A/N: Hello everybody! So I know I'm still working on Armageddon and I also just recently started a sequel, Nothing but a Beast, but this idea came to me out of nowhere and I thought it would be best to just get it out there. For now, Armageddon and Nothing but a Beast would be uploaded every other week on Friday's. This story, Embers and Ashes, will be uploaded every week on Mondays. At least, that's what I plan. If for someone I don't upload this story one week, you can be sure that it would be uploaded the next week. In the past, I would be working on three stories at a time. So, this may be a bad idea, but I'm doing it again.
In Sootpaw's and Flarepaw's world, hierarchy is everything. Rank determines how easy or how difficult your life in the clan plays out. One is a Commoner- a low rank- one is destined to become a Grand Royal- the highest rank. Their worlds are the same- connected- yet, entirely different. The two struggle in their own ways and live through clan-life as they are supposed to. For the most part at least.
Sootpaw's stubbornness and rebellious nature often gets him in trouble with the high ranks on a day-to-day basis.
Flarepaw's short temper and lack of belief in herself makes it a struggle for her to compete with the others.
They both cope in anyway they can and do everything to keep their sanity in this world. Their paths were never meant to intertwine, according to the clan.
With heartache and challenges both inside the clan and in themselves holding them down at every corner, the two find themselves depending on each other more often than not. In a strange twist of fate, the world seems to be pushing them together, even while the clan tries to tear them apart. As they struggle to remain sane, nobody expects what is about to come; a darkness so powerful, it could tear the very foundation the clans live their lives around. Rumors begin to arise. Rumors of rebellions, rumors of overthrows, of murders. Of Rogues.
With one desperately trying to be the hero and the other taking the blame, the future of the clans fall in their paws and their paws alone.
If they succeed, the clans have a future to look forward to.
But if they fail, the clans will fall until there is nothing left but embers and ashes.
Grand Royal- the leader of the clan; said to be holding secrets that were passed down from generation to generation. This rank is passed on to whoever the current Grand Royal sees fit, often having more than one apprentice to see which one deserves it. Stories claim they are unbeatable in battle for their skills that were passed from one Grand Royal to the next. These skills are said to be very different in each clan. It is strictly forbidden for a Grand Royal to have a mate or kits, as to not favor a specific cat over the clan.
The current Grand Royals are: Redstar of Blazeclan, Leafstar of Forestclan, and Cloudstar of Stormclan.
Grand Royal Apprentice- the next in line for becoming the Grand Royal; these cats are directly trained and challenged by the Grand Royal themselves. Apprentices are chosen carefully amongst a litter of Royals, the ones chosen usually hold the most promise. The maximum amount of apprentices on Grand Royal can have is three by the end of two seasons, no more than that. Usually by the end of four seasons, there is only one left; that one ends up becoming the next Grand Royal. Alongside the Grand Royal, three Royals are specifically chosen to help train the apprentices.
The current Grand Royal Apprentices are; Flarepaw, Emberpaw, and Gingerpaw of Blazeclan- Rainpaw, Bluepaw, and Windpaw of Stormclan- Bramblepaw, Cherrypaw, and Berrypaw of Forestclan.
Royals- Making up a majority of the High Ranks, Royals are some of the best warriors in the clan, and are usually a last resort in battles. It is said that Royals are only allowed to have mates with other Royals, this is meant to "purify" the next litter. The amount of kits each Royal she-cat is allowed to have is two per litter, any more than that are killed, abandoned, or moved down to the rank of a Noble. There could be no more than ten Royal apprentices in each clan at a time. Each Royal apprentice has two mentors, one Royal and one Noble. A cat can only be born in this rank, no one can rise to it.
Nobles- The last of the High Ranks, Nobles are said to be the second best fighters in the clan. Most Medicine Cats come from the rank of Nobles, with a few exceptions throughout the history of the clans. Noble Queens have the option of adopting a Royal kit, one that wasn't chosen to remain a Royal for a multitude of reasons. These Queens take pride in the Royal kit, raising them more pampered than their own kits. The amount of kits a Noble Queen can have is three, with the remaining ones either being killed, abandoned, or moved down to the rank of Artisan. Very rarely are Noble kits chosen to become a Grand Royal Apprentice, but it has happened before. Nobles do not have the option of becoming a Royal, but instead, they are at risk of becoming Artisans, Commoners, or Servants. Noble is the highest rank someone can rise to through a series of tests and challenges. There could be no more than ten Noble apprentices in each clan. Each Noble Apprentice has two mentors, one Noble and either one Artisan or- in rare circumstances- a Royal.
