Here's the last chapter! Thank you for your support and reviews.

"Felicity! Wake up—come on, open your eyes!" Was she asleep?

She gasped, her eyes open. John was leaning on his arm, towering over her. He was terrified.


"You passed out Felicity—you're losing too much blood. You're pulse is getting weaker—you have to stay awake."

"I feel dizzy—and sleepy."

"I know but you can't- you have to keep your eyes open, please."

She groaned, she really wanted to sleep. Just for a little while. "Felicity—hey! Look at me—They're coming, and you're going to be okay- but you have to stay awake!"

She couldn't keep her eyes open. "If I—just tell him—"

"I'm not telling him anything, Felicity—you are."

She mumbled something back and she felt John's finger on her neck probably checking her pulse. "Damn it— no, Felicity!"

She wanted to reassure him, but she couldn't even move an inch—much less speak. Her body was completely asleep, and her pulse was too slow. At some point, not enough blood would reach her heart—until it would stop.

She didn't know how much time she stayed floating into a space between consciousness and unconsciousness, but she could hear John talking to her, asking her to stay awake—until she heard another voice in the distance.

His voice.


"Felicity! John! Can you hear me? John! Felicity! Please—Can you hear me?"

She felt John moving beside her, but she couldn't open her eyes. "Oliver! We're here!—Oliver's here Felicity, we're going to get you out."

She felt feet running toward them. "John! Oh God—Felicity! I thought you two-"

And then she felt him. His warm hands cradled her face and a few tears ran down her cheeks. He wiped them away, kissing her forehead. "Don't cry—It's okay. You're going to be fine, Felicity. John, are you hurt?"

John spoke from beside her. "I hurt my ankle and foot and when the tree collapsed she pushed me away—her leg is broken and she's bleeding too much- I couldn't lift this off of her—"

Oliver kissed her forehead again before moving. "We'll do it together—"

"Her biostimulant still works—she's going to feel everything—"

Oliver moved to her, taking off his gloves. "Felicity- it's going to hurt, badly. Open your mouth- bite this." He placed his glove gently between her lips.

He stroked her cheek again and then he moved away.

"Okay- don't hurt yourself John, I'll lift it- you check on her. On three. One, two, three!"

Even with the glove muffling the sound, the scream that came out of her mouth scared away some birds around the forest. Her eyes snapped open as adrenaline ran through her veins.

Her eyes landed on her leg- and wow, it was bad. The wound was open, the bone was broken above the knee and she was bleeding profusely. John kneeled beside her. "It's not the femoral artery but it's bad- Oliver come here, take off your jacket and your belt."

Felicity could only breathe hard, fighting the pain. Oliver took off his belt, watching her. "It's going to be okay, Felicity. Lyla and ARGUS are coming-"

She nodded. "A-Are the others- William-" He cupped her cheek, wiping away the tears. "Don't worry about them- they're all fine."

A pained smile light up her features. He placed the belt high on her thigh and he secured it tightly, slowly down the blood flow and the bleeding. She groaned in pain.

John took his jacket and wrapped it loosely around the open wound. "Okay- we have to get you to a hospital."

Oliver took a gun off his quiver and he fired a signal flare toward the sky. "They're coming."

John took her hand in his, squeezing her fingers and looking in the eyes. "Hold on, girl."

Oliver kissed her forehead again, brushing his thumbs under her circled back eyes.

A few minutes later she could hear the helicopter approaching. She closed her eyes again, exhausted, but smiled when John screamed Lyla's name.

Oliver's hand slipped in hers just when the darkness claimed her again.

When she opened her eyes again, she was warm. She was laid down not on hard ground anymore, but on soft sheets.

She was in a hospital, the room was dark except for a dim light beside the bed and she could see the clean dark sky through the window in the room.

And since her right leg was propped up and there were metal spikes coming out of her skin, she knew she had surgery.

Her eyes scanned the room and finally, they landed on the man resting on a chair beside her bed.


She shifted a little on the mattress and pain spiked in her chest.

"Careful—you have two broken ribs, beyond other things."

John's voice was soft and gentle and she turned to look at him. He moved the chair closer, taking her hand in his.

She smiled. "How long-?"

"Two days. As soon as we arrived you had surgery. It was bad—but it went well. There's a lot of physical therapy in your future."

She smiled. "How are you? Your ankle—"

"It's fine, they patched me up."

"ARGUS? Are we home? The others?"

"Easy—we're still in China, in an ARGUS base. The others are fine— they're leaving right now. You can't travel yet, so Oliver is there to say goodbye to them."


"He's fine—with his mother. Thea and the team will bring them home once they arrive in America."

