"So everything is set. You're gonna rent a room at a nice old lady's house. She's expecting you today. You got your bag with clothes but you gotta buy some more. You can't last long with only two outfits. And I got you this," Dean said and handed her a thick envelope.
"Is this what I think it is?" She asked.
"Yes. Every dollar we earned from getting you back. They're yours. You deserve them," he answered.
"It's too much. I can't take it. I won't take it," she said.
"Ssh, princess," he said and pulled her in for a hug. "It's yours. Go start over and live a good life," he said.

For a while they just stood there with their arms around each other. A week had passed since that awful day. They had taken her to the house by the lake that Dean had told her about. It sure was beautiful. She had been offered her own room while she stayed there but she had ended up crawling into Dean's bed every night. Nothing sexual though. She was just too scared to be alone and somehow it comforted her to fall asleep in his arms. But now that was over. He was sending her away.

"Why can't I just stay here?" She asked as she pushed herself out of his arms again to dry her eyes.
"We've already been over this. This is no life for someone like you," he answered.
"How would you know? I've seen so much death and destruction when I was with Bray. I can handle it," she said.
"And that's exactly why you shouldn't see more of it," he said.

They both turned their heads by the sound of a car honking.

"Your cab's here," he said as he took her hand and escorted her to the door.
"Will you be watching me?" She asked.
"No, princess, I'm not gonna track you anymore. You should be free to live without ever having to look over your shoulder," he answered.
"But I might get into trouble," she said.
"I'm expecting you to," he laughed.
"Fine, I'll go," she pouted.

She walked down to put her bag in the trunk and then walked over to the passenger side. She opened the door but stopped and looked back up at him. She could see he was struggling with holding the tears back just like she was.

"I forgive you, Dean. I forgive you all," she said and smiled. "And I wish we could have created more sweet memories like that one... you know."

She got into the gab before he could even get a chance to understand what she had just said or respond to it at all. He watched her drive away, watched her disappear out of his life. With a sigh he walked back inside and straight to the control room in the basement.

"What are you doing?" Seth asked two hours later as he joined Dean down there.
"Watching her," Dean answered.

Seth looked at the screen where they both could see she was out shopping for groceries.

"I'm a creep. I told her I wouldn't watch her but I can't help it," Dean said and looked up at Seth.
"I think she knows," Seth chuckled and pointed at the screen.

Dean looked back at it and couldn't help but smile as he watched her wave at the camera before turning around and walking out of the supermarket. Yeah, she definately knew, that was for sure.

"Why did you let her go?" Seth asked.
"How could I make her stay here after everything we put her through?" Dean asked.
"It seemed like she wanted to stay," Seth said.
"She did. She told me. She also said she forgave us," Dean said.
"And you still let her go?" Seth asked surprised.
"How could I look at her everyday without feeling bad about what we did?" Dean asked.
"You're still looking at her!" Seth raised his voice and pointed at the screen again. "And I know you ain't gonna stop doing that."

Seth was right. Dean wasn't gonna stop. For almost a month he hacked into different security cameras and followed her around. She seemed to live a quiet life. She mostly stayed home at the old lady's house, the room he had found for her. He had chosen that place since it was placed across from a bank and he could watch the front door of the house from the bank's security camera, watch her come and go.

After two weeks she had stopped waving at the cameras. She wasn't even looking at them anymore. She didn't seem happy. She just seemed to survive like everyone else around her. It wasn't what he wanted to see. He wanted to see her happy, see her find a job, see her get friends and maybe even a boyfriend at some point. Someone he could watch and make sure would never hurt her or else he would come running. But she never did any of that. She just walked around, shopped from time to time, took some one day trips, but mostly she stayed home, away from the cameras, away from him.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here, Karen. You've been very kind," Brandy said to the old lady.
"You sure you wanna move? I've enjoyed your company very much," Karen said.
"I'm sure. It's time for me to move on. I can't take my bags with me right now but I've arranged for someone to come pick them up tomorrow. I hope that's okay," Brandy said.
"Of course, dear," Karen said.

Dean watched as a cab pulled up in front of the house. A few seconds later she came out of the front door and entered the cab. Nothing unusual in that. He'd seen her take cabs from time to time. Sometimes she would visit museums in other towns. He would follow her around, look at the same paintings and sculptures as she did. He followed the cab for as long as he could down the main roads. Once it drove out of town to the smaller roads, he couldn't follow anymore. He just had to wait till she came back home.

"It's old but it still runs," the man said as he showed the car to her.
"I'll take it. I just need it to last for one trip anyway," she said.

Dean didn't sleep that night. She didn't come back home as he had expected. He knew she wasn't a social butterfly so she wouldn't be out partying somewhere. He was worried something might have happened to her. Early in the morning a car pulled up with an advertising for a recycling shop painted on the side. A woman stepped out and rang the door bell. After a couple of minutes she walked towards the car with some bags in her hands. Not just any bags, Brandy's bags. He knew everything she owned and those bags were hers.

"Princess, princess, princess..." He said lowly as he started going through security cameras in the next town over. "Now, why would you run and hide like that? You know I'm gonna find you."

