Disclaimer: I don't own anything please don't sue me.

Two years later…

Theia played with the red stone attached to the chain of her necklace as she, tiredly, listened to an early morning lecture for her third year Economics class. It was her only class that required her to actually go in, the other classes she was enrolled in only required a computer to do her work. She had changed her major from cooking to business after the constant beratement from her mother nearly a year ago. She was still getting an associate's degree in cooking but her major would be in business since as her mother said, "you'll be able to open a bakery with the skills you learn from business", So far, though, Theia only learned how hard it was to focus on learning advanced economics when it was 8pm and all she wanted to do was crawl into her bed and sleep. Finally, the professor excused the class an hour early, sending them off with a two-page paper due by the next class, which would be in two days.

She packed up her bag, throwing it over her shoulder before walking out of the room. Theia pulled the coat closer around her small form as she walked out of the building, feeling the chilly night breeze hit her. The walk from the college to her apartment was a relatively short and safe one and Theia didn't mind. Walking was far cheaper than buying a car and she didn't need that extra expense on top of paying for college. During her walk, she would have pass by the library buildings and she was curious to see if the Asian looking kid would be there tonight.

Often on her way home from late night classes, Theia would see a young Asian guy standing outside of the library looking up into the rows of books, visible through the large windows. Theia expected him to be some sort of weirdo but when she saw the look on his face she knew he wasn't. He looked pensive and worried at the same time as if he were simply thinking about something. Theia never really spoke to the kid, only saw him on occasion.

As she got closer, Theia could see standing in the place he normally stood when he came out at night. She smiled a bit, before approaching him quietly.

"Why don't you ever go in?" asked Theia, surprising the kid who jumped back nearly a foot at the sound of her voice.

He looked at her apprehensively. "What do you mean?"

"Go in, check out a book" she said gesturing to the dorm in front of them.

"I should go" he said, leaving Theia before she had a chance to say anything else.

Theia shrugged to herself, maybe she had scared him off. She made her way wearily to her apartment, falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

It wouldn't be another week until Theia saw the kid again. This time he was sitting in the grass with a paper and small light, apparently reading. Theia made her way over, she needed more friends, why not befriend the weirdo sitting outside of the library, staring wistfully up.

"Can I sit?" asked Theia, looking down at him from where she stood.

He shot her an apprehensive look before scooting over slightly. Theia smiled, sitting down next to him in silence for a few moments.

"I'm Theia" she said, looking at the dorm that he was looking up at.

"Can you drink this?" asked the kid, taking out a small flask from his pocket. Theia shot him questioning look. "It's water" he added.

"You know usually when someone introduces themselves the other person introduces themselves instead of pulling out a random liquid and blindly asks them to drink it." she said, looking over at him with an amused expression.

"It's Holy Water" he said, fully expecting her to leave after he said that; it was a strange request.

Theia laughed, remembering what she read in a book a long time ago. "Testing for demons?" she joked.

He let out a forced laugh. "You have no idea"

Theia looked at him with an apprehensive expression, taking the flask and taking a small sip. She noticed he let out a visible breath when nothing happened, as if he were relieved.

"You're an odd one" she said with a smile.

"You're the one that just drank something a complete stranger gave you"

"True" she said, noticing his gaze shift to the dorm. "So, what are you looking at anyway?"

"It's a good library" he said simply.

"Oh, why don't you ever go in?"

"Camera on the inside" he said seriously.

Theia didn't ask any more on that, respecting his privacy. "So, what's your name anyway?" she asked, looking over at the kid.


Theia stayed a little longer before getting up to make her way home, waving goodbye to her new friend. She didn't expect to see him for a while, as he didn't come every night but to her surprise he was back the next night, with another book.

Having nothing better to do, Theia plopped down next to him. He didn't say anything but he didn't object to her presence so they stayed in silence.

"You know, I've seen you here for about 3 months now and you're always at the same spot, looking up at the same window."

"What's your point?" he asked, looking over at Theia.

"There are three reasons why you would do that. 1. You're really weird and obsessed 2. You're planning on breaking in or 3. A college library, that isn't really even a good one, means something to you"

Kevin sighed. "I don't know, I guess it kind of turned into something that reminds me of my old life."

"Old life?" asked Theia, tilting her head to the side.

"AP student, above perfect GPA, normal mom, and college in front of me" he said with a slightly saddened expression.

"What happened to stop it?"

"We all have demons to run from" he said, a slight laugh escaping at his inside joke with himself.

Theia smiled slightly at his words, she hadn't thought about demons for years now. Although his words signified that it was most likely a metaphor, she couldn't help but remember Crowley. She tried not to think about him often, though, the necklace she still wore served as a constant reminder. Ever since he left her that night, crying, she hadn't seen him. She brushed the old memories off as she refocused on Kevin in front of her.

