A/N: Kind of an important thing down below. It's something i've been fiddling with so I hope you enjoy this new one! The Scarlet Knight's Dragon is not abandoned, but more below~ :heart: :heart: :heart:

Chapter 1: Unexpected Guest

It was a normal day in Fiore, as half of Team Natsu was cleaning up just getting back from a day of doing jobs. Gray and Lucy, seeing as her rent was coming, something that didn't surprise either of them, were off doing their own thing completing other missions while Natsu and Erza did a little more jobs to help the celestial mage. While they felt it sticking together was a good way to clear these jobs faster, the two of them had thought about getting some time together with everything that had just happened, hence, it acted as a date for the two of them, as everything beforehand had made things difficult for them to spend time. It hadn't been that long since the two of them started dating, but since the fiasco with Jellal getting thrown into the high-security prison, and the emotional rush of one of their own, Lisanna Strauss, returning, it had been a while till everything cooled down once more.

"You're getting stronger" a little proud, the scarlet knight walking beside him commented with a light smile on her face. Though, in comparison, she was still full of energy while he looked slightly out of it, "Though, perhaps we should have brought Gray and Lucy alongside us" she mentioned, "It would have been a good training session for them too".

Groaning, the dragonslayer was worn, beaten, as if he went through a gauntlet of trouble just after one mission, "So that's an S-Class mission in full, huh?" struggling just a little, he stretched himself, "Y'know,... you could have helped me instead of just watching from the side" slightly narrowing his gaze at her.

"If I helped you, I wouldn't have been able to properly judge your improvement from the last one" reminding him, "Your exact words when we decided on this was 'Erza! I'm going to show you I'm just as strong as you are!' and so we began picking S-Class quests so you could back those words up" reminding him.

Floating beside them, the little exceed too was looking like he was able to take it easy, "She's right, Natsu~" cashing in, "You told her you were going to better than her, remember?"

"Oi..." narrowing his tired gaze over at the flying exceed, Erza chuckled a little to herself hearing his comments being recited by the flying cat, "You could be on my team sometimes too y'know" the flying exceed merely held in a chuckle.

Drained of energy, he had remembered something along those lines had happened. Since the lost of Mystogan, and Gildarts always being away for years on end on quests, the dragonslayer felt the need to fill the gap in the power loss the guild had suffered from losing one of their S-Class members. It wasn't that Mystogan was gone or deceased, it's just he returned back to his own world, Edolas, a parallel universe that lacked magic and everyone they met were the same, only their personalities were the complete opposite. However, there was another reason why the pinkette was so determined in getting stronger. Looking over a bit, catching a glance at the scarlet knight beside him, he gazed over at her in deep thought.

However, even she had caught his gaze, "What's wrong?" asking him innocently, passing a mischievous smirk, only to have watched his gaze turn the other side with a light blush, "Natsu... what is it?" narrowing her gaze a little bit, she was getting a little annoyed with the dragonslayer.

"It's nothing" lying to her, facing ahead of them. The guild wasn't that far away so that they were hoping to have met up with the rest of their team any second now. "How much did we get from that job anyways?" changing the subject to avoid any interrogation from the Titania. He was tired, hoping that he wouldn't have to embarrass himself in public like this.

Slightly peeved that he was changing the subject like that, "Natsu, I know you're avoiding the topic" calling him out on it, "Remember what I said when we first started dating? I will not tolerate any lying. That's right above cheating" reminding him with a serious tone. The Titania was slightly strict with her rules when the two of them began to go out, though it wasn't like he was going to cheat on her anyway. Lying was just because he was too embarrassed to tell her.

He could feel her gaze piercing at him, glaring a hole into him even though he kept her sight away from hers. Frustrated a little bit, he fought himself over whether he should tell her. Just like her, he was a little too prideful to admit such things that he felt was slightly embarrassing if they were in public for some reason. It wasn't that he was ashamed to say such things about the scarlet-haired beauty, but there were things he felt he hoped he didn't have to say in front of her, or worse, towards her.

