, hoping he would let him cum. The feeling was so intense and pleasureful that it hurt, and Lance didn't think he could stand it for even a second longer. "Lotor, please..." He whimpered. Lotor's hand stopped its movements temporarily as he grinned.

"Please what?" His voice was teasing and sadistic, flaunting the power he had over Lance as he ordered him to elaborate. The show of supremacy was turning Lance on even more, increasing his need to cum.

"P-please, let me cum..." Lance pleaded through shaky breaths, eyes shutting tightly and squeezing out more tears. It seemed to be routine now for Lotor to kiss his tears as the prince's face came forward. He then trailed his lips down Lance's jawline and then to his ear, grinning and whispering sadistically.

"...no." His hand squeezed Lance's cock hard at that, making him scream and thrust his hips into Lotor's hand desperately. More tears were falling down his face as Lotor denied him his climax, but he didn't protest or beg anymore. Lotor had made his decision and Lance had to go with it. Lance had to submit to everything Lotor said. Lance had to follow his orders...that was the only way Lotor would praise him and call him a good boy. He swallowed his whimpers and gave a small nod to show Lotor that he understood, only to have his hair harshly pulled. He cried out at the pain as Lotor growled.

"Don't hold back your whimpers, now. I want to hear all of your sounds, your voice is so pretty when it cries. Okay?" Lance immediately began nodding his head, making soft sobbing sounds as Lotor let go of his hair. He may have been crying on the outside, but on the inside he was happy because Lotor had just praised him and said his voice was pretty. He made a note to himself to be as vocal as he wanted, letting out loud whines when Lotor's hand left his sensitive cock to grab at his own clothes, beginning to undress himself. Lance watched with wide, lust-filled eyes as Lotor exposed his muscular chest. The prince then began to remove the clothing on the bottom half of his body, and Lance gulped when his massive dick came into view. It was unlike anything he'd ever seen, purple and thick and oozing precum...it made Lance want to taste it desperately. Lotor answered his desires, sitting back and spreading his legs in front of Lance, patting the area in between.

"Sate your thirst. Do a good job and you'll be praised." Lance's face brightened at that as he crawled over, positioning himself in between Lotor's legs and moving his face forward towards his large cock. The scent of sex was heavy in the air around it, doing crazy things to Lance's heat. His ass was burning with desire to have it inside of him, but he did his best to ignore it. He didn't have time to focus on his needs; he had to pleasure Lotor in order to receive his praise. The only problem was that Lance had never done this before. He had, however, seen plenty of videos.

His tongue went forward to give the head an experimental lick. It didn't taste nearly as bad as he'd been expecting, but maybe that was just because his senses were tingling with heat. After giving it another lick, he picked up the speed and dragged his tongue down the underside of the long shaft before bringing it back up. When he reached the tip, he wrapped his lips around it and began sucking lightly as he brought both of his hands around the shaft and began to pump it. Lotor growled in encouragement, hand stroking through Lance's hair. Pleased that he seemed to be doing good so far, Lance moved his head farther down Lotor's cock, eyes closing as his tongue pressed itself against the head while he sucked. A low rumbling sounded from Lotor as one hand stayed on his head and the other moved down the back of his body to caress his ass.

Lance keened at the touch to his ass and continued dropping his head down Lotor's cock, enveloping the parts he had been pumping into his mouth. Large amounts of precum spilled from Lotor's dick, making Lance drink it in and lap at it with his tongue as he sucked harder. Lotor bucked his hips when Lance started to gulp down his precum, massaging his ass harder and more sensually.

"Mmm, there you go...you're doing so good, keep going, come on...that's it, that's a good boy." Lotor pressed a finger right up against Lance's leaking cherry hole upon saying 'good boy', and it made Lance give a loud moan of excitement and pleasure. Naturally, the moan was muted by Lotor's cock in his mouth, sending vibrations throughout the Prince's body. He groaned in approval and made circular motions against Lance's hole, spreading his slick around and making him drip even more. Lance's eyes were screwed shut tightly and he was moaning nonstop around Lotor's cock, sucking hard and shaking his ass slightly in response to Lotor's touches.

The finger was pressing harder and harder, and when it finally entered him, his entire body spasmed. His hole made a squelching sound and flared with heat, contracting and squeezing around the single finger. He had never imagined that it would feel so good to have something entering his body like this for the first time, and it was only one finger. Just thinking about what it would be like to have the huge cock inside of his mouth up his ass was causing his heat to go haywire, like the core of his very being was on fire. He sucked harder, wanting Lotor to do more to him, and he was well rewarded as a second finger pushed into him, followed by a third.

Lance's head pushed down until his nose was buried in Lotor's crotch, moaning louder as the three fingers each began digging deeper into his hole and moving in different directions, stretching him out and spreading his slick around his tight walls, which were trying to constrict around them. Lotor had grabbed a fistful of Lance's hair and was beginning to move his head a bit, groaning as he worked his fingers.