"We do indeed" she said, feeling that what he had said had a deeper meaning for them both.

A few more weeks passed in the same routine of whenever Theia had a night time class and she found Kevin, they would sit together in the grass, exchanging pleasant conversations. Something felt off about Kevin, though. As the weeks went on, Theia noted that he never shared details in the stories he would share with her, they never had names or even places where they took place. Every once in a while, he would also ask her to drink out of the same flask again, always looking relieved when she passed it back to him without a word, as if she passed some secret test. She knew that Holy Water burned demons but her odd friend couldn't have been testing her for that right. Theia just knew something was odd about him and she wanted to know what was his deal. One night instead of going to sit on the grass with him, she hid behind the building, waiting until he stood up to leave to follow him.

Theia knew it was wrong to follow someone home, maybe borderline obsessive but she couldn't help it that she was curious as to what this kid was really up to. She followed as he slowly walked to an abandoned Church, nearly five miles from the school.

Her features twisted in confusion, what was up with this kid. Did he live in this old church? Questions flew through her mind before she started to make her way up to the old Church that Kevin had just entered. The door creaked open with a slight push and Theia, hesitantly, made her way in. On the floor were red devil's traps that she hadn't seen since she had been at that hunter's house nearly two and a half years beforehand. 'He was running from demon' she realized looking around the room at all the traps that were obviously set up to protect from demons. She had just rounded the corner when she was assaulted with blasts of water from Kevin with a water gun.

"I'm not a demon" she said quickly as she got soaked in water.

"What are you then? Why did you come? How did you know about demons?" he asked rather quickly.

"I'm only human, Kevin" she said, wringing the water out from the lower part of her shirt.

"Why did you come here then?"

"You were weird and I was curious" she said with a shrug. "I'm sorry, curiosity has always been a downfall of mine"

She noticed his posture visibly relaxed and he put the water gun down. "How did you know about demons?"

Theia sighed. "That's a long story"

"Are you a hunter?"

Theia shook her head. "No, defiantly not."

"Then how?"

"I made a deal" started Theia, taking a few steps back to sit down on one of the old church benches. "My family had died and I couldn't live without them. I made a deal, their souls in exchange for mine."

"You made a deal with a crossroads demon" he said, nodding his head in understanding.

Theia nodded her head.

"How long do you have until your soul gets collected?" asked Kevin sitting on the bench across Theia's. He set down the holy water gun down next to him.

"Around 6 years now" she said, estimating the amount. She would be 26 when her soul would be collected, only 6 small years away. "So, why are demons hunting you?"

"I'm the Prophet of the Lord"

Theia laughed slightly, looking at him with an unbelieving expression.

"I'm serious" he said, shoving her lightly on the shoulder as she continued laughing.

Theia straightened herself out, stopping her laughing. "So, if you are the-"

"Prophet of the Lord"

"Yes. Then why are demons hunting you?"

"There is a tablet with the word of God on it that holds details on demons and they want me to read it" he said casually.

"Oh, wow" said Theia, genuinely surprised. "So, demons think that there is something important on this tablet?"

"More like The King of Hell wants to use me to read the tablet"

Theia's face hardened in surprise. "The…the King of Hell. Was his name Crowley?" she asked.

Kevin's face contorted in confusion. "How did you know?"

"He was the demon I made my deal with." She explained, leaving out the other parts of their relationship.

They spent the rest of the night talking about everything. Kevin explained to her about the night he became a prophet and his journey since then. He told her about the two brothers who hadn't called him in a year since he had been kidnapped and everything in between. By the time he was finished the sun had already risen outside. Theia couldn't believe that the same Crowley who had run his fingers through her hair while she slept had kidnapped such a sweet kid like Kevin.

"So, now you're just in hiding?" asked Theia while rubbing the tiredness from her eyes.

Kevin nodded, looking down sadly. "I've been in this church for a few months now. I'm pretty sure my mom still thinks I'm kidnapped"

Theia placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Hey, it'll be okay" she said softly, trying to comfort the friend she had met only a few weeks before hand but suddenly knew all about. "I think while I kinda stalked you here I saw a coffee shop about half a mile from here. Why don't I go pick up some breakfast?"

Kevin smiled up at Theia. "Yeah, that sounds good"

Theia made her way down the street to the coffee shop, glad to have a chance to stretch her legs after sitting on a hard-wooden bench all night talking with Kevin. She really didn't expect Kevin to be involved with so much when she first thought of becoming his friend. Theia thought that it was kind of sad that Kevin had to be separated from his mother and girlfriend all because of something he had no control over; it isn't like he wanted to become the prophet of God. The two brothers he had mentioned in his story sounded familiar—sort of like the two brothers, Sam and Dean, she had met a couple years beforehand when Crowley had taken, or more like abandoned, her in that abandoned house. She smiled slightly at the memory of when she had rather pointedly yelled at him in front of the brothers.