"...I don't want to see you sad again" reminding her, catching her off-guard. In order to play off how serious he was about, he simply just sighed and tucked his hands into the pockets of his pants, continuing not to face her, "I couldn't stop Jellal from hurting you, and that burns me horribly every time something happens with him and you suffer for it..." feeling lightly irritated about that, "If I'm going to protect you,... I need to be at least as strong as you, at least,... that's been the plan" sighing, not sure how he managed to say all of that without feeling a little ashamed of himself.

She didn't say anything, but stand there taking in all he had to say. Looking over at the young dragonslayer, she smiled softly before bringing him into an abrupt embrace. "You just being here, with your resolve, makes you stronger than anything, Natsu. As long as you continue to be here, my happiness is always secured" sweetly telling him. However, just as she was about to get angry with the fact he hadn't replied to her sweet confession, "Natsu..." opening her eyes, she had realized she swiftly crashed him into her armor, the young dragonslayer who was already worn out was in more pain from the Titania's accidental crushing up against, "S-Sorry..." feeling a little guilt, it was a habit of hers to forget her armor would be on when she'd go for a sudden embrace.

"I-...It's fine" struggling to reply, he gently pushed her aside, smiling up at her brightly, "Well... still, I promise I'll prove my strength" determined to face her, he smiled bright.

Smitten with his courage and strong desire, the scarlet knight was taken aback by the sudden strike of the dragonslayers lips gently pressed onto her own. Pressing back slightly, the two broke apart as they continued onto their way over to the guild as they went to regroup with the rest of their team to seek combing their efforts from the day's jobs and see who needed what for rent. However, the two of them were taken back just as a large explosion was heard. Frantic, the three of them noticed that it had come from the direction of the guild, prompting them to urgently rush off to figure out what had happened. They had also hoped that wherever the rest of their team was, that they and the rest of their guild were safe and sound.


As they reached the guild they ran into Gray and Lucy who must have already been there or had made it there before them. Meeting up with the rest of their team, they tried to assess the situation that was going on. The guild was fine, for the most part, but there was a large burning hole in the roof. It didn't spread, but it was still urgent enough for all of them to rush over to see what was going on. Opening the door, smoke rushed out as everyone in the guild started panicking lightly. Out on the front, Levy was all covered in soot, coughing out what she could. She seemed fine, but to contain the fire better before it became a bigger issue, they had sent Natsu, Gajeel, and Gray, up to the corner room to take care of it, leaving her, Happy, and Lucy to tend to the book-worm.

"Levy, what happened?" the scarlet-haired woman asked, filled with concern. Everything seemed fine, but still, considering part of the guild exploded, she couldn't help but still ask her fellow guild-mate.

Coughing just a little more still, she was out of breath, "I... Well..." instead of worried or concerned, she was bummed and disappointed, "I got this book a while ago telling me how to construct and Interdimensional Viewing Device, saying I could use it to create a rift to sort of 'venture' in the parallel worlds" telling her, "And with you guys telling me all about Edolas, I thought I could reconstruct it because I was curious and all, but-" dragging out her thoughts,

"Edolas?!" Lucy and Erza shouted in unison. It had been a while since the two of them had returned, but never before they would think that one of their own could have constructed such a thing, "Where did you get the information on that?" Erza had asked, "There shouldn't be anything documented on its blueprints or anything to breach 'other worlds".

It was then the book-worm got a little nervous, "Y-Yeah... I thought that too..." smiling a little nervous. As she opened her eyes, she was met with the glare from the 'Titania' who then instructed her to immediately tell her how she had obtained information on how to construct it, "S-So... I was just going to tell you ahah..ehehh..." nervously laughing. "It was a couple months or so ago... just right when Lisanna came back, I was curious about this world you all talked about" she had begun to explain, "And naturally, I couldn't hold myself back! Even Gajeel went of all people!" lightly bitter and upset about it.

"Hey!" just hearing in as the three of them came back from fixing the situation. He couldn't tell whether that was an insult or not, "It's not like I wanted to go!"

