Ace: An arranged marriage Lorelai Leigh Gilmore-Hayden and Logan Elias Huntzberger has been set in place since they were both in diapers. They have been friends since the young age of ten years old, and Logan always kind of adored his friend. Now, when the youngest Gilmore-Hayden turns eighteen years old, it is the Huntzbergers job to court her, date her, and/or fall in love with each other.

Author Note: In my AU world of Gilmore Girls, Lorelai the Second ran away from home and moved to the small town of Stars Hollow. But she did not run away from the high society world of Hartford. When baby Gilmore-Hayden was still in diapers and mama Gilmore was struggling to make a life for her family, she went back to the world she hated to help her and her daughter make a better life for herself.

Young Gilmore-Hayden, herself, is a little more relaxed. She does take school and all that seriously but knows when to relax, have a drink and enjoy a party. She did grow up in the 'lime light' of Hartford after all.

I do have the next three chapters planned out.

Anyways, enjoy.

- Ace -

Part One: First Event

At age fourteen years old, the youngest Gilmore known as Rory, was told she would would be married to the youngest Huntzberger at the age of twenty-one years old. Lorelai - known most as Rory - took the news a little hard. She went quiet at dinner as her grandparents and her parents kept talking. She was friends with the teenager since they were tens years old and was afraid of her future.

At the age of sixteen years old, Logan Huntzberger was sat down at his birthday with friends in hand and told he was to wed the youngest Gilmore. He made a sub party after checking that his friend since childhood was not there and drank his feelings away with some of his best friends that he made at boarding school.

Logan knew that he liked the younger girl, he always had a crush on her. He promised to make this - the marriage, the relationship everyone else planned for them - something special. He was going to love his wife, his wife was going to love him - unlike the marriage between his mother and father.

- Ace -

The clock hits a little after midnight when Rory Gilmore hears a knock at her dorm door. She sighs, waiting for only a moment before getting up and opening the door. She didn't want the knocking to wake up her roommates if she didn't have too. Lucky, she was not sleeping and wasn't bothered by the knocking. She opens the door dressed down in Yale sweatpants and a dark blue tank top. "Love, you are not dressed." Finn Morganston says with a drunken laugh.

"How did you find out where I lived? What are you even doing here?" Rory asks, rubbing her eyes for a moment. "Aren't you and the boys suppose to be in the Fiji?"

"We leave in two days. But we have an important night ahead of us." Finn says. "Did you think we would forget about you and your first night at Yale? We have a tradition. The people who you call friends. Anyways...get dressed! We have things to do and people to go get."

Rory puts her hands up. "Alright. I won't argue. But you owe me coffee..." She knew from experience it was better to go along with Finn then fight against it, after a while you would go along with his anyways. Once Finn had something in his mind, he wouldn't let it go.

"Lots of coffee in the morning. We all do not want an angry Rory Gilmore. Now go get dressed or you will been seen in these sweats."

"What am I dressing for?"

"Cute and comfortable." Finn leans against the tree. "Now, hurry."

- Ace -

Rory is the last to step into the apartment on the third floor. She smiles watching Finn talk to the other two people she picked up.

The apartment building was a mile away from Yale, and had a wonderful view of the city. The apartment itself was dressed up with christmas lights, posters from movies from the 1980's and the 1990's, bowls of all different kind of candies and lots of different alcohol.

Finn pops his head in Rory's personal space. "Well, come on. Come on. Things to do." He takes her hand, pulling her to the front of the group. "Now. Shhh." He pushes a small glass, what can she can smell, Tequila in her hand.

Colin McCrae, the boy Rory has known a years after meeting him through Logan, stood on a table with a similar glass in his hand. He stands tall, with a smile on his hand, before speaking loud and proud, "Hello, my fellow Freshman and returning students of Yale. Usually we do something big and wonderful for the opening of the school year but with three of the elders taking off , we had to help with the other plans. So, tonight, on the eve of the first night of classes, we are throwing an all out sleepover. So mingle. Drink. Be merry."