"You're so tight...think your ass is tighter than your throat. Can't wait to fuck you, can't wait to pound your ass from behind." Lance was getting more and more excited by the second with Lotor's promises to fuck him. He was beginning to bob his head, partly because of Lotor moving him and partly because it seemed like the right thing to do. He would lift up until only the head was in his mouth before shoving his face back down into Lotor's groin, going up and down as his dick abused his throat. Lotor was groaning and, in response to him bobbing his head, had begun to move his fingers more, thrusting them in and out of Lance's hole. They moved in tandem with each other, Lance's head pulling up whenever Lotor's fingers pulled out and going back down as they reentered him. They moved like this for a while before Lotor let out a growl and pulled Lance's head off of his cock completely, fingers curling inside of him before pulling out.

"I'm done waiting. Turn around and give yourself to me, I need to destroy your beautiful body. It'll be even more beautiful once it's been defiled by me." Lance shivered a bit at being called beautiful, scrambling to turn around and push his ass up towards Lotor. The Prince purred, getting onto all fours just like Lance and climbing on top of him, abs pressed against his back as he positioned the shaft of his cock in between Lance's ass cheeks, rubbing it in between them and making both of them moan.

"This is it my pet, I'm gonna fuck you, gonna fuck you so good, gonna tear your tight little ass wide open with my big cock," Lotor purred, pulling back until the fat head of his cock was pressed up against Lance's pulsing red hole, making him whine with need. "That what you want, beautiful? You want your Prince to fuck your ass, you want to belong to me?" Lance gulped, nodding his head and panting desperately.

"Y-yes, I-I need it...please! Need your cock inside of me, my...my Prince...it's all yours! I want to belong to you!" Lance admitted, body shaking as his heat intensified just by speaking those words. He felt Lotor shifting from on top of him and pulling his cock back a bit before suddenly slamming forward, causing Lance's walls to spread apart before clamping down on his cock as it pushed deep inside of him.

"FUCK!" Lance couldn't help but let out a loud scream as his virginity was taken and he was overwhelmed with the sensation of Lotor's massive cock entering his tight heat. It was hard to breathe and hard to think as another inch made its way into him with each passing second. He was gripping the ground hard and had lowered the front half of his body simply because he couldn't hold himself up anymore from the pleasure of being filled up. He could feel his heat radiating in satisfaction from having Lotor's cock inside of him, and the pain was minimal due to his slick making it easy for Lotor to slide against his walls. The initial hit had been painful, but now it just felt fulfilling. Lotor rocked his hips forward as he buried his cock completely inside, making Lance whimper a bit.

"P-please, my Prince..." He pleaded simply, knuckles white and eyes shut. He was doing his best to take deep breaths, chest heaving as Lotor pulled out slowly. At first Lance thought Lotor was just being considerate of him, trying to let him adjust, and his insides were touched. His Prince was so kind. But after a few minutes passed and Lotor was still just sliding in and out slowly and softly, Lance quickly realized he was being tortured. Whimpers escaped his lips as he ached for his insides to be touched in a completely different and physical way. His eyes slowly opened as he looked back to see Lotor's focused grin. He wanted to pound Lance with all of his strength, but he was holding back just to hear Lance plead and beg.

"Please...please, please, PLEASE!" Lance begged, attempting to move his ass back against Lotor's cock, but he was being held firmly so that he couldn't. "Please fuck me, Prince Lotor! I-I need you! I-I need it hard! Fuck, please, I need you to fuck me so, so hard! Take me-!" He cut himself off with a loud gasp as Lotor roughly shoved his cock forward, making him grip the ground harder. Lotor pulled back slowly before once again slamming his entire cock into Lance in one sudden harsh thrust, ripping cries out of his throat.

"Good...such a needy slut, aren't you?" Lance's body immediately reacted by nodding to that, making Lotor chuckle and groan a bit. One of his hands continued holding Lance in place while his other hand moved to caress his ass cheek. "Well, you've been such a good boy for me, how could I possibly not give you what you desire? Very well, pet, I'm going to fuck you so hard you'll feel me in your throat from back here!" He gave Lance a good slap to the ass, causing him to give a loud moan that quickly turned into another scream of desire as Lotor shoved himself into his ass hard.

True to his word, Lotor began picking up the pace, sliding his cock out until only the tip remained before slamming forward immediately afterwards, the head of his cock piercing deep inside of Lance and stimulating him in places he didn't even know he had. Lance let out constant moans and screams of pleasure as he took his very first cock, walls squeezing around the massive hunk of meat like a vice. Lotor seemed to enjoy this very much, speeding up his thrusts each time Lance worked his ass muscles to tighten up more.

"Fuck, such a tight ass, tighter than anything a Galra could every provide...tightest hole I've ever been inside, fuck you're amazing, humans are amazing, and you're taking my cock so nicely! Such a good slut...such a good boy!" Lance keened at all the praise, bucking his hips back now that Lotor's hands weren't holding him back so much, instead just wrapping around his stomach as he fucked into his hole harder and faster. Lance's chest heaved as his insides were speared by Lotor, and his heat was vibrating so hard throughout his whole body from the harsh thrusts he swore he really could feel Lotor's cock in the back of his throat from his ass.