"I found her!" Dean roared around three weeks later.
"About time. Where is she?" Roman asked.
"You're not gonna believe it. She fucking backtracked. I didn't think she would be that dumb. Come to think about it, she was actually smart since I never thought she'd do that," Dean said.
"I'm not following. Where is she?" Roman asked again.
"She's back where we first found her," Dean laughed.
"At the mansion?" Seth asked.
"I guess she's living there again but I can't be sure. I found her at the gentleman's club and I've seen her around town when she goes shopping," Dean answered.
"Definately the mansion. Where else would she be?" Roman asked.
"I'm about to find out. She's done being a fantasy," Dean said.
"To the men at the club or to you?" Roman asked and smirked.
"You're going after her?" Seth asked.
"Of course he is," Roman said and chuckled. "You want us to come with you?"
"No, I got this. How hard can it be?" Dean asked.
"Must I remind you what happened the first time we went there?" Seth laughed.

Two days later Dean found himself hiding in the darkness in the forest, watching the mansion again. He knew she was in there. He could feel it. It was dark and he wondered if she was a work. A light got turned on in a window on the first floor and he couldn't help but feel he was being taken back to the first time. Silently he made his way to the front door. As expected it was locked but he picked it easily.

"Come to daddy," he whispered once again as he stepped inside the house.

He quietly made his way up the stars and down the hall. He turned the corner to see the light coming from the bathroom. It was like being thrown back in time. He made his way there to see a black dress lying on top of the lid to the toilet just like the last time. He smirked as he stepped into the bathroom, expecting to see her standing in her underwear in front of the mirror. No one was there. He suddenly felt uneasy and for the first time he regretted going there alone. What if it was a setup? What is she was mad at him for pushing her back out in the world and wanted revenge?

He turned around and slowly started creeping back down the hall again. He entered every room he passed, looking around for someone or something, but he found nothing and nobody. It wasn't until he found himself standing in what had to be her bedroom that everything changed. He stood in the room and looked at the bed she would sleep in night after night without him and suddenly he felt someone was in the room with him, someone was standing behind him, she was standing behind him.

"Took you long enough," she said.
"You set me up," he said with a smirk.
"Yeah," she admitted.
"You knew I would track you down if you disappeared and come running to see if you were okay," he said.
"You regret coming here?" She asked.

He spun around and looked at her standing in a black set of underwear in the darkness. He felt drawn to her right away. He always had but he couldn't keep it contained inside any longer. With three quick steps he closed the gab between them, wrapped his arms around her, pushed her up against the wall and crashed his lips against hers.

"No," he answered her question as he kissed her.

He pulled her away from the wall and walked backwards until his legs connected with the bed. He let himself fall down on it, taking her down with him in the fall so she landed on top of him. He kissed her again as he opened the bra and slid it down her arms. He wrapped his arms around her and rolled her around on her back so that he was on top. She grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head, tossing it somewhere on the floor.

"I'm sorry," he muttered as he kissed her down her neck.
"Stop apologizing for old memories and give me some new and better ones," she said.

She heard him chuckle as he went to stand on the floor again. He grabbed her thong and pulled it down her legs. He kicked off his shoes and quickly got out of his jeans, socks and boxers.

He dropped to his knees by the edge of the bed, grabbed her thighs to pull her close and buried his face between her legs. The smell and taste of her was enough to make him rock hard and when she came from his tongue's assault, he couldn't hold back a growl on his own. He was fast to get back to his feet. He grabbed her around the waist and yanked her back up the bed before settling his body between her legs and kissing her neck again.

"Come on, Dean," she begged and pushed up towards him.
"Just enjoying the moment before I ravage you completely," he said jokingly.
"Will you just fuck me already?" She pleaded.
"Yes, princess, I will," he said as he pushed himself inside her, repeating his words with each hard thrust into her. "Over... and over... and over again."

If he could, he would have continued all night. He had to give up after making her cum two more times. He couldn't hold back any longer himself. She felt too good and he released himself inside her with a primal growl.

"Fucking hell, princess," he chuckled as he rolled down next to her.
"Yeah, that was totally a good memory we just created," she giggled.
"Best thing is that Roman and Seth weren't here to walk in on us and ruin it," he said.

He pulled her in for another kiss. He could get lost in the taste of her lips forever.

"However, that will change soon," he said as he pulled his head back out a little.
"How so?" She asked.
"Because you're coming home with me. Pack your stuff and we'll be on the road right away," he answered.
"What if I don't wanna go back this time?" She asked.
"Oh, you do," he laughed and kissed her again. "I should never have let you leave in the first place. Besides, where are you gonna go? I'm gonna track you down all over the world if I have to."
"Yeah, you're right. Might as well take the easy road and just come along," she said.
"Such a good girl," he said.
"But for the record, I don't want to," she said.
"Of course not," he said.

They both burst out laughing and he pulled her back into his arms, kissing her again, running his fingers down her back, feeling and tasting every part of her he could get his hands and tongues on.

"In all seriousness, do you wanna come with me? I don't wanna force you or anything," he said.
"Why the hell do you think I went back here and had you tracking me down all over again? I had to wake you up somehow. I missed you," she said.
"I never stopped watching you," he admitted.
"I know. I could always feel it," she said.
"And you don't think I'm a creepy stalker?" He asked.
"Yeah, I do but I don't mind as long as you're my creepy stalker," she answered.

He chuckled and got out of bed, helping her up from it in the process. She turned on the light and he sucked in his breath as he watched her start packing while still being naked. He could most definately get used to watching her in front of him like that. He got dressed himself and walked out in the hall to make a phone call.

"Hello?" Roman's voice sounded.
"It's Dean," he said.
"Hey Dean, what's up?" Roman asked.
"I'm bringing her home," Dean answered.
"He's bringing her home!" Roman shouted in the other end.
"Finally!" Seth's voice shouted back.