Hey guys! Sorry for such a long wait for this chapter. It's very long and took a long time to construct. I'm sorry to say that these chapters, because I'm basically writing two stories in one, will take a while to upload. I hope you guys decide to stick around, though, because I'm very excited to share my version of Hermione's life with you all. In this chapter you will be meeting my FAVORITE OC character. I absolutely adore him and he will be a big part of this story. I hope you all fall in love with him like I do. With that said I present chapter three!


"So you guys are siblings," Harry said as the two separated from their embrace. He looked at Hermione. "Why did you keep that a secret? It's wonderful."

"It'll come up, I'm sure," Hermione said quietly.

"The next one's starting," Dean said quickly, drawing the attention away from Hermione and onto the floating screen.

"Hermione Jean Granger and Dean Anthony Thomas, you get down here right now!" Dan shouted up the stairs, his face red in anger.

"Oh ho ho, I know where this is going," Dean laughed. Hermione giggled, remembering this memory very clearly. Oh, the heart attacks they used to give their parents.

"What did you guys do?" Harry asked warily, looking at their father's red face.

"You'll see," Dean laughed.

He sighed heavily and ran his fingers through his hair for the tenth time. He couldn't believe they managed to do it again.

"I have a feeling that this is going to be good," Seamus chuckled.

"This has gotten ridiculous," Sonya cried as she paced back and forth. "What are we going to do now? That was the best one in all of the freaking country and they managed to get rid of that one too. What are we going to do?"

"She already asked that," Susan laughed. "Whatever you two did got her really frazzled."

Hermione and Dean just gave them all innocent smiles.

"We will figure it out," Dan said soothingly, taking her hands in his, stopping her pacing. "We always do."

Sonya sighed and nodded her head. As she heard the sound of little footsteps coming down the stairs she closed her eyes and took a deep breath as Dan kissed her forehead.

"Your parents are so cute," Padma sighed, dreamily. "I wish I can have a love like that one day."

Everyone but Theo, Blaise, and Harry missed the way Hermione suddenly looked forlorn and the way Dean shot her a sad, sympathetic look.

They both looked up as Hermione and Dean entered the room. They both looked the same as in the last scene, the only difference being Dean looked much healthier. His hair was now perfectly trimmed, the bags under his eyes were gone, he no longer looked so pale and sickly thin, and his bruises were practically gone.

"Oh, you look so much better!" Neville said happily. He hated seeing one of his best friends look so battered and bruised. It had hurt his heart knowing his best friend had once been in so much pain.

"Look at that cute little devil," Dean grinned.

"Emphasis on the devil," Hermione said cheekily.

Dean's grin widened. "You know it."

"Hi Daddy," Hermione said sweetly, an adorable smile lighting up her face.

"Nope," Theo said, shaking his head. "Nope, nope, nope, don't believe it. I've seen that look before. That one uses it all the time when she wants something or tries to get away with something," he said, nodding towards Daphne, who shot him an innocent look.

"I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, Theodore," Daphne said sweetly.

"Lies," Theo said immediately.

"I do not lie," Daphne said with fake offense.

"More lies," Theo scoffed. "You're all evil. Every last one of you."

"Theodore, dear, I am an angel."

"Yeah, a dark one," Theo muttered. Daphne smirked slyly at him, her smile looking quite cutting, but Theo just rolled his eyes.

Everyone stared at the pair, intrigued by the light banter. They had never seen Slytherins have such a normal, friendly conversation.

"You know," Seamus said slowly, staring at Daphne, "I'm both scared and turned on."

Daphne's smile instantly turned flirtatious as she looked at Seamus.

Draco snorted. "Welcome to our lives."

If Dan didn't know any better he'd never would have thought she did anything wrong.

"Neither would anyone else," Harry snorted. He gave Hermione a teasing grin. "No one would actually believe that you are the mastermind behind most of our plans."

"No, no, no, no," Hermione said, shaking her head adamantly. "You make the plans, I'm just there to clean up your mess and save your ass when they go south."

"Oh, really?" Harry asked challengingly, his eyebrows raised. "So it was my idea to set Snape's robes on fire during my Quidditch game because you thought he was hexing my broom?"

"That was you?!" Draco exclaimed, shocked.

"It ended up saving your life in the end," Hermione said, ignoring Draco. "Even if it was the wrong person," she muttered.

"And was it my idea to go back in time, save Buckbeak, break Sirius out, and call a werewolf towards me?"

"You weren't complaining when both Sirius and Buckbeak lived," Hermione said indignantly.

"And was it my idea to jump on the back of a dragon and break out of Gringotts?" Harry continued as if he didn't hear her.

"No freaking way," Theo said in awe, staring down at Hermione.

"It was the only way to get out! It saved your life did it not?" Hermione exclaimed.

"Be that as it may, none of those were my ideas. Those were all you," Harry said smugly. Hermione just huffed and crossed her arms with a pout. "Aw, you're too cute when you pout."

Hermione stuck her tongue out at him and started muttering about, "ungrateful, stupid boys."

"Okay, can we take a quick jump back to the whole 'jumped on a dragon' thing?" Theo asked, causing Hermione to glare at him. Theo just raised an eyebrow with a cheeky grin, and she huffed again.

"Boys," she muttered.

Luckily, he did know better.

"Hermione," Dan said sternly. Hermione winced a little before the innocent smile was back on her face.

"That smile is Slytherin worthy," Daphne said, impressed.

"If Daphne, queen of evil, says that, than it's true," Theo stage whispered sarcastically. Many people chuckled while Daphne glared at him.

Her father never called her by her name unless it was serious. It was always 'Mia Bear' or 'sweetheart'.

Hermione smiled fondly, remembering when her father would call her 'Mia Bear'. She missed it.

"Dean," Dan said, turning to the boy standing next to her. Dean looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes and a small charming smile.

"Ah, so that look started off young," Parvati said, amused, and Dean shot her that very look.

"Sit. Now."

The two kids scrambled up onto the couch and sat down. As they looked up at them Dan took a moment to observe them. The two sat identically, backs straight, fingers interlocked on their laps, and smiles shining up at their parents.

