A/N This is the last chapter for part 2! It is a short epilogue that will give you an idea of what to expect in the future! Please let me know if there is anything that confuses you!

Intro song: Rwby op 3

It had been about a week since the incident happened. They all decided to branch out, and head to some of the other guilds, since the likelihood that they would also be in danger was grand.

Team Natsu stuck together, and headed to Sabertooth, Team Shadowgear went to Blue Pegasus, while Team Seven went back to their world, with Hinata, in order to make sure that security was tight. Wendy, Carla, Levy, and Mirajane went down to Mermaid Heel, since only girls were meant to be there, while the others went down to Lamia Scale. They had Warren to hook everyone up with telepathy, and Sasuke to open up a portal, if anything went wrong, so Erza knew that they would be ok.

Erza was hesitant to not follow Akira's deal. She was originally going to, but then, she remembered what happened when Fairy Tail disbanded. Gray was pushed further to the dark side thanks to Erza's mission, Natsu and Happy ended up living alone in the wilds, and Lucy was left all alone, still grieving over being separated from those she cared about.

Erza knew about the death of Lucy's parents, and all the other horrible things that happened to her, yet she did nothing, other than leave without a word. She felt horrible, and wanted to make it up to her friend, by making it, so that it didn't happen again. Erza would feel worse if anyone was killed, because of her decisions, and she felt that it was best to rally their forces, instead of breaking apart.

"Look!" Happy exclaimed.

Erza looked up. She saw the city, and she knew that Sabertooth wasn't that far ahead.

Lucy smiled brightly, as rays of light hit the various rooftops, and peaked out from the clouds.

Gray smirked softly to himself, and crossed his arms over his bare chest.

Even though they couldn't live normally anymore, they weren't going to let that stop them. They were going to evolve, like always, and make sure that Fiore could have a future.

"Gray, your clothes," Erza stated.

"Not again!"

They all laughed.

"Juvia can't believe that Juvia had to come here without Gray," Juvia muttered, to no one in particular.

"Now's your chance to become a true fairy! If you can make due without him for awhile, maybe that will impress him!" Evergreen encouraged.

That perked her up.

"Juvia will do it for Gray!"

"Times are changing, huh, Laxus?" Freed questioned.


"There it is!" Lisanna yelled, "Lamia Scale!"

Warren gazed at it, while Romeo seemed amazed, and his dad was just proud that his son was able to make the journey. Wakaba seemed to be out of it, though.

"Sorry I'm late," a voice said.

Gildarts was before them.

"We're here," Pantherlily announced.

"Finally! I can't wait to take a long nap!" Gajeel exclaimed.

"That's not what we're here for..." Levy muttered.

"Levy's right, like always! We're supposed to help out Blue Pegasus!"

"I feel like we're the wrong people for this job, but since Levy's ok with it, I'll go down with it," Droy said.

"Let's go in," Levy stated.

A portal appeared, and Team Seven jumped out of it.

"Naruto!" Ino said.

"Hi, Ino!" he stated, with a giant grin.

"Ino pig," Sakura greeted.

"Hmph," was the only response that Sasuke gave her.

"Welcome back. There's a lot I need to catch you up on," Kakashi told them.

"So, they failed to follow through with the deal?" Akria asked.

"Yes, sir," X responded, kneeling before him.

"Then, we can move sooner than originally planned. Mystique!"

She then entered through the side-door.


"How would you like to get some revenge on the fairies?"

Eagerness spiked through her veins.

"I would love to."

A/N That was the epilogue for part 2! I will make an author's note for part 3 that will give you some details as of what to expect. If there are any characters you would like omakes for, let me know! See you then!