A/N: This has been a long time in the making! I considered adding it as a separate story and if that is in high enough demand, I shall and perhaps make it more of a series!

Thank you for all of the reviews you have left on Duties in the past - and for the messages I have received for it! You're all amazing. If you do have any questions, comments etc, please feel free to leave a review here or send me a message; I do love hearing from you!

So, let's get on with seeing our favourite couple once again! I hope you enjoy!

Keep Smiling!

The murmur of two female voices and the light clacking of knitting needles is muted even to my excellent Fae hearing; almost as if I have wool in my ears. My eyes are shut as my body is curled up in the large armchair, big enough for Illyrian wings but currently filled with soft cushions to help me feel more comfortable.

Little Lunette was born a week ago, over two weeks before she was expected. The birth itself was long and very hard, the chances of serious consequences present and fear in all our hearts about her being early. The reward, however, is more than worth it. My beautiful baby girl is more than I could ever hope for.

"Feyre?" My head shoots up and my eyes open. My vision is blurred so I blink a few times before it clears. "Do you want to go to bed for a while? I can keep an eye on her whilst you sleep."

Mor's question has me shaking my head. I turn my head to my left, peeking over the edge of the bassinet to check on Lunette.

"I'm all right." I say, leaning backwards against the cushions.

Mor looks at me from her place on the adjacent couch. Nesta is beside her, teaching her to knit some booties for a certain little someone as she continues making her present for her niece. There hasn't been much success for Mor, Nesta needing to sort out a lot of issues with dropped stitches and tangles...

"Honey, you look exhausted." Mor says and I resist the urge to jovially roll my eyes. I'm not entirely sure I have the energy to.

"I got a bit more sleep this morning as Rhys insisted on taking Lu when she was unsettled before dawn and didn't want a feed."

A picture lights up behind my eyes. I can just remember a bare-chested Rhys standing in the pale, soft light of dawn with our little girl protected in his arms. His face was full of such tenderness as he watched over her, soothed her.

The sound of a scowl brings me back and I see Mor dejectedly handing the knitting needles over to Nesta; again.

"Rhys is actually such a good father." Mor comments.

Instantly, I shake my head. "He's amazing. He helps out as much as he possibly can. Lu is loved immeasurably by him."

I sit up in the armchair, wincing at the ache in my body and breasts. My gaze shifts to my daughter. I cannot help but smile at the sight of her asleep, her tiny rosebud mouth puckered.

"Just take your time with it." Nesta says and I see her hand the knitting needles back to Mor before picking up her own. "It takes time to make it look nice. I mean, I had hoped to have this done before my niece arrived but someone had other ideas."

I smile and watch as Mor takes the needles back. She completes the grand total of two stitches before the wool tangles again. They are handed back to my sister with a frustrated growl.

"Auntie Mor will find something else to give her instead of booties." she says dejectedly.

I laugh slightly at her overdramatic crestfallen facial expression before looking at Nesta who is close to finishing off her own present by the looks of it.

"Did you want ribbon in the blanket, Feyre?" she asks.

I shrug a shoulder. "It's up to you, Nes. I don't mind. You are being so generous by making the blanket for her."

Nesta smiles, a sight that still occasionally shocks me after all these years. "She's my niece, of course I would. Cass is getting his own present with Azriel for Lunette."

My eyes blow wide.

"They don't have to do that." I say.

"Fey, you're a part of this family and so is Lunette." Mor says and I see Nesta nod in agreement. "We will treat both of you for as long as we please. You know that mate of yours would agree with me in a heartbeat, and he doesn't always do that."

I smile lightly at them before a slight whimper catches my attention. Shifting so I sit on the edge of the armchair, I reach into Lu's bassinet and carefully bring her into my arms. I move back to rest against the cushions, ensuring that Lunette's head is cradled correctly in the crook of my right arm.

My fingertips trace over the soft skin of her cheek, calming her. Her tiny body twists and snuggles into my chest with her legs tucking beneath her. She relaxes, becoming quiet again. Mor squeals and within a moment, she is standing beside us.

I look up at her. She gushes over Lu before looking at me excitedly.

"Can I have a cuddle with her?" she asks. Her energy level is almost exhausting. I nod to her and delicately transfer my daughter over.

Mor shifts so she is standing beside my armchair. Elain walks in then, a vase of fresh flowers in hand.

"Freshly picked for you." she says in greeting, putting the vase down in the centre of the small table in the middle of the room. She sits down beside Nesta. I notice her smile at Mor and her niece, almost longingly.

She had admitted recently to me that she was considering having children of her own with Lucien. He had told her he was ready when she was. However, Elain has been questioning it, especially as she is currently focusing on opening up her flower shop.