"That's the 'I definitely did something wrong but I'm going to make it seem like I'm an angel and hope for the best' stance," Ron chuckled. "I've seen the twins pull that off one too many times. They mastered it," he finished fondly, looking off faraway in memory. Everyone, even the Slytherins, stayed quiet to give him his moment. They all knew how Fred's death had affected the Weasley's, and even Draco Malfoy could sympathize their loss.

The way they sat was as if they rehearsed it. Well, they had been in this position enough to have that stature down pat.

"Perfect Hermione Granger was a troublemaker?" Draco said, starting to look like Christmas had come early. Hermione rolled her eyes, not responding.

Dan sighed. When they had adopted Dean the Grangers had expected the kids to go out and play, for Hermione to have someone to read with, to talk and laugh with, to be friends with. The adoption didn't disappoint, Hermione and Dean were the best of friends, Hermione was happier than ever, and Dean was great.

"Oh, guys, stop, I'm blushing!" Dean said dramatically, fanning his face, causing everyone to laugh.

Little did the Grangers know, though, that they weren't only getting her a best friend, but a partner in crime as well.

Harry gasped, offended. "Hermione, I thought I was your partner in crime!" he cried dramatically.

Dean scoffed. "Please, I am the OG partner in crime," he said smugly, throwing an arm around her shoulders. Hermione rolled her eyes as the two boys continued to playfully bicker back and forth, but snuggled into Dean's side with a content smile.

"This is the seventh one," Dan said, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. "The seventh nanny that you both have chased off in less than a month."

Everyone looked at the two in disbelief, while the two looked around with innocent smiles.

"Seven?" Blaise asked incredulously. "At four years old you managed to chase off seven nannies?"

The smiles on the two instantly turned mischievous.

"Not just any nanny, Nanny Bates," Sonya stressed. "The best nanny in all of freaking England! She was the nanny of the royal family before the children got too old to need a nanny anymore. She's handled the worst of the worst kids and has been able to turn them into angels kissed by God! And yet, somehow, the two of you are able to chase her off in less than a week!"

"A bit dramatic, your mum," Millicent said, amused.

Hermione scoffed. Dramatic wasn't a word that even began to describe her mother.

"Then obviously she wasn't that great," Dean muttered, laughing lowly.

"And there, ladies and gentlemen, is the famous Dean Thomas mouth," Seamus said dramatically, and Dean just grinned as everyone laughed.

Dan gave him a stern glare and he went quiet.

Two months ago, when they had first brought Dean into their home, it wasn't long before his wall had come down. Though the boy had decided to keep his last name, to keep a part of his birth parents with him, it had been easy for Dean become one of the Grangers. Dean and Hermione were inseparable, always by each other's side, and Dean had kept up with his promise to protect her like a brother would. When he started school he immediately put a stop to the bullying, glaring and yelling at anyone that even dared look at her the wrong way. He had even fought a boy that pulled her hair,

"Aw, how sweet," Hannah said. "Well, sweet in a violent way," she muttered, causing a few chuckles to echo around the room.

Blaise, Draco, and Theo all winced. They remembered Dean's temper when it came to his sister very well, thinking back to their first official meeting in second year. It had gone anything but smoothly and none of them wanted to ever repeat that.

which Dan had praised him for when they were out of earshot of Sonya.

Hermione shook her head fondly at her father's actions.

Sonya had been so excited to have someone that loved art as much as she did, and the two spent at least an hour in her art studio everyday.

It was Dean's turn to smile fondly. He missed the days when he and Sonya would spend hours in the studio laughing and making art. She always taught him something new and was the reason he was as good as he was today. Dean sighed. He wished he could get those days back.

They were all amazed at Dean's art skills at such a young age, and it wasn't long before his artwork covered the walls of her studio.

"And soon the kitchen, his bedroom, my bedroom, the living room," Hermione said.

"And the dorm room," Seamus added.

"Some are even hanging in the common room," Neville said.

"Alright, alright, I get it," Dean said with a laugh.

Dan had immediately taken Dean under his wing, and it wasn't long before the boy looked up to him like an actual father. The two played sports, went hiking, played games, cooked together, read together, watched the telly, or just talked. Out of everyone Dean spoke to Dan the most about his time at the orphanage and 'Fatty Haggy's' treatment of the children, especially him.

Draco winced, remembering Dean's earlier explosion. Did muggles really discriminate against people for their skin color? Draco shook his head. He needed to look more into this.

Dan was appalled and had immediately gotten to work to get the woman fired. Three weeks later the kids found themselves with a new caretaker when child protective services had caught Hagitha in the act of beating a child.

"That's just awful," Hannah said sadly. "I'm glad your father helped those poor children."

"I see where Hermione gets her determination and kind heart," Harry said fondly and Hermione blushed as many people agreed with him.

Dan helped Dean try to move on from his past and get through the nightmares he had well after. Dean had even gotten into the habit of calling Dan 'Pops'. And as his father, Dan had taken it seriously to discipline him.

"Do you have any idea how hard it was to get her to be our Nanny? How many people we competed with?" Sonya exclaimed, waving her hands around. "How much money she cost us?!"

"Why?" Dan asked with a heavy sigh, his eyes resting on Hermione. He knew that she was the mastermind behind all their ideas. She always was.

"See!" Harry said, pointing up at the image of her father smugly.

"Shut it, Potter," Hermione said.

Hermione was the brains and Dean was the brawn. The perfect troublemaking pair.

"She's a troublemaker," Draco laughed, looking like an excited child. "I always knew it!"

"Shut it, Malfoy," Hermione growled with no real animosity in her voice.

They had managed to get rid of thirteen nannies.

"Thirteen?!" Blaise exclaimed, his eyes wide. "How? How?! I couldn't even get rid of the one house elf that was constantly up my ass! How in the name of fuck do you get rid of thirteen nannies?!"

Once again Hermione and Dean just grinned mischievously.

Hoping that Nanny Bates would have been different had been wishful thinking.

Hermione frowned and looked down at her hands. "I didn't like her. She was snippy and mean. She hated it when we would play and never let us outside. She made the worst things for us to eat. She tried to make me eat fish and broccoli! Broccoli! Everyone knows that I hate broccoli, it's the worst vegetable ever!"

"Wow," Ron said. "You know out of all the reasonings I've heard Hermione give for doing something this one takes the cake."

Hermione glared at him as everyone laughed and stuck out her tongue.

"What do you have against broccoli?" Theo asked, amused.

