Previously on Dragon Ball AS:

Whilst looking for his sister Bulla, Trunks headed to meet his childhood best friend Goten. Once he arrived he saw that Goten was training his niece, Pan, the daughter of Gohan and Videl. Pan explained she'd never seen a real battle before nor a Super Saiyan and asked if Goten would fight Trunks in a sparring match. Trunks was hesitant at first but accepted when he realized that this was the perfect test opportunity. Trunks powered up to Super Saiyan Rage! Shocking both Goten and Pan, the two sparred. But quickly it became known that Trunks couldn't keep the new power of Super Saiyan Rage for very long and once Goku showed up on to the scene, Trunks was out of energy. He released the power and went back to his normal form putting his match with Goten on hold. Goku informed Trunks that Bulla was training with his father, Vegeta up in the Room of Spirit and Time at The Lookout. Trunks quickly headed there to find her and they raced back to Capsule Corp in time for Bulla's birthday! But as Trunks departed, something happened again. He felt this strange energy. What could it be? Find out today on Dragon Ball AS!

Chapter 2: Time to party! Bulla turns 9!

"It's… familiar. I know I've felt this energy somewhere before. I'm certain." Trunks said to himself.

"Hey Trunks, long time no see!" a mystery voice said.

Trunks turned around to see who it was. It was Dende, Earth's Guardian.

"Oh? Hey Dende, yeah it has been a while. So, how's you and Mr. Popo holding up?" asked Trunks.

"We're doing fine, we're actually heading over to Capsule Corp later for Bulla's party. Bulma told Vegeta to ask us." said Dende.

"Oh really? Well it'll be good to see you there. I'm sure mom and the others will be glad to see you. But listen, I've got to be heading back, so we'll talk later okay?" explained Trunks.

"Oh? Sure. You've probably got to help Bulma set everything up. Don't let me keep you up here, Trunks." said Dende.

"Thanks!" Trunks said as he smiled.

Trunks ran off to the side and jumped and flew off trying to catch up with Bulla. But he couldn't help but think to himself about the strange energy. He's trying to remember where he's felt that before. None of the other Z-Fighters have noticed it so it must be an event that happened just to him.

"Think Trunks, think!" Trunks yelled.

"So, this is where you were hiding… he he he he…" a mysterious voice said and laughed.

"What?! Who's there? Show yourself!" Trunks stopped mid-air yelling.

Trunks looked around left and right, up and down. He couldn't find anyone there, maybe he was hearing things. But that voice sounded… like Goku!

"But that's odd… I still sense Goku being down there with Pan and Goten… why would he be up here?" Trunks said confusingly.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING BOY?" Vegeta said as he flew past Trunks heading for Capsule Corp.

"Oh… right!" Trunks said as he flew off chasing Vegeta.

Trunks was still confused on to what he heard. But he was certain that voice was Goku. How?

"How had Goku's voice said that and why would he have laughed in such a way?" Trunks thought to himself.

"Dad! I need to talk to you! Slow down!" Trunks yelled towards his father.

Vegeta sped up not even looking back at Trunks.

"If you can't keep up with me, then you don't need to talk to me boy! Such a disappointment!" said Vegeta angrily.

"Damnit, Dad is never gonna talk to me at this rate." Said Trunks.

Trunks sped up but remembered he had grabbed 2 Senzu Beans from Korin before leaving. He ate one refueling his energy immediately. He caught up with Vegeta. Than began to explain what's been happening.

"What? That's absurd! Why would Kakarot of all people be looking for where you are and "menacingly laughing" as you said?" said Vegeta.

"I don't know… it's not possible that there's two Goku's is there?" said Trunks.

Vegeta thought to himself. Then it hit him. Many years ago, before Bulla was born. When Future Trunks came back to their time. BLACK!

"It can't be… not BLACK?!" Vegeta said panicking.

"Wait? Black as in GOKU BLACK?" Trunks questioned Vegeta.