Pouting at him, she crossed her arms and looked the other way as a means to ignore him before getting back to her story. "Anyways, I was out on a job with Droy and Let, and we stopped by after we had finished to get us some treats" she continued, "We stopped by that nice cake store you like and we had some treats while I still a little upset I wasn't able to explore the curious world of Edolas having heard so much from you guys" remembering, "And just as we were eating, there was... this woman, who just offers a book on its construction, all to just by her a slice of cake" her expression slightly distorted, "It was weird, she felt like 'not of this world' or something,… I can't really explain"

"What did she look like?" Lucy pressed on, "Maybe this person is an enemy or something" looking towards Erza.

Thinking about it, Lucy wasn't entirely wrong. If a strange woman suddenly appeared out of nowhere and was the reason. Coming to a conclusion, the Titania looked towards Levy, "This woman,... what did she look like?" She asked" thinking that perhaps she could gain an idea on the person's identity, they could do a world sweep and see what her connection to Edolas is.

"Hmm..." thinking, trying to remember, "I think she was in her 20s?" guessing, "She had round glasses,... two long twin tails, almost like long pigtails, that started from the nape of her neck dropping just down to her waist..." she began to describe, "She wore a white blouse, buttoned at the cuffs just short of her wrist, matching the white leggings under the long thigh-high boots. There was also black gloves, with a matching short kilted skirt kept around her waist with a slightly thick belt" detailing her attire, "But what caught my attention was that she had a very hefty suitcase... we were shocked that despite how thin she was, she picked it up like it was nothing" surprised still.

Taking it all in, the Scarlet knight was a little worried, "...And exchanged for a book on how to create a… Interdimensional Viewing Device... you had to buy her a slice of cake?" dumbfounded, "Something really that valuable for something like that?"

"Well... she seemed very desperate" smiling a little hesitant, scratching the back of her head, "Saying 'Happy stories are better read with sweet delectable treats' or something, and actually showed emotion for once" insinuating that the woman was usually stoic and monotone, "She also said it she's been dying to read this book since she finally got a happy book one too, couldn't see what the title was, but it looked like a good read".

It was odd how a woman, appeared out of nowhere and simply handed Levy a book on how to create the IVD. Though, based on how it all ended they were at least safe to assume that she had failed in the process, or else something would have happened like destroying the boundaries between worlds or damaging the fabric of space. However, they couldn't help but find it strange that a woman had just appeared and offered rare texts in exchange for cake. If anyone was a real threat, it was this woman. Thinking, that if she had such an interesting book like that at her disposal that she was so 'willing' to give away, there was no thinking what else she may have. The more she thought about this though, the more she felt this woman was just an 'innocent' person who simply valued treats more than anything. Still. She felt like she's seen this woman somewhere before.


Restless a little, the scarlet knight rested on the flat of her bed, thinking over the events of the current day. Edolas. She had thought. It was an interesting part of their lives when the team and a few others had made their way over to the alternate universe where magic wasn't even a concept to help bring peace over the kingdom that ruled over its land with a terrifying hold. It was also the day they ran into, and met their alternate selves. Natsu had told her about the 'Fairy Tail' guild over in Extalia, and how his dopple was a very timid person who just enjoyed racing around all day. Though, perhaps the funniest she recalled, was that Gray's character was obsessed with wearing even more clothes, and Cana being a delicate woman who drank only tea while wearing a classy attire. However, the real shock for her was running into her own 'other self'.

"Knightwalker..." thinking aloud, she stared up at the ceiling, remembering the clash and the ruthless nature of her counterpart. She wondered how she would be if she grew up to be like that. Cold. Distant. Murderous. She began thinking that perhaps the only reason she hadn't turned out that way was because she joined Fairy Tail, meeting all the people she cared about, and more importantly. "Hm?" Hearing something, she looked up from her spot and watched the door open as the dragonslayer popped right out, drying his hair.

As he made his was over to her, he stood there looking down at her, lightly dulling his gaze over at her with a flight blush across his face, "...You're getting awfully comfortable so easily..." commenting, noting how she returned his glare with a playful gesture. Taking his pillow, she stole it from his side and wrapped it against her, rolling around slightly to further 'spite him'.

