AN: Hey guys! I actually feel like writing today (first time in what, three years?) Thank you for all your kind reviews and make sure to leave more ;) I definitely could use some criticism after taking a long hiatus. See the bottom for a longer author's note!


Percy slowly opened his eyes as the sun peeked through the window.

8:26 A.M. The clock read.

"Wow." He thought to himself. "I slept for more than 6 hours." As a college student, that was pretty rare for Percy. He sat up slowly in his bed and stretched his arms up over his head. He mentally went over things he needed to remember for today. Meet Ryan for lunch at noon, IM Annabeth about the Hellhound he faced yesterday, make some pancakes because he promised to bring some for Izuku. Well I think that's it Percy thought to himself.

Percy then sluggishly slid out of bed and towards the bathroom. He stepped into the shower with a yawn as he turned the faucet on. It wasn't the best quality bathroom shower, but it was enough to get the job done. As he scrubbed shampoo into his hair, he realised something. It was 8:26 when he woke up. Which means now it's probably around 8:30.

"Shit! I'm late for class!" Percy shouted, panicking a little in his head.

He hastily snatched a towel from the cabinet nelow the sink.

"Okay, okay. Pancakes!" he listed off in his head.

It was almost funny seeing Percy try and rush out the door. He was so rushed multitasking between making pancakes and putting his supplies in his backpack, he wasn't focused on the quality of either activities. Pencils were sticking out of his backpack while the pancakes weren't even relevant to a shape whatsoever.

As he hurriedly slipped on his shoes, he noticed an envelope in front of the mail slot.

"Eh. I'll open it later," Percy thought pushing the envelope to the back of his mind.

Percy speedily dashed out the door with his pancakes in a bag which hung from his mouth, and his backpack slunp laazily over his shoulder.

"It's a 10 minute walk to get to school," he muttered, "so probably 7 to run the whole way. I can make it."

Percy hastily locked his door and sprinted towards his school.

As he ran through the hallways of the building, he scanned the hallways for his first class.

"Ah! Finally found it!" he panted, out of breath from running all the way there.

He carefully twists the doorknob and pushes the door open.

His history teacher, Mrs. Brin, stooped whatever she was explaining and skeptically turned towards the door way.

•Nice if you to join us today, Mr. Jackson." she reprimanded.

Percy sheepishly laughed. "Haha sorry Mrs. Brin. Won't happen again."

At this, half the students tried to muffle their snickers while the others just facepalmed.

Mrs. Brin let out a heavy sigh. "Just sit, Mr. Jackson."

Percy walked towards the back of the classroom and sat in the chair next to his best mortal friend, Ryan.


"Dude." he said under his breath as quietly as he could. "This is the third time this week. And it's Thursday!" Ryan whispered, visibly shaking trying to hold in his laughs.

"Ha. Ha." Percy sarcastically griped. He dropped his head on the desk and internally groaned, not wanting to sit through a class only Annabeth could understand.

"And now class, today we will be learning about the Peloponessian War. Can anyone tell me what strategy Sparta used to win the war? Anyone?..."

As Percy attempted to focus on what the teacher was saying, he started to remember something. Maybe something Sally said earlier?

"What did I have to do today?" Percy wondered. There was this underlying feeling that he had forgotten something. But what?

Percy was abruptly snapped out of his thoughts as his teacher called on him.

"Mr. Jackson. Can you tell the class why Athens lost the war?"

Percy frantically searched his mind for the answer.

"Well, the Athenians um- they had the disadvantage of...having...uh...yeah I got nothing" Percy drooped as he gave up.

"Good try, Mr. Jackson. Please try to pay attention in class, alright?"

Percy replies with a sigh, "Sorry. Gods I miss Annabeth."

Tap. Tap. Tap. Percy'a knuckles restlessly tapped the desk. He looked up at the clock to see that it was only 9:15, which meant he had 35 more minutes of class.

As Percy laid his head back on the desk, he noticed something poking out of the front pocket of his backpack. It seemed to be a piece of paper?

Percy reached under the desk and as quietly as he could, unzipped the backpack. He pulled out a small, white envelope with the words

Sally and Percy Jackson

Farm Road, 3141

Manhattan, NY, 11954

Percy curiously scans the return address.

Harry Potter

4 Privet Drive

Surrey England

Percy carefully unfolded the letter, as to not break it. The letter was handwritten shakily as if the person writing has had problems with controlling their movements.

Dear Percy,

Hello, this is Harry. Miss Sally wrote in her letter that this was your address, not hers, so I am writing to you.

Meeting you in a week would be really fun, but I don't think my aunt and uncle would let you. Also, isn't New York really far from London?

Please tell Miss Sally that she has no reason to be sorry and that she could not control what happened. You are my mother and that all the more reason to lobe grateful.

Sorry this letter is so messy. My aunt and uncle would never let someone like me send a letter so I had to write quickly.

I'm really excited to meet you, Percy and I hope that you can accept me as your brother!


Harry Potter

P.S. Who is Albus?

Percy ran his fingers through his hair trying to comprehend everything that happened in this letter.

"Who is Harry? What happened to him? Is he really my brother? Does mom know?" Percy groaned.

Percy eyes widened as a startling realization came to mind.

"If he really is my brother, is he a demigod?"

Anddd scene! I just wanted to say that I'm very happy that I am able to continue this fic! I don't plan on updating regularly :( but I do plan to update more in the future! Thank you so much for your support and I hope you enjoy the growth of my writing from a sixth grader to now!! :)