Hi, everyone! I haven't done a new story in such a long time! This one is REALLY new. It's from the anime called "The Royal Tutor, an" and I fell in love with it! I was surprised by the lack of fanfiction of this anime though. So I think I'm the first one who's doing a mpreg story on this!
This is an omegaverse, so Alphas, Betas, and Omegas are in play here. It just kind of makes things more…acceptable for the universe I guess.
This story is also more of a mini-fic, which means fewer chapters than normal for stories but I hope people enjoy it regardless!
Oh, and the pairing is Viktor x Heine because after watching episode 11 of the anime, I was hooked!
I don't own The Royal Tutor
I Want to Tell You a Story
Chapter 1
The moon seemed unusually bright compared to the darkness of the night blue sky. Viktor noted as much as he just walked into his office after a long day of royal duties. As king, he bared many burdens. He had to make the decisions that impacted his kingdom and where he has succeeded in serving his country, he had failed in one important factor.
His children.
He loved his children dearly. All were precious to him, so he wanted to make sure that they were not only taken care of but well-prepared for the throne. Even young Adele would soon learn the hardships of being a princess would entail in her young age.
Viktor turned at the sound of his door opening, and four of his sons came through. He loved his children dearly and was proud of them in different ways, especially since they've grown since he brought Heine to the palace to be their royal tutor.
Kai, the stoic-looking Alpha who learned to communicate with people who were often frightened of his gaze. Bruno, the intelligent, secret omega who wanted nothing more than to make sure that he could be an excellent fit for the kingly role. Leonhard, a beta who hated to study but now has a better appreciation of education solely because of Heine's teachings. And Licht, a beta who knew the world better than his brothers and knew how to serve his people should he take the throne.
Oh yes, the king was proud of his children.
"Father! A thousand apologies for interrupting your evening, but we have a question," Bruno said after the four of them walked in after the king.
"Oh, you do?" The king said, trying to lighten their somber mood, "it seems that you have no thanks for a king who completed his duties," he said.
"It's about Heine!" Leonhard said.
The king's eyes narrowed gravely, taking a more serious tone in them. He had a sinking feeling that Heine was involved somehow. When he had seen the royal tutor before, there was a grimacing expression in those red eyes of his. Eyes only legible to only those who were close to Heine.
"You know something about the professor's past! We know you do!" Leo stated.
"Tell us the truth!" Licht soon followed. "Please!"
"We deserve to know," Kai stated.
Without a change of breath, the king closed his eyes, "if I did know something about his past, I could not divulge it to you." Victor was trying hard. He wanted to tell his sons the truth about Heine. About who Heine was, not only for himself but for them. Why he was so important and why he should stay.
But Viktor knew that the moment they knew, Heine would leave.
"All we need is confirmation. Did Professor Wittgenstein try to murder you?" Bruno asked forthrightly. Victor could laugh if only that memory weren't so painful. "I have nothing to say on the matter."
"Father please-"
"It is late my sons," Viktor said. When his sons began to protest, wanting answers, a servant came in. "Your majesty. A message for you." Victor turned to the servant and took the envelope. When he saw it was from Heine, he didn't need to read it to know that soon, Heine would go.
He opened it anyway, and when he read the letter, his heart sank. "That will be all for now." He dismissed the servant, and once he was out of the room, he told his sons to sit.
This was it. He would reveal the truth to them. Tonight would be the last time he could tell his sons the truth about Heine, and it would be the last time they might ever see Heine again.
They needed to know.
The four princes went to a couch and Victor went to get a chair. "From this point on, I am not your king," he started. "I'm talking to you as a father…I want to tell you a story," Viktor started to recount the tale of how he met Heine.
There was a thrill in sneaking out of the palace. Dressing as a commoner wasn't easy, often having to take clothes from one of the servants was only a minor setback, but it was worth it. Once he was dressed, and out of the guard's sight, he was just Victor, not Prince Victor. He could walk among people and not be treated any differently than any other person.
And that included being a victim of pity thief.
Viktor hadn't even noticed it until he watched the boys run off with a sparkling item in their hands, his pocket watch. He chased after them and once he had found them, and blocked their paths; he requested his watch be returned to him. The boys grabbed whatever large items they could, intending to harming the man when they heard the words "enough."
Viktor looked passed them and saw a small figure approaching them. His hair was red, and it hid his eyes to give a more menacing expression to them. From his size alone, Victor could tell he was an omega. But an Omega this dominating was rather intriguing.
"Are you serious? This thing is worth a lot of money!" The kid said, pulling the watch out from his pocket.
"I told you not to steal any more than you need," the omega stated firmly.
"Yeah but-"
"Return it," the Omega's eyes narrowed and glared at the boys, the only kind of glare that someone with years of experience and pain could only give when exerting a certain kind of dominance. It wasn't the kind an alpha naturally gave, but one only learned by a student of the teachings of the hard knocks life.
The kid tossed the watch to the prince, and the two boys ran off, leaving the prince and the mysterious Omega to be alone.
"You're not from around here, are you?" The omega stated, not so much as a question but more like a statement that meant 'I know you're not from around here.' "Where'd you come from?"
Viktor had never met such a strong omega. He was both amazed and breathless. Any omega that he had met was submissive and docile like a woman. He had never encountered such a brass omega before. He thought his heart skipped a beat.
"Stay away from this part of town," the omega commanded and turned on his heel and walked back from the direction he came.
Viktor was too intrigued with this omega not to want to follow him and see his world. He walked behind, keeping a few feet apart. The Omega had stopped once to tell him to stop following him, but it was apparent that the blonde wasn't going to listen, a soft 'che' escaped his lips, and he soon led Victor to the home of orphans.
And that was where Viktor learned about Heine Wittgenstein, his mate.