AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks to arvinsharifzadeh for letting me know her name is spelled "Cheri" and not "Sherie". Much appreciated.

This marks my third stop on my kids' TV show marathon. My first fic on this little trip was a Blue's Clues fic, and I just finished a PAW Patrol multi-chapter fic over the course of a week. Now, I'm gonna be writing a fic on Clifford the Big Red Dog, specifically its spin-off Clifford's Puppy Days. This is a show I've wanted to write a fic on for quite some time; I loved the Clifford's Puppy Days spin-off more than the original show (though I'm sure most of us can relate). Like PAW Patrol, I recently started watching episodes again and waves of nostalgia hit me. So naturally, this fic was a long time coming.

As for this fic itself, I'd recommend watching the episode Your Secret Valentine first in order to understand the fic, as this is pretty much a sequel to that. It was one of the latest episodes I watched, and the female puppy Clifford had a crush on had a lot of potential in my opinion. I just wished that the show did more with it. But ah well, at least you have this nifty fic!

But anyways, enough chit-chat. Let's take a little trip down memory lane.

It was a nice sunny morning at the big city. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the people were going about the day. One particular place of the city was an apartment complex, near the heart of the area. It was a large red brick building with three or four stories, housing those who were either looking for a place to stay at while waiting for their big lives to begin or those who just wanted a simple place to live in. Our story begins here... why is it so notable you ask?


That's why.

A small red dog was running through the park in front of the apartment complex. His name was Clifford; despite being the runt of his litter, Emily Elizabeth Howard chose him to be her pet, which is how he came to live here. Though he was small, even smaller than most pups his age, he had the energy and stamina of dogs five times as big. Being red, no one really knew what breed he was, especially considering his brothers and sisters were blue, gray, etc. The reason behind his red coat was also a mystery. A disease? A genetic mutation? No one knew, but it thankfully didn't seem to affect his health.

This also didn't alienate him from his friends around the apartment complex either. His adoptive sister Daffodil was a Holland Lop and Emily Elizabeth's first pet. Her prim and proper way of going about things often clashed with Clifford's energetic persona, but that didn't stop them from being close. His best friend, Jorge the Dachshund (better known as a Wiener-Dog, but he really hated being called that), is the pet of a friend Emily Elizabeth made. Jorge was just as energetic and playful as Clifford was, so they naturally became friends. Clifford also managed to befriend Flo and Zo, two twin Siberian cats who lived one floor below. As unbelievable as it seemed, they were actually MORE playful than Clifford. They also never left each others' side always sticking together through and through. And then there was Norville. He didn't live in the complex like Clifford's other friends; instead, he had his own nest in a tree right in front of the building. He often gave poor advice to Clifford, or made a big deal of a tiny situation, but his intentions were always in the right.

Though recently, Clifford made a new addition to his circle of friends; Cheri. Though a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, she was about the size of Clifford, a rare occurrence. The two met on Valentines Day about a week prior; Clifford wanted to impress her (thanks to Norville's advice), so be tried a variety of tactics from balancing a bone on his nose to trying to deliver her as many doggie treats as possible. Just as he gave up though, Cheri turned out to be the one who asked him to be her Valentine. The two ended up sharing a heart-shaped doggie treat, and after a rather long playdate, the two had to part ways. Clifford hadn't seen her since.

That was about to change.

Today, Clifford and Emily Elizabeth were playing fetch outside. Emily held the green ball in front of her pet, shaking it.

"You want it boy?" she asked. "You want it?"

"RUFF!" Clifford yipped.

"OK," Emily Elizabeth said as she winded up her arm.

Clifford got ready to case the ball.

"FETCH!" the girl called as she threw the ball forward.

Clifford raced as fast as his little legs could carry him. He loved playing fetch with Emily Elizabeth. Heck, he loved playing with Elimy Elizabeth in general. He loved her, and she loved him. They two were inseparable.

However, as Clifford raced to get the ball, something caught his eye. He turned his head for one brief second, then accidentally ran into a tree.

Emily gasped. She ran up to her fallen dog. "Are you OK Clifford?" she asked, worried.

"Ruff!" Clifford replied, signalling he wasn't harmed.

"Well that's good," Emily Elizabeth said in relief. "I'll go get your ball and we can try again."

When she went to retrieve the ball, Clifford turned around to see what distracted him from the ball. Sure enough, right there in front of the building, was Cheri.

Overjoyed, he ran at a speed that would make Flo and Zo jealous, eager to reunite with his new friend.

"Hey Cheri! Ruff ruff!" Clifford called. This got her attention and she turned around, and much to her surprise she saw Clifford right there. There was no denying that red fur - it just HAD to be him!

"Is that you Clifford?" the Spaniel asked.

"It sure is!" the red dog yipped with joy. "What are you doing here?"

"I was about to ask you that," she admitted. "My family and I are moving here. We used to live in a trailer park, but we decided to live here to have a bigger home."

"Wait, you're going to LIVE here!?" Clifford asked, shocked. "This is where I live too!"

"Really!?" Cheri gasped. "I had no idea!"

The two dogs began jumping with joy, but their celebration was cut short when Emily Elizabeth came along.

"There you are Clifford, I've found your ball," she said. Then, Emily noticed that her pet had just befriended another dog. "Aww, did you make a new friend boy?"

"Ruff!" Clifford happily barked.

"OK Cheri, it's time to unpack everything and move into our new home," a boy called. Just like Emily, he noticed his pet was with another dog. "Oh, did you make a new friend?"

"Ruff ruff!" Cheri replied.

"Oh, you must be our new neighbors," Emily replied. "I'm Emily Elizabeth, and this is my dog Clifford."

"Nice to meet ya," the boy replied. "I'm John, and this is my dog Cheri. It seems like our dogs are already friends."

"I guess so," Emily laughed.

"Well me and Cheri need to head over to our new apartment," John said. "I'll see ya later."

"I'll see you later too," Emily replied. She then knelt to her dog. "I'm happy you made a new friend. Maybe you could introduce her to your other friends."

Clifford was happy too.

Well here we go. This here marks the end of the first chapter. To be frank I'm just making this story up as I go, but I'll find a way to manage. As far as I know no fic here has done anything with Sherie (I don't know how to spell her name - if someone can tell me I'll change it), so here's hoping that this can spark some interest.