"Very comfortable" fluttered, she tightly clung to his pillow before taking over his entire bed. The look on his face made her feel pleasant knowing that she was winning their little, 'battle over who reigned supreme in the room'.

This was one of the rare few times she decided to sleep over his place, so when she did, she made sure that she would continue to test the dragonslayer out of sheer joy. Normally they would separate after a day working or doing things together, but it slowly got a little tiresome having to keep letting the owner know that he would be spending the night. Another issue was that since Fairy Hills was primarily a female dorm, none of the other residents felt comfortable with Natsu walking around the halls, even when they would be together. It wasn't ill intent towards the pinkette, but she felt more comfortable having a place of their own in an isolated area,...even if the first thing she had him do was perfectly clean his house until it passed 'Erza's Inspection' level of clean.

Tossing his towel on a chair, he took a seat down, seeing as the lovely scarlet knight of his 'allowed' him access to his own bed. "Thinking back about Edolas?" asking her. He simply just guessed, just hearing the name 'Knightwalker'.

"A little..." moving around, she got to a point to where she sat next to him, his pillow still tightly in her arms, "Mores I was a little wondering how things were" saying to him, "It's been a while since we came back from there,...So I began to wonder about something" stating, "Do you ever think,... I could have wound up like Knightwalker?" earnestly asking him.

A little confused, he pondered to himself, thinking over the question, "Hmm... that's a good question" saying aloud. Falling back on to the bed, using his arms as a pillow. Trying to remember how Knightwalker was brought a sense of death to his face. As much as alike she and Erza were, the real main difference was that,..."Well... aside from both having enjoyed bringing me near death..." he was trying to find a difference between them, "Actually... you both were shockingly similar... almost"

"Natsu!" lightly whacking him with his own pillow, scolding him a bit "I'm being serious" telling him.

Laughing just a little, defending himself from her 'pillow strikes', "All right, All right" weighing in, "I really don't think you could have turned out like Knightwalker" he told her. As she stopped, she allowed him to continue on with his thoughts, "I mean sure,... you both have similarity's... hair color... name" he stated a couple things, "But you have one thing she doesn't, you're compassionate, and a lot of love for everyone, even your own 'evil self'" he told her with a smile.

"...Oh" a little flustered she fell against him, holding the pillow up against herself a little. She didn't like how he'd use cheap words like that. A little upset, she covered her face up with the pillow she kept captive, "I suppose you're right..." telling him.

She felt him rest up against her as well, his arm lightly around her as he lightly embraced her closer. Even if he physically wasn't as strong as he'd want to be, he always misunderstood how strong his love was for her, feeling a little tricked as emotional strikes like these was something she had yet to find a 'counter to. Feeling the warm embrace, she nestled a little more, able to calm down from over thinking so much. Perhaps he was right. Even if she had suffered so much growing up, she was able to find warmth only a guild like she had found could bring, and more so, a person to ensure that warmth never left her. Perhaps, meeting someone like herself was what she needed, so she could give that same warmth to a person like her needed.


The next day had arrived, after dealing with Levy's mess the previous day, Team Natsu had split the earnings amongst them evenly, for the most part. Since most of it was needed for rent money, their combined total was around 1,000,000 jewels, meant Erza, Gray, and Lucy managed to secure funding for their upcoming rents, leaving total amount of 360,000 jewels left. Considering that Natsu lived on his own, he had no need for large sums of money, only saying he needed enough to pay for things here and there. Though, perhaps it wouldn't be so bad here and there to probably help renovate his house so that she could eventually move in. At least, it was part of the plan of hers. The main issue she had at hand was just making enough room for all the armors she has as it takes up an extra four rooms.

"I'm starting to see the short end of the job here" he lightly bitterly said, loafing around with the Titania as they strolled into town, "Well... I can't wait for the job we're doing today" excited, his expression brightened up, "Say, which job are we doing today? I'm ready to take 'em all on" fired up, he lightly slammed his fist into his other open palm.

Beside him, the Titania was looked over the statement, "It seems like it's an easy one for today, Natsu" slightly bumming him out, "This one just came in this morning, saying there's a sort of robbery out down this district" reminding him, "Now remember, being an S-Class mage means you must have total control over your magic doing the simplest of tasks".