"It's disgusting, and weird shaped, and its top is too close to Dean's hair to be comfortable to eat," Hermione huffed, and everyone burst into laughter.

"It really is," Dean added, nodding.

"And I told her this, and what does she do? Makes me eat broccoli every day! It's inhumane. It's child abuse!"

"It's cruel and unusual punishment," Dean adds once again.

"So, I see dramaticism runs in the family," Theo said, amused. Hermione glared at him as well. "Aw, what? I don't get a tongue stuck out me too? Well that's just unfair. And here I thought we were warming up to each other."

Hermione resisted the smile that wanted to come to her face. Instead she just rolled her eyes and looked away from his annoying smirk..

"And she made us go to bed at seven o'clock! Who goes to bed at seven? And she refused to let Dean sleep with me. Said it was a sin for boys and girls to share beds until they were married and that she didn't need anymore little brats running around. What does that even mean? He's my brother, why would I marry him?!"

At this everyone burst into loud laughter. Hermione blushed, her older self understanding exactly what the nanny had meant.

"Oh, so little and so innocent," Seamus laughed, wiping tears from his eyes. "Too cute."

"Shut it, Finnigan," Hermione grumbled.

"Aw, you two shared a bed?" Padma asked.

Dean nodded with no shame or embarrassment. "I slept in her bed so much that within my first three months there they just moved my bed into her room. Stayed there until I turned thirteen." All the girls cooed and now Dean was blushing lightly, though luckily his dark skin hid it.

Dan had to stop the laugh that almost burst from him at her confused and appalled expression.

"And she never let Dean draw! Said 'young men shouldn't be doodling in some notebook! There's no future in that! If it was my way you'd be out in the fields working! Not home dilly dallying with silly nonsense doodles!'"

"She ripped my drawing of Mia and me," Dean said sadly, looking down at his lap. The Grangers felt their hearts hurt at the sight of his crestfallen face.

The sentiment was shared around the room as they watched his small face droop sadly.

"What the fuck? What woman would do that to a kid?" Millicent said angrily.

"Bitch," Blaise muttered, causing a small quirk to come to Dean's lips.

Seamus frowned as he looked at the younger version of his best friend. Dean was such a happy, go-lucky person that when he was angry or sad it took him by surprise because they were emotions he didn't show often. Seamus had decided a long time ago that he didn't like any expression that wasn't positive on his best friend's face. Seeing his little four year old self so sad made his heart break, and he wanted to hunt down the stupid nanny that put that expression there.

They hated the sight of their children sad and hated that they had been so unhappy, but that didn't excuse their behaviour.

"She was awful!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Be that as it may, you still handled the situation wrongly.

"Sounds like a disapproving Hermione," Ron said, shuddering.

"Well, considering that is her father . . ."

"Shut up, Finch-Fletchy."

Really now, putting worms in her soup?" Dan said in exasperation.

"She's slimy, so I figured more slime wouldn't hurt her," Hermione shrugged.

Scoffs and guffaws echoed around the room at the mouth on little Hermione.

"So she was born snippy. Duly noted," Draco drawled. He made a surprised noise when the girl stuck her tongue out at him, but smirked, amused.

"He get's your tongue stuck out at him, but not me?" Theo exclaimed dramatically, hand clutching his chest. "That hurts, Granger. Hurts deep."

Hermione rolled her eyes again and turned back to the screen, once again ignoring his smirk.

"Throwing paint filled balloons at her from the balcony?" Sonya said.

"I thought it may help her appreciate my art more," Dean said happily.

"SAVAGE!" Millicent yelled, offering Dean a high five from where she sat next to Theo. Dean stared at the hand, surprised and taken aback, before grinning widely and high fiving her.

"Crabs in her pants . . . really?!" Dan exclaimed incredulously.

"Well she's always so crabby," Hermione said.

"And constantly on our arses, so," Dean mumbled.

"My respect for the both of you just shot right through the roof," Draco chortled. Hermione gave him a small smile. They were a long way away from being friends, but Hermione could see that Dean's words had gotten to him at least a little bit and he was making a small effort to calm down. She could appreciate the effort. Hermione had never been one to hold a grudge for long. If Draco was willing to be friendly then she was too.

"Dean!" Sonya shouted, appalled. "Language!"

"Well, it's true," he mumbled.

Hermione looked at her father. "She had to go!"

"You know if Hermione says someone has to go then they have to go," Harry laughed.

Hermione smiled smugly. "Glad we all learned that I get what I want." Suddenly her smile disappeared. "Or else," she said with fire behind her eyes. Everyone took a deep breath in, suddenly wary of the change of attitude. Suddenly a bright smile lit up her face and she turned to the screen as if she hadn't just freaked everyone out.

"Savage," Millicent said simply, nodding her head and shrugging her shoulders as if there was no other explanation. "Savage."

Dan sat on the coffee table in front of them so that he was at eye level with Hermione. "If you hated her so much why didn't you just tell us? That would have been the right way to handle this."

"Because you never listened to me!" Hermione exclaimed, throwing her hands up. "I've tried in the past, with the first few nannies. I tried to tell you both how awful they were and you ignored me. You were too busy with work to even listen to me or too desperate to fire her. So, I took things into my own hands."

"You're starting to sound like Harry," Ron laughed.

Harry scowled at him. "Well, no one does listen to me!" he said, throwing up his hands.

Dan looked at her guiltily, knowing that everything she was saying was true. Hermione had complained multiple times in the past about how awful her nannies were, but they had passed it off as her being like any other kid that didn't like being babysat. She also didn't like that they worked so much, but when you own your own company you have to work a lot to keep it running. It was this reason that they needed a nanny in the first place, seeing as they were both four and couldn't stay home alone. But with Hermione constantly sending the nannies running, it made running their dentistry even harder.

"Dentistry?" Blaise asked.

"Dentists are people who work on your teeth. They fix them," Dean replied. Blaise looked at him, shocked he answered him, but nodded, not pushing his luck.

Dan shared a look with his wife, who looked crestfallen. They hadn't meant to put their daughter's feeling on the back burner, they just hadn't known what to do.

Dan sighed and turned back to Hermione. Taking her hands in his he said, "Listen, I know times have been tough. With the dentistry starting to boom and the limited amount of employees we currently have, we can't be home as much as we want to be. I'm sorry we didn't listen to you in the past, Mia Bear, we just didn't know what else to do. But we need someone to look after you both while we're at work."

