A/N: Greetings everyone~ I'm so sorry for the irregular uploads, I've been really busy recently and I wanted to get a chapter out in time for our beloved cow's birthday haha. This chapter will be snippets of Lambo's life after high school =)

Lambo, Age 18, February

"The letters are here!" Fuuta announced excitedly.

The lightning guardian felt uneasy and eager all at once. After years of studying for the single, most grueling day of a high school student's life, it was finally time for the anxious applicants to know if they had gotten into the university of their choice. Everyone in the Sawada Household was sitting down to have breakfast and they were joined by Bianchi and Shamal. The couple was in town for Shamal's birthday and Nana had insisted they stay over before flying out for their holiday to Korea. It was just like old times to have Bianchi living with them but this time I-Pin had to share a room with Nana. His sister had gotten used to the luxury of having a room to herself and Lambo could tell she wasn't pleased with the arrangement. It was just for a few days so she would just have to bear with it.

"Oh, don't look like that you two," the 4th year medical student smiled encouragingly, "I'm sure you guys did fine."

Easy for him to say. Fuuta was ridiculously smart and he always scored excellent grades. He was pretty much an all-rounder in high school. As expected, he had gotten outstanding results for his medical school entrance exam but unfortunately, he wasn't the valedictorian for the first years. The competition in his medical school was insane but he still managed to survive three years and he had three more to go, including this year.

"Romeo had that face when he tried my chocolate cake for the first time," said Bianchi, "I was personally offended but then again, that uncultured swine couldn't tell the difference between gourmet and garbage if his life depended on it."

Shamal snorted in amusement, "To be fair, he did die from your poison- oof" he was abruptly cut off and his face twisted in pain.

"Come on you two, open it!" Nana was just as eager as Fuuta was.

I-Pin looked like she was going to be sick, "Somebody open it for me, I don't want to look."

Lambo nodded in agreement.

Nana huffed out a little laugh, taking one of the two cream coloured envelopes from Fuuta, "Okay then Fuuta will open Lambo's and I'll open I-Pin's. Ready?"

Both high school students squeezed their eyes shut and crossed their fingers. The wait was torturous and long as he heard the sound of paper being torn. He sneaked a peek with an eye open, trying to gauge their reactions. Nana's was easy to read, she could barely contain her pride as she nodded an affirmation.

He heard a gasp next to him, "Yes!" his sister hissed quietly.

Fuuta, on the other hand, kept a poker face as he scanned through the letter. Shit, that couldn't be a good sign. The blond held the paper out for him to take but Lambo shook his head.

"I really don't wanna read it, Fuuta-nii. Yes or no?" He wouldn't be able to bear the overly polite language of the university rejecting him and insincerely wishing him good luck for his future.

"I think you should find out for yourself," the blond suggested calmly.

The lightning guardian shifted his gaze towards the other occupants of the dining table. They were all looking at him expectantly. He wiped his sweaty palm on his pants and reached out to retrieve the document from Fuuta. His hand trembled slightly as he did so. He gulped, eyes skimming over the return address and contact information of Namimori University administrative department at the top right-hand corner before seeing the familiar words of his full name right after the salutation.

'Dear Mr. Lambo D'Alberto,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Namimori University's School of Business and Finance to undertake the Bachelor's Degree programme in Business Management commencing in April.'

Hold on a minute.

Lambo reread the same sentence and scanned the rest of the letter. There were a 'congratulations' towards the end and a 'visit our website for further details and to confirm your enrollment.'

Holy fucking shit. He was sporting a cheek-splitting grin by now.

"Fuuta-nii! Why'd you look so serious, oh my god!"

The lightning guardian turned to his sister and pulled her into a tight hug, "We got in!" he cheered.

He could hear a few applauses and congratulatory wishes from his family.

I-Pin broke the embrace to address Reborn, "Thank you, Reborn-san, we couldn't have done it without you."

The hitman had been observing them with a disinterested expression, probably wanting to know the outcome of all their rigorous tuition sessions. There was no way a student would fail under his watch, he had declared confidently when Lambo was moping around the house and so close to losing his mind after the exams. Lambo did not miss the tutoring sessions. In fact, he was relieved the exams were over and done with because he didn't have to spend any extra time with the meanie hitman tutor and that the weird emptiness he was feeling was because he had nothing to do anymore. He did not miss Reborn at all.