Medicine Cat- Not fitting anywhere in the hierarchy of the clans, Medicine Cats are the exception to many rules. For example; a Medicine Cat is able to order anyone around, if of course it is for the benefit of that individual's health. The Grand Royal often consults the Medicine Cat before making a decision, so these ranked individuals are known for being some of the wisest of the clans. Medicine Cat Apprentices usually go through a series of tests before they officially become a Medicine Cat of the clan.
Artisans- The only Middle Rank Tier, Artisans are known to have purer blood than Commoners, but impure enough to be below Nobles. Some Artisans are lucky and skilled enough become Medicine Cats. Artisan Queens are able to adopt Noble kits. Unlike the Nobles, most of the Artisan Queens treat their kits equally. Some Artisans are allowed to become Nobles, but most of them remain as Artisans. A large majority of Artisans are those that came from the Commoner rank. Artisan Queens can only have three kits, and there can be no more than ten Artisan Apprentices in each clan. Each Artisan Apprentice only has one mentor.
Commoners- Making up a majority of the Low Tier, Commoners are known for being weak in battle overall. Every Commoner can have the opportunity to become an Artisan, but run the risk of becoming Servants instead. Each Commoner Apprentice only has one mentor, and there could only be no more than five Commoner apprentices in each clan. Over the generations, in order to reduce the number of Commoners, it is said that each Commoner Queen can have no more than one kit, two if their clan allows it. The remaining kits end up becoming Servants, usually the crippled or "weaker" ones. A majority of a clan's fighting group comes from Commoners, which are sent out first in large numbers before Nobles and Royals join in.
Servants- Another Low Tier, Servants are just that. Unlucky cats from every rank have the risk of becoming a Servant. Servants only follow orders from their master, a high ranked individual. Most of these cats end up serving Royals, with only the Grand Royal allowed to have more than one. Servants are forced to do anything there master tells them, and disobeying their order is a sign of treason and is punishable by death or banishment. There is no way out of the Servant rank, those are either born in it or reduced to it. Servants are not allowed to have kits and any that do are immediately killed.
Prisoners- Captured enemies of the clans, most Royals enjoy watching the Prisoners fight to the death for their freedom. While this is frowned down upon, it is not against the rules. If the Grand Royal allows it, Prisoners are forced to fight one another. Prisoners are mostly rogues or loners that wandered into clan territory, very few are cats from other clans. Grand Royals are the only ones allowed to set prisoners free, and they are the only ones allowed to call for an execution of a Prisoner. Clan cats become Prisoners by either attempting to rebel against the Grand Royal, or by being captured by another clan. Most captured cats are either Commoners or Servants from other clans.
A change needs to come…
The dark grey tabby scowled at his own thoughts, surveying the buzzing atmosphere of the clan. His clan was known for being reckless, the blaze of a fire it was named for. Once in his lifetime, he was proud of his clan.
They were the strongest.
They were the largest.
They were the best.
And then, he took over…
The tabby's dark amber eyes narrowed, a faint glimmer to the surrounding darkness of the small shadows. The intensity of his glare matched the heat of the sun, a boiling temperature that made every cat insufferable and irritable. This heated glare was directed to his leader, the Grand Royal of his clan, Redstar.
Much like everyone else, he was trying to cool off in the shadows casted by the trees. The High Rank felt a growl form in his throat. As a Royal, he had the pleasure of knowing that everybody looked up to him, nobody could stand up to him.
Except him… and his personal bodyguard…
Indeed, the white tom that had taken his position as lead Royal was settled beside the red furred leader. The lead Royal was the best of the best, second only to the Grand Royal in skill and power. The duo of Whiteshadow and Redstar were infamous, the leader and a seemingly second-in-command.
A change needs to come…
To the tabby, neither of them deserved to be where they are. A once-rogue and a pathetic excuse of a tom…
Is that what this clan has come to?
The dark grey tabby turned his head to the side, the glare still remaining on his face and startling the young apprentice that had called his name. Rowanpaw… Ah.
"What is it?"
"I was wondering if we were going to train today?"
A snarky remark was on the tip of his tongue instantly, a refusal at the simple thought of going out on this hot day. But he saw something that caught his eye.
The lowest of the low, the Commoners, were getting ready to leave. It appeared that they were all going to train together, an event they did on a regular basis. But that wasn't what caught his eye.
They hold themselves higher than they did when I was an apprentice.
It makes me sick…
"Yes, let us go. I say we check on what our battalion is doing in terms of progress."
Without checking to see if his apprentice was following, Wildfire began trailing after the group of Commoner apprentices that had left.
A change needs to come…
And I'm the one who is going to start it...
