Should I tell him?

Author's note: I'm sorry I haven't written anything for a while. Long story short, my laptop broke again. It's not fixed so I'm using my phone to write this up. Apologies if this is really bad. I wrote it on a bad day and debated whether I should actually publish this. Homophobia warning in this for anyone (sorry Yuuri!). Other than that, I hope you like it.

Yuuri started the six minute warm up with his head all over the place. Viktor. Makkachin. Vicchan. The free skate. The short skate. The final. Viktor. Viktor's love. As he practiced his jumps, landing them cleanly, he forced himself to swallow down his concern for Makkachin. Once the warm up had ended, all the skaters except Emil left the ice. All of them went to their coaches. Except Yuuri. Glancing around, he slipped into the locker rooms and opened his locker, searching for his phone. A small piece of paper fluttered out and landed by his feet. Curious, he picked it up and read the message.


Yuuri crumpled it up quickly and shoved it into the pocket of his tracksuit, swallowing. He pulled out his bag and shuffled through it. His fingers brushed against another piece of paper and he hesitantly took it out to read it.

"Hasetsu homo."

He looked up and his eyes widened. The back of his locker was filled with small slips of paper, each printed with the Russian flag on it. Before he could stop himself he was reading through them.

"Disgusting scum."

"Stop tainting Nikiforov."

"Do us all a favour and kill yourself."

"Faggot whore."

"Pathetic gay bastard."

"Nikiforov's not gay."

Yuuri shoved the rest into the bottom of his bag and pulled his phone out. No new messages from Viktor. He called, hoping, praying for an answer.

Hello. You've reached the voicemail of Viktor Nikiforov. Please leave a message after the tone.

Yuuri hung up quickly, locking his phone and putting it back in his bag. Seung-Gil Lee had just started his free skate when Yuuri got back out to the main hallway with Yakov, Yuri and JJ. He put his earphones in and rolled his shoulders a little. He could shake this off. He would shake this off.

"After suffering an early fall in his quadruple loop, Seung-Gil Lee suffered a major loss in the standings and now has no hope of progressing to the Grand Prix Final."

Yuuri looked up as Seung-Gil left, seeing his tears. He swallowed his own fears frown and focused, frowning. The notes in his bag and locker kept coming to mind as much as he forced them down. As Yuri stepped onto the ice to start his free skate, Yuuri focused his mind to its safe space.


He allowed himself to focus on Viktor. Viktor's smile. Viktor's encouraging, if slightly naïve, coaching techniques. The way Viktor's eyes would wrinkle slightly after Yuuri landed a hip successfully.

Yuri's music ended and Yuuri was pulled out of his thoughts. Pulling out his earbuds and tugging off his tracksuit, he shoved them and his phone into his locker before he shut it and walked slowly out towards the rink. Yakov left Yuri's side and took Yuuri's skate covers, giving him a little nod.

"Make Viktor proud." He said gently.

Yuuri nodded and he skated into the centre of the rink. His anxiety flickered a little, and he forced himself to relax and clear his head. The opening runs of "Yuri on Ice" started playing and he lost himself in his skate, messing up his combination and some of his final jumps. As he reached his final pose, he reached for where Viktor would have been.

No one was there.

Yuuri swallowed the lump in his throat as he skated towards Yakov. He took back his blade covers and rushed into the locker room, pulling out his jacket and slipping it on as he reached the Kiss and Cry. Yakov started lecturing him but he couldn't listen properly.

"Yuuri Katsuki is in third place. He may yet proceed to the Grand Prix Final but we won't know until the end."

"Viktor will be going back to Russia." Yuuri thought sadly.

Yakov excused himself to find Yuri, leaving him alone. Sighing, he stood up and walked to the locker room. Maybe Viktor would answer now.

Hello. You've reached the voicemail of Viktor Nikiforov. Please leave-

Yuuri hung up and looked in the mirror. He could see his hair was starting to fall back down and his eyes were getting irritated by his contacts. It was the white splodge on his jacket that caught his eye. He pulled his jacket off and froze.

"Disgusting faggot slut."

It was written underneath "Japan" on his jacket and it was in English so that more people could understand it. He had walked past competitors and reporters wearing it. He didn't have another jacket to wear instead. Surprisingly calmly, he made sure the paint was dry before he turned it inside out and slipped it back on. He pocketed his phone, wallet and glasses before he slipped out of the locker rooms.

"Jean Jacques Leroy of Canada performed a magnificent free skate. He's taken gold, with Yuri Pliestsky taking silver and Michele Crispino taking bronze. Katsuki and Crispino are tied for points when the scores of both events are totalled, meaning Katsuki will be going to Barcelona after taking silver at the Cup of China."

Yuuri almost collapsed with relief. He found Yakov waiting for Yuri and he hugged him tightly to his surprise.

"Thank you."