"The very same. When you left the lookout, I felt an energy as the door to the Room of Spirit and Time was left open but the door shut it was gone, no wonder I couldn't tell. How could I miss this? We need to get back and make sure Bulla and your mother are safe!" explained Vegeta.

The two of them sped off at the speed of light towards West City.

Meanwhile, in Satan City at Videl and Gohan's house…

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" Pan shouted as she ran through the door.

Mr. Satan had recently moved with Buu and Bee in to their new home in Satan Towers, so he left his old home to his daughter, Videl. Videl and Gohan were engaged shortly after the defeat of Kid Buu years ago and got married a short while after that. Pan came along not too long after Lord Beerus had come to Earth for the first time.

"Hello, Sweetie. Did you and Uncle Goten train really hard?" asked Videl.

"We did! Trunks showed up too! He and Uncle Goten had a sparring match where they both went Super Saiyan! You should of seen it, it was really cool, mom!" said Pan excitingly.

The door to the basement swung open with a loud bang.

"Dad!" shouted Pan as she greeted her father coming upstairs from a training session in the basement.

"Hey sweetheart, how's the training with Uncle Goten going?" asked Gohan.

"It's going great dad! Grandpa showed up too!" Pan told Gohan.

"Huh? Dad showed up? What was he doing there?" said Gohan.

"He detected that there was a strong energy level when Trunks and Uncle Goten were sparring and wanted to check it out, Trunks recently learned how to transform in to something called "Rage form"?" Pan explained.

"Rage form? I've never heard of that before? I've heard of Berzerker form like Kale did in the Tournament of Power years ago. But never a Super Saiyan Rage. Hmm. I'll have to get Trunks to show me one day." Gohan laughed as he said that.

Gohan had let his training slip once Kid Buu was defeated and it nearly cost him his own life as well as his family's when Freeza came back to life and attacked the Z-Fighters on Earth. So, since that day, he trained with Piccolo to become the Ultimate Saiyan like he used to be. But he then went even further beyond that of his Ultimate form. He went…

The ground started to shake.

"Earthquake?!" shouted Videl.

"Everyone quick, grab on to me and hit the floor!" yelled Gohan.

As soon as they hit the floor, Gohan activated what seemed to be a shield. It used his Ki energy surrounding himself, Pan and Videl. As soon as he activated it, the earthquake stopped.

"Well that was sudden." said Gohan.

"I'll be back in a minute, I need to see my dad." Gohan said before running off out the house and in to the sky as he flew off to find Goku.

Back at Capsule Corp…

"Mom? We're home!" yelled Trunks.

"Bulma? Bulla? Are you here?" yelled Vegeta.

They both searched the entire area, checking every room until they came to the last room. Bulla's room. Vegeta and Trunks look at each other.

"You open it!" they both yelled.

"I'm not opening it, you open it!" they both yelled again.

Both were afraid to open the door as to what happened last time, Vegeta stormed on in at Bulla when she was mid-changing and Bulla yelled out "Dad what the hell are you spying on me?!" whereas Trunks well… his experience was similar but different. Bulma found him outside Bulla's door and accused him of peeping on his sister. Ever since then, both have been afraid to even step in Bulla's room.

Trunks knocks on the door.

"SURPRISE!" Bulma and Bulla yelled from inside the door.

Trunks and Vegeta were startled and knocked on the floor.


"So, dad, what do you think?" Bulla said as she twirled in her new outfit.

"Yes! It looks… very lovely." Vegeta said still half frightened to death by the surprise by Bulma and Bulla.

"Now Vegeta, why such a worry? What's wrong with you today?" asked Bulma.

"BLACK! He's back!" shouted Vegeta.

"What?! He can't be?! Zeno wiped him and the rest of that universe out after Goku called him with the button!" said Bulma.

"Well believe it or not, he is. Me and Trunks both felt his energy. It's undeniable." Said Vegeta.

"Impossible." Said Bulma.

"Impossible? What do you mean impossible, woman? We just said HE IS HERE." Yelled Vegeta.

"Impossible BECAUSE how do you bring someone back who's been erased? The Dragon Balls can't do it." Said Bulma.

