
Draco was on his way to the Department of Magical Creatures for some help. The Manor grounds had been infected by something that was quickly tearing up the well kept gardens and he didn't know what it was. All he knew was that it looked like pink fleshy domes with black hairs protruding from them. It was disgusting.

He had tried to research and resolve the issue himself but so far he was out of luck. Barney Levit would be able to help. He was the head of the Department of Magical Creatures and might be able to point him in the right direction for a speedy resolution.

He was at the Ministry this morning anyway for his weekly meeting with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement so it was a perfect excuse to stop by. Finally swallowing his pride at not being able to sort out the problem himself, it was his only chance at sorting the grounds out and getting his Mother off his back.

A step into the department and he was met with a furious looking Barney, wiping his brow and shouting at 2 terrified looking apprentices.

"I don't care how long he's had that Blast-Ended Skrewt! It's tearing up half of Cheshire's countryside as we speak! Get a team out there now, and tell the Aurors we need to limit the damage control with the Muggles. Go Now!" Red faced, he spun round to see Draco standing behind him with a wary look on his face as the terrified employees scuttled away. Maybe today wasn't the day to ask help.

"Draco? What brings you here? Walk with me." He ushered Draco to follow him along the corridor towards his office.

"I'm in need of some advice." He started, taking long strides to catch up with him. "The grounds of the Manor are overrun with something and I can't figure out what the problem is. Thought I'd come here for some help but I can see you're busy."

"Damn shame. You're Mother must be distraught. But don't worry, we're never too busy for her! Go see Hermione Granger, three doors to the left." He said as they waked into the office. Barney chucked the paperwork he was holding on his desk and collapsed into his chair with a sigh.

"Hermione Granger?" Draco questioned.

"Yes THE Hermione Granger. Glad I snapped her up. Don't know what I'd do without her." He smiled widely up at him and drew his wand in the air. With a flick of his wrist, what Draco thought was a small monkey flew from the tip and scampered out of the office.

"I would pick it up personally but I'm having to organise a department full of buffoons whilst I've got a swarm of Acromantula giving me grief in the Cotswolds. If I trust anyone to do a better job, it's her."

Draco's heart sunk. He shouldn't have swallowed his pride. He should have remained the stubborn arsehole people thought he was.

"I've let her know she's got a new case. Sorry again. Send my regards to your mother of course. I shall call one day soon once all this calms down." He smiled at Draco and signalled for him to leave his office with a polite nod.

Draco nodded in return and thanked him for his help whilst mentally scorning himself for coming down here. She had already been told so he couldn't leave now. It would be like he was running away. As soon as he had closed the office door behind him he took a sharp intake of breath.

It has been some time since he had had a conversation with Hermione Granger and it had not gone well. Without his father's presence over the past few years, being free to be his own man had helped steer him away from the old fashioned blood prejudices that seemed to infect the pure blood elite in the Wizarding society. He had worked alongside many capable muggles over the years since the War which helped break down the barriers his family had previously strove to keep in place.

Despite the change in his feelings towards her blood status he didn't like the girl. Best friends with Potter and Weasley of all people. Saint Granger, he thought. As He walked down the corridor, he counted the offices, 1, 2, 3… until he saw the delicate silver italics of her name etched into the dark wooden door.

No point wasting anymore time. He raised his hand and rasped his knuckles on the door three times letting out a stream of air from his lungs as he did.

"Come in," a small voice called out through the heavy door.

He pushed his shoulder into the door and opened it with as much conviction as he could muster. As he stepped over the threshold he spotted a large wooden desk piled full of parchment. Dark oak wooden walls lined the room with hundreds of books resting on it's shelves. It would have looked dark in there had it not been for the large charmed window sat behind the desk. It looked out as if the room were in the middle of a forest and that he thought was rather spectacular magic.

Hearing a familiar crackle of wood, he turned to his right and saw a classic red Chesterfield sofa placed in front of the fire and a red armchair just to its left set around a wooden coffee table, the same wood as the desk and walls. There on the armchair sat Hermione Granger scribbling away on some parchment, three books open on the table in front of her. It was only when he gave a small cough did she look up from what she was doing.

Seeing him must have taken her by surprise because as soon as she lifted her head she shot off the armchair, spilling her paperwork on the floor and knocking two of the books off the table in front of her.

"For goodness sake" she muttered to herself as she clutched at her chest. "You gave me a fright" she said to him as she grabbed her wand from the pocket of her trousers and with a swish the paperwork and books were back on the table in front of her.