"And show your faces freshman! You were brought here for a reason!" Rory smiles at the voice who just spoke, Logan Huntzberger, one of her best friends. "To us." He lifts up a drink then downs it as he invites the rest of the group to do the same.

Rory downs her drink, looking around the crowd to see who was invited to the party.

- Ace -

The clock hit three am when Logan Huntzberger found his future bride to be on the deck outside the apartment. She was sitting in a chair, drink in her hand and covered in one of his hoodies. "You stole my hoodie." Logan says in a disappointing tone.

She nods at his words, looking at the bottle in his hands, smiling. "And you reward me by bringing me Tequila. What a guy."

"We need to talk. I remember what you said on your eighteenth birthday at your grandparents house. Tequila always helps." Logan sits down in the chair next to hers. He opens the expensive bottle of Tequila of Tres-Quatro-Cinco, pouring her glass full and another glass for himself. "How's your night going? I was surprised you showed up."

"I can not say no to Finn." She mumbles, bringing her cup to her lips and sipping the drink. She enjoyed the taste of Tequila."I feel like this is why you had him come get me."

"You know me so well." He leans against his chair.

She sips her drink, working on her fifth drink of the night. "So you said we need to talk. What do we need to talk about?"

"I want to talk about us." Logan says softly. He looks up to the moon than to the woman beside him. "I would like to take you on a date, if you would let me."

"A date?"

"We both agreed, after you turned eighteen, we would go try this out."

"Make us getting married easier when I am twenty one and you are twenty three." Rory says softly.

She remembered the night after her fourteenth birthday. She remembered going to the Huntzberger's mansion, hands in her pocket and wanting to talk to Logan. They sat in his bedroom, she listened as he vented. She remembered raising her voice and grabbing his attention, and his promise. His promise that they would do this right, they take their time and they would do this dating thing the right way when she was eighteen.

Logan nods, then softly speaks. "Let me take you on a date before I leave. A hell of date, one you will never forget."

She smiles gently at him. "You think you can do that?"

"I want to try." Logan says, meaning every single word that he said. "So, tomorrow night and five pm, what are you doing?"

She makes a face, biting her lip for a moment. She thinks about her schedule, knowing her last class ends at two thirty pm that day. "Going on a date with you."

Logan grins, happily. "Well, to us, Ace." He clinks her glass with hers. His thoughts go to the both of them, about the close friendship he had with Rory and the engagement that was dropped on them. Over the years since the sitting down with his parents on his sixteenth birthday, he didn't mean to but he fell in love with the woman who he joined outside.

He had a whole plan how to woo the woman he was going to marry. Starting with the first date.

- Ace -

She shivered.

She rolls over in bed, moaning softly as she feels the sun against the bare skin of her back. "Gagggg." She swears loudly. "What the fuck?"

Her ears perk up at the sound of a laughter at the door. "You are starting to sound like Finn." Logan grins from ear to ear.

She rolls over, facing him and anger written across her face. "You are cruel." She growls. She sits up in the bed, covering herself with the soft blanket on the king size bed she was laying in. "Thank you for letting me crash in your bed...with…" She looks over to the body next to her. "Is that Finn?"

He nods. "I kicked him out of the kitchen. He was laying on my counter, he was in the way to make coffee. I'm surprised he didn't wake you."

"I'm not. We did not go to sleep until five am." Rory mumbled, sliding a hand through her messy hair. "What time is it now?"

"Just about seven. I made coffee." Logan hands her a hot cup of coffee.

She looks confused for a moment. "What are doing up?"

"Haven't slept. I had a few things to take care of." He slips a key out of his pocket. "Are you sober enough to drive?" She gives him a look, then a soft nod. "These are the keys to Finn's car, the black BMW on the street. Take it Yale."

"Okay." She closes her eyes for a moment, letting herself enjoy the taste of coffee. "What about him?"

"He doesn't it need for the day." Logan smiles. "Just take it. I promise it will be fine, Rory. Take your time leaving, I will be in the couch. I need a nap…"

The young woman watches him leave. She feels her heart beating a little faster, she rolls her eyes.

God, she felt so lucky.