The hitman nodded in acknowledgment, and then shifted his eyes over to Lambo. The guardian momentarily blanked out before stuttering out a few words of gratitude. He felt like he could finally breathe when the hitman turned his attention back to the morning paper. Thankfully his little awkward display had gone unnoticed and forgotten as soon as Nana made plans to go out for a big celebratory dinner later that night.

Lambo, Age 19, June

It had been over two months since Lambo had started university. It went against his Aunt Ottavia's wishes but he knew that if he took engineering instead, it would have been a massive disaster. His aunt had hoped for him to come back to Italy and pursue his higher education at his parents' alma mater, one of the top colleges in Sicily. Unfortunately, Lambo was not gifted with the brains to do so. He was still in awe that he miraculously got into Namimori University at all. He had to begrudgingly admit that he couldn't have done it without Reborn's help.

Things had been awkward since Lambo had developed a bit of a crush on the hitman. Actually, it was Lambo who made it awkward by making it his life mission to avoid being in close proximity to Reborn. If the hitman had noticed his bizarre behaviour, he was polite enough to not call him out on it. Or he didn't care. The guardian might have been avoiding him but he made sure to properly thank the hitman with a note and a present he had bought with I-Pin. He wasn't an ingrate after all.

The freshman had taken to studying in the library with I-Pin once or twice a week to review his lectures or do his homework. At first, it was an excuse to stay out of the house to avoid a certain someone but he found that it helped. He was completely lost the first few weeks but I-Pin had managed to explain stuff to him and then he got the hang of it. However, on that particular Friday, he was all alone with his best friend nowhere to be found. She had to cover for another part-timer at the ramen shop and Lambo knew that if he went home that day, he would never get any work done.

Lambo was struggling with his homework and it was incredibly frustrating as all his notes didn't give any clues or hints to help him along. He tried texting the class chat but his classmates were stumped by the questions too. The goddamn assignment was due on Monday, first thing in the morning and the guardian hadn't even written anything. He read through the questions and analysed them again. Somehow he was supposed to do up a chart based on the statistics given but he had no idea where to start. The guardian sighed for the hundredth time since he had sat down and rubbed his arms, blowing into his freezing cold palms to warm it up a little. He glanced around the library, it was mostly empty and the people were really into studying. He wondered if he should just go back home and ask Gokudera for help. The man was a genius but he didn't know if the storm guardian would be free to help him. Perhaps he should just go home, staring at a blank spreadsheet was not very productive.

Lambo rubbed his face and tied his hair into a small little ponytail before packing up his notes. He was about to shut down his laptop when the chair beside him pulled out and for a split second, he thought it was I-Pin. He looked up to see a man in a black polo t-shirt and short black hair settling down in the seat next to him. The guardian was confused since there were so many empty seats around but the man specifically chose to sit next to him.

"Hi, sorry. My laptop is dying and the charging port is next to you," he smiled apologetically, "Do you mind?"

Lambo was pleasantly surprised by how handsome the man looked when he smiled as his resting features were not particularly that attractive. The guardian nodded before realising what the question was and shook his head instead. The man chuckled a little and the guardian had to remind himself that he had a voice and that he could speak.

"I don't mind. I can help you plug it into the socket," he offered.

The man thanked him with a smile and set about to do his work. With a person next to him, Lambo was basically stuck in his seat and he fiddled with his sweater awkwardly before taking out his notes and reading it again for the 15th time.

He tried typing out the data and making a different kind of chart but nothing worked and the guardian was getting very irritated. He sighed, backspacing the entire thing. Perhaps he might have been a little too loud.

"Everytime you sigh, a little bit of your happiness goes away," he heard the man say in a quiet voice.

"Oh, sorry, am I bothering you?"

"No," the man reached out his hand, "I'm Kitagawa Daisuke, a senior from the business department."

The guardian was not expecting the man to introduce himself and he was momentarily caught off guard before he remembered his manners. He shook the man's hand and introduced himself.

"You speak very good Japanese for an international student."

Lambo chuckled a bit, that was what everybody else thought, "I was raised here."

He could tell Kitagawa was really surprised but he recovered from it, apologising for assuming things. The man then asked where he was born and Lambo told him that he was from Sicily but came to Japan because he had relatives here.

It was not exactly a lie, he had a famiglia so that has to count.