For the next twenty minutes, Yuuri went on a hugging rampage, hugging the other competitors. He was almost in shock as he collected his things and slipped on his coat.

Another slip of paper sat in the corner of his locker, the Russian flag on the back bringing a lump to his throat. He picked it up hesitantly.

"They don't give gold medals to fags."

Yuuri crumpled it up in his hand and shoved it in his pocket as he left.

Yuuri shifted his bag on his back as he approached the arrivals area of the airport. He'd made it. Viktor wouldn't leave him. He was lost in his thoughts. How would he even begin to tell Viktor what had happened in the skate, let alone-

A soft bark pulled him out of his thoughts. Bounding towards him, paws up against the window, was Makkachin.

Alive and well.

Only once he has finished staring at Makkachin did Yuuri look up. Viktor was staring at him, eyes wide and full of emotions. He stood up and Yuuri started running towards the door. Viktor matched his speed as he too ran towards the door, Makkachin hot on his heels. Yuuri reached it first and Viktor stopped, his arms wide open for Yuuri. Yuuri collapsed into them, holding Viktor in a tight hug. Viktor hugged him too, one hand smoothing his hair.

"Viktor, I've been thinking how you can continue as my coach."

"Me too Yuuri." Viktor said gently, kissing the top of his head.

Yuuri pulled Viktor away from him and looked him seriously in the eyes.

"Viktor, will be my coach until I retire?"

Viktor stared at him momentarily before he smiled, taking Yuuri's hand and kissing it. "That sounded like a marriage proposal." Yuuri flushed a little red and Viktor pulled him back into a hug. "In that case, I hope you never retire."

The whole train ride from the airport to Hasetsu was filled with Viktor asking Yuuri about the competition. He smiled when he heard Yuri qualified and he squeezed Yuuri's hand gently.

"You're not telling me something Yuuri." He said softly. "I can tell by your eyes."

Yuuri shuffled in his seat and mumbled something, avoiding Viktor's eye contact. He wanted nothing more in that moment than to burn his jacket. The one he still had on under his coat. Luckily, Viktor didn't push him to talk and the two just sat in a comfortable silence.

"Yuuri! Delivery!" Viktor called up the stairs, a package held in one hand. Yuuri spotted the parcel and felt a wave of relief as he recognised it.

"What did you buy Yuuri?" Viktor asked chirpily. Yuuri froze, halfway through opening it.

"Uh, just a jacket." He bluffed quickly, hoping to throw Viktor off.

"Yuuri~." Viktor said in his slightly-irritated voice. "What did you buy?"

Yuuri frowned and pushed the package into his hands before he went back upstairs to his room. Viktor opened it, confused when he found a new Japan jacket.

"Yuuri?" Viktor asked softly, opening the door.

Yuuri was sitting on his bed, surrounded by small slips of paper and clutching a black jacket. He head was bowed and he tensed as Viktor sat down next to him.

"Mind explaining what's going on?"

Yuuri looked down at the ruined jacket in his hands, the homophobic slur in white paint obvious against the black material. Viktor's face softened immediately as he saw the words. He could guess what the slips of paper were.

"Oh, Yuuri, I'm so sorry This is all my fault for kissing you in China. I knew we were going to Russia. I should have been more careful."

Yuuri hugged him tightly, trying very hard not to cry as he buried his face in Viktor's shoulder. Viktor stroked his hair gently.

"T-There's one...One specific one you should see." Yuuri mumbled. He handed Viktor the crumpled piece of paper and buried his face again. Viktor kept his arms around Yuuri as he opened the note.

"They don't give gold medals to fags."

"I'll sort this out Yuuri, I promise." Viktor said softly, kissing Yuuri's forehead and sweeping the notes into the bin.

"So, Viktor, what do you have to say about Yuuri Katsuki getting into the final?" One reporter pressed, cameras flashing around him as film crews zoomed in on him. He smiled, his camera-perfect smile making an appearance.

"Yuuri deserves to be here because he is gold medal material. He has as much chance as any of the others here." Hiss face turned solemn and stern as he turned directly to talk to the camera. "And whichever Russian vandalised his jacket and filled his locker with homophobic slurs has me to answer for. Plus," he paused for a moment, smiling a little more, "if they don't give gold medals to fags, how come I won five in a row at the worlds?"

The reporters around him were stunned, so Viktor added one more comment. "I would like to announce my plans to propose to Yuuri Katsuki. If he says yes, we can marry after the Grand Prix Final."

Viktor left the interview and met up with Yuuri in a restaurant. The two enjoyed their date in Barcelona in peace whilst Viktor's interview went viral.

The hate didn't stop. Yuuri doubted it ever would as he tossed a small slip of paper with a Russian flag on it into the bin quickly. Viktor took his hands and kissed his ring, smiling.

"Skate your best."

I originally thought I'd do it as a stand alone thing, but should I do this with other characters too?Please let me know. I hope you enjoyed it x