((Authors note: I can't seem to let this pairing go, so here's a sequel to "All She Wanted"))

More Than She Wanted

-In sickness and in health:

A few days later Regina wakes up, feeling the same kind of queasiness, she had earlier. She frowns softly as she kicks off the covers and stands from the bed. Maleficent is still fast asleep in their bed and Regina tries to be as quiet as possible as she slips into a dressing gown and leaves the bedroom.

The brunette tries to make the inner turmoil go away by taking a few deep breaths and she knocks on her son's bedroom door: ,,Henry, get a move on!"

The teenager mumbles something that very well could have been "I'll be down in five."

Regina drags her unwilling body down the stairs and into the kitchen. Queasiness or not, she's gonna make breakfast for her son.

She whips out the ingredients for pancakes, and it doesn't take her more than ten minutes or so to make a nice pile of golden, crusty pancakes.

,,Henry, now. And not in five minutes," she yells up the stairs, and hears the familiar thud of her son dropping his cellphone on the floor. He had obviously gone right back to sleep after she asked him to get up the first time.

,,Typical," she mutters through her teeth and takes a bite of a still burning hot pancake. Why did her teenage son have to be so... teenage like?

Regina shakes her head and takes another bite of the pancake. It tastes so good. Maybe that's what's been the matter lately. Perhaps she's not eating enough.

Regina quickly sets the table for three and glances at her watch. She has about an hour before she has to be at work. If she eats fast she'll be able to make it in time. Henry, will however miss school if he continues to dawdle.

Regina is just about to yell up the stairs for the second time when she hears the bedroom floor creak, the sound of footsteps, and the next second Maleficent comes sauntering downstairs. Her hair is still slightly mussed up from sleeping and she's wearing a floor length dressing gown over her silk nightgown.

,,Good morning, my beauty," Mal says and drops a light kiss on Regina's cheek.

,,Good morning. Henry, now!" she yells loudly up the stairs.

,,I'm coming!" Henry yells back, slightly resentful.

,,Now!" Regina yells sternly.

,,You seem a little impatient this morning," Mal observes.

,,I'm sorry. I feel a little unwell again," Regina admits with a shrug.

,,Maybe you should call in sick?"

,,No no, I'll be fine. I just need my morning coffee." Regina looks at her watch again. ,,If he misses the school bus so help me god.."

,,Henry, the pancakes are getting cold!" Maleficent warns the teenager, and five seconds later Henry shows up in the kitchen, fully dressed.

,,How good of you to join us," Regina says a little sarcastically.

,,Sorry, mom. I fell asleep again and... are you alright? You look a little pale." The teenager observes as he digs into the pancakes.

,,I'm fine, nothing to worry about," Regina dismisses, and more or less inhales her morning coffee and eats her pancakes in top speed.

She leaves Mal and Henry to eat breakfast and goes upstairs and into the bathroom. She takes a very quick shower and puts on a black pencil skirt, a cream-colored shirt, stockings and her trademark high heels. Her dark, shoulder length hair gets a quick combing and then she sits down at her vanity table to put on her makeup. A process, that takes a bit longer than getting dressed. Regina can hear Mal and Henry chat quietly over breakfast downstairs, and she instantly feels guilty for yelling at him earlier.

She adds a finishing touch on her lipstick and returns to the kitchen. Henry is already done with his portion of pancakes and rises from his chair. He washes the plate in the sink and then he turns around to go back upstairs after his schoolbag.

,,I'm sorry I shouted at you," Regina says guiltily and ruffles her sons hair.

,,It's alright mom," the boy assures and then mock sneers at his mother for messing up his hair.

Regina chuckles at the look on Henry's face as he leaves the kitchen and heads upstairs again.

,,And I'm sorry I forgot to do this," Regina adds and bends down and gives Mal a light peck on the cheek.

The blonde flashes her a smile. ,,I forgive you, but don't forget it again," she quips.

Regina holds her hands up in mock surrender.

Henry returns downstairs and says goodbye to his mother and "stepdragon". Two minutes later, the school bus arrives outside and the boy disappears into it.

Regina and Mal clears the rest of the table, and before they realize it, time's nearly up and Regina has to leave for work.

,,What are you gonna do today?" she asks her wife, and Mal shrugs.

,,I'm not sure yet. Maybe it's about time I got a job?"

,,Perhaps," Regina nods. ,,Do you have any idea what you want to do?"

,,I'll think of something. Are you sure you should be going to work today, you do look a little under the weather."

,,I'll be fine. I'll work my way out of it," Regina says with a light shrug.

,,Well in that case," Mal wraps her arms around Regina's waist. ,,I didn't get a proper good morning. Do I get a proper goodbye?"

Regina chuckles and wrings her arms around her wife's neck and gives her a soft kiss.

Maleficent instantly deepens the kiss and presses her palms against the small of Regina's back in an attempt to keep her there a little while longer. And delay her.

Regina chuckles into the kiss and gives the blonde's shoulders a light squeeze. ,,I really should get going."

,,Call in sick and stay home with me," Mal suggests innocently.

,,Oh, wouldn't you like that," Regina teases. ,,One of us have to do something sensible."