Ever since Crowley had completely vanished from Theia's life, she didn't like to think back to the memories of them together. They only hurt in the end and she would rather move forward than continually feel heartbroken because of one demon. She had spent the month after he had left in a state of continual melancholy. Theia remembered that it had taken her father showing up to her apartment one night to snap her back into reality.


"Theia?" asked a voice, closing the apartment door behind them as they stepped into the dark apartment.

None of the lights in the apartment were on and the sun was beginning to set outside, making the room appear in shadows. He heard a slight rustling from the bedroom and hesitantly knocked on the door.

"Theia?" drew her father again, creaking the door open, slowly.

Theia shot up, quickly from her laid-back position on her messy bed. "Oh"

He raised a questioning eyebrow. "Expecting someone else?"

Theia shook her head, looking down and suddenly finding the pattern on her comforter extremely interesting.

He looked at her with a questioning look, wanting her to tell him what was really going on. When she hadn't called in a few weeks, Theia's mother had gotten worried sick, afraid her daughter had disappeared again. Being the collected one in the relationship, Theia's father had offered to check out what was going on and that's how he ended up with the job of finding Theia in her apartment.

"So, what happened here?" he asked, gesturing around the room with his hand to the various items strewn messily across the room as if she never bothered to clean, which was very unlike the girl he knew.

Theia shrugged, looking around the room; it was truly a mess but she really didn't want to deal with it.

"Well, your mother was worried sick" he said, coming to sit at the edge of Theia's bed. "You know you've got to call her or else you know how she gets" he said trying to draw a smile out of his daughter.

A small smiled played at the edges of Theia's mouth, a smile she always reserved for the times her father and her sympathized together over the struggles of Theia's mother. Things were different then, though, simple. She missed those times when she never had her own soul with a timer hanging over her head. Her smile suddenly faded at the thought of the deal she had made with Crowley. She didn't regret making it; she would never regret saving her loved ones but she did regret him. Theia regretted every smile she gave him, every laugh, every part of herself that she so willingly handed over to him, which he had so carelessly burned in mere minutes with his hateful words.

"What's wrong?" drew her father carefully as he watched her smile turn sour.

Theia shook her head, she couldn't tell him of the demon that had so easily broken her heart. She had to keep some of her composure, of course going a-wall for a month had most likely not been the best approach to appearing fine. Theia mentally berated herself for being so emotional and all over a stupid demon.

"Crowley?" he said in a soft voice, his eyes filled with worry.

At the sound of his name, Theia couldn't help but feel her emotions start to well up and her eyes begin to water. It was as if he had flicked a switch that sent the small girl into a fit of crying. He tenderly drew her into his chest and put his chin on top of her head as he whispered soothing words to her while she cried. Slowly, the sobs started to lessen and Theia wiped the remaining tears from her eyes but remained in the warmth of her father's arms.

She let out a short laugh. "I think I'm overly emotional"

"You get it from your mother" he said earing a slight shove from Theia.

"That was the part where you're supposed to say, 'no you aren't overly emotional'"

"I know, but I don't like lying" he teased lightly.

Theia laughed genuinely at his joke; he had succeeded in his purpose of coming to Theia's apartment. He made her feel better, if only slightly.

Theia shook off the memory as she neared the coffee shop. The coffee shop, named 'Alyssa's Tea and Coffee Garden', was a medium sized place—not too big and not too small, just right. There were picnic tables on the outside for people to enjoy their coffee and pastries. Theia ordered one coffee, for Kevin, one hot chocolate, for herself, and a bag full of pastries for the both of them to enjoy. Once she had bought and paid for her order she started her journey back to the abandoned Church.

"Kevin" called Theia, walking through the Church doors. Before she could call out for him again she was promptly sprayed with another round of Holy water coming out of a water gun. "Really" she said handing him the bag of pastries which he had avoided shooting.

"Just a precaution" he said shrugging.

"Why don't you just carve a demon's trap into the floor by the door?" she said, handing him his coffee.

He shrugged, taking a sip of the hot beverage. Theia rolled her eyes at the kid, he was something else. She didn't mind though, Theia found that she actually enjoyed having Kevin as a friend. She just hoped that a certain demon never caught up with him because then there would be real trouble, not only for him.

Idek what this was. I've been watching Supernatural episodes trying to see where I could bring in my OC and it took me forever to finally decide on this. I had to rewrite this chapter many many times so excuse any mistakes because I'm honestly too tired to care. It's almost three in the morning where I'm publishing from and I still have another fanfic to update. Cheers.