A/N: Well, a lot of you guys loved the first part of this. It was originally meant to be a oneshot but okay guys I'll continue XD hope you enjoy this very late chapter!

Nico stood over his old friend with a murderous look on his face.

"How dare you," he said, voice shaking with anger. "How dare you kill them."

"I'm sorry!" he said, voice trembling. "Please, Nico. I was angry. You can understand that."

"You were the one who held us together," Nico said in a deathly cold voice. "And guess what? I can't understand why you would kill them."

"You killed Percy! Just because he killed Hazel!" he protested.

Nico's eyes flared. "And then you decided that it wasn't enough Hazel was dead, you decided to kill the only three people still important to me. And guess what?"


"That, praetor, is unforgivable."

And then the dead body of Jason Grace lay on the ground.

a/n sorry, it was really short, i'm tired even though i just drank like so much coffee but still you wanted something so i wrote it.

Crappy i know but whatever

i might update this at some point idk