Hey everyone nice to meet you! Please call me Lee! This is my first fanfic about an OC of mine Hakuryuu Sana. I wish you guys will be here until the end to she her mature into a wonderful hero and person.

Disclaimer: I don't own Boku no Hero Academia, nor the canon characters and story. Only my OCs.

"I smile to show the pressure of heroes and to trick the fear inside of me."

-All Might



"Is it true you will be attending UA?!"

"Will you leave the entertainment industry or will you be on hiatus for your acting career to fully concentrate on being a UA student?"

"Do you think you will be able to balance both acting and studying to be a hero?!"

"Is it possible you might be attending as a general studies and not the hero course?"


Oh shuT Up Shut Up SHUT UP.

Don't forget to smile.


"I will be doing my best in both acting and hero studying and balance them out. Ultimately, I am still inexperienced in both fields and I thought that this might be a good chance for me to widen my horizon. Although I'm not sure which path I will take full time, I am going to do my best walking both for now. I hope that answers all your questions."

I started acting at the age of 5, my debut movie was an action one. Kept doing it after sudden popularity due to my quirk that was similar to a pro hero. Offers piled in and my father kept me doing more gigs. I don't know when exactly, I never really cared about the whole hero business, but I wanted to become a hero when I was in middle school. Being a child star, I had two rookie heroes do bodyguard job for me since my sudden fame. Maybe it's how hard working they were in though it is tiring and boring following me around that made me respect them. At first I thought it was because they were new and just really excited about debuting, but that was not case. The heroes I got were genuinely good people. I was a brat no doubt, as soon as the public eyes and cameras were gone I'd turn into a sulking kid who was always on her phone, not paying attention to the rest and not motivated to do anything. I'm still surprised that they didn't quit on me back then. It was only one day, my curiosity got the better of me because I heard them talk about All Might. I knew All Might not just because he is the talk of the world, but because I worked with him once on a movie. He would leave abruptly during filming to help someone in distress no matter how small the problem was and disappear immediately after a shot. I thought of him bothersome and irresponsible, I mean, there are all the other heroes around, shouldn't he be focusing on what he is doing now? But then I started to understand.

"Ummm… could you tell me the story you guys are talking about as well?...Please..."

It was out of curiosity that I asked my bodyguards who were talking about how All Might saved people from a flooding. And it was the first time I ever did interact properly with them and they had looked so happy I spoke up. The whole ride to the filming station was filled with awe and fun. The whole talk bothered me at night and I recalled all the good things All Might was said to have done. That was the first time I searched up the first legendary video of him saving hundreds of people and watched it for the first time.

"It's fine now. Why? Because I AM HERE!"

I felt a few tears run down my face and it was only when I tasted the saltiness of my tears did I notice I cried.

I guess I just wanted someone to be there for me. I was so closed off in my own world and work and work and work, that I don't even remember ¼ of my classmates faces or names. Everyone knew me, but I knew almost none. It was then I knew, to have someone to be there for me, I had to be there for that someone too. However, it wasn't at that moment did I suddenly decide to be a hero, the whole process was slow, by knowing more and more.

"Excuse me. I wanted to ask how it is to work both as a hero and an entertainer."

I had asked once to Snake Heroine who was filming a commercial with me. She explained to me that heroes can take up side jobs in the entertainment field due to their popularity and demands of the civilians. Her main job was still being a hero. She told me if there was ever a time she had to choose between her entertainment career or saving even a single person, she'd choose the latter without hesitation.

"Well, nowadays the hero business is way more demanding and competitive that the entertainment business, you need to have the skills to do both but ultimately it's being a hero that's more important. It's rare for you to talk about heroes, are you planning on becoming one? Because I would support you if you are being serious! You are very cute after all."

And that was what I wanted to hear. I knew somewhere deep inside it was like that, but I needed to hear it from someone else's mouth.
I started to ask my bodyguards more about it and became close to them, when the public saw how close we turned and how much I trusted them, the two became internet famous in Japan and was given promotions as sidekicks to good companies. It's a shame they no longer work with me anymore,both were very regretful to leave me but wished me the best of luck.

The public was shocked when I made the announcement on a whim without consulting my father or my manager beforehand, but when a interviewer asked me what my plans for my future was, I was zoning out and just blurted it out. For a second nobody moved, the cameras stopped flashing, my fans stopped screaming and I became flustered (even if I didn't show it.) I was shocked as well just as my co actors and director. I snapped out of it when I saw my manager shocked in one second and disapproving the second. I stood up straight, looked into the filming camera and said it once again, more clear.

Fuck it.

"For my future plans, I will be joining UA."

I still remember how I felt when I said that. Proud. Like the first time I finished recording my debut film. Proud. From then, it became a huge deal and people were swarming me with questions that the director had to stop the whole promotion due to everyone only paying attention to me and I got a HUGE scolding from my manager and father.

Gaining father's approval was hard, but I argued with him for the first time and that shocked him .I promised I will get the Top Grand Prize at Tokyo Film and Drama Awards that even senior actors have a hard time obtaining, within the three years at UA. (I honestly do regret that. Like, a lot. I wasn't thinking straight at that moment.) The result was the condition that if I cannot do that, I will be stopped from all hero activities and become fully focused with acting.

I agreed.

I understood that to start something, you don't need to have experience or the necessary talent but all you needed was a little curiosity.

I got a recommendation and took that exam. I had always kept working out due to my career and took martial art classes as well, but for the past few years I took my training far more seriously and that helped me do well. I was so happy and proud and even told my previous bodyguards the good news.

"That is great! So you are taking this seriously! We are so happy for you."

I was so happy. I haven't been this happy doing something and I missed this feeling. I told my manager the good news and albeit hesitantly, he still congratulated me and said that he was proud. Manager Abe was there for me all the time, when I got sick and picking me up from school. Honestly, he is more of a father than my actual father. Speaking of my father, he took the news nonchalantly no anger, no surprise nor happy.

"You will not be getting any scars as much as possible, especially on your face. Understood?"

Was what he had only said.

"Yes, father." I had mumbled back.

Later I was singed up to join a temporary girl group made of idols, trainees and actresses from the age from 14-18. It was just for fun and promotion since great entertainment companies were backing this project, as well as my father's. I did my best, but in my mind nothing was more important in becoming a hero so I didn't stop my studies for a single day during the promotion. And before I knew it, I received my acceptance letter and I felt like flying at the moment (I actually could with my quirk, but I'm not allowed to use it careless for no reason at all).

It doesn't matter. As long as I can become a hero, nothing else matters.

I really do hope you are still with me. I would love to continue to contribute to the Boku no Hero fandom in a way I can because I just love the series so much! Please leave a review about what you liked and didn't liked about this Prologue and I will try my best to fix it.

Review!~~ It would make my day :3

See you next time~