A bright spark of light came from the back yard. Whis, the last remaining angel and Beerus, the God of Destruction of Universe 7 had arrived for Bulla's birthday.

"Well they're early!" said Vegeta.

"Mom, Bulla go get ready and I'll go down and see to them whilst you get washed up. I'll explain it to Whis and Lord Beerus, maybe they'll know." said Trunks.

Trunks headed downstairs to see that Whis and Lord Beerus were outside sat down at the Sushi Bar.

"Excuse me? Can we eat some? We're starving!" asked Whis.

"Y-Yes of course! Go right ahead! I always make enough so please enjoy!" said the Sushi man.

"Assorted Nigiri Maki? My favorite!" said Beerus.

"L-Lord Beerus and Whis, long time no see." Said Trunks.

"Trunks my boy, take a seat and try some of this delicious sushi!" exclaimed Beerus.

Trunks sat down and ate with them as he went over what's happened today.

"Black and Zamasu? IMPOSSIBLE." Beerus told Trunks.

"He's right, Lord Beerus got rid of Zamasu in this timeline and the one connected to where Future Trunks is non-existent thanks to Zeno." Whis explained.

"Are you sure?" asked Trunks.

"Positive. Don't question a destroyer again or I may destroy you." Beerus said as he glared.

"S-sorry, Lord Beerus." Trunks apologized.

"Trunks!" yelled a voice from behind.

It was Gohan and Goku. They arrived earlier than expected and in their fighting Gi's.

"Well you two are certainly early." Said Trunks.

"You felt it, didn't you Trunks?" said Gohan.

"You mean you felt it too?" exclaimed Trunks.

"Yes. We both did. Following the short earthquake in Satan City, this had to be the work of none other than… Black!" Goku explained.

"Nope!" said Beerus.

"What makes you so certain, Lord Beerus?" asked Gohan.

"Instead of worrying, let me check my timeline map." Said Whis.

Whis grabbed his staff and examined the very universe timeline where Black had been erased all those years ago.

"Oh my… it's there!" said Whis.

"Impossible, you're pulling my tail, Whis." Said Beerus.

"I'm not Lord Beerus, just take a look." Said Whis.

Everyone looked in at Whis' staff. The universe and timeline that Goku Black was in all those years ago has been restored. But with one missing factor. Earth was gone.

"Where's the earth?" asked Beerus.

"According to my chart, it was destroyed. Blown up by an unknown entity. Several years ago, to be precise." Whis explained.


Several years ago…

There was nothing. Nothing at all. Zeno had erased the entirety of the universe in that timeline from existence. Then all of a sudden. Poof! It was all back. Earth, the solar system, the stars, the galaxies. It just returned suddenly. On Earth, it had returned itself to a state before Goku Black and Zamasu had merged. But they were nowhere to be seen. Then a bright flash of light appeared. From the distance came that light but what was inside was more shocking. Future Trunks and Mai! Both in the time machine, they both appeared back on the rubble that was Earth.

"It…. It's back!" said Future Trunks.

"I… I can't believe it! Your other mother was right, Trunks!" said Mai.

Both of them kissed the ground as they had finally come home. However, a huge black fog was nearing from the distance. They both hopped in the time machine to remain safe.

"You thought this was over? DID YOU?" said the strange voice coming from the black fog.

Then out of nowhere, Supreme Kai showed up! Quickly, he grabbed hold of the time machine and transported them to the Sacred World of the Kais.

"Where… where are we?" asked Future Trunks.

"This… this is the Sacred World of the Kais, Trunks…" said Mai.

"Why, why are we here?" yelled Trunks.

"Greetings, Trunks and Mai. It's been a while." said Supreme Kai.

Next time on Dragon Ball AS: Chapter 3 – It's not who it seems?

Thanks for reading the third chapter of my tale. I bet you didn't expect that to happen! But the twists and turns for our heroes aren't over just yet. It's not all what it seems to be. Check back for Chapter 3 sometime this week!