"You should go, too. Go home—"

"Why? My family is here, Lyla and baby John—you and Oliver. We'll go home together once you're fine."

She smiled, squeezing his hand.

"John—I-I-" She swallowed. She brushed a hand through her blonde locks. "Before, I didn't get a chance to- I wanted to thank you, for everything. For what you said back there—what I told you, It wasn't easy to accept- and I know that, but you—"

His hands cradled hers. "You don't, ever, have to thank me, Felicity. You are family. You're my sister, I love you. What you've gone through- the fact that I couldn't help you, it breaks my heart."

She smiled. "You're helping me right now. I love you, too."

And she was engulfed in his arms. She burrowed her face in his chest, closing her eyes.

"I'm sorry— I'm sorry for everything, Felicity."

"I'm sorry, too." She mumbled the words in his shirt.

"We'll get through this— we always do."

She simply nodded.

And then the door opened and someone entered the room. She knew immediately it was Oliver.

Her body became rigid and John squeezed her tighter against him, kissing her hair before slowly letting her go just enough to look at her.

"You can do this. You're the bravest, most selfless person I have ever met, Felicity Smoak. And you're doing the right thing."

She nodded, tears pooling in her eyes. John kissed her forehead again, before standing. Oliver was silently leaning against the doorframe watching them, and his brows furrowed at John's words.

John made his way toward the door, stopping right in front of Oliver. One of his hand landed on his shoulder. "She's been through a lot, just- listen to her, man."

Oliver brows furrowed even more and he just nodded. With one last smile at her, John left the room—leaving them alone for the first time since Chase kidnapped her.

They stared at each other for a while, until he finally moved toward her. She shifted unconsciously on the bed, feeling the tension in the air. He ignored the chair and just sat on the bed right beside her.

He smiled softly at her, taking her hand in his. "How are you feeling?" He eyed the spikes in her thigh. "Are you in pain?"

She smiled back, shaking her head a little. "No- They gave me the good drugs."

He chuckled, brushing his thumbs over the palm of her hand.

"How are the others? William and Samanta?"

"They're fine- William is confused, but fine. The team will bring them home in Central City as soon as they land."

"You should have gone with them- make sure they are fine."

His serious eyes focused on hers. "You can't travel yet- not after the surgery you've had."

"I know, but John and Lyla are here. You-"

"I don't want to leave you. When you can- I'll go home with you."

She smiled again, shifting a little on the mattress. He took her hand in both of his.

After moments of silence, Oliver spoke again. "I didn't kill him- Chase. He put a gun to his head and he killed himself. I just want you to know that I didn't-"

He didn't break his promise again. He didn't take another life.

She gripped his fingers, locking their gaze. "I know, Oliver- I knew it wasn't you."

He nodded. "Samanta told me that you send them on- that you didn't want to leave John behind, so you stayed back."

"He could barely stand- he needed me. We were walking toward the others when-"

Oliver closed his eyes, a pained expression on his face. "He pulled the trigger and the island started to explode. I watched from the boat- I had lost contact with you and I didn't know if you had made it to safety. And then after I don't how much time- I saw the other boat approaching. Slade and Thea told me you two were still on the island-"

His hand trembled and his shoulder became rigid. "I thought you were dead. I wanted to come and search for you sooner- but ARGUS didn't let me move until they were sure the ground was stable enough."

Pain emerged with every word.

Her hand reached his face, hesitating only for a second before cupping his cheek. He closed his eyes, leaning to her palm.

"I knew you would come for us, Oliver. And John was there- he took care of me."

"You put yourself in danger- that tree could have killed you, Felicity."

"I'm not going to apologize for saving our friend- so don't ask me to, Oliver."

He stared at her for a long moment before nodding his head. She was about to take her hand away from his face when his fingers gripped her wrist, keeping it there. Their eyes met.

"When you-" His eyes closed for a moment before meeting hers again. "When you kissed me before-" Images of the kiss and the emotions floating through her veins made her take a deep breath. "You said something, you said that when it comes to the two of us, you regret enough already."

She tensed.

"And I-I just want to say that I'm sorry-"

She shook her head. "Oliver-" She couldn't hear this.

"I'm sorry for everything that I did wrong in our relationship- and God knows if I made you regret so many things in these years. But Felicity-"

"Oliver, stop. Please-" The choking sound in her voice and the tears pooling in her eyes made him stop talking. He was looking at her with a worried look on his face, shifting closer to her. He took both of her hands in his, trying to catch her eyes.

"What—Don't cry. Please, Felicity-" His hands cradled her face, wiping away her tears. She swallowed hard a few times, trying to calm her racing heart.

That was it.

That was the moment that would define their lives going forward- either together or apart.

