Night soon feel upon the brothers and they found themselves actually getting tired. A foreign feeling to gods. As Zeus and Hades retreated to their respected rooms, Poseidon walked into the bathroom.

Looking to take a relaxing bath a try to digest the information thrusted upon him, Poseidon turned on the water to fill the tub. Getting undressed he looked himself over in the mirror.

His body was definitely not to his liking, lean and less muscle mass, although not unfit. It reminded him of all the reasons he changed his looks in the first place. He must admit though, his butt looked great. Round and plump with bounce, he would totally fuck himself.

Turning back to turn off the faucet, Poseidon quietly slid into the steaming water. Feeling the tension melt away, he only then realized the strain being mortal does on one's body. Looking around the bathroom his eyes landed on a trey of products sitting on the window sill above the tub. Sitting up, Poseidon observed them and found there were various care products. Shampoo and conditioner, skin products, and lotions.

He remembered goddesses on Olympus talking about some of these, mostly Aphrodite. Deciding what harm could it do, Poseidon quickly washed his hair and looked over the products.

In skin care he found mostly face products like moisturizers and acne care.

"Isn't acne something that kids have? I don't need this. Oh, what's this?" Poseidon picked up a black bottle that said Charcoal Face Mask.

Poseidon vaguely remembered over hearing Aphrodite talk about a new face mask that mortals were crazy about. He didn't necessarily stick around to hear more about it, but if mortals were doing it...then how bad could it be?

Famous last words.

Hades was just sitting in his new bed, thinking over the events of the day. Mortal for an undefined amount of time? That scared him, he's never been mortal, not unlike Poseidon who really kinda deserved it. Or Zeus who did live like a mortal for the first years of life. Now everything was just stripped from him, power, strength, title. Just poof...

Hades was interrupted from his depressing train of thought by a very faint knocking. Getting up to open his door, he figured it was probably just his brothers wanting to annoy him.

When he opened it, he was surprised when Poseidon just walked right by him into his room uninvited. Annoyed he turned to face him, but Poseidon just kept facing the other way with his head down.

Now curious Hades asked, "Did it finally sink in that we're mortal now? Are you looking for comfort from big brother?" He couldn't help but taunt, it was in his nature.

"What, no! I just need your help with something. But promise you can't laugh." Poseidon kept looking away and down. Now Hades was really curious.

"Well if you're that embarrassed, I can't promise anything." Poseidon groaned.

"You know what, never mind. If you're going to be a dick, just forget it." He turned to walk out of Hades room, but was blocked by said brother.

"Wait, wait. I'm just jesting." Hades took Poseidon's face between his hands and lifted it up without warning. His shocked brown eyes met Poseidon's sea green.

Hades couldn't help but let out a short burst of laughter. Poseidon clearly wasn't happy as he pushed his hands away. His face was covered with a thin layer of black face mask. Only his eyes, nose, and mouth could be seen. Hades almost couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"What is on your face?"

"...It's a face mask." Poseidon mumbled. Hades let out another snort. "This is why I didn't go to Zeus. Could you please be a brother and help me?"

Hades tried his best to keep his composure, but couldn't help his smile. "What do you need help with...sister." He was failing at suppressing his smile. Poseidon again glared at his older brother.

"I will murder you in your sleep Hades," taking a breath he continued, "It just won't come off. I tried peeling it off, but it's like super glued on my face."

Curiously, Hades took his fingers to a small piece of the mask that Poseidon tried pulling on earlier. Testing its hold on his brothers face he lightly pulled, causing Poseidon to yelp in protest.

"You see! It's just stuck, what am I supposed to do? Will I have this on my face for the rest of my life?" Poseidon was panicking now, words just gushing out of his mouth like a fountain.

It actually brought back some very old memories for Hades. Poseidon would ramble whenever he was scared, or put under a lot of pressure when they were younger. It made him chuckle, thinking about the first time their mother ever scolded Poseidon and Zeus first argument. Poseidon really was convinced for maybe a whole week that mother was going to mad at him forever. Although, Poseidon never was more well behaved after that.

Mentally shaking his head clear of nostalgia, Hades had an awful but wonderful idea. Quickly before Poseidon could notice, Hades yanked his hand up, making sure he kept a firm grip on the mask. Poseidon screamed in either pain or shock, pulling his head away from Hades as fast as her could. Which in turn pulled more mask away from his face. To Hades shock the mask stayed mostly in tack, only a small bit came off in his grip.

Hades eyebrows were raised as far as they could go. He had mostly done it out of curiosity, not to hurt him. Poseidon was known to be a little dramatic so he didn't think it would hurt him so badly. But now Poseidon was crouching holding this face in his hands. His left cheek was now free of its black prison though, so gotta think on the positive side.

The scream must have been loud because now Zeus was walking around the corner of the hallway towards Hades and Poseidon with a slight worried look on his face. When he saw the scene of Hades standing over Poseidon, Zeus hesitated. Not quite sure what he was walking to, hoping it wasn't as bad as it looked.

"I'M NEVER COMING TO YOU FOR HELP, EVER AGAIN HADES!" Poseidon scream finally looking up to him, not even noticing Zeus standing in the hallway looking at them.

Poseidon only noticed Zeus when he busted out laughing once he saw his face. Although his left cheek was free, it was starting to turn red from the abuse it suffered. Or was that just from embarrassment?

When Poseidon turned his head in shock at Zeus, he looked like a deer caught in headlights. It only made Zeus laugh harder and louder. Falling to his knees Zeus tried and failed at catching his breath. It was only after Poseidon got too embarrassed to stay, storming to his room and locking it behind him. That Zeus stopped laughing and finally asked Hades what was going on.

Hades just shrugged, "I was just trying to help."