Fareeha smiled as she watched Aarón chase after Adrián, the latter waving a plastic sword around madly. Behind them toddled Aya, trying desperately to keep up with her two cousins.

"Boys, slow down a bit. Aya's trying to play too." Rahma called before she turned back towards the coffee table to pick up her cup of tea.

Angela chuckled as she sipped at her own cup of the drink, having grown to prefer it to coffee in her old age. "Now, Rahma, are you sure that's a good idea? Remember what happened when we told you the same thing with Milo?"

Rahma rolled her eyes and sighed, Fareeha grinning as she thought about how of all the behavioural traits to pick up off Angela, that was the one their daughter got the most. She was going to add something to her wife's comment, but was cut short by her son.

"Yeah, Rahma. You got told to slow down and since then you've never been faster than me!" He proclaimed, flexing his right arm while looking pointedly as his own wife, Yasmine. Fareeha had great trouble keeping a straight face at the lack of muscle that showed and a glance at Angela showed that she was faring equally as well.

"Doesn't matter. I could stick you in a choke hold and make you pass out any day." Rahma retaliated. She flexed her arm too, and Fareeha was powerless to not snort at the way Milo blanched at the muscles his sister did have.

"Honestly, it's times like these I'm glad I'm an only child." Lucián, Rahma's husband, commented.

During the conversation, the three children had managed to exit the room. None of the adults noticed (nor would they have been particularly worried if they had) until a loud crash was heard in the dining room, followed by equally as loud crying. A second later, Aarón was coming back into the room with his arm around Adrián, the other boy holding his nose as he cried. Angela saw the tiniest drip of red and was off to fetch some tissue paper for his nose.

She came back in at the same time Aya stumbled back into the room, the two-year-old looking incredibly pleased with herself.

Angela sat back down on her side of the sofa next to Fareeha and patted her knee. "Come sit here, Adrián, let Oma look at you.". She smiled. The five-year-old climbed onto her lap but stayed covering his nose until she pried his hand away. It wasn't broken, but it was bleeding nastily.

"Aya, why are you smiling?" Milo asked his daughter.

"I trip him." She grinned toothily as Yasmine walked over to pick her up and scold her for doing such a thing.

"It's your Oma's and Gidda's 40th wedding anniversary and you behave like this." Yasmine couldn't keep the exasperation from her voice, especially when her daughter simply continued to grin at her actions.

Fareeha reached over to her still crying grandson and rubbed his back up and down to soothe him. "Don't worry about it." She told her daughter-in-law before turning to Adrián. "When Oma and I first met, she used to have to patch me up all the time." She winked as the boy began to stop crying, Angela rolling her eyes behind the glasses that she now had to wear constantly, her eyesight having deteriorated to the point contact lenses were useless.

"Please don't encourage them.". Angela looked at the grandson on her lap, then to her other grandson and granddaughter. All three children were looking at her expectantly. "When I was younger, I used to be a doctor, and would fix people all the time." She explained. "Gidda used to get hurt so I would fix her. Sometimes I think she did it on purpose to talk to me.". She watched as Aarón settled into her wife's lap.

She wanted to explain further, but was cut off by Rahma asking her to not scare the children.

Fareeha waved her hand to brush her daughter off, glancing at her wrist as she heard the joint crack before she went to explain further. "I did not. Besides, she was the one who wanted to go for dinner all the time, and the one who wanted to buy this house together.". She saw the way her son and daughter smiled, both of them having heard stories of their lives together multiple times. Their in-laws had heard a lot about them too, but their grandchildren were just hearing their story for the first time.

"We got married 40 years ago today, which is why you're all here, and had your Mama five years later." Angela lightly tapped Adrián on the nose, it now having stopped bleeding "And then, three years later, we had Aya's Baba.".

"That's so cool!" Aarón gaped, hanging on to every word either of his grandmothers said.

They talked more after that. About their lives together, what their friends were like, what Overwatch was like. Their grandchildren constantly stopped them to ask questions, giggling wildly with every new tale about Jesse or Lena or Genji that they pried from their grandmothers. Their children and in-laws simply sat and smiled as they reminisced and told stories about the last 40 years they had spent together; the happiest 40 years of their lives.

Nearly two hours later, they finally finished with:

"The first time we fell for each other, was the last time we fell for anyone.".

They looked into each other's eyes and knew that nothing else was truer than those words.

A/N: So this is done now! If I'm honest, this is probably the last thing I'm going to post here. If you enjoyed this and want me, please swing over to AO3. There's more to this verse there, and I'll be starting some kind of not really Widowtracer in January (also femslash week next month mhm).

Thank you so much for all the support over the past 14 chapters, and I am eternally grateful for it 3