"I knocked. You told me to come in" he stated matter-of-factly.

"Yes I did, didn't I? I just wasn't expecting… you." She pointed her wand towards him. "What are you doing here?" She asked curiously, her wand still pointed directly at his chest.

"Barney sent me to you."


"Barney Levit." Draco stated

"Barney Levit… my boss?" She moved her wand from his chest to hers.

Draco started to get annoyed "Yes Granger. Barney sent me to you. I have an issue at the Manor I need help with." He said firmly.

"And he wants me to help you?" She questioned once more moving the wand back to face him and Draco felt his patience was being tested.

"Yes Granger. What do you not understand? I asked Barney for help, he's too busy, he sent me to you." He said abruptly shaking his head at her. "Merlin, it's like talking to a Squib." he muttered under his breath. She heard him.

"Well there's no need to be so rude!" She exclaimed, her face turning shade of pink.

Baffled by her reaction Draco responded, "Me being rude!?"

"Yes you! I was only asking what you were doing here!"

"And I explained to you, multiple times!" His voice raised to an almost shout, pointing a pale finger in her direction, "You're the one being rude and frankly rather childish."

"I'd like you to leave my office."

"Excuse me!?" He said taking a step towards her, shocked at the way she was acting. Treating him like a... a danger.

She immediately put more space between them moving around the back of her armchair. "I want you to leave… now." Her wand was still trained on his chest.

His eyes flicked between her face and the slender piece of wood held in her right hand. She looked self-righteous and a little scared. She expected him to be there under false pretences, expected he was going to hurt her. He would find the help elsewhere, searching all the library's in the world. He had more pride than that. With one last look of disgust thrown her way, he shook his head and turned and left her office, slamming the door behind him and stalking out of the department.

He could go back to Barney's office, tell him she had kicked him out, write a complaint about her behaviour towards him but what good would it do? Why had he even entertained that this would be a good idea? Why he had even tried? Did he expect them to get along? Act like they didn't hate each other?

Hate may be a strong word. Hate is what he used to feel when blood-purity was something he thought mattered. When Granger, Potter and Weasley were the three people he despised most in the world. When it felt like it was him against them. Him against the world. That isn't what it is now. But still. They came from two completely different worlds.

He continued to storm through the corridors cursing under his breath every few steps, making his way as fast as he could to the lift. Any interaction with her always ended in one of them storming off due to a low blow from the other. He had too much pride to go back and find someone else to help him now and even if they did he would be in a foul mood for the rest of the day.

"Malfoy!" a small voice called out from behind him. "Malfoy wait!"

He turned to look over his shoulder and saw the object of his bad mood calling after him. Her mass of curls bouncing around her head as she ran to catch him. He wasn't stopping for another ear bashing from Saint-Granger for anything. He reached the lift and punched the button willing it to open with all the magic he could muster. But magic was not on his side as she reached him panting and clutching her hand to her chest, barely able to stand up properly.

"Please…. I'm… look…" She was struggling to get her words out and she drew a deep breath.

"What do you want?" He said through gritted teeth, staring dead ahead at the lift doors waiting for the grates to open and take him away.

"You… walk…quickly." She said regaining her composure.

"And that's why you ran all the way here for?" He turned and fixed her with a patronising stare.

"No.." she said timidly.

"Then stop wasting my ti…"

"I'm sorry." She cut in before he could finish his jibe. He cocked an eyebrow and turned to face her, looking down at her, he didn't realise she was quite so small. She had a pair of heels on but still he towered over her. They hadn't ever stood so close to one another and he noted that was probably the reason he had never noticed before. He noticed now.

"I'm sorry okay." She said still holding her chest breathing slower with every breath, "I didn't mean to talk to you like that… or act that way." An apology from Granger. This was a first, he thought.

"I was just shocked to see you." His eyes roamed her face searching for a hint of sarcasm but all he found was sincerity. She didn't break eye contact with him. Her eyes boring into his, they looked at that moment to large, too hazel, like a puppy. A silent plea from her to make sure he didn't tell her boss how she had acted most likely.

"Fine." Is all he could muster. If he said anything more he would regret it afterwards. She had at least apologised.

"Thank you." She gave a small smile. "I can come to the Manor with you now, I have some free time."

"Fine." Again.