"Thank you, Elain. Any news on the shop?" I question.

Three days before Lunette was born, Elain had been out with Nesta, Amren and Lucien to look for somewhere to put her flower shop. Expressing her interest had been easy but since I've been preoccupied with a little someone, I haven't been able to ask about the progress. That, and trying to keep two very overprotective Illyrians at bay now that Lunette has arrived.

"I'm hoping to hear by tomorrow about whether it is possible for it all and then I can start planning properly." Elain tells us and glances up at the ornate clock on the mantle. "When are the boys due back?"

I shrug. "Rhys said around lunchtime so will show up when they do."

"Cass said the same thing but knows to send word if they will be later." Nesta comments, finishing up another row on the blanket.

I laugh slightly under my breath, knowing that Cass wouldn't wish to anger his mate; well... too much, anyway.

My gaze raises to Mor who is babbling down at Lu, swaying gently. Seeing her holding my little girl always warms my heart. She is so good with children.

"Where's Lucien, Elain? He didn't go out with the boys, did he?" I ask.

Elain shakes her head. "He's in the library at the moment, looking up a few things to help with the shop."

I notice Nesta raise an eyebrow. "He's been in there a lot recently."

Our sister simply shrugs. "He doesn't mind, and he is eager to help me succeed."

We smile at Elain before the spell is broken. Lunette starts crying in Mor's arms. The blonde is quick to transfer my daughter back into my arms where she settles.

Her bright blue eyes look up at me and I smile down at her. I run my finger over her tiny clenched fist and, instinctively, her fingers grip mine. My smile widens at my precious little girl.

I hear the front door shut, male voices overlapping.

"Sounds like your daddy is back, little one." I coo to her.

A moment later, a gentle kiss is pressed to my left temple and a large hand cups our baby's head. I lean my head against Rhys' as I watch Cassian move to Nesta and kiss her quite soundly. Az quickly claims the seat next to Elain and throws his arm around her shoulders - earning him an elbow to the chest before she throws her legs over his.

"How has she been?" Rhys asks me softly, placing both our gazes on our daughter.

"She's been as good as gold. She fell asleep after a nappy change soon after you left." I say.

Rhys' thumb skims over Lu's forehead. "That's my beautiful little one. You're nothing but a little star for your mummy, aren't you, sweetheart."

I grin at his words and my eyes flutter shut as Rhys presses another kiss to my temple.

"How are you, my darling?" His voice has changed, remaining soft but concern seeping in. I can feel it down our bond too.

I sigh lightly. "I'm all right. I ache and I'm tired but that's natural."

Rhys nudges his nose against my cheek so I look at him. "Have you had some rest whilst Lu was sleeping?"

I shake my head. "I'm all right for now, Rhys."

His gaze becomes worried, the bond coating with it. "Feyre, you haven't been getting much sleep and-"

"Nor will I for a while." I interrupt. "Babies don't sleep much."

"I know. I just worry. That, and the fact you haven't been getting much rest overall. Your labour was very hard on you."

A shrug of my shoulders. "Our daughter is worth it."

Rhys grins before tilting his head and capturing my lips in a kiss. He runs his nose over mine for a moment before he raises his head and looks at his brothers.

"Don't get too comfortable - we still have some planning to do before we go to Court for Lunette's announcement."

Cassian shrugs, his arms still firmly around Nesta's waist. "It won't take long, Rhys. You can relax, you know."

I hum my agreement just as Lunette whimpers. I look down at her, noting that her free hand, the other still wrapped around my finger, has moved to her mouth.

"Is someone hungry, hmm?" I coo softly.

I shift so I am sitting up a bit more and move my arms so Lunette is better positioned. I bring her closer, her tiny belly pressing against my larger and much saggy one.

Don't say that about yourself, darling.

I continue adjusting Lu before doing the same for my clothes.

It's true, Rhys. I say frankly. It happens after carrying a baby. I'll be saying it for a while.

Guiding Lu to my breast, I help her latch on properly. A low hiss escapes my lips as pain ignites in my nipple at her suckling. Thankfully, it fades dramatically after a minute or so and I allow myself to relax more.

"You are utterly beautiful regardless." Rhys mumbles to me.

I smile lovingly up at my mate before looking over at the others. Cassian and Azriel have deep blushes on their cheeks as they avert their gazes.

"You guys had better get used to it if you insist on being overprotective." I say, rolling my eyes. "Bloody sensitive Illyrians."

Rhys laughs beside me, kissing the top of my head.

"You might want to listen to her." he says to the others.

Any other conversation drowns itself out as I look down at my little bundle of joy. To think I've been lucky enough to be blessed with such a beautiful little girl...

I wouldn't change a thing.

End note: Please review! :)