Grand Royal: Redstar- red brown furred tom with black speckles on back and chest, white chest, golden yellow eyes
Grand Royal Apprentices: Flarepaw- shaded amber fur with black ear tips and tail tip, white stripe between eyes and down muzzle, white paws and chest, silver blue eyes
Emberpaw- red and black furred tabby she-cat, white on her ears tips and til tip, dark green eyes
Gingerpaw- plain ginger brown furred tom with pale yellow eyes, white stripes on cheeks
(Mentors for Grand Royal Apprentices: Wildfire, Tigergaze, Whiteshadow, Redstar)
Medicine Cats: Roseberry- amber furred she-cat with white underbelly, paws, and muzzle, very dark blue eyes
Hollypaw- black furred she-cat with a dark grey tail tip and light grey paws and speckles, dark amber eyes
Tigergaze- ginger brown tom with a black patch on back, amber eyes
Foxear- red brown tom with ginger paws and a ginger stripe along spine, yellow eyes
Russetclaw- russet brown tom with black paws and a black stripe down its back, copper colored eyes
Whiteshadow- white furred tom with a black underbelly and flanks, black on paws and face, light blue eyes
Goldencloud- golden furred she-cat with a white furred underbelly and speckles on her back, dark blue eyes
Wildfire- dark grey tabby tom with fur sticking out all over the place, dark amber eyes
Cloudeye- fluffy white furred tom with one eye permanentely closed, light grey paws and tail tip, light blue eyes
Ashtail- ashy grey furred tom with black ear tips and underbelly, black tail and ear tips, dark green eyes
Brightfoot- golden furred she-cat with one lighter paw, three white paws, light green eyes
Dawnspot- cream furred she-cat with a golden spot in between her ears, amber eyes
Redflame- ginger brown tom, black stripes on legs, fiery amber eyes
Silverlight- silver furred she-cat with white patches,, white tail and ear tips, blue eyes with a hint of yellow
Scarletfur- dark ginger she-cat with black tabby stripes, dark green eyes
Smoketail- dark grey furred tom with a lighter tail, darker spots on back, face, and chest, yellow eyes
Blazefang- dark ginger tom with a black muzzle and ears, light grey stripes running down back, light green eyes
Brightstreak- pale ginger she-cat with two white streaks on both sides, golden colored paws, ear tips, and tail tip, light blue eyes
Ravenflight- black furred she-cat with dark grey flanks and underbelly, dark green eyes
Feathersong- white furred she-cat with a darker muzzle, paws, and tail, dark blue eyes
Owlpelt- dark brown furred tom with black speckles on back and sides, wide amber eyes
Swiftleaf- light grey furred she-cat with darker patches on back and chest, light green eyes
Thornblaze- dark brown tom with white speckles on lower back, black tabby stripes, dark amber eyes
Rowanpaw (Royal)- dark brown tom with black speckles, white paws, amber eyes (Mentors: Wildfire and Cloudeye)
Amberpaw (Royal)- dappled golden brown she-cat with white paws, ear tips, and tail tip, stormy blue eyes (Mentors: Goldencloud and Dawnspot)
Shadepaw (Royal)- light grey tom with black stripes and speckles, light amber eyes (Mentors: Tigergaze and Russetclaw)
Sagepaw (Noble)- grey furred tom with differing shades of grey to black, one black paw and one white tipped ear, sage green eyes (Mentors: Cloudeye and Wildfire)
Yellowpaw (Artisan)- scruffy ginger tabby tom with greyish stripes, one yellow-green and one blue-green eyes (Mentor: Redflame)
Stripepaw (Artisan)- dark grey furred tom with black and white stripes on tail and running down back, light blue eyes (Mentor: Blazefang)
Icepaw (Artisan)- white furred she-cat with a grey underbelly and paws, dark blue eyes (Mentor: Smoketail)
Shrewpaw (Commoner)- brown furred she-cat with darker tabby markings, light amber eyes (Mentor: Brightstreak)
Mousepaw (Commoner)- light grey she-cat with small black nose, amber eyes (Mentor: Feathersong)
Adderpaw (Commoner)- light brown tom with darker brown tail tip and black ear tips, amber eyes (Mentor: Owlpelt)
Bluepaw (Commoner)- blue-grey tom with darker underbelly, light grey (almost white) splash on left shoulder, dark blue eyes (Mentor: Ravenflight)
Sootpaw (Commoner)- light grey classic tabby tom with black stripes, dark grey tail tip and black toes, golden-yellow eyes (Mentor: Thornblaze)
Patchstorm- grey furred tom with white patch on back, stormy blue eyes (Servant to: Redstar)
Darkpaw- black furred tom with dark grey paws, dark green eyes (Servant to: Wildfire)