Hermione pouted,

Hermione could practically feel Theo smirking from beside her and resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at him.

still obviously not happy with not only having to get a new nanny, but also still not being able to spend time with her parents. Dean threw his arm around her shoulders, not liking seeing her so upset.

Dean, who still held Hermione to his side, hugged her to him and placed a sweet kiss to her forehead. Instantly Hermione felt a sense of calm wash through her, an effect only Dean and Calvin had on her.

Everyone watched them, still getting used to the sudden show of affection between the two of them.

"How about we compromise," Dan suggested, causing both of them to look up at him. "When we interview the nannies you can be there as well and you can decide who you want as your nanny."

Hermione's eyes immediately lit up and Dean slowly grinned.

"Oh, Merlin. Good luck with that, Mr. Granger," Harry laughed, knowing just how stubborn his best friend was when it came to getting what she wanted and it being perfect.

Dan smiled, feeling like he just took a step in the right direction.

"Did you, though?" Draco asked, and Harry snorted. They both looked at each other in surprise before looking away.

"Deal?" he asked.

Hermione and Dean looked at one another, having a silent conversation with their eyes. Dan looked at them fondly. He was so happy with how close they had gotten in just two months. "Deal," they said, turning back to him.

Dan grinned. "It's a deal then. Now it's just a matter of actually finding a nanny that will want to look after you. You have quite the reputation."

Instantly the innocent smiles were back on their faces, and Dan scoffed.

*Scene Change*

"That is the fourth one you have denied," Dan groaned,

"Called it," Harry laughed.

rubbing his forehead from where he leaned on the island in the middle of the kitchen front of Hermione and Dean, who sat on the other side eating some fruit snacks.

"Ugh, fruit snacks," Dean and Hermione groaned in need and everyone laughed at them.

"Do you know how hard it is to even find people to even consider watching you two troublemakers?"

"That last one had one eyebrow!" Dean exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air. "Who trusts a girl with one eyebrow?!"

"Honestly," Lavender agreed, shuddering in horror.

Dan groaned again and dropped his head onto the counter.

"Don't worry, Daddy, we'll find the right one," Hermione said calmly, smushing together two different fruit gummies together before popping them in her mouth. "They're coming, I feel it."

"Okay, Luna," Theo teased.

Hermione just stared at him. "I'm not sticking my tongue out at you."

"Come on," he groaned and Hermione laughed.

"Well, can you tell them to hurry up?" Dan asked, raising his head and giving her a defeated look. "I'm getting grey hairs waiting for them."

"Oh, Daddy, I don't know who it is yet," Hermione said, giggling. "Besides, you already had grey hairs."

"SAVAGE!" Millicent and Dean yelled together and high fived again, grinning massively. Hermione blushed, but laughed along with the rest of the room at their antics.

Dan glared as Dean laughed. "Maybe it's because I deal with the troublesome duo everyday."

"Is that what they're calling us?" Dean asked, dumping a whole bag of fruit snack in his mouth. "Tha's freally vad," he said with his mouth full.

"What's bad is the food falling from your mouth, mate."

"Shut up, Seamus."

Hermione wrinkled her nose at him before turning back to her father.

"She agrees with me."

"Shut up, Seamus."

He almost groaned again when he saw the small determination shining in her eyes.

Everyone who were close to her groaned and she smirked.

"Like I said, Daddy, they'll come."

Dan sighed. "I hope so, Mia Bear."

*Scene Change*

Dan hurried through the streets from the grocery market, carrying multiple bags in his hands. With all the hype of the past week, with juggling looking after the kids, looking for a new nanny, and managing the dentistry, they forgot about taking care of their basic needs. The kitchen was empty of food and they were down to their last roll of toilet paper. So while Sonya was home watching the kids on her break, Dan, who worked later that night, quickly ran to the grocery store to buy some things. The Granger's lived right next to the town and the grocery store was only a five minute walk, so they usually just walked.

"It must be nice having such a homey neighborhood," Millicent said almost dreamily.

Hermione looked at her with a kind smile. "Maybe you can come and see it some time," Hermione offered.

Millicent smiled shyly and nodded in agreement. A few seats down Pansy scowled and huffed angrily. What was happening to all her friends? Why were they all being so friendly to the enemy all of a sudden? She shook her head. They would be having a meeting come lunch time.

Dan was now regretting not driving because the lady in front of him at the cash register had taken forever because she was having card issues, so now he was running late and Sonya's break ended soon. Today was an extremely busy day in the office and she couldn't afford to be too late.

"Come on, Mr. Briggs!" a shout jerked Dan from his musings and his head snapped up. As he was approaching a cafe called 'Cup O' Briggs' he saw old Sean Briggs, the owner, dragging a boy by the neck of his shirt out of the cafe.

"Oh, here we go," Dean said excitedly, sitting up.

"Who's that?" Ron asked.

Neither one answered, too busy looking up at the screen with bright smiles.

The boy was tall and lean with a little bit of muscles. His skin was as dark as Dean's and his head was cleanly shaved. He had brownish green eyes that looked up at Mr. Briggs desperately.

"Well, hello," Parvati said with a flirty smile, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. "He is fine." Beside her Lavender and Padma nodded in agreement. Hermione scrunched her nose at their hungry expressions and groaned at the interrogation she knew she would get later.

With a grunt Mr. Briggs threw the boy onto the sidewalk. "Get the hell out of my cafe, boy, and don't ever come back!"

"I didn't come onto your daughter Mr. Briggs!" the boy shouted desperately, picking himself up. "She cornered me in the break room! She's been coming onto me for months, but I've been denying her. I promise!"

"Don't lie about my daughter to me, boy! I know the type of girl she is," Mr. Briggs growled menacingly.

"Mr. Briggs was always a mean, nasty old man," Dean grimaced.

"That's why his cafe closed," Hermione said, "because no one wanted to work for him and he was mean to customers.

"I'm not lying, Mr. Briggs, I swear! I need this job. I have bills to pay! I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize it! Please, I really need this job!" the boy cried, his eyes wide with desperation.

"Aw, poor boy," Hannah said quietly, and Neville patted her hand.

"You should have thought about that before forcing yourself onto my daughter!"

