I placed my hand on Tracer's forehead, the room was filled with Tracer's past. I assume he recovered them in the rumbles.. I reached over to grab a stuffed gorilla. "This is.."

"I love it," I heard her say weakly, I shifted back to her.

"Lena.." She sat up slightly and I placed my hand on her back to hold her up.

"It is okay luv. You are the one that took the blast to the chest." I nodded.

"That is true, but luckily Winston was there to fix me up."

"Ya know, I kinda like your new look. At first it was hard to see you this way, but when you fought out there.. It was very hot." We both laughed. "Thank ya Genji, for taking care of me." She placed her hand on my helm.

"Hey!" Winston barged in, me and Tracer jumped back. "Haha, good times right? How are you feeling?"

" I feeling great, thank ya so much big guy!" Winston adjusted his glasses.

"This was suppose to be your room." Tracer looked around, and I handed her the stuffed gorilla. She looked shocked and happy all at the same time. "I am glad you are home, Lena." Winston smiled at her.

"Yeah!" She blinked into his arms hugging him tightly. It was nice seeing them together again..

Past - Winston's Graduation - Normal

"Congratulations! Welcome to Overwatch!" Jack said giving Winston a thumbs up

"Congratulations! Welcome to Overwatch!" Angela said as she clapped

"Congratulations.. Welcome to Overwatch." Gabriel grumbled as he was annoyed that a monkey joined Overwatch.

"Oh my gawd this is so wicked! I am so happy that you are finally official!" Tracer yelled. "I cannot wait until it is my turn!" Genji rolled his eyes. Winston picked them both up and hugged them close.

"Might be sooner than you think!" The big gorilla said.

"Awe ya big lug!" Genji felt like he was being crushed while Tracer was embracing it even more.

"Ah, so proud of you," Angela said as she walked towards them with Jack and Gabriel by her side. "Miss Oxton, you are up next!" She blinked out of Winston's arms and hugged her tightly.

"Wait ya really mean it?!" She said happily.

"Yes, at first we weren't so sure when you asked to be apart of the task force." Ana chimed in. Tracer couldn't help, but feel excited.

"So, what is my first assignment?" Winston spoke up and they all just started laughing and conversing together. Gabriel walked away from the bunch of people, but Tracer was quick to see him. She blinked towards him.

"What's wrong, luv?" She asked softly. Tracer knew how Gabriel was, he was always so harsh towards everybody, but he wasnt such a bad guy.

"Lena, you should be over there have a good time," Tracer just smiled and laughed. "Why are you laughing?" raising an eyebrow.

"It's nothing.. I just.. Why are ya so serious all the time?" He didn't speak, and she understood. "You don't want me to be apart of Overwatch officially?" For some reason that question took Gabriel by surprise. "Dad, you are such an amazing leader. You have done things that I have seen that just.. Amazed me! I want to do that. I want to do amazing things like you!" Then in a blink of an eye she was hugging him. Gabriel winced and was completely stunned "I adore ya, Dad," she said as she looked up at him.

"Lena.." his voice became soft and he noticed no one was looking so he wrapped his arms around her.

"Just like how things were after the incident.." she spoke softly. Gabriel had such a soft spot for Tracer. Honestly he didn't want to show her any special treatment so he had his moments of being just a pure asshole to her. He helped her get through the slipstream incident while Winston and Angela were finding out solutions. He wished for her to be under his command so badly. He hated that Jack took control of the adoption process, and kept her away from him.

"I just want you to be safe, I want us to be a family one day.." Tracer giggled. Genji looked over at the two.

"Haha, what are you looking at?" Winston wrapped his arm around Genji's shoulder.

"An annoyance," He stared at Tracer closely. Winston smiled, he knew what was to come next.

Present Day

Winston glanced over at Genji, and smiled. Genji turned to him cocking his head slightly, "What?"

"Lena, can you go check on Athena?" Tracer nodded and blinked out of the room her blanket floated to the floor gently. Genji grabbed it and began folding it, "What is with you and Lena?" Winston suddenly asked making Genji drop the blanket. He sighed and shook his head grabbing the blanket again.

"It is nothing."

"As I recall you didn't like her so much, so what is going on now?" Genji gently placed the blanket on the bed.

"I don't like her, I still find her annoying."

"Are you sure?"


"You don't need to lie, Genji," Genji faced him.

"I don't like her!" Genji yelled, but the door opened suddenly to Tracer standing right in front of him.

"Oh," Tracer gave a fake smile.

"Lena, I didn't mean for you to hear that."

"Naw, it is cool, Genj. I don't really mind." Genji clenched his fists and walked past the two. Tracer followed after him, "Luv, it is ok really! I don't really mind." He stopped in his tracks, "Everyone knew you liked Angela." Genji turned around slightly.

"Yeah you are right, I need to find her."

"I can take ya to her, if ya like," Tracer offered and Genji looked surprised.

"I.. I would like that very much, Tracer." That hit her hard, because it was the first time he ever called her outside of her name.

"Ok, Genj.. We will head out tomorrow, I need to rest." Tracer walked back to her room, Winston gripped her shoulder slightly before exiting. Genji sighed and sat down on a bench outside of her room.

"What is with you Genji? You are very confusing."

"Winston, please leave me be," he agreed jumping into a tiring swing across from Genji. The cyborg leaned his head back against the wall, and on the other side Tracer was doing the same. The two fell asleep close, but far from each other.