The senior had then noticed his work and volunteered to help him out. Turns out he knew how the various equations and formulas to create the chart and even helped to improve his notes a little bit, penning down information that might be useful to him in the future. He patiently explained to him the parts where Lambo had troubles with and coached him through his homework. Lambo had fervently thanked the senior when they were done. The guardian counted his lucky stars thinking that the higher beings above had really sent him a homework angel who had a very kind smile along with his gentle personality. He left the library with a big smile on his face, humming the entire way home. After dinner, his best friend had pulled him into her room and asked why he was acting so weird. He very nearly giggled like a 5-year-old kid when he told her about Kitagawa Daisuke and how he had been a very big help with his homework.

"Was he good looking or something? Why are you so happy?" I-Pin eyed him suspiciously.

"Or something. I wouldn't say he's very good looking but he has a certain charm."

His sister smiled mischievously, "Oh, somebody sounds charmed."

After teasing him for a while, she became more serious and asked if the man was straight. Lambo shrugged, he didn't know. Besides, he probably was not going to see him again.

"Don't say that. If it's meant to be, you'll meet 2 more times," she grinned.

Lambo rolled his eyes in amusement, "What happens if he's straight or not interested?"

I-Pin shushed him and told him that if he strongly desires something, the universe will conspire to make it happen. She must have been watching those motivational documentaries again.

And Lambo did meet the man again or Daisuke-senpai as he preferred to be addressed by. They met five more times in fact, with each meeting lasting longer than the last and full of interesting conversations about tv shows, traveling, and everything under the sun. The senior was also a lifesaver when it came to his homework. They had also exchanged contact details when they had met for the third time, and I-Pin kept giving him knowing looks once she found he might have asked the Homework Gods to send the Homework Angel to him again. And it worked, surprisingly. The most trying part was that with every meeting with Daisuke-senpai, the more he wanted to see the man again. He was drawn to the man, attracted to the way the man talked, his gentle mannerisms, and most importantly, his smile.

Lambo, Age 19, July

Towards the end of July, on the senior's 24th birthday, the guardian had wished him by calling him at midnight and they talked on the phone for a while before going to bed. Lambo decided he liked hearing the senior's voice when he was sleepy. A few days after that, Daisuke-senpai had casually asked him out on a date over one of their library sessions. Lambo was drinking water at that time and promptly spit it out and he knew his face was as red as a tomato as he wiped the table and dabbed the tissue on his notes. Luckily, the senior simply chuckled and told him that he was very cute, and the guardian was too embarrassed to look him in the eye. He had also smiled till his cheeks hurt on the way home. He could barely contain his happiness during dinner and he didn't mean to hide it from his family when they asked him what happened. He just thought that since his last relationship was a total flop, he could keep it low key till he was sure Daisuke-senpai and he were in a more serious relationship. That was all there is to it. He had sneaked into I-Pin's room later that night to tell her the news. He could never keep anything from her of course.

Lambo, Age 19, August

When the summer holidays rolled in, it was time for Daisuke-senpai to start his internship and regretfully they could not spend as much time together. Thankfully, they could still text each other during the day and meet after the senior ended work. Lambo had taken to hanging out with his university coursemates and occasionally go out clubbing when Skull was in town. The summer holidays was also a time for him to head over to Italy for a while.

Lambo was originally supposed to spend two weeks at the Bovino Mansion but his visit was cut short to just a few days when he had another argument with Aunt Ottavia regarding his university studies. The guardian, not wanting to be the cause of her bad mood had taken off for the Vongola Mansion the very next morning. It was hard to say goodbye and it hurt when his Aunt did not even want to acknowledge his departure. To his relief, the Vongola Boss had not pried when he showed up for lunch that afternoon, although he could tell the other guardians were itching to ask why he was back so early.

That night, he was in the kitchen emptying a carton of chocolate milk and stuffing his face with leftover tiramisu. Nonna would have his head the next morning but he did not care. He was sad, angry, and he missed his boyfriend very much. The guardian slumped onto the kitchen table, he was exhausted from the long drive back to the Vongola Mansion but he couldn't seem to sleep. He heard the coffee machine whirring a while later but did not bother getting up as he knew that it was probably Reborn. The hitman just had to go somewhere else to drink his coffee because he was there first. Which was why he was confused when kept smelling the espresso even after the coffee machine had stopped dispensing. He looked up from the table to see the hitman scrolling through his phone.

"I'm not going anywhere," the guardian sulkily declared.

"I didn't say you have too," the hitman replied without looking up from his phone, "You're back early."