,,Are you saying that spending all day in bed isn't sensible, dear?"

,,Enjoyable perhaps. But definitely not sensible."

She frees herself from Mal's grasp and gives her another quick kiss. Then she heads for the front door. Maleficent is staring at her as she leaves.

Regina decides to walk instead of drive to work. It's a beautiful day, with the sun shining from a blue sky, and the fresh air will probably do her some good. She is still not feeling like her usual self. In fact, she's a tiny bit dizzy, she notes as she passes Gold's Shop.

She stops briefly and takes a deep breath. Yes. She's most definitely feeling dizzy. Not "I'm gonna pass out"-dizzy, and not "the whole world is spinning"-dizzy, just a tiny bit uncomfortable. Maybe she ate to fast this morning. It was a bit of a hectic morning.

Regina shakes her head and does her best to ignore the feeling as she walks the rest of the way to the Town Hall. She passes Zelena with baby Robyn in her stroller on the way and flashes a smile at her sister who waves back.

She's still feeling slightly dizzy as she arrives at her office, but tries her best to ignore it as she sits down and grabs her pile of papers. There's enough to busy herself with. The Sheriff's Station could use a couple of new computers, and there's a long list of other things Storybrook needs. Like more departments on the hospital, not everything can be fixed with magic.

Then there's a note from Emma. The sheriff of Nottingham has been arrested for vandalism again. He's turning into a bit of a problem. Maybe some of his friends should consider making an intervention. If he's even got any friends, that is. He's a bully, and Regina's feeling for him has somewhat cold since he tried to trick her into sleeping with him by masquerading as her soulmate. An act her mother had been behind, but still, Nottingham voluntarily played the part. Until Regina discovered the truth and threw him in the dungeon.

Nottingham's escapades are obviously a bad thing, but it keeps Regina occupied, and by lunchtime she's feeling her normal self again, and even eats the salad Sarah kindly collected for her.

She works with newfound energy for the rest of the day. She's not feeling dizzy or queasy anymore. It was probably just because she ate too fast that morning.

When the sun disappears from the sky, she stuffs the papers away in a drawer. She briefly looks at her disk and her gaze falls upon the picture of herself, Maleficent and Henry on the desk. It's a very good picture from their wedding day. It was a good day. The best day possible.

Regina stands from her chair and notes that the movement doesn't make her dizzy anymore. Her illness, whatever it was, seems to have passed on its own. Excellent. She doesn't have time for being sick at all.

Regina wishes Sarah a good evening and leaves the Town Hall. On her way home, she runs into Belle. They speak about the newly shined up library for a minute, an action the librarian thanks Regina for. But Regina shakes her head and tells her that it was her pleasure.

She reaches the mansion and is greeted by Maleficent who gives her a sweet kiss on the cheek. Lily is there, and Regina promptly invites her to stay for dinner. Lily vaguely tries to refuse the offer, but both Regina and Mal insists, and Lily accepts the invitation with a smile.

They call Henry downstairs, (Regina asks whether he's finished with his homework, and he nods) and then all four of them sits down and have lasagna. Lily chats on about her job as a waitress at Granny's, and her newfound friendship with Ruby and Dorothy. They have invited her to join them at the Rabbit Hole this Sunday, and Regina is tempted to warn the young woman about not drinking too much whiskey. Maleficent tells about the family dinner she and Regina are having in a week, and Henry (of course) chats on about Violet and their "movie date" this Friday. Regina finds it very sweet to listen too, and is happy to see her son so excited. Lily then teases Henry and tells him that he can't stop talking about Violet, which make the teenage boy blush and insists that it isn't true.

The dinner doesn't end until long after the lasagna is eaten, and after a most pleasant evening together, Lily thanks Regina and Mal for dinner, wishes them a good night and then leaves the mansion.

Henry goes to bed a little while later, and Regina and Maleficent clears the table once more and then Regina goes into the bedroom. She changes into a grey silk pajama and gives her hair a quick brushing before bedtime. Then she crawls into the bed.

Maleficent soon joins her and changes into a nightgown by magic. She crawls into the bed and promptly scoots over to Regina, spooning her.

Regina lets out a contented sigh. ,,Tonight was a good night."


,,Henry and Lily get along so well."

,,They have a great relationship," Maleficent agrees with a smile.

Regina sighs again and snuggles closer to Mal. ,,It's been a good day despite the bad morning. And it's been a good night."

Mal nods behind her and runs her finger over Regina's bicep. ,,Do you know how it could be an even better night, my darling?"

Regina chuckles softly and turns around to face Mal. She's perfectly aware over what her wife is suggesting right now. ,,I think you have a one tracked mind, my dear."

Maleficent dips her head and claims Regina's plump lips in a tender and slightly demanding kiss. Her hands travels from Regina's shoulders to her front, and Regina feels how she slowly opens the first button in her pajama top.

,,Henry's here," Regina reminds her wife, but doesn't do anything to stop Maleficent.

,,Then we'll have to be very very quiet," Mal whispers huskily.

,,Easier said than done."

,,Shh," Maleficent teases.

And Regina clamps her mouth shut as Maleficent opens all the buttons in her pajama shirt and very slowly brings the pajama pants down her legsā€¦