She took his hands away from her face, and she didn't miss the hurt that crossed his features for a second- that made her heart clench even more in her chest.

"T-There's something you need to know, Oliver. Something you deserve to know- something I should have told you a long time ago."

He was staring at her with worried eyes, John's words floating across his mind 'she's been through a lot, just listen to her' and he stayed silent, just nodding his head.

"I- I- just- before I tell you- after you know this if y-you'll decide that you never want to see me again-" Fear made her shiver at the thought.

He ignored the distance between them and cupped her face again. "Felicity- whatever this is, it's never going to change how I feel about you- ever."

She just nodded through the tears, hoping with all her heart it was the truth. He wiped her tears again, before moving away a little, giving her space.

She took a deep breath.

"Last year- the night you proposed, at the holiday gathering. We went into the limo and then Darkh's men attacked us-"

Pain crossed his features, but he stayed silent.

"I don't remember much after I got shot- when I woke up the first time in the hospital, I was alone. My mom arrived just a few minutes after I opened my eyes and in the middle of my freaking out about where you were- she told me you brought me in and then left to do something-"

Guilt crossed his face at that. "I'm sorry-"

"Oliver—please. Let me finish."

He nodded again, his hand closing in fists on her sheets.

"The doctor told me about the bullets- the one that caused my paralysis, and the other- and then, he wanted to tell me something else but my mother stopped him, made him leave the room."

New tears ran down her cheeks, and this time Oliver didn't move to stop them.

"She told me that- t-that- I was pregnant, Oliver— I was expecting our child."

She couldn't stop the sob that tore out of her lips, and even behind the blur of her tears, she could see the hutted devastation reflecting back in Oliver's eyes.

And now that the door was open and the river was floating in full force, she couldn't stop it.


"The second bullet went through my lower abdomen. I was only a few weeks along and they said that the damage was significant and they couldn't do anything- and I lost him, Oliver. I lost our baby, and I'm so- so sorry."

She dropped her face into her own hands, sobbing.

Seconds that seemed hours passed- and then his arms engulfed her, and she burrowed her face in his massive chest. He was crying, too. His shoulders were shaking and his face was hiding in her hair.

After a few long moments, his voice reached her ears.

"Jesus, Felicity- all this time-"

"I'm sorry- I should have told you when you came to the hospital-"

"A baby—" His voice cracked and she gripped his shirt in her fists.

Felicity had been pregnant with his baby.

The thought alone made his heart burst in his chest. It was everything he ever wanted—a family. With her. A little person that was the physical manifestation of their love, running around the house.

And the knowledge that for a brief period of time that future had been in his grasp and he didn't even realize, it was—devastating. A pain that he never experienced before, not on the island, not when Tommy or his mother died. Never.

It was new and overwhelming.

"You were pregnant and I never knew—"

Another sob shook her body. "I'm so sorry. I was only a few weeks along—I didn't know, I swear Oliver. And the bullet—"

He trembled the thought of what they had lost, but also the familiar fear that he could have lost her too that night. He could have lost his entire future in the span of a few hours.

"Are you okay?" His voice was a pained whisper in her ear. He spoke again. "I mean—is everything—" He needed to know.

She knew what he was asking. She nodded against his chest. "They said there was no permanent damage. I can still-" She couldn't say it.

He just nodded.

"I wanted Darkh to die for what he took from us—I was happy when you killed him, Oliver. But then—I was left with a void. And the pain—it never goes away, Oliver."


Blinding and hot ran through his veins. Oliver wanted to kill Darkh all over again. He was willing to bring him back to life just to squeezed it out of him with his bare hands again.

And then he imagined her, going through all of this—alone. He could see her crying at night in their bed—lost and scared. Without him to take care of her—to share and relieve some of the pain.

That was even more devastating. He should have been there, holding her in his arms, telling her that they would be okay. That he loved her—that he wasn't going anywhere.

But instead, he lied to her.

He pushed her away.

He wasn't there when she needed him the most.

His heart broke in his chest.

Her weak voice reached his ears, taking him away from his thoughts.

"You deserve to know why I didn't—"

"I know why." He sniffed, moving back a little to cradle her ridden tears face in his hands.

"Do you?" Her face turned hopeful.

"You didn't want to give me another heartbreak- there was nothing I could have done to change it- so you just carried the pain for the both of us."

She shook her head, lowering her gaze to his shirt. "I was wrong- you deserved to know when I did. We both lost something that night- I kept saying to myself that I would tell you the moment I was better. I started the conversation a million times Oliver, you have to believe me. I tried to find the right moment, the right words-"

"And then there was William—"

And another set of emotions fell on him like a blanket. The blanks were filling quickly in his head. All of the moments that didn't make sense— her quitting the team, the sad faces, the dim light in her eyes, the oversized clothes—everything.