Oh boy, they were going to have this conversation. Lambo frowned and took another sip of chocolate milk, so much for moping alone he thought.

"Nothing interesting really, I fought with my aunt about uni."

"Is that so?"

"Yup," he said, popping the 'p', "I can't seem to convince her that I'm not cut out for engineering. Maybe you should tell her that I'm terrible at math."

"Might I remind you who taught you math, Stupid Cow? You might have been terrible but now you're mediocre at best."

"Gee, thanks, a B grade is mediocre?" the lightning guardian grumbled.

From a low-end F grade to a high-end B grade was a very big improvement. The hitman was just picking on him, the meanie.

Reborn ignored him and went on, "It would do you good to clearly convey that your interest lies outside of engineering."

"Yare, yare, I did, but she's just so stubborn. She keeps thinking that I'll come back to Italy and stay in the Bovino Mansion for the rest of my life if I study here."

Not that there was anything wrong with the Bovino Mansion but he was so used to staying with the Sawadas in Japan that he had never once thought about settling down in Italy. Tsuna had even worked out the whole working from Japan thing so it just didn't cross his mind to even consider moving back.

Reborn looked like he was going to say something but Lambo's phone started ringing and it was the ringtone that he had assigned to his boyfriend. He quickly apologised to the hitman before answering the call.

"Hello, aren't you supposed to be at work?"

It was 1.43am in Italy which meant that it was 8.43am in Japan. Daisuke-senpai's work started at 9, but interns were usually required to come in early and start work first.

The senior chuckled a bit before answering, "And you're supposed to be asleep."

"I will, later. Hang up before you get in trouble, Mr. Intern."

He could hear him laughing again. The guardian sighed, hearing his boyfriend's voice really did make him feel better. His boyfriend mockingly scolded him for sighing, repeating the words he had said to him the first time they had met.

"I beg to differ," Lambo grinned, "I'm very happy right now."

"Oh, really?"

The guardian hummed in agreement, "And I'll be even happier if my boyfriend doesn't get scolded for making personal calls during work."

"Okay, okay. I'll hang up. Don't stay up too late, okay?"

"Yes, sir," he said playfully, "Bye bye, senpai. Don't let your co-workers bully you."

His boyfriend chuckled again, "Bye, Lambo-kun. Rest well," and he ended the call after that.

The guardian smiled at his phone and giggled to himself. He stopped when he remembered that Reborn was still in the kitchen.

"Sorry, you were saying?"

"Talk to your aunt. You'll get nowhere if you're being wishy-washy about your future," the hitman bluntly said.

The guardian protested, "I'm not being wishy-"

"The fact that you came here straight without settling things tells me plenty. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have places to be. Good night," the hitman moved to place his cup in the sink and was out of the kitchen before Lambo could formulate an argument to counter his accusation.

At least Leon had flicked his tongue goodbye, unlike his rude owner.

Argh, stupid Reborn. He didn't have to phrase it like that. Lambo was serious about his future. Studying business and events could help him out a lot in the mafia world since he probably had to deal with people regularly. He didn't pick it simply because it was not engineering. He had carefully contemplated the pros and cons before applying for the course. Plus the university fees were no joke since I-Pin and Lambo were technically foreigners. He wouldn't waste Tsuna's money for no reason.

His sour mood dissipated when he received a cute text from his boyfriend, reminding him to sleep early. Smiling to himself, Lambo tidied up the kitchen before heading up to his bedroom. He didn't know what to do about his aunt but Reborn had a point about leaving things hanging. The lightning guardian resolved to put an end to the issue before he left for Japan.

Lambo, Age 19, October

When school started, the guardian had even lesser time to meet up with his boyfriend. His study sessions with I-Pin did help but he really missed the ones when Daisuke-senpai was with him. When he complained that he did not see his boyfriend enough, the senior had invited him back to his place after dinner, one day. It was the very first time he had ever been to his apartment and he bought a box of pastries as a gift, from Chen's bakery of course. They had the best cream puffs.

He looked around the flat, noticing that it was not personalised as much, as if the man had just moved in. It was in an area where rich people lived and wondered if Daisuke-senpai was from a rich family. Not that it mattered to him, even if he was, the man did not flaunt his status. There was a family photograph hanging on the wall and when he asked, his boyfriend seemed a little bit hesitant to introduce his family. There was his senior, his two younger brothers, his sister, his grandmother, and both of his parents. The entire family was not smiling, it was a very serious and formal photo. He had hugged his boyfriend when he saw the man solemnly staring at the photograph.