Mistpaw- white furred she-cat with blue-grey patches, light blue eyes (Servant to: Redstar)
Otterflash- dark brown furred tom with black stripes on face, back, and chest, bright yellow eyes (Servant to: Tigergaze)
Flashpaw- light golden furred tom with white patches on shoulders and back, light amber eyes (Servant to: Foxear)
Smoke- dark grey furred tom, black tabby stripes, dark amber eyes
Shade- pitch black furred she-cat with a dark grey underbelly, light green eyes
Vixen- russet brown she-cat with darker muzzle, paws, underbelly, and tail, dark green eyes
Turbo- blue-grey furred tom with black spots on body, yellow eyes
Grand Royal: Cloudstar- white furred tom with darker underbelly and chest, light grey ear tips and tail tip, dark blue eyes
Grand Royal Apprentices: Bluepaw- blue-grey furred tom with black stripes down back and chest, white ear tips and toes, dark green eyes
Windpaw- grey furred she-cat with black paws, copper colored eyes
Rainpaw- blue-grey furred she-cat with white underbelly, ears, and tail tip, light blue eyes
(Mentors to Grand Royal Apprentices: Sagesplash, Fernclaw, Maplepond, Cloudstar)
Medicine Cats: Ripplewave- dark brown tom with blue-grey stripes across on back and down sides, white paws and ear tips, dark green eyes
Riverspiral- dark grey she-cat with white spiral stripes on sides, dark blue eyes
Maplepond- dark brown furred she-cat with a white patch on back and chest, deep blue eyes
Sagesplash- dark grey furred tom with a white splash on chest, black paws and tail tip, light blue eyes
Splashstorm- white she-cat with a black splash on chest, stormy blue eyes
Fernclaw- light grey furred she-cat with two white paws and two black paws, light green eyes
Streamrunner- blue-grey furred tom with light grey speckles on chest and legs, dark green eyes
Troutstripe- dark brown furred tom with a white stripes from nose to tail tip, black ear tips, dark green eyes
Pikeheart- blue-grey furred tom with traces of black, specifically on chest, light green eyes
Carpshadow- dark grey furred tom with black underbelly, chest, legs, and paws, darker grey ear tips and tail tip, dark green eyes
Duskpetal- dark grey furred she-cat with light grey ear tips, muzzle, and paws, dark green eyes
Silverspirit- silver grey furred she-cat with traces of white, light blue eyes
Ravenstrike- black furred tom with dark grey paws and muzzle, dark amber eyes
Sandclaw- pale ginger she-cat with dark grey paws and ear tips, light amber eyes
Spiderfang- black furred tom with a dark grey muzzle, light amber eyes
Stonescar- dark grey furred tom with a long scar from tip of ear down left eye and to the chin, light grey muzzle and paws, light green eyes
Emberlily- amber brown furred she-cat with black tabby stripes, dark green eyes
Lakeshadow- light grey furred she-cat with black stripes and underbelly, dark green eyes
Spottedriver- dark grey furred she-cat with blue-grey spots on back and chest, light green eyes
Dewstep- blue-grey she-cat with white paws, yellow eyes
Specklepaw (Royal)- speckled white furred she-cat with black speckles, dark blue eyes (Mentors: Sagesplash and Carpshadow)
Cloverpaw (Royal)- dark brown furred she-cat with lighter brown tail and ear tips, dark amber eyes (Mentors: Streamrunner and Troutstripe)
Creekpaw (Noble)- small, grey she-cat with black tabby stripes, green eyes (Mentors: Pikeheart and Silverspirit)
Swanpaw (Artisan)- white furred she-cat with black tail tip, light blue eyes (Mentor: Ravenstrike)
Mistpaw (Artisan)- white furred she-cat with light grey tabby stripes, pale blue eyes (Mentor: Sandclaw)
Bubblepaw (Commoner)- white furred she-cat with light grey patches on back, light blue eyes (Mentor: Dewstep)
Pricklepaw (Commoner)- dark brown furred tom with spiky fur, black stripes from muzzle down to lower back, dark green eyes (Mentor: Spiderfang)
Redpool (Artisan)- red brown furred she-cat with white paws and spots on underbelly, light blue eyes{expecting kits with Ravenstrike}
Thorncloud- fluffy dark brown furred tom with white patches and white ear tips, light blue eyes (Servant to: Cloudstar)
Harepaw- white and light grey she-cat with black tabby stripes, black on ear tips, dark green eyes (Servant to: Streamrunner)
Shrewpaw- dark brown furred she-cat with black underbelly and spots above eyes, dark amber eyes (Servant to: Carpshadow)
