A/N: Hello! I have returned like for good. I sat here for a while wondering if I should start that second part but just ultimately decided on continuing this story instead. These chapters are the same as before with slight edits such as correcting of words, certain paragraphs might be replaced, etc. Anyways you guys know the drill.

Slightly AU. Includes a girlxgirl pairing, don't like don't read. Other pairings will be mentioned later on. Does start out as Rated T but may end up turning into M later on.


Without further adieu:

I own nothing but my original characters and their storylines. Everything else belongs to their respective owners.


ONE: Keira Stark

Eddard Stark was a man of loyalty and kindness. He wouldn't call himself honorable, due to his thoughts on how they could have treated the Targaryens better, but he was a very loyal man. Even if his family did think he was unloyal and that the baby boy he brought home with him long ago was his bastard. But he let them believe it. He feared if they found out who the boy was that Robert would find out and slaughter the babe knowing that it was the product of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. Not just because he had dragon's blood in his veins.

Their home, Winterfell, had become increasingly quiet after a year had gone by since then and while everyone believed the Targaryens to be gone, Ned knew the truth. That a girl and her older brother with the appearances of white hair and violet eyes lived across the sea in Essos, completely unreachable by him or his countrymen. It certainly wasn't hard to put two and two together after hearing the news from their new King who wouldn't shut up about it.

His thoughts are interrupted by the clashing of swords as it brings his attention down to the training area where his two eldest stood a few feet from each with a wooden sword in their hands. Behind them was Folas, the best swordmaster that Ned knew of, as he barks orders at them and yells when he noticed a fault in their stance. He glances over to his oldest, Robb, as he steps around his sister in a circle while she copies the movement. Robb fails to react to her moving forward quickly to swipe his feet out from under him with her sword.

Ned's eyes move to his second-oldest, Keira, when she stares at her brother, face void of any emotion before helping him up as their instructor yells for them to take stance again. Her silver eyes regard Robb's every move with focus as if trying to anticipate what he would do next. When Robb goes to hit her left shoulder, she grabs his wrist before kicking the back of his knee in and bringing him down to the floor with the tip of her wooden sword pressed against his neck firmly. Her wavy shoulder-length black hair moves to sit in front of her eyes as she teasingly raises her brow while her older brother scoffs.

Folas shakes his head, his brown hair swaying in the wind, with a small smile painting his lips. "At this rate, your sister will be leading our army before you." He spots his daughter nearby patiently waiting for the two Stark children. "Let's take a break." The swordmaster watches as all three children meet up and run off together while he is left to clean up the training area. Ned lets out a small chuckle at seeing his children excited before he felt someone step out onto the balcony with him. Turning around he spots his wife heading his way with a frown. Before the Stark brought Jon home, she was always happy and content but lately, she was distrusting towards Ned while it only changes whenever one of the other children was with her.

"Why must Keira insist on training with Robb? Or even at all? She's a young girl that will grow into a lady one day. Sword fighting does not fit that category." Catelyn huffs once she reaches her husband and places her hands on the railing as she watches everyone down below move about once their day began.

"She's a natural-born warrior." Ned watches how his wife turns to glare at him and he gives her a small smile. "Arton's words. Not mine. Besides, let the girl do what she wants. Come the day she's a proper woman, she'll end up with the Greyjoysand she will have to defend herself. We both know how the Ironborn can be." His hands grip the railing tightly as he fights against the thought of handing his oldest daughter over to Balon Greyjoy. It sickened him to his core.

A hand is placed on his bicep that causes his muscles to relax at the touch. "She understands the utmost importance of what you did. I could never be more proud of our little girl. She's clever, and stubborn. I wouldn't be surprised if the Greyjoys have her march right back after just arriving." They share a laugh at Catelyn's words, knowing she was right, as the cold wind starts biting at their faces.

"Come. Our children are probably awaiting our arrival for breakfast." Ned offers his arm to his wife with a smile.

She returns it and they began a slow trek towards the dining hall. While conversing their worries away, Ned starts to think that his wife could forgive him eventually in the future for not telling her the truth about Jon and letting her believe a lie. Perhaps she would know what to do with him after she secured their eldest daughter's life mysteriously after she was born with a dying heart. But how could he tell her that they were harboring a Targaryen? Ned's face grows solemn as he could feel the beginning of how heavy this secret would weigh him down.

However, a smile replaces his growing frown when he is greeted by the sight of his family at the long table in front of his chair while they all talked amongst one another. Keira remained as quiet as ever, eating whatever she could before the fourteen-year-old would burn it off in her training with Folas. Robb talked with Sansa about how he was going to get Keira back for earlier and the two began conjuring up a plan. His youngest daughter, Arya, sat by Keira with her legs swaying back and forth while she asked her older sister what the fork in her hand was. And Jon sat away from the four upon deciding that he wanted no part of the Stark family since it was made clear from the moment he could understand that he was just a bastard.

Bran, the second youngest of the family, starts to cry for his mother which made Catelyn separate from Ned to walk over to him. The newborn baby, Rickon, slept soundly near Catelyn's chair in a tight and warm bundle that must have been set up by one of the servants. After looking at everyone, the head Stark found his way to his chair as all of his children give him smiles (the exceptions being Keira, Jon, Rickon) in greeting before breakfast becomes silent while everyone digs in. An hour passes by when he catches Keira eyeing her food before getting up to sneak outside. Ned watches her as she walks through the doors before shutting them silently. No one else seemed to notice Keira's missing presence, only Ned since he had been paying more attention to her lately after he told her of the arranged marriage.

Ned turns to glance over at his wife who motions her head towards the door that Keira slipped through and Ned finishes what was on his plate before getting up to follow after his eldest daughter. Once his feet met mud, he finds her sitting on a fence that belongs to the cattle and horses. Keira was petting the nose of a black stallion when she heard his heavy footsteps as he comes to stand next to her. He watches the horse butt his head against the girl's hand one last time then leave to join the rest of the horses grazing in the stable. He took this chance to finally speak up.

"I understand that this is difficult for you to accept-"

"Father, it's not difficult to accept. I understand, and will do it to protect our family. What bothers me is that I don't have much time until then to watch Arya, Bran, and Rickon grow up. To spend time with Robb and Sansa while I can, even Jon." Keira interrupts as a frown forms on her lips.

Ned's lips quirk into a sad smile as he places his hand on her shoulder. "You'll have plenty of memories to make. I'm sure Lord Balon would let you visit." He watches her turn to him with her brow raised.

"This is the King of the Salt Throne, dad. I doubt he'd let the only thing keeping his last son alive out of his sight." Keira murmurs but knew her father heard it.

"Then do as you do best, my little pup. Be as stubborn as a wolf can be." Ned grins as his daughter smiles.

Keira looks down for a moment before her eyes glance back up at Ned's, "Do you…do you think that I will ever come back?" Silence fills the air.

Ned didn't know how to answer that. Would he ever see his daughter again? Would she ever look upon Winterfell after being married to Yara?

"We shall see what the future holds, little wolf."

A/N: Hopefully you guys enjoyed the edited version.

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