"I didn't force myself on her, she forced herself on me!" the boy shouted and Dan immediately knew he was telling the truth. The desperation in his voice was too real to be a lie.

Hermione smiled. Her father had always been able to see the truth and good in people.

"Bah!" the old man yelled, turning away from the boy and stomping back towards the cafe. "Get the hell off my property, you mutt. You're fired!"

"That's so mean! He didn't have to call him a mutt!" Daphne growled.

Dan watched as the boy's face crumbled and his heart hurt as he watched the boy try to hold back tears.

"It's okay, baby, I'll take care of you," Pansy purred, and Hermione tried hard not to gag.

The boy gave a heavy sigh and hung his head in defeat. He turned and slowly started to walk away, his whole body sagging. Dan trailed after him as he walked through the crowd that had formed around him, watching the scene. I'm not following him, Dan thought to himself, He's merely going the same way that leads to my house.

"Sounds pretty reasonable to me," Ernie joked.

As Dan trailed behind the boy, a gut feeling telling him he needed to continue behind him, he saw the boy come to a stop and stare at something in front of him. Following his line of sight he saw another boy, a few years older than his children, sitting on the curb, crying softly.

"Everyone is just so sad," Hannah said softly, her own eyes sad. "I just want to give them all a hug." Neville smiled softly at her. Hermione smirked at her friend. His feelings couldn't be more obvious.

The boy he'd been following slowly made his way over to the younger child.

"Hello," he said gently, and the younger boy jumped. He looked up at the teenager with sad eyes and whispered a soft 'hi'. "What's got you so sad, mate?"

The younger boy sniffled and said, "The man in the ice cream shop was very mean to me. He yelled at me saying that I didn't have enough money."

"There's a lot of rude old men in this town," Terry Boot said, speaking for the first time.

Hermione laughed. "Mostly just business owners. They think because they have their own businesses they're all big and bad."

"That's ridiculous," Terry laughed, shaking his head.

The older boy frowned. "Well that's not very nice. How much was it?"

"Three pounds. I only have one," the young boy said sadly, holding out a crinkled bill.

The older boy frowned again and reached into his pocket. Dan watched as the older boy dragged out three crinkled bills from his pocket. He started at them for a moment before sighing and placing them in the boy's hand. "Here, take these."

The boy's eyes immediately lit up and he scrambled to his feet. "Really?" the boy asked excitedly, looking up at the teenager with wide eyes.

The older boy nodded with a small smile. "Yeah. Someone should be happy today."

"Oh my god, that's so sweet!" Padma exclaimed happily. Hermione smiled.

"Thank you, sir!" the boy squealed, hugging him around the waist.

The older boy smiled again and patted his head. "You're welcome, mate. Go get your ice cream." The boy nodded happily and ran into the shop.

Dan decided now was the perfect time to speak up. "That was a very kind thing you just did." The boy jumped and turned towards him with curious eyes. "Were those your last few bills?"

The boy shrugged. "I have a few left."

"That's all he had?" Anthony Goldstein spoke up. "Man, he's got a good heart."

Dan nodded. "That was quite the fiasco back there," he said, motioning towards the cafe.

The boy looked at him, obviously embarrassed. "Saw that, did you?"

"I'm pretty sure the whole town saw it."

"Subtle," Hermione laughed at her father.

"Listen, I didn't touch that girl, okay?" the boy suddenly exclaimed, becoming defensive. "She came onto me. She was mad I had been ignoring all her defenses and forced herself on me. I tried to get her off but一"

"Hey, hey, hey," Dan said, raising his hands up in surrender. "I'm not accusing you of anything. I believe you."

"You do?" the boy asked, surprised.

"People always assume the girl is the victim," Tracy Davis said quietly, shaking her head. "That's not always the case."

Dan nodded. "You can't fake the desperation I saw in your eyes." the boy looked down at his feet, defeated. "What's your name, son?"

The boy looked up at him and stared at him for a moment, as if searching for something. "Calvin Rhodes, sir."

"Calvin," Harry said, turning to Hermione. "Is that the Calvin you two keep bringing up?"

Hermione smiled brightly and looked up at the teenage boy with love shining through her eyes. Harry turned back to the screen, interested in how this boy comes to be in his best friend's life.

"Calvin," Dan said, nodding. "Well I'm Daniel Granger, It's a pleasure to meet you." Calvin nodded in greeting, shuffling his feet. "If you don't mind my prying, son, back there you said that you have bills to pay. Now, you don't look more than seventeen."

"I'm sixteen, sir," the boy said quietly. "I live on my own."

"What?!" was the shout that echoed loudly around the room.

Dan reeled back, not expecting that answer. "What? How is that possible?"

"Emancipation," Calvin said, not meeting Dan's eyes and playing with his fingers. "My dad died a few years back and my mom kind of went off the rails. Started drinking and partying. She'd bring guys back a lot. Well, a few months ago this one guy that she's been seeing for a few months started hitting her and I defended her. We got into a fight and when she managed to pry us apart he said she had to choose between him or me." Calvin shrugged sadly. "She chose him."

Shocked silence filled the room.

"Oh my Merlin," Daphne said quietly.

"That's so sad," Draco added.

"What parent would choose a lover over their kid?" Ron asked, horrified. He thought of his mum and how she would give up her life for all of her children. Hell, she had almost given up her life for them during the war. In that moment he felt an immense amount of appreciation and love for his mum.

Dan felt an immense amount of sympathy for the boy. To lose your father and then have your mother turn on you? He couldn't imagine anything like that ever happening to his kids.

Again, the two winced, and again, Harry, Theo, and Blaise all caught it. Now they were becoming worried. Right now their lives seemed to be going great. What happened in the fourteen years leading up to their present selves that were making them react such a way?

"So that night I packed my bags and left. I used my college savings to buy a shabby apartment, but I'm running out of money, which is why I really needed that job." Calvin shook his head sadly, looking at Cup O' Briggs. "I don't know what I'm going to do now. It was hard enough getting that job."

A lot of the rich purebloods looked down awkwardly. They knew that when they graduated, even if they decided not to work, they would be set for life. Watching this boy made most of them realize just how lucky they were that they didn't have to worry about ever being poor.

Immediately the idea popped into his head, and he suddenly understood why his interest had been peaked by this boy.