Meadowstep- dark grey and dark brown she-cat with white underbelly and white tail tip, dark green eyes (Servant to: Pikeheart)
Grand Royal: Leafstar- light grey and light brown furred she-cat with white tabby stripes, light green eyes
Grand Royal Apprentices: Bramblepaw- light brown tom with black streaks, green eyes
Cherrypaw- black and grey she-cat with white spots between ears, icy blue eyes
Berrypaw- blue-grey she-cat with black splash on chest, dark green eyes
(Mentors to Grand Royal Apprentices: Robinwing, Rosewind, Addermask, Leafstar)
Medicine Cats: Blossomleaf- dark grey furred she-cat with dark brown paws and tail tip, white speckles on sides, light green eyes
Robinwing- red brown tom with white flanks, black stripes on sides, green eyes
Rosewind- red brown furred she-cat with silver grey stripes on body, dark green eyes
Addermask- dark brown furred tom, black muzzle and patches around eyes, black speckles on back, yellow eyes
Featherfall- white furred she-cat with light grey stripes on sides, black paws and chest, blue-green eyes
Ashleap- ashy grey furred tom with long, black legs, white ear tips and toes, amber eyes
Brightclaw- golden and white calico she-cat with light brown speckles on neck and chest, light blue eyes
Leafheart- white she-cat with black speckles near chest and neck, leafy green eyes
Spottednose- light grey tom with black spots on nose, brown speckles on shoulders, yellow eyes
Silverfeather- silver grey furred she-cat with small white stripes down back and tail, black tail tip and ear tips, dark blue eyes
Sparrowfoot- dark brown tom with white patch on back, on darker brown paw and one black paw, dark green eyes
Dapplewind- white and black dappled she-cat with silver grey spots on chest and lower back, dark blue eyes
Whitestone- white furred tom with dark grey patches on body, light grey spots around eyes, light blue eyes
Hazelcloud- light brown furred she-cat with white speckles on sides and back, light amber eyes
Mothpaw (Royal)- light grey furred tom with white speckles on face and chest, light blue eyes (Mentors: Robinwing and Featherfall)
Thornpaw (Royal)- dark brown furred tom with black tabby stripes, dark green eyes (Mentors: Rosewind and Ashleap)
Heatherpaw (Royal)- cream colored she-cat with a light brown muzzle and paws, dark blue eyes (Mentors: Addermask and Brightclaw)
Swiftpaw (Royal)- light grey furred she-cat with black tabby stripes, dark green eyes (Shares Mentors with Heatherpaw)
Ashpaw (Noble)- dark grey furred tom with black spots on back and chest, light green eyes (Mentors: Featherfall and Spottednose)
Hawkpaw (Noble)- dark brown and black tabby tom, white paws and muzzle, dark blue eyes (Mentors: Ashleap and Silverfeather)
Birdpaw (Noble)- dark brown she-cat with white paws and muzzle, light blue eyes (Mentors: Brightclaw and Dapplewind)
Copperpaw (Noble)- copper brown tom with black paws and white tail tip, dark green eyes (Shares Mentors with Birdpaw)
Coalpaw (Artisan)- sleek, black furred tom with red brown patches on chest, yellow eyes (Mentor: Sparrowfoot)
Foxpaw (Commoner)- russet brown furred tom with black speckles on cheeks and neck, bushy tail, dark amber eyes (Mentor: Whitestone)
Rowanpaw (Commoner)- dark brown furred tom with black stripes and speckles on back and underbelly, light amber eyes (Mentor: Hazelcloud)
Nightpaw (Commoner)- black furred tom with dark grey paws and tail tip, light amber eyes (Shares Mentor with Foxpaw)
Fogcloud- light grey fluffy she-cat with small white spots, light blue eyes (Servant to: Leafstar)
Blackpaw- black furred tom with dark ginger paws and ear tips, dark green eyes (Servant to: Addermask)
Shadow- black furred tom dark grey paws and tail, dark amber eyes
Shade- black furred she-cat with light grey ear tips and toes, light amber eyes
Poppy- black and grey she-cat with light brown paws and muzzle, light green eyes
A/N: Wow, that took a while. Anyways, the first chapter is going to go out on Monday, so just a couple days from now, there will be no prologue. Hope this explains more about the ranks and if you have any questions, feel free to pm me or leave it in a review.
Edit: Due to demand from some people, I have now added a prologue to this story. Sorry for the inconvenience for some.
Second Edit: Me again, I have tweaked the summary a bit to fit the new standards I have made for myself. This does not change the outcome of the story, just follows it more closely. Thank you!
Thank you and peace out.