(A/N: This is was going to be one shot, but I thought it should be more than a chapter long.)
"This is gonna be it. The big day!" The girl thought. looking in the mirror. Her blonde hair flowed over her shoulders in curls. Her dress was ball gown style, the top of the dress was a dark pink and started to go lighter until it became white on the bottom of her dress. "I can't believe that this day was happening. I thought it was strange three years ago when we started dating - but now I can't imagine life without him."
Three Years Ago
"Come on! Let's go get going!" Her male - the pink haired - team mate said as he running towards danger.
"Natsu!" The red head called as she ran after him.
"Will that Flame-Brain ever slow down?" The black hair team mate said as he shook head.
"Gray...your clothes." The blonde female said.
"How does this keep happening?!" Gray asked.
"Where did Erza go?" The blonde asked as she tried to look for the red head team mate.
"She ran after Natsu." Gray sighed.
"Come on, let's go before he gets himself in trouble." The blonde said.
"Lucy, are you sure everything is okay at home? The Magical Council's letter seemed a bit creepy."
"Oh Gray...Master went to see if there was another way, but since no one would be nice to him - I guess it would have to be. Light of Fairy Tail remember? That's what you guys keep calling me. Even Lisana started calling me that."
"But this is -"
"Yes I know very full well who he is and What he is...Master asked to go to the council to pick him up, so I guess we would have to get to know him on the way back to Magnolia."
"Come on Gray, they won't hand him over unless I'm there."
The two of them finally caught up to Erza and Natsu as they looked at the building - the new standing Magical Council building since the other one got destroyed by who ever he was. Lucy took a deep breath and was the first one to walk into the large building. This was something no one really wanted at the guild, but every slayer has to have a mate - First, Second and Third, or else they will slowly die from the inside. Natsu had Liana, Gajeel had Levy, Laxus had Mirajane, Sting and Yukino and Rouge had some other girl. He was a very quite guy, so he wouldn't tell anyone her name. All that was left was Cobra - and they had to find his mate before it was too late.
Lucy walked over to the desk and looked at the frog in charge. "Excuse me - I'm Lucy Heartfilia."
"Oh! You are here to pick up Cobra! Let me show you to him." The frog said and showed Lucy the way.
The two of them walked in the room where Cobra was sitting. This was something that Lucy didn't really want to deal with, he could hear everything and it was kind of creepy.
"Cobra you - " The frog started to say.
"Yeah, yeah. I can go with Blondie over here. Let's go, I want to finally be able to walk more than two feet in front of me." He stood up and walked out of the room, while Lucy was still standing there looking at him. "Come on Blondie, I need food - more than the poison they were feeding me here."
"I could give you more fucking poison if you want." Lucy growled under her breathe. "Come on - I'll have to pick up more cleaning supplies for you have when we get back to my place." Lucy sighed as she started walking out of the room.
"Ah! Miss. Heartfilia! One of the council members will be checking in once a month!" The frog called as Lucy was walking back to the lobby where her team was waiting for them.
"Alright!" Lucy called back.
Lucy and Cobra made it back to the lobby where the team was waiting for them. Some part of the guild was still unhappy about Cobra being in the same house with their Lucy. The question that is still left in said - Why Lucy? Was there something the council knew that the guild didn't know?
When the Council was making their choice.
"He's still a Dragon Slayer!" A voice said.
"He doesn't need his mate! Fiore is better without him!" Another voice chimed in.
"Shut up! Does he have any clue who his mate is?" The first voice asked.
"He said, she was Lucy of Fairy Tail." The head said.
"Her!?" A few said.
"I thought she was with the fire dragon - Natsu Dragneel." A new voice said.
"No - he is with another wizard." Someone said.
"So - Lucy Heartfilia of Fairy Tail. Well, someone make a letter and tell the guild they have a new member, but do not add that Lucy is the mate. They don't need to make it harder on him."
"I still don't know how he knew.." Coughed someone.
"Every Dragon Slayer, apparently has a dream about their mate."
Back to the Present
Lucy stood between Cobra and Natsu. This was going to be a very long train ride - well mostly a silent one, because Natsu was just going to get sick off the bat as soon as the train pulled out the station. The group of wizards were able to get a really good section - a lot of the people stayed away, mostly because of Cobra. Lucy looked at him from the corner of her eye - he didn't seem dangerous - did he?
"You know Cobra, you will have to get the guild mark.." Erza said before the train started.
"NO WA-" Natsu soon fell ill when the train started moving.
"Still getting sick Salamander?" Cobra laughed.
"Just because you seem to be immune doesn't mean I still won't hurt you." Gray growled.
"Knock it off!" Lucy shouted looking between Gray and Cobra. "Cobra has to join because he has to stay with me, and you know - he will have to come on jobs with us, if you guys don't like it then I will just go on them alone with him."