"We were forced to take this photo, my siblings and I. We had to travel all the way back to our hometown within 24 hours once our parents told us about it. None of us were happy. Can you tell we aren't close to our parents?"

"Don't be sad, Senpai. I understand how it feels like to not be close to your birth family," he patted the man's back.

He felt his boyfriend, turned to pull him into a hug, "Sorry, Lambo-kun. I'm probably not being a very good host right now."

Lambo reassured the man that it was alright and held him close for a while. When his boyfriend pulled away, he smiled before capturing his lips in a soft kiss. Things got a little bit heated as they moved things to the bedroom. Lambo had experienced this before with Akira and knew what the other man might have in mind. He still was a bit uncomfortable with having the idea of going all the way so he stopped his boyfriend.

"What's wrong?" the man looked at him concernedly.

"Sorry, senpai. I really like you and everything but I don't think I'm ready," he explained.

He felt a bit bad when Daisuke-senpai's face fell a bit but he smiled reassuringly after that.

"It's okay. I don't want to do anything that you're not comfortable with."

Relieved, Lambo let out a shaky breath, "Thank you. I'm not opposed to kissing though," he smiled suggestively.

The man mirrored his expression and the guardian pushed his boyfriend to lean against the headboard as he straddled him and sealed their lips together. Lambo mouthed at the man's neck, leaving a hickey on the skin beneath his collared shirt. He was mindful to not give him any visible marks even though he really wanted to.

"I'm all up for intense making out sessions, but I feel like I should stop right here if you don't want to go any further," came the strained voice of his boyfriend.

The guardian hastily got off the poor man, "Oops, I'm sorry!" he could feel the flush creeping up his neck.

The man chuckled, "It's fine, do you wanna watch T.V.?" Daisuke-senpai grabbed the remote from his nightstand and switched on the television, flipping through the channels till he found something he wanted to watch.

It was a boring documentary about the life of busy bees.

The next morning, Lambo had woken up to an empty bed and light streaming into the room. Daisuke-senpai was long gone but he left a note by the bedside table telling him that he had to leave for work and for Lambo to eat breakfast before leaving for his classes. The guardian checked the clock to see that it was 9.15am. His classes were at 11 so he still had some time before he had to leave. There was also a set of keys next to the note and Lambo's cheeks almost hurt from how hard he was smiling. His boyfriend had actually given him a set of keys!

"He's being practical you idiot. How else are you going to get out," he reminded himself.

The man was so considerate, he could have woken Lambo up while he was getting ready for work but he did not. He ventured outside after cleaning up a little in the bathroom and saw that the dining table had a simple spread of rice and miso soup along with a tofu side dish. So his boyfriend knew how to cook. He looked through the cupboards and fixed himself a cup of green tea. He gleefully tucked in, ready to get some food in his rumbling tummy. The food was nice but nothing beat Nana's cooking.

Oh, shit.

The guardian immediately rummaged his bag and fished out his phone. There were several missed calls and a dozen over messages, mostly from Tsuna and Fuuta. He had only told I-Pin and Skull that he was going over to his boyfriend's place. He called his older brother first because he didn't want the brunet to mobilize an entire squad to come looking for him.

"Lambo, where did you go?"

The guardian earnestly apologized and told him that he was at a friend's place and had forgotten to call home.

"Just a friend?"

Damn the Vongola Boss' hyper intuition.

Lambo chuckled a bit before answering, "His name is Kitagawa Daisuke and he's a senior at my university. He's 24, studying in the business department, and," he paused for a bit, "we've been dating since the end July."

"That long and you never brought him home? Afraid that we will scare him off?" Tsuna jokingly asked.

"Nah, nothing like that."

Yes, he was afraid that it would be like last time where almost the entire Vongola crew in Japan showed up for dinner. Luckily, Akira was a sociable person but he knew his current boyfriend did not really like crowds. The guardian explained that the senior was busy with his internship and perhaps he would invite him over for dinner when it ends.

"Don't worry Tsuna-nii. He's a really nice person. Very sweet and kind."

"Okay," the guardian could tell that the brunet was smiling.

The guardian hung up after reassuring his older brother that he would come back for dinner. He felt a huge weight being lifted off his shoulders when he realised that Tsuna was giving him his blessings.