"Oh, I know where this is going," Anthony said with a happy smile.

As he observed the boy he couldn't help but think he'd be the perfect fit. Mostly because he was desperate and Dan was desperate,

"Is this like the whole 'you're different, I'm different' thing?" Theo asked sarcastically, and Hermione nodded happily.

but besides that something about the boy just gave Dan a good gut feeling, and one of the Granger's mottos was to always trust your gut feeling.

"You guys have a lot of mottos," Draco chuckled.

Hermione shrugged. "They're what helped us get through life."

"Calvin do you like kids?" Dan asked.

Calvin immediately looked at him, eyes curious. "Um, yeah. I'm friends with most of the kids in this town. Sometimes I volunteer to read to younger kids at the library." Hearing this Dan grinned widely.

"Oh, now I know where this is going," Blaise chuckled, giving Hermione a teasing grin. Hermione once again stuck her tongue out.

Theo huffed. "This is just getting insulting," he muttered, and Hermione couldn't help but grin a little.

"Why?" the boy said cautiously after seeing his grin.

"I have two kids and I desperately need someone to watch over them. I'll pay you good and I'll even do you one better. I have a spare room in my house, it's yours if you want it."

Calvin looked at him with wide eyes, not believing what he was saying. "You want to hire me as your . . . nanny?

"Are you serious," Draco snorted.

Are you serious?"

"See, he didn't believe it either," Draco smirked, and many laughed, mostly just shocked that he could be funny in a non-malicious way.

"More serious than I've ever been in my entire life," Dan said. At Calvin's suspicious expression Dan sighed. "Listen, son, you seem like a good kid with a good heart. You gave up your last few bills to make that kid happy. That's the kind of person I need in my kids' lives. You're in a tough spot, you're only sixteen and you've been forced into this adult life. Let me help you and you'll be helping me. I'll pay you good with just a small fee for housing, but that'll hardly make a dent, you don't have to worry about bills or food, the room has it's own bathroom, and if my kids like you then you'll have the time of your life."

"With Hermione, life is always an adventure," Harry said fondly. Hermione smiled at him.

Calvin looked him up and down a few times, eyes still suspicious. "How do I know that you're not just some creep trying to kidnap me or some other freaky stuff?" he asked.

"He has a valid point," Terry laughed.

"He'll fit right in. He's just as dramatic as the rest of you," Theo laughed. Hermione rolled her eyes and smacked his shoulder.

Dan barked out a laugh, but he couldn't blame the boy's suspicions. He had just met him two minutes ago and already he was offering him a job to watch over some kids. Yeah, it was a little weird. Dan reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. Opening it he handed it to Calvin, who looked down at the picture of his family inside. "My wife, Sonya, and my kids, Hermione and Dean."

"He carries a picture of you all around? That's so sweet," Daphne said almost longingly. Daphne had never been close to her parents. Though they had been neutral in the war, that had mostly just been to save their own asses. They strongly believed in blood purity, a sentiment she never shared and made clear in their house. If it wasn't for the publicity it would cause, she would have been disowned a long time ago. She had always wished her parents would be as loving towards her and Astoria as Dan Granger was towards Hermione and Dean.

Calvin stared down at the picture silently. His eyes softened as he took in the family of four, laughing and smiling in the picture. Dan watched as Calvin ran his thumb lightly over the image of Hermione and he smiled as Calvin let out a small sigh.

"You have a gut feeling," Dan stated knowingly. Calvin didn't look up from the picture, but he didn't have to. "Us Grangers believe in our gut feelings. If we get one we always listen to it and follow it."

"It's never led me wrong, Daddy," Hermione said quietly. Dean tightened his hold on her and Theo looked down at her worriedly.

Finally Calvin looked up and met his eyes. Dan could see the small amount of hope and fear shining in his eyes, and he knew the answer before the boy did.

*Scene Change*

"Are you sure this is a good idea? You don't even know who this boy is," Sonya said through the phone.

"What's a phone?" Tracy asked shyly.

"It's this little device people use to communicate. Instead of writing letters and waiting for a response you can talk to them right there through the phone wherever you are," Hermione said kindly.

"That . . . is very convenient," Draco said reluctantly.

It had been three hours since Dan came home all giddy and bouncing on his feet.

"You're just like him," Dean laughed. "When you get all excited over something you're all giddy and bouncing all over the place." Hermione blushed, but laughed as well.

Sonya, too much in a rush to get back to work, had to wait for a moment to breathe before she could call her husband and find out what had made him so excited.

"Yes, dear. My gut has never led me wrong. It led me towards you, did it not?" Dan laughed as he finished preparing the pasta for tonight.

"Smooth," Blaise said, looking highly impressed.

He hoped making Hermione's favorite dish would make her meeting Calvin over dinner go a little smoother.

"Ugh, I love pasta," Millicent said happily.

Sonya laughed through the phone. "Be that as it may, shouldn't you have maybe done a background check on the boy first before having him meet our children? Make sure there's nothing bad about him?"

"I did, as soon as I got home. Squeaky clean, which is not surprising. He doesn't peg me as the violent type."

Hermione and Dean shared a look and scoffed. Sure Calvin wasn't violent, but when he was mad . . . jeez, he was a tornado.

"But what if一"

"Sonya," he said with a laugh. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do, you goof," Sonya sighed.

"Then trust that I know what I'm doing."

Sonya sighed again. "I do, I do. I just worry. They're my babies."

Both Hermione and Dean smiled, but their smiles were almost sad.

Dan smiled fondly. "I understand that, but this'll work out. I promise."

"Okay," Sonya said reluctantly. "I'm trusting you with this decision."

"I've never led you wrong before," Dan said softly.

"No, you haven't," Sonya said lovingly, and Dan smiled. "I have to go, but I will see you later tonight."

"Okay. I love you, my dear."

"I love you, too."

Dan sighed happily and hung up the phone. Placing it down on the counter Dan started scooping the pasta into some bowls and setting them around the table. Calvin would be there any moment. Hopefully. Earlier that day when Dan had offered Calvin the job, the boy still seemed to be hesitant. So Dan had invited him over to dinner that night to see the house and meet the kids. After a bit of hesitation Calvin had agreed. Dan had then gone on to explain the deal he made with Hermione and Calvin had been very amused, much to Dan's relief.