"Lucy wouldn't do that. Would she?" Erza thought.
"Lusheeeee.." Natsu whined.
"So this stupid criminal is more important than us? Wow." Gray thought.
"Fish! Maybe I should ask Natsu if we can go fishing when we get back so I can get Carla a fish!" Happy thought.
"I wish they could understand..." Lucy thought - being careful what to think around Cobra. She hasn't forgotten that he could hear everyone's thoughts. So Lucy was careful on what she was thinking - she didn't want anything slip.
"Will you all shut up!" Cobra hissed at the group - mostly it was towards Natsu, Happy, Erza and Gray. Lucy on the other hand was not driving him crazy. He was happy about that.
"What is your issue Snake boy?" Gray asked.
"You and your damn perverted thoughts!" Cobra stood up and looked at the group - before turning to Lucy, "I'm getting some air."
Just like that Cobra walked away. Lucy glared at them - "I can't believe you guys forgot that he can hear thoughts!" Lucy got up and followed Cobra - she had to make sure that he didn't go far from her. If the Magic council ever found out that she let Cobra leave her side for even a second she doesn't know what they would do!
"Come on Cobra - where are you?" Lucy thought. "I'm sorry for the team. I would've come alone, but that's how they are - they wanted to be with me."
Cobra, who wasn't far, could hear the thoughts of his mate. His mate - not Salamanders, but HIS. Cobra came into her view and pulled her into an empty seat. Looking at her - with his one good eye. There was a pull - Lucy didn't know it was there, since it was weak pull, but it was there. That's how Cobra knew. She was there that one time in the area, dropping off something and that's when the pull happened. Ever since then, he needed her - he wanted her - but he couldn't have her. Does Lucy - this blonde celestial wizard - really want a second generation dragon slayer?
"Hey, are you okay?" Lucy asked, after the silence was a bit long. "You looked like you were deep in thought."
"I wasn't. I was trying to block out all the other people on the train." Cobra lied smoothly - well more like half lied.
Lucy smiled - the Light of Fairy Tail, is what everyone calls her. Though sometimes it was mostly behind her back that she was called that. Cobra looked at her as he could hear m,ore thoughts - more clearly it was Natsu screaming his thoughts that Cobra could hear him.
"God. He is just so loud!I can't hear myself think!" Cobra thought.
"WHERE DID SHE RUN OFF TO! WHY DOES IT MATTER ABOUT THAT DAMN SNAKE!" Natsu thought as he started walking towards where Lucy and Cobra were.
"What if we go to the dining car!" Cobra grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the dining car. The two of them were connecting more than anyone could see. Since the two were connecting,it was just more of a fact that the two of them were mates. Out of the way of Natsu, Cobra looked back at Lucy as she was out of breath from running. "Well, here we are." Cobra said.
"The food smells so amazing here." Lucy said, smiling at Cobra.
"it does, would you like to grab a table and get some food?" He asked her as they were walking through the the area.
Lucy blushes as she looked away at him and couldn't help but nodded her head. Cobra grabbed her hand to make sure that she didn't get separated as the train was arriving at a stop. There would be people getting off, and Cobra could tell that they weren't going to be alone - the team was bound to find out where they were. Cobra and Lucy sat down at a booth where there were menus. Lucy read over the menu, wondering what sounded good to her. Cobra just looked at it. This was going to be something amazing. Lucy looked up at him, she wondered what he was thinking, but something told her that he didn't want to talk about something, which she was totally okay.
Arriving in Magnolia
The train made it back and Natsu of course was feeling so much better. There was nothing that could stop him - well of course he was kept on a short leash by - if it had to be anyone special it would be Erza. Lucy was with Cobra showing him the way to her apartment. It was a bit strange, but it had to be done. No matter what, it was what the Magic Council had said for it to happen. The two of them had to be together - but only Cobra knew the truth. He had to think of a way to tell Lucy - he had to. She had to understand the truth - the real reason why the he was staying with her. There was no way that she would agree if she was told that she was his mate.
Lucy open the door to her apartment. "Here we are." She walked in and placed her bag on the ground.
"Nice place." Cobra said as he looked around, scanning it with his eyes.
"Thanks, it will also be yours until you are able to be out on your own. I want to help you out as much as possible."
Cobra just nodded his head. "She's being so nice, I can't believe she's actually okay with it - Maybe she wasn't okay, I mean what girl would be okay with having a guy who is much older than she is move into her place."
Lucy walked into her bathroom and thought she should take a shower - but she usually walked out in her towel...Thinking about it she walked back into her bedroom and grabbed her clothes as she saw Cobra walking around, trying to get used to the place and know where everything was.