"...So the time when we stopped three rogue mages outside Magnolia, and you taking out a fourth of district as a means to stop them, meant you had total contr-" before the pinkette was able to finish his sentence, the scarlet-haired woman had simply knocked him into the river, shutting him up about her little mishap.

Continuing to walk, she didn't bat an eye to her action, "No talking back" though honestly, the real reason she had done it was primarily because she was too prideful to admit her mistakes here and there, especially to the more destructive one.

After their little 'dispute' the two of them managed to make their way to the district in question after the dragonslayer dragged himself out of the small river in the middle of the city. Drying off, he merely lightly dulled his eyes at the woman for what she did earlier for most of the way. Granted, he couldn't entirely blame her as sometimes he knew half the things that came out of his mouth warranted some sort of physical retribution. Though, he felt in that particular instance it was because the Titania herself was trying to avoid being caught up in her own web after telling him that they were 'profound' in controlling themselves.

"We're here" Erza announced, stopping the both of them from advancing as they reached the shop. It was a weapons store, one of Magnolia's finest, so she found it strange that someone was able to run in and steal something from them without anyone noticing, "Keep an eye out an- Natsu!" calling out to him, she noticed that something was weird with the dragonslayer. It was like he caught a scent that was confusing them, something she hadn't seen before, "Natsu... what's wrong?" asking him.

It was bizarre, he himself couldn't really pinpoint it, but he continued as if he needed confirmation. Stopping for a moment, pondering, he quickly went up to the Scarlet Knight and took in her scent, causing her to fluster and smack him for doing something embarrassing in public, "N-No... definitely not the same but,..." somehow despite the impact she gave him, he was still able to figure out whatever was bothering him.

"N-Natsu!" her face was burning red, almost the same color as her hair, "What do you think you're doing in public like that?" her heart began to race slightly. Never before had the pinkette done anything shameful like that, she felt. However, as the words replayed herself, her face dyed further as she implied this was something normal for them in private situations.

Reeling in slightly, he was completely out of it, dizzy, "S-Sorry..." getting up, he shook it off as much as he could until he regained his normal composure, "It's just I caught a strange scent" telling her, "It smelled almost a little like you, but there was a tiny difference in it... I just had to make sure" still trying to recover from the maiden's blow.

"Oh good you're here bu-" the owner of the shop popped out, changing her attention towards him. Stopping for a moment upon seeing the Titania's face, he was baffled beyond compare, "W-...Didn't you just come by earlier?" asking the two.

This caught the attention of Erza who was beyond baffled, "No... We just got here" trying to make sense of the situation, she had wondered if Natsu's situation was somehow involved, "Would you mind telling us what happened?" honestly asking him.

"Y-Yeah..." still a little startled, the owner began, "You see... I was opening the shop this morning, and I swore you stopped by" he told her, "Only you were wearing another 'armor' I assumed, and you asked what kind of weapons we sold. Well. I was taken aback by your strange behavior, seeing as you acted like you've never been here before, that it slipped my mind someone was running off with some of my wares" informing her. It was strange, first Natsu was talking about something being 'slightly different' and now someone was claiming to have seen her not too long ago. "Well, what I mean to say is that..."

Before the man could continue on, a familiar voice entered the room, "I brought back the stolen goods from your store" it was strange, not by the words they used but because the voice was exactly like her own, turning around, she had seen a young woman with hair as scarlet as her own, only it was just slightly reaching her shoulders. "Oh, you're here" passing on an indifferent, but perhaps irritable tone. There was no doubt about it, as it was the same revealing, halter-type armor breastplate top that left much of her cleavage and stomach exposed, with light-armored gauntlets and greaves on her forearms and forelegs, respectively, as well as her thighs. She also had a dark bikini bottom with a piece of cloth obscuring her hips and wore a dark scarf around her neck, while carrying around a large lance behind her.

"Erza,... Knightwalker" she uttered. It was her other-counterpart in Edolas, standing right before her. "What are you doing here?" a little nervous, her heart sped up, wondering what the Royal Captain of the 2nd Magic War Division was doing here.

