Am I good enough Now?...

Author's note/Warning: This is a Yaoi story, male x male. The pairing is Seme Naruto x Uke Harem. If it offends you, you might want to turn back now. For those that don't mind that, I hope you enjoy the story. All reviews are appreciated.

This is the first part of my series. NEGLECTED CHILD SERIES. So I hope that you enjoy.

The pairing is:

Seme Naruto X Itachi/Shisui /Sasuke/…/….

You can choose two characters to be in the harem, the character who has more than three votes will enter the harem, if you don't want other characters then it will only be the Uchiha's harem.

Disclaimer: I will only say this once. I don't own anything and make no profit off this story.

"Demon talking".

"Demon thinking"

"character talking".

"character thinking".

Chapter 1

He would be favored by Shinigami, Kami, and Yami.

He would rise from the ash of the forgotten.

With a thread of red that followed him from the pain and betrayal.

He will make the phoenix cries.

He will make the dragons bows.

He will make the wolf howls.

And the jaguar hiss.

He would be the titan of the main four.

With the clan of war holding him high to reach his goals.

with the betrayal forgotten behind.

The forgiven heart of gold.

All hail the sage of the main four.

Naruto always wondered if there was something wrong with him? Why won't his parents and siblings love him then? He had always wondered about everything and nothing, after all, he was always the black sheep of his family. Forgotten by his parents and hated by his sibling, he always thought that it was just an act or something, but somehow he knew he was wrong after all he was six, and he had long since passed the age of hoping and dreaming.

He was the youngest child of the Uzumaki-Namikaze house, but sometimes he wonders if he was one of them in the first place, he wondered if his real parents had died in the Kyuubi's attack or something. After all, a family never abandoned each other and always love one another, maybe it was just him he never knew the reason for his parents' neglect, his sibling sure, children rivalry, but his PARENTS? That just can't be it.

He was the youngest of four children, and sometimes he always asks himself if they hated him because he was a half-blood. (Half-blood is a child born from two Ninja's but he doesn't have a Chakra like his parents.)


The older brother around the age of 13 years old, he was practically a mini Minato with his look and skills, with his skills he was able to become a Chunin at the age of 11, though he is a little bit of arrogant about that, (Even when some were able to become an ANBU at his age.), but at least he was a kind-hearted to his family and friend, unfortunately that didn't include Naruto with the family thing.


The middle child of a 10 years old, he has their mother's hair color and their father's eyes color, he was the definition of an arrogant bastard, but he never shows that side to their parents, though he did in the academy he was always bringing trouble to the village with his tricks and pranks .

His twin Mito.

She was older than him by only a 13 minute, both of them are six, and Mito will enter the academy in a few months, she was a copy of Kushina but she is too much of a spoilt brat because she was the only female after their mother and was the hero of Konoha who had the Kyuubi sealed inside of her, (and it was said that she was the child of the prophecy). After all the Kyuubi did attack the day of their birth, though Menma and Mito always liked to blame the Kyuubi's attack on him being a half-blood, and he did believe them when he was a naive little 4 years old kid but he had stopped believing in his family for a long time now.

And lastly, there was him.

He has blue eyes and golden hair like his father and tan skin, though the only thing that had destroyed the image was the three whiskers mark on both of his cheeks, he had got them from the Kyuubi's attack, but some of the villagers if not all of them had thought he was the Kyuubi when they had seen his whiskers marks, so you could say he wasn't welcomed into the village either. his eyes had become dulled by the years that have come and goes they are not those sky blue of his father but icy blue, and his hair was a pale blond and his skin had turned pale from all of the starving and other things that happened to him in his short life.

Naruto remembers that he wasn't even named the day of his birth! It was only 'him', 'he', or his siblings' favorite 'half-blood'. That is why he had chosen the name 'Naruto' after all he had heard his parent going on and on about that 'Naruto' thing with a passion, and he somehow had wanted them to talk about him with passion too, so the idiot that he was he had taken it as his name in hope that his parents will notice him if he did, and how wrong he was, it only made his sibling hate him and hurt him even more, but even with that he had grown up to love his name because that was the only thing that he has as his own even if it had meant a 'fish-cake'. At least it is better than 'half-blood' so he always kept his mouth shut about it.

Naruto was in his room reading he was wearing a too big for him ripped shirt and short that was his father's at some point in his life. well, it wasn't room exactly he had took the bare basement as his room because his parents had told him so, "There wasn't a place for another room." they had said. Naruto had known that they were lying and trying to bullshit him, after all how in the name of the holy Kyuubi there is no more room for him in a fucking MANSION!