The sound of the doorbell rang through the house and Dan gave a huge sigh of relief. Rushing to the door and jerked it open and was happy to see Calvin nervously standing on the other side.

"Calvin, glad you could make it. Come in, come in," Dan said jovially, motioning Calvin inside.

"Your father is funny," Padma said with a light smile. "He's always so happy and excitable, and when he's not he's dramatic."

Everyone laughed, agreeing with her, and Hermione smiled brightly.

"Nice place, Mr. Granger," Calvin said, looking around. "It's very homey."

"It really is," Seamus said quietly, looking at the screen fondly. Harry narrowed his eyes for a moment, before dropping his suspicions and turning back to the scene.

"Thank you. All my wife's doing," Dan laughed. Going towards the stairs he yelled, "Kids, Calvin is here!"

"Daddy, there's no need to yell," Hermione spoke from behind him, and the two older males jumped, neither one noticing the two small children entering the foyer. "We're right here."

Dan looked at the incredulously. "Where did you both just come from?"

"Outside," they both said.

"When did you go outside?" Dan asked, confused. He had been in the kitchen since he got home and hadn't not once seen them gone through the back door.

Hermione smiled sweetly. "Hours ago, Daddy. We walked right by you."

Dan looked even more confused. "How do I not remember this?

"Here it comes, I feel it," Millicent said with an excited smile.

Hermione giggled. "Because you're getting old, Daddy. It's okay though, it's a part of life."

"SAVAGE!" she yelled again, and once again her and Dean high fived.

"So this is a thing, now?" Hermione asked, motioning between the two. "This is happening?"

"Oh it happened, sat down, drank some tea, ate some crumpets, rode a dragon, died, came back to life, and happened again," Dean said, high fiving Millicent for the ten thousandth time.

Everyone laughed at their antics and Hermione shook her head happily.

Behind Dan came a loud laugh and everyone turned to an amused Calvin. He stared down at her as she met his eyes head on, and Dan watched as his eyes almost seemed to gloss over as he looked at her.

Ron glanced over at Hermione. He could relate to Calvin. Hermione just seemed to have that effect on people, where she just captured your attention and made you become attached. He sighed. He had screwed up. He did the stupidest thing he could do and broke her heart. Ron regretted it everyday because a big part of his heart still belonged to her. He knew he'd never get her back, and now all he wanted was for her to be happy. He looked towards a few guys that had also looked her way. If her being happy meant she ended up in another's arms then he'd put his own wants aside for once and let her be happy.

"Hello, are you Calvin?" Hermione asked politely with a sweet smile. Dan looked at the smile closely. She had three different types of 'sweet smiles'. The one that means she's up to no good, the one that means she's upset and trying to hide it, and the real one that means she's actually happy.

As if on cue everyone turned to look at the girl. She blushed prettily and smiled smally.

"Or the embarrassed one," Dean chuckled, kissing the crown of her head.

Dan looked surprised as he saw that she was wearing a real sweet smile. She never wore that smile when meeting a new nanny.

"Gut feeling?" Theo whispered to her. Hermione smiled and nodded.

"Yes, I am. Are you Hermione?" Calvin said gently, going down on one knee.

Hermione slowly started inching towards him. "Yes, I am," she said confidently. "So you want to be my new nanny?"

Calvin grinned. "I prefer the title 'Caregiver'. 'Nanny' is just very . . . old," he chortled, looking up at Dan, who shot him a light glare.

Hermione's eyes narrowed. "And how old are you?"


"Aren't you a little young to be a 'caregiver'," she asked mockingly, using air quotes.

Seamus sighed dreamily. "Merlin, I love the Hermione sass," he said, gaining a few chuckles around the room.

"Aren't you a little young to be able to chase away thirteen nannies?" Calvin shot back with just as much sass.

"Shots fired," Justin laughed.

"Oh, he'll fit right in with you guys," Harry chuckled.

Dan watched the interaction in awe. With the past four nannies they interviewed Hermione had simply let Dan and Sonya interview them before giving a simple 'no' when it came to decision time and walking away.

Draco snorted. "Always straight to the point, Granger."

Never had she interacted with them herself.

Hermione eyed Calvin curiously as she continued to inch her way towards him. "You know I get to decide whether you stay or not, right?" she said matter-of-factly.

Calvin grinned, watching her process. "I do. So, what's your terms and agreements?" he asked, unfazed.

Hermione quirked an eyebrow and she looked so adorable trying to look intimidating that Calvin got the strongest urge to hug her.

Dean sighed. "The good old days where your intimidation tactics came off as cute instead of deadly."

Hermione smirked. "I've come a long way," she laughed.

"You let us play," she began.

"Only if I can play with you," Calvin said seriously.

"You let us go outside."

"We can take walks, especially to the park."

"You NEVER feed us broccoli."

"You're still hung up on that broccoli, huh?" Harry laughed.

"It's disgusting and should be banned from this universe!" Hermione exclaimed, pouting as everyone laughed.

"Now that's just cruel and unusual punishment."

"That's what I said!" Dean perked from behind Hermione, and Calvin shot him a grin.

"No fish."

"I prefer them in tanks."

"And absolutely no nuts, I'm allergic."

"Are you really?" Harry asked, surprised. Hermione nodded. Harry suddenly felt bad for never knowing that. How had he never known that?

"I don't even like nuts, so you're in luck."

"You let Dean draw and you never rip up his drawings."

"I would never ruin a kid's artistic flow. If I do that who would we have to make this world so beautiful?" Calvin said, shooting Dean a gentle smile, who returned it with a shy one of his own.

"I hope your mural comes up," Hermione whispered and Dean grinned.

Hermione stared at him calculatingly, but Dan could see her walls slowly coming down.

"You let us watch the telly."

"I'd be an awful person not to let kids watch the telly."

"You let me read my books when I want to."

"I admire smart girls."

"And sometimes you read with me," Hermione said, now standing right in front of him.

It took all of Calvin's strength not to draw her into a tight hug and coddle her. "I'd be honored," he said.

Hermione smiled lovingly up at one of her favorite people on this earth. He had always been good to her.

"And you never, ever be mean to me or Dean," she said quietly and timidly.

Most people in the room shifted, uncomfortable, as they saw the insecurity resting in the young girl's eyes. Many of them had been guilty of bullying her at one point or another, even her two best friends, just because she was different. Knowing Hermione now most, if not all, regretted it, especially knowing how much she was bullied as a child.