Ignoring her slightly, the duplicate of hers passed by, dragging the bag of stolen wares and dropped it in front of the man, "I tracked the thieves to a small den" informing him, "Took me a while, but I felt they were working for a much larger group so I took it upon myself to deal with them as I pleased" telling him, "Anyways, I'll see you around" waving the man off as she made her way off. She seemed differently than when they last met. Sure, she was still the tough, isolated hunter, but after their 'quarrel' Scarlet had thought she managed to leave an impact, but it still seems she's a little cold to her.

"Knightwalker, wait!" wanting to talk to her, Erza Scarlet, not Knightwalker, made ways to stop her, "What're yo-"

However, just as she rushed up, Natsu quickly threw himself at Knightwalker, taking them both by surprise as he rammed her into the wall of the store before throwing her to the ground, keeping her pinned. It wasn't rough, but he was holding her by the shoulder and covering her mouth as he lightly glared at the front. Furious by his actions, the Titania was about to reprimand the dragonslayer for his burst of violent action against her counterpart for no reason. Though, she felt a presence that she began to know what he was talking about. Outside it was slowly being swarmed with people from the Magic Council detention officers. Natsu must have caught wind of them, seeing as their scent had appeared a few times during their travels.

"What do you think you're doing, Dragneel?" mumbling, her eyes lightly narrowing against the dragonslayer. Shoving him off for his sudden action, she peered out a little to see the place outside littered with soldiers. However, he had quickly pulled her back down out of sight, watching as him and Scarlet exchanged looks to one another before nodding in sync.

Making a move, Scarlet had made her way out of the store as the pinkette did his best to subdue the doppelganger from Edolas. The whole district was flooded with members from the discipline committee and she had a feeling her other was the reason why. Pushing that thought into the back of her mind, she pressed on outside as the leader of the committee came to greet her. It was the same person that had come for her back earlier on when she was arrested as a publicity event so that they Council was properly doing their job to control the mage's and their guilds.

"Good Evening, Titania" he greeted her. "We received an anonymous tip that a mage with scarlet hair was seen here earlier interacting with a dark guild on their own" mentioning to her, "Seeing as you and your guild are infamous for their misdeeds against the Council's wishes, I had come to see what the ruckus was about" informing her.

Wondering about the connection it had with Knightwalker, she pushed it aside for now as she confronted the man, "I came here on a job" telling him with a sure light smile to ease the suspicion, "I haven't heard anything about a dark guild as I was just here to speak to a client about a request" informing him.

"Oh?" curious, he had wondered what the Fairy Queen was doing here and what the job entailed, "We had eyes that one of the stores here was robbed not too long ago" stating, "Turns out the robbers of the store made off with some hefty weapons" continuing on, "We found a Dark Guild not too far from here, and the members identified by the citizens around matched that the perpetrators belonged to that guild. Every member of said guild has been recently reported deceased. We believe Fairy Tail to be involved as your history on acting without permission from the Council or any other means exceed your reputation"

Things were starting to get a little tense, "Oh?" she couldn't deny that Fairy Tail was infamous for getting involved with Dark Guilds here and there, especially since Phantom Lord, Eisenwald, and Oracion Seis, "Well I can assure you, Fairy Tail has done its best to keep under the Council's radar" assuring him.

"Can I see your request form then?" asking. She could tell that he didn't trust her a bit, but seeing as it was the only thing they could to fully trust her words, she had no choice but to hear, "It's not like we don't trust you, we just want to have proof that Fairy Tail isn't involved in this matter. Worry not, I will personally tell Gran Dorma myself that Fairy Tail had nothing to do with this matter".

Tensed, she knew that if she handed him the form about the robbery request that there was nothing she could do to get the council off of them. The worst part of the matter was that there were things she needed to ask Knightwalker about, that if she was found out here, she wouldn't be able to finish such things. She had to think fast, though, the longer she waited to show him the form, the more suspicious she would look.