Tsuna was aware of the troubled phases young adults had to go through due to how some people seem to view them as children but still expect a certain level of responsibility. They were also at the age of finding themselves and their place in this world. He understood how difficult it was to suddenly transition from a happy go lucky teen to a competent adult. In his case, he and his friends had to grow up fast way too soon. Which was why he wanted his younger siblings to have semi-normal lives. Nothing in the mafia was ever normal though so he couldn't wish for completely normal lives for I-Pin, Fuuta, or especially Lambo.

With the ever-present fear of people targeting his family, Tsuna normally liked to keep tabs on his family members so he didn't feel like he was doing anything wrong when he ordered a little background check into Lambo's new boyfriend.

Just to make sure he wasn't part of a rival mafia family, of course.

Reborn might call him nosy, and Yamamoto may call him paranoid but he really did it with his best interest at heart. Bless Gokudera for never questioning him and just going along with it. By Thursday morning, just two days after Tsuna had requested the background check, Gokudera had placed a thin blue file on top of his paperwork for the day.

"I figured you might want to look at this first."

"Thank you, Gokudera-kun," he said, as he flipped to the first page.

Kitagawa Daisuke was the son of Kitagawa Keisuke, who was the founder and CEO of Kitagawa Vineyards Pte. Ltd, a winery originally from the north that had ventured their business into Namimori just ten years ago. He was the eldest of three sons at 24 years old and was the most likely candidate for taking over the winery. Interestingly, Kitagawa Daisuke was studying to become a vet right after high school at Namimori School of Veterinary Medicine but dropped out to enroll in a business course at Namimori University. His mother was a known socialite with ties to several businesses in many areas. His grandmother on his mother's side was married to a yakuza member but divorced due to conciliatory differences.

"Ha, the yakuza!" Tsuna exclaimed, "I'm not being paranoid and it's a good thing I'm nosy," he announced to the two skeptics present in the room.

"The grandmother hasn't been in significant contact with the yakuza. Although she has a close friend in the yakuza, the family the friend is tied to isn't dealing with anything illegal and they're distantly Vongola allies," Gokudera informed him.

Well, that's a relief for starters. Tsuna scanned through his recent activity log, apparently, he had gone to the hospital for a health checkup just recently. He hoped the man didn't have any serious illnesses. A short description further down the log made Tsuna's eyes pop out of his socket. It was just one word, but he shouldn't be seeing that word 5 times.

"What's this?" he showed the offending word to his storm guardian.

"I'm afraid it's true. There are security footages I can get from the streets-"

"No, no. Not necessary."

"What's wrong Tsuna," Yamamoto asked.

"He's been to five omiai meetings in a month. Why is he looking for a wife when he has Lambo? Does Lambo even know?"

"This might be just a theory but he's rejected every one of them so I'm guessing he's being coerced," said Gokudera.

"Well if he doesn't want to get married then he just has to say so. How can he just go along with these things?"

"Don't be daft, Dame-Tsuna," Reborn said, "If he wants to take over the business it won't be good to be seen with men. Heirs have to marry to produce another heir."

"That's just ridiculous!" the brunet was not liking this one bit, "So Lambo's just going to be his boy toy on the side?"

"Now, now," the rain guardian piped up, "We don't know if he's going to marry anyone. There are no more omiai meetings right?"

"No. Every one of them was in June, and he has since withdrawn his profile from the matchmaking company," Gokudera confirmed.

"There you go," Yamamoto smiled, "Kitagawa wanted to be a vet. Vets can't be horrible people."

"That's an absurd conclusion to draw," Gokudera said drily.

"I don't know, I don't want Lambo to get hurt again. He's so happy these days," the brunet studied the photo of Kitagawa Daisuke.

The man was worlds apart from Akira, very average looking and his smiling eyes made him appear kind and trustworthy.

"You know what, I won't do anything," the Vongola Tenth declared, "It's his relationship and it's none of my business. If he is aware of all these omiai meetings and is still dating him then they must have worked something out."

"Or he doesn't know anything," Gokudera added.

Crap, he hadn't thought of that.

"Should we tell him then?" Tsuna wondered out loud.

The rain guardian hummed noncommittally, "It isn't our place to tell him though. Plus the meetings were all in June before they had started dating so technically he wasn't cheating."

While Tsuna agreed with what Yamamoto said, he didn't like what he had learned one bit.