Seeing her wide eyes become vulnerable broke his heart and Calvin could no longer resist the temptation to draw her into his arms. Hermione gasped in surprise but soon a warm, calm feeling took over her body and she snuggled into his warmth. Calvin opened his arm to Dean, who hesitantly made his way over and was immediately pulled into his arms as well.

"I promise," Calvin said softly, hugging the two tightly to his chest.

"Oh my God, so precious," Hannah said softly.

He couldn't explain it, but the moment he had entered the house he felt an immediate sense of belonging. Like this was where he was supposed to be. And when he had laid eyes on Hermione and Dean he felt his world tip upside down. His body stilled and his eyes wouldn't stray from their form. Looking at them he felt the breath leave his lungs. He knew he wouldn't be able to breathe again unless he got closer, unless he was with them, unless he was holding them close. He had never felt that way ever in his life, and the sudden feeling of need confused him. But when the two were finally in his arms his body sagged in relief. He felt a wholeness come about his loins, almost like he was . . . complete. He didn't understand it, but Calvin was a man that asked very few questions. He believed everything happened for a reason, and he knew that he was just meant to be here, with them, and nowhere else.

A lot of people in the room sighed longingly. A lot of them, mostly the Slytherins, didn't have a lot of people they could call family. They all relied on one another for the most part. To see such an instant connection of obvious love made all their hearts yearn.

"You're hired," Hermione said softly into his chest.

"Yes!" everyone shouted excitedly, even though they all saw it coming. But it was still very exciting to actually see it happening.

Dan, who had heard her, gaped in surprise. "He . . . he is?!" he asked, his tone full of joy and shock. He didn't think this meeting would have gone so smoothly, but he'd be damned if he'd question it. "Great. Great! Then who's up for dinner?"

*Scene Change*

The four walked into the kitchen and took their seats around the set table. Dan took his seat at the head of the table while Calvin sat to his right and Hermione and Dean sat across from Calvin to Dan's left.

"So, Calvin, now that you've officially been hired," Calvin said happily, grabbing a piece of garlic bread before handing the plate over to Hermione, "let's go over a few things. So you'll be living here in our spare room as we discussed一"

"You're living here?!" Dean exclaimed excitedly, causing Calvin to grin and nod. "Wicked!"

"Aw, little Dean is so cute," Padma cooed.

Dean grinned. "So is big Dean," he laughed.

Ain't that the truth.

"Very wicked," Dan laughed, smiling fondly at Dean. "The room, like I told you, has its own bathroom. It also has a balcony that overlooks the backyard. Now i'll be taking out one hundred pounds a week for housing, but i'll also be paying you twenty pounds an hour so it shouldn't really make a dent."

"Twenty pounds?!" Harry exclaimed.

"Is that a lot of money?" Draco asked.

"Think of it this way," Harry began, "One galleon is equal to about five pounds. So he would be making four galleons an hour and he works twenty four hours. He'll be bringing in a lot of money."

Draco stared at him, shocked. Turning to Hermione he asked, "Are you rich?" Hermione simply nodded, as if it was no big deal. "How did I not know this?" he asked incredulously

"Because unlike some people I don't feel the need to show it off," she laughed and Draco shot her a glare.

At that moment Calvin, who had been drinking his water, started to choke and splutter. "Tw-Twenty pounds an hour?! Are you for real?" Calvin squeaked in a high pitched voice before clearing his throat. "I mean are you for real?" he said in his normal tone.

"Right there. That would be me," Parvati said through her laughter.

Across from him Hermione and Dean started giggling into their pasta. Calvin shot them a teasing glare before turning back to Dan with an incredulous look.

Dan gave a deep chuckle. "Trust me, after a week of dealing with these troublemakers you'll think it's too little of an amount."


"Anyways, you can have Saturdays and Sundays off, as my wife and I have those days completely off. You will also be getting a household credit card for anything you may find you need for the kids. And that means anything, whether it's serious matters or for fun. You don't have to worry about food, our home is now your home. You take care of our kids and we'll take care of you," Dan continued.

"Damn, your father is super generous," Theo said.

"Hell, I'll babysit you guys," Terry laughed.

Hermione smiled. "When my grandfather died we came into a lot of money. Daddy doesn't like to show it off, he's a very humble man. So instead he uses it to help out those he can."

"So kindness runs in the family, I see," Neville said, smiling gently.

Calvin looked down at his plate with a small, touched smile. No one had ever gone to such lengths to take care of him before. "So please feel free to eat anything in the fridge or cabinets, and use and of the equipment. If you do buy food feel free to store it in the kitchen. We can't eat dinner together as much as we would like to, but when we do we hope that you will join us."

"I would love to, sir," Calvin said softly.

"Good," Dan said happily. "This is your home now, Calvin. I hope you can come to see it as such."

Calvin smiled. "Thank you, sir. Honestly, this what is this?" Calvin suddenly said, confused. Looking into his pasta his nose scrunched, confused, and he reached to fingers in.

"Oh no," Daphne sighed.

"What did you guys do now?" Seamus groaned.

Dan watched, horrified, as Calvin slowly pulled a dead worm from his food. "Huh, well that's interesting. This doesn't look like a noodle."

Dan groaned and turned towards his kids with a horrified gaze. The two devils were currently trying to hide their giggles in their pasta, giving Calvin sly little glances.

"It's like looking at Fred and George," Ron said, horrified.

Calvin, who had caught their giggles, smirked.

"That's never good," Anthony said, watching with rapt attention.

"Huh, maybe it's a new kind of pasta? Guess i'll have to try it out." Before anyone could do anything Calvin threw the worm into his mouth.



"Turn off!"

"Is he nuts?!"

"He's great," Draco laughed with a wide grin and wide eyes.

The rest of the table's occupants gaped at him as he chewed the worm. "You know, a little crunchy, but I can't really taste the flavor." He picked up his fork and started digging around his pasta. "Oh, look, here's another one! Maybe I should try it again. You know, possibly get a better tasting of it."


"Yes!" Draco shouted, looking like an excited puppy. Harry stared at him in disbelief.

"No!" Hermione suddenly yelled as Calvin picked up the second worm and held it to his open mouth. "Okay, okay, you pass your second