"Excuse me, miss!" catching them both off guard was the weapon store owner. "You ran off without your form" saying as he made his way over. Relieved, she had seen that he held a separate request form that was probably drawn up in the time she had spent talking to the head of the committee, "Here, thank you very much for helping us moving the materials around" with a smile, he placed the reward money, "Good evening, officers" paying homage to the members of the Magic Council, "I trust everything is okay?"

Curious, he took a look at the request form, "The job entails that you requested help to gather, stock, and organize materials" reading the 'fake' request out. Pondering over it, passing a glance over to both Scarlet and the shop owner, "That's enough" making a motion to send his team away, the head of the committee began to make his way off, "However, remember this, if we find trace that Fairy Tail was involved, we will show no hesitation to make ourselves comfort at your doorstep" saying as he passed with his men.

"...And Fairy Tail will be welcoming you with open arms" saying in a low voice as he was just far enough away. Though, she had noticed that he was whispering something to one of his men, hoping that the dragonslayer caught wind of it, or at least bits of it.

With the threat passing, she let out a relief as she heard a light brawl happening from the shop. Alert, she and the store owner rushed over to see Knightwalker and Dragneel raring to fight against one another. She was probably annoyed that Natsu had, without her permission, held her out of sight and sound while everything had settled. Though, with them gone, the Edolas-self had found it a perfect opportunity to pay the dragonslayer back for his sudden strike. She noticed she still had her ever-changing spear with 10 forms, the Ten Commandments, at her disposal. Seeing as they were in a magic-rich world, there was no doubt her magic weapon could work and operate as long as it was intact.

"Explain yourself" pointing the spear at both the dragon and the Titania, "What do you both get out of protecting me?" asking aloud, "I am nothing in this world, as such, aren't I allowed to act freely?" questioning the two of them, "I've committed no crime other than my continuing my duty"

Sighing, she approached her other self with no qualms, "Why don't we all go some place quiet and have a little talk" saying. Exhausted, this was more than she wanted to deal when she woke up this morning. "I'm sure you're curious as to why you're here in the first place, and hopefully we can find a connection to all of this" sighing, she re-quiped into her casual white-sleeveless blouse and blue skirt, "Natsu~ come on, let's go" calling out to her beloved.

A little frustrated as he had just gotten pumped up for a fight, he sighed, letting the flames around his fist extinguish, "Sure sure" making his way over. Making sure Knightwalker had followed behind him.

For a moment, she wasn't sure that her doppel was going to even bother follow them, but considering the idea that she herself wanted to know what happened she had no choice but to comply. As the dragonslayer made way beside, his hands in his pockets, she fiddled a little with her hands as they continued to search for a place to talk. Passing glances, she paid mind between both her hands and then his until her consistent behavior was noticed by the pinkette. He had seen what she was doing in the corner of his eye and eventually gained an idea of what the Titania wanted. Seeing that, she sparked just a little as he took her hand, lacing them gently as the three of them made their way off. Whatever happened, they were hoping it could be easily fixed.

A/N: And here it is! The first chapter of a three part...four part...(Darky forgot) but it will be at most 3 or 4. It was an idea I had while discussing with a couple friends of mine that "What if Knightwalker reappeared?" and so they kind of helped me form this idea. I've been joking about the "Darky Dark Universe" but I kind felt it seemed fun to experiment with that dontcha think? ;) Anyways before I forget, I must pay dues to 'thehappy' for advising I use the "Interdimensonal Viewing Device" from their own story to make this a little reality. Before I was going to use the "Anima" again but after doing a little look-up I found out it wouldn't work as it's only a "magic" thing and couldn't be used to bring in Knightwalker. (Darky really wanted Knightwalker) Hey! not only oooohh I see you lil' devil. But yeah, friends and I talked about Knightwalker and thought it'd be nice to bring back Edolas, even just its people again. I know Knightwalker isn't the same 'cold sadist' and she's more gentler, buttt, I thought it'd be nice to still have some of that parts of her retain. But yeah! I hope you all enjoy this new story (People, Darky Dark just doesn't want you good readers to mob them) that too! And the other stories like 'Boiling Water' and 'The Scarlet Knight's Dragon' will be uppp well, after! Also! I'm going to put up a poll on my page? so pleaase check it out :3.