Somewhere across the galaxy, Rick, Bird Person, and Tammy were watching interdimensional cable.

"It's so crazy how many stupid programs exist in the galaxy!" Tammy commented.

"Yeah" Rick replied before burping and taking a sip of the beer he was holding.

Unexpectantly there was a ring at the door.

"I'll get it," Tammy said while getting up.

"This game show is so stupid!" Rick snapped.

"Th-They- are you supposed to find the answers or the questions, and-and th-URP-en why do they hold pineapples, you know? In..e..In fact, I don't want to watch this garbage! You mind if I change channels Bird Person?"

"No, do as you want my friend," replied Bird Person.

"Rick" called Tammy.

"What?" Rick asked turning to Tammy who was standing in the doorway.

"he-um, there's someone here for you."

Rick sat there stunned as Morty stepped forward.

"H-Hey Rick."

Rick dropped his beer, which spread on the floor. "M ... M-MORTY!?"

Morty walked over to Rick and hugged him. Rick didn't move, just remained sitting still in shock. Then, Morty threw his fist into the elder's stomach causing him to bow over in pain.

"Aarh! Morty! What th-..are-are you crazy or what!?"

"That's for abandoning me!" Morty cried with tears in his eyes.

Rick sighed and sat up.

"Morty, I-I did that for you. You shouldn't have to choose between your family and me. It was a mistake to do what we did. I-I should never have given into you."

"So, what's between us is just a MISTAKE?!" exclaimed Morty furiously. "Well for me it's love, Rick!"

"Morty, you're my grandson, what love are you talking about? it's anything-"

"Rick ju- I-I already told you. I don't care that you're my grandfather. I thought everything was ok between us!"

"huh; there's nothing ok, Morty. You have to live your life, and you have to find someone you deserve and especially who deserves you, not like me."

Bird Person and Tammy, who silently attended the scene, decided to intervene. Bird Person stood between Rick and Morty and said to them:

"Rick, Morty, you know, when I announced Tammy as being my fiancée and future wife, a lot of people talked about our age difference and the fact that we're not from the same species. But it never touched us or hurt us, because we know that only our sincere love counts. I know that for you it is more different because you are close relatives but know that there is probably somewhere in the galaxy where you could be accepted as you are. On another planet or a dimension, the laws are different. But to assume this relationship will mean to put a lot of people back on you, your family will refuse to see you or talk to you. You will have to live with the consequences of your actions, and you will probably live hidden most of the time. So be aware that whatever choice you make will be difficult and complicated, but whatever you choose, know that Tammy and I will be there to support you."

"Yes, do what your heart dictates. Personally, I do not approve of the fact that someone could sleep with their grandson, but if your love is sincere, it's up to you to choose the life you want." Tammy added at the end of Bird Person's soliloquy.


"Yes, Bird Person?"

"Think carefully before choosing the life you want to live."

Morty thought for a moment about Bird Person's words and then turned to Rick.

"R-Rick, what do you think?"

"Morty, I can't go home with you. I have done a lot of immoral things in my life, but I love you too much to hurt you."

"I'm sorry to Rick because I'm not going to leave you. I-I love you. I-I want to be with you, even if it means that my family won't want to talk to me anymore. You've changed my life, Rick, our adventures and everything else; I don't want a life with you."


"Didn't you say Rick and Morty together forever? Rick and Morty for a hundred years, just Rick and Morty?" Morty continued, as tears began rolling down his cheeks.

"Oh, Morty" Rick leaned over and hugged him unsure of what else to say.

"I love you, Rick," said Morty.

"I-I love you too, Morty. Are you really sure of what you're doing?"

"I have never been so sure of anything in my entire life."

Rick smiles over Morty's shoulder.

"Well, then I can assure you that as long as you are with me, nobody will ever hurt you."

Bird Person and Tammy looked at each other, and they smiled.

Despite the joy he felt, Rick wondered about where they would go.

"You can stay with us until you find a place to go," said Tammy.

"Thank you very much," Morty replied.

In the evening, they ate together a delicious meal prepared by Tammy, then everyone wished each other good night and returned to their room. Morty was going to share the guest room that Bird Person had given to Rick. Immediately in the room, Morty grabbed Rick by his collar and kissed him. He had been waiting for that for so long. Rick stroked the boy's hair.

"Rick, I-I want y-you now."

"Are you sure, Morty?"

"Damn it, Rick! Stop asking me all the time if I'm sure! I know what I want, I'm not a child!"

"Well in this case…"

Rick locked the door and joined Morty on the bed. They kissed, and Morty grabbed Rick's belt buckle and pulled him over.

"Still so impatient, M-Morty."

"Shut up, Rick."

"I missed you so much," said Rick between kisses.

"I missed you more.."

From their room, Bird Person and Tammy heard a lot of noise that night and had a hard time falling asleep. They knew their friends were happy and that was more important. Such a beautiful reunion is worth a sleepless night.