Well, that doesn't matter now, he had learned a long time ago to forget and forgive because they don't deserve a thing from him even if it was hate, and after all, he did read once in a book when he was young. "Forgiveness is the worst kind of revenge..." And to this day Naruto had taken this sentence as his guide and motto, even if it had hurt him. He didn't want to be like his parents and sibling when he grows up.

But he sometimes wonders. Was he good enough for them? Will they consider him a family if he had chakra? Will they ever love him one day?

Am I good enough?


"I DIDN'T DO IT!" Said Naruto as he looked at Kushina, who was holding Naruto's hand tightly nearly breaking it in half, Naruto wince in pain as she tightened her grip even more.

"DON'T YOU DARE! DON'T LIE IN MY FACE!" Kushina shrieked at him as she slapped him hard on the face, making him fly toward the wall and slammed into it.

Naruto felt his head hit the wall so hard that the wall had cracked behind him, Naruto vaguely wondered if he would have a concussion after a hit like that, he swallowed something that has an iron taste to it, great! Now he had lost one of his teeth and bitten his tongue so his mouth had become a bloody mess now.

Naruto could hear Mito's and Menma's laughing from behind their mother, he gives a soft growl and glare at the two. It was their FAULT! It wasn't him! Naruto was sitting behind the couch in the living room, reading one of the books he found about Taijutsu, after all, he had heard of a half-blooded person who had become a powerful Ninja only because he had mastered that art to its fullest. He had hoped that if he was able to master the Taijutsu he would be accepted into the academy, and maybe just maybe his parents would be proud of him.

Everything was going OK, it was calm. his father was in his office doing his work, his mother was out buying groceries, Arashi was on a mission, and Mito and Menma were out, so everything was good.

Or so he thought.

It turns out that Mito and Menma were in their parents' library, and what did they do you would ask, they have sat that damn place on FIRE! it seems like the two of them weren't able to do a thing to turn it off like they had to turn it on, so they start screaming and running to the living room, and their mother had come at that moment, only to see a crying Mito and scared Menma.

Kushina was able to rescue her 'babies' from the fire, but he won't say the same about the library, after all, it had burned to ashes. Every scroll, book, picture or letter! Had turn to ash, with no way to bring it back.

When Kushina had questioned them about it, let's just say that it was Naruto who was blamed for it, so now he was being hit and thrown around the room like a ragdoll because of those two.

"LOOK AT ME WHEN I AM TALKING TO YOU!" Kushina yelled and come near him ready for another hit, Naruto looked at her with hurt eyes, did she believed in them and not him.

"Kushina! I am back!" Called Minato as he entered the house, a letter from Kushina had urging him to come back home right now, so he had come as fast as he can to see what was wrong.


The three of them called as they run to Minato when they did they told him what had happened. Naruto saw as his father's face turn red in anger and look at him, Naruto give a soft whimper at that, he saw his father walked to him until he reached him, once he did he griped him from the collar of his shirt and raise him in the air while glaring at him.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" Minato shout as he starts shaking Naruto, all the while Naruto was shaking his head 'No' with tears start falling down his face.

Minato growled at that, he dropped Naruto to the ground with a thud, after that he started dragging him by his hand until he reached the door.

Naruto was looking at his father with teary eyes, he had hoped that at least his father would believe in him after all his father was always calm and more rational in this family, but seeing his family like that, he could only imagine demons in their places.

Minato opened the door looking outside, with one last look he throws Naruto out of the door and glaring at him hatefully. "Never come back here." His father hissed at him. "You are no son of mine. Half-blood!" With that Minato slammed the door behind him.

Naruto stands outside gasping and sobbing at that, being called half-blood by his siblings had hurt, but being called that by his PARENTS! That was agony by itself.


Naruto had waited outside until the sun had set, he had hoped that his parents would come out and apologize after knowing the truth, but it seems like that was only a dream, and in Naruto's world dreams never came true.

With that Naruto stand up and look at the place he had once called home for one last time after that Naruto turn around and look at the road that would lead him to the unknown.

After that, he runs.

And run.

And run.

Until he reached the gates of Konoha and passed them, no one had stopped him, no one would ask about him, no one cared about him.

So he runs.




Until he couldn't run anymore.

Am I good enough?

So what do you think?

Don't forget to vote for the character you love for it to be in the harem.

Wow, and I said that I can't write angst.

Poor Naruto.

See what would happen next.

Read and Review.

and let me knew what you think. I am always open to suggestions.
