A request done by guestsurprise! Enjoy!

King Triton. A force to be reckoned with and definitely someone that all humans should fear because he was known for hating humans.

He was on his way to visit Ariel when he saw a young human girl limping that same way. Curious, he swam after her and made sure to stay unseen. She looked sickly as well.

"I wonder who she is," He wondered. He then noticed that she paused and appeared to be sweating feverishly. In the blink of an eye, she knelt down on the grass and appeared like she was going to faint!

"What on Earth?" He thought, now swimming towards her. The young girl then appeared to lay down on and was about to go to sleep! That shocked him very very much because it wasn't safe to just sleep out in the open! King Triton quickly swam closer to her under the water and began to close in. But the little girl heard something approaching in the water and saw the large tail of the king.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" She squeaked in terror, now trying to get up and run!

"Wait!" He commanded, now quickly swimming after her.

"D-Don't hurt me!" She pleaded, now trying to run back towards the sand. But King Triton rose up out of the water and grabbed her ankle. She squealed in horror, but he was able to wrap his arms around her and gently pull her back into the water. He then covered her mouth and held her so she couldn't escape.

"Shhhh, shhhhh, calm down," He whispered in her ears.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMHMHHMMHMHMMMMMMMM!" She begged, now squirming and her eyes filling with tears.

"Calm down….I mean you no harm," King Triton whispered once more. He normally hated humans, but small and innocent children were another story. He then noticed her wounds and how she felt feverish.

"Young human. You're hurt." He whispered.


"I will remove my hand if you promise to be calm. I am only here to help," He said, with a slightly stern note. Shaking a bit, she nodded in agreement. Once he let go of her mouth, she panted as if she was petrified.

"I am King Triton. Ruler of the sea. What is your name?" He asked gently.

"A-Abby," She whispered.

"Where is your home?"

"I-I work as a servant a few miles away."

"A servant?! Why are you not resting; you are ill." The king asked in concern.

"I didn't have time for rest. They beat me when I don't finish!" Abby said sadly.

"BEAT YOU?!" He thundered, making her squeal in horror and try to get away, but he held her closer. "Shhh, shhhh, it's alright. I am sorry I frightened you, but you're coming with me."

And with that, he blew an air bubble above her head and dove into the sea with her safely in his arms. He swam at a powerful speed and saw Ariel's castle not too far ahead. Once nearby, Ariel came running out in surprise.

"Daddy! Thank goodness you're alright! I was expecting you almost an hour ago."

"I was on my way, until I saw this young child on the side of the road. She appeared ill and exhausted." King Triton responded.

Ariel's mouth curled into a sweet and happy smile. She loved it when her father surprised her with adorable things like this. She knew that deep in his heart he loved children, whether merfolk or humans. And he expressed it even more today!

"We will take care of you honey." Ariel cooed.

"I-I can't stay. I work in the village." Abby said shyly.

"We will take care of that." Ariel smiled, now walking into the water with her clothes on and running her hands through Abby's hair. "What's your name honey?"


"And she will need looking after Ariel. She was feeling unwell." King Triton said gently.

"Then let's see to her right now," Ariel grinned, now leading the young girl up the stairs. But before going in, Abby turned back to King Triton and kissed him on the nose.

"Thank you. Y-Your Highness."

He chuckled and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. "You're welcome. I will be back within a few days to check on you."

And with that, he dove back into the sea with a soft smile on his lips. Perhaps there was more to humans than he thought.

guestsurprise: Just a quick one-shot! I hope you all liked it! I've been crazy busy so the stories have slowed down a bit. :)

newbienovelistRD: I hear ya, Amiga! We've all been pretty busy! Are there any stories I can help you with? :)