"I just need to run back to pick up some parchment. I'll meet you at the Floo network in a few minutes?" She nodded and waited for him to not in response then turned and walked back towards her office. At that moment the lift doors gave a small ping and the grates slid open. He walked into the lift and they closed gently behind him.

He had agreed to take Hermione Granger to the Manor. And he was actually relieved. His pride was not hurt; she had apologised to him. As long as they didn't speak to one another too much he was sure they could get through the afternoon. As much as he hated to admit it, he didn't want to do all the research himself and if she could help him get it sorted sooner he would take the chance.

As he reached the Atrium he waited at the entrance to the Floo network as she had asked. Just as he had rested his shoulder on the large marble column beside him, a glance to his left saw a scruffy looking man in robes walking towards him.

'Malfoy.' He stuck out his hand for him to shake giving a small grimace.

'Potter' He replied lifting himself off the column and taking the man's hand in return, giving it a strong shake. He had already spent the morning with Potter and the Auror team on a sensitive Muggle security issue.

"I wanted to confirm next Mondays' meeting is Okay? I was going to send an owl but as you are here…" he said running his fingers through his matted black hair, making it even more of a mess than it was already.

"No that's fine. Kingsley mentioned it to me earlier. I'll be there."

"Great." Harry said nodding his head and crossing his arms over his chest. "So… " he continued awkwardly.

"Potter, don't feel obliged to make small talk." He said leaning back against the column and giving him a look that said leave me alone.

It wasn't that Potter was a bad guy but there was so much history between them, most of their conversations ended in an awkward silence and Draco found it was easier to not saying anything to one another, other than absolutely necessary.

Potter rolled his eyes and looked around the Atrium "Fine, seeya Malfoy." As he turned to walk away he ploughed straight into Granger, knocking his glasses off his face.

"Harry!" She said rubbing her forehead, bending down to pick them up for him.

"Sorry 'Mione." Potter said his fingers grazed her Khaki blouse. She didn't seem to mind. "I didn't see you, are you Okay?"

"I'm fine." She laughed passing him back his glasses "You really need to watch where you're going... Are you ready to go?" She directed the latter question at Draco and he nodded his head in response. Immediately Harry looked between the two of them.

"What's going on here?" Potter knitted his eyebrows in confusion. Draco was never one to turn down an opportunity of a wind up and this seemed like a great time.

"I'm taking Granger out." He gave Potter the biggest smirk he could muster, winking as he did.

Potter immediately turned to Granger, mouth agape. "On a date!?" he yelled.

"For goodness sake Harry no!" she said as she glanced around and saw a few ministry employees looking their way. She continued quietly. "I'm helping him with an issue at the Manor. He's just trying to wind you up." She turned and gave Draco a glare which he found highly amusing. He forgot how much fun it was to wind both of them up.

"You're going to the Manor?" He questioned. "Hermione can I have a private word?" He put his hand on her arm again and pulled her a few paces away from where they were standing.

They spoke quietly to one another. He couldn't make out exactly what they were saying but Potter pointed to her forearm twice. Her mudblood scar. He hadn't even thought about that. By the way Potter was looking at her he was worried for her which made Draco re-think his decision to say yes to her coming and helping. The issue with the Manor hadn't even entered his mind because of their earlier argument. As much as he didn't want to spend time with her, he didn't want to cause her any unnecessary duress by coming along with him. He hated spending time there himself and he had lived there over half of his life. It held too many bad memories for him, some including Granger that he had spent years trying not to think about.

His stomach gave a lurch as his memories tried to pull him back to that night. Granger gave Potter a stroke on the arm this time, said her goodbyes and walked towards him, looking at the paperwork in her hands.

"Ready?" She asked giving a small smile.

He nodded once more and they set off together towards one of the empty fireplaces, her heels clicking loudly on the marble floor as they walked. He should at least give her the opportunity to back out, he thought.

"I understand if it will be difficult for you to…"

"Stop. Please. I'm fine." She said abruptly. Not looking into his eyes. She stepped into the fireplace and looked up at him, silently beckoning him to follow. He stepped beside her and called out for their destination.

A few moments later they were standing in the foyer of Malfoy Manor. He held out his arm and ushered her to step out first watching her as she did. She seemed cautious but had a determined look on her face. He led her along the parquet flooring past the paintings of his ancestors, their eyes following them closely as they walked up to the large dark wooden doors to the grounds.

With a flick of his wand the doors opened and he stood to the side, watching her face as she took in the sight.