All the stimulation and pleasure he had been craving from his heat was now being fulfilled as Lotor rammed into him, balls slapping Lance's red ass and filling the cell with the constant sound of skin against skin. He growled right into Lance's ear as he fucked him, and hearing him make those deep sounds only got Lance even hotter and more desperate for Lotor to completely destroy him. The world was falling away from him, completely fading from his mind as all he could focus on was the intense pleasure of Lotor fucking him harder and faster than any human ever could, relishing in it, glad that he was where he was right now. He didn't think anything could get any better than this...he was wrong.

Lotor began fucking Lance with his hips angled differently, and all of a sudden, stars were dancing across Lance's vision with every thrust.

"Oh! A-fuck! FUCK! P-Prince Lotor!" He cried out, clawing at the ground in desperation. Lotor was ramming into his prostate, driving the head of his cock into it hard and consistently, growling in pleasure at the way Lance's body tightened up more in response to the extreme sensations rippling through his body.

"Fuck, tighten that ass even more for me, that's it! Good boy! Such a good boy! Such a good fucking boy!" Lance tossed his head back against Lotor's shoulder and screamed in pleasure, feeling the need to cum oh so desperately all over again from the combination of getting his prostate slammed into and being called a good boy so much by Lotor. The painful desperation from the ring around his cock added onto his desperation for Lotor to fuck him harder, making his body so overloaded with pleasure and need that he could only scream and beg now like a greedy slut.

"Fuck me! F-fuck me harder Lotor! Fuck me until I cum! P-please let me cum! I need it! I need to cum! I need you!" He begged shamelessly, squeezing his ass more to try and coax Lotor into giving him release. It seemed to work as Lotor grabbed onto him harder to accommodate his rougher thrusting.

"You wish to cum? Think you deserve to cum? Tell me, then, my pet! Who's been a good boy? Who deserves to cum?" Lance was crying out in pleasure at the way he was being treated like a pet. He loved it. He wanted nothing more than to be Lotor's pet to use and play with. His eyes screwed shut and he took a deep breath.

"M-me! Me, Lotor! I've been a...a good boy...! I'm a good boy for you Lotor! I'm your pet! Please, please let me cum! I deserve it Lotor, I'll be a good boy, please let me cum LOTOR!" He screamed out Lotor's name at the end of his begging as Lotor undid the ring around his cock, and cum immediately shot out of him. His voice was dry and hoarse, but it still managed to fill out through the room as he came harder than ever before in his life, body shaking from how hard his orgasm hit him. There was cum all over his chest and the floor, and his ass clamped together harder in response to his climax, which in turn increased Lotor's pleasure.

The Prince roared and began fucking Lance with the strength that only a Galra could possess, drawing out high pitched whines from him. His orgasm had died down, and now his body was more sensitive than ever as Lotor rammed into his prostate, feeding the heat that was still clutching onto his body. Lance could feel something round ramming into his ass with each thrust, kissing his entrance.

"Get ready, pet, I'm going to knot you, going to make you scream as I cum inside of you! Do it, scream for me, like a good boy, scream the name of your Prince, your master! FUCK!" Both of them let out loud screams as the round 'knot' of Lotor's slammed past Lance's entrance and inside of him, stretching him even more and causing his heat to spike to the maximum.

"LOTOR!" Lance screamed, eyes rolling to the back of his head as hot cum flooded his ass, each load coming out in massive waves of searing thickness and spraying his insides and his prostate. He could feel every movement made by Lotor's cock, twitching and spurting inside of his extra sensitive ass as he dumped a seemingly endless supply of hot seed into him. The knot inside of his ass ensured that the only place for the cum to go was farther inside of Lance, so that's where it went. He could feel the hot liquid in the pit of his belly, filling him up completely. He was moaning and clawing at the ground as his ass instinctively squeezed harder, milking Lotor's massive cock for everything it had. Lotor dug his nails into Lance as his balls squeezed every ounce of their cum into him.

They stayed in their positions for a while, one unloading everything he had while the other took it obediently. Lotor's knot finally began shrinking, and he slowly pulled out of his ass and sat back, causing Lance to collapse the moment Lotor was no longer holding him up. He groaned, eyes squeezed shut as he clutched his belly, warm with cum. He became aware of Lotor's purring as he picked Lance up and held him against his body, petting him like a pet. Lance preened into the touch, eyes slowly opening to look up at his Prince with love. Lotor planted a kiss to the top of his head.

"Good boy. You're such a good boy for me." Lance couldn't stop a smile from spreading across his face as he snuggled up closer to Lotor, loving the praiseful words and the gentle caresses. Lotor leaned his head down to breathe into Lance's ear, causing him to shiver.

"Pledge yourself to me. To the Galra Empire. Vrepit Sa. Say it, pet. Be a good boy for me." Lance shivered again, looking up at Lotor and wetting his mouth. Then, without hesitation, he pledged himself just as Lotor said, doing so with sparkling eyes.

"Vrepit Sa."

So now that Shiro and Lance have both more or less pledged themselves to their Galra overlords...what will happen when they see each other again? Will they feel regret and shame for what they've done, or accept it together? I wonder...

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~Vrepit Sa~