They just had lost a child, and he had sent William away without even talking to her.

And she walked—because she was scared. She was hurt, both physically and emotionally. And without knowing it he just confirmed all of her fears.

"God, Felicity. What I did-"

"It was just too much. I didn't know how to deal with all. Can you forgive me-" The words came out muffled by his shirt.

He stopped her. "Felicity- There's nothing to forgive." He shook his head firmly, leaning to brush his lips across her forehead. "I'm sorry. I wasn't there when you needed me the most—"

"You couldn't have known—"

He leaned back to look at her eyes. "If I had been there at the hospital when you woke up that night in the first place, things would be different—and even after. I know you, I should have seen it— but I didn't. I didn't notice that you needed me. I knew something was wrong. And then with what happened with William and the mistakes I've made—I only hurt you again when you were already hurting so much. I should have stopped you that day, pushed you to talk to me, ask you what was going on, and instead I just- let you go. I'm so sorry, Felicity. I wish I could go back and change all of it—"

She nodded, more tears carving a path down her face. "Me too—"

"It's my fault—all of this is my fault." She sat more straight on the bed, taking hold of his hand that was still on her face.

"Oliver—no. The only responsible, sadly is already dead. Darkh did this—"

He brushed his thumbs under eyes. "I should have protected you—both of you."

The way his voice broke at the last part made a sob caught in her throat. "You did protect me—protect u-us. You literally covered me with your body and then you took us out of there. Please— it's not your fault."

He hesitated a moment before crashing her against his chest again.

She smiled sadly at him but nodded. He brushed his thumbs under her eyes, wiping away the tears. She was beautiful.

"I'm sorry— for how I handled things with Samanta. I'm sorry about the lie—I'm sorry that I didn't include you in my decisions—if I did, maybe you would have trusted me with what happened. Please, forgive me—"

"It's okay-"

It really wasn't, but he closed his eyes, swallowing the lump in his throat.

She sniffled a little, and he brushed a few blonde locks behind her ears. And then her eyes met his again.

"Where does this leave us?"

He stared at her for a moment.

"I know where this leaves me—I love you, Felicity. I never stopped."

Oliver cradled her face in his palms again.

"But you need to decide for yourself where this leave- you. I know what I want. I love you, I want to pick up the pieces and rebuilt what we had—I want to create something new. I want you."

New tears pooled in her eyes, but she remained silent.

"If you decide that you still want me, I promise you I will never- ever, hurt you again. If you need time, I'll wait for you as long as you need."

He swallowed. His sight became blurry.

"But Felicity—if you can't, If being with me it's too much after-" He couldn't even say it. "I just want you to know—"

He closed his eyes for a moment, gathering all the strength he had left in his body and soul to say the next words.

"I just want you to know that it's okay. I get it—All I want is for you to be happy and safe and loved. There's nothing I desire more in this life. And if you feel like I can't give you that anymore— If you feel like it's too much, if too much has happened— I won't hold you back."


"You deserve someone that will move on with you- holding your hand, not holding you back. And if you feel that I'm not that person anymore—"

She realized in shock that he was giving her an out.

He was doing the most selfless thing a person in love could ever do. He was willing to let her go for her own good.

She stopped him. "I want to heal—"

He nodded, lowering his gaze to their hands. "I know."

"And I can't do that—"

Oliver started shaking.

"—I can't heal without you, Oliver."

He jerked on the spot. A sparkle of hope ignited in his eyes.

"Sometimes it's hard to breathe—hard to do anything." Her voice broke and he kissed her forehead. "But when I'm with you I'm whole. For the first time in so long I don't feel like a piece of me is missing."

A small smile graced his features. His hand brushed her jaw, up to her cheek. "I love you so much."

A few drops of tears fell on her cheek. "I don't want to forget—"

He shook his head. "Neither do I."

"Even if we didn't have time—I loved him. I loved our baby. And I don't want to forget him. I won't. I can't."

"We will never forget, Felicity. We just need to learn how to live with it—"

Her hand came to his face, and she smiled that beautiful, addicting smile he loved so much.


He smiled back, dropping his forehead against hers.


She flew herself into his arms, kissing him deeply. And for the first time in more than a year, the pain that had become a constant in her chest turned silent. It was there, and it will always be there—but it wasn't crushing her anymore.

Their forehead touched again. His hands buried in her hair. Hers gripping his shirt. "I love you, Oliver."

He closed his eyes. "We're going to be okay, I swear."

She believed him.

And as she burrowed herself deeper in the arms of the man she loved with all her heart—despite the pain, the lies—she knew.

She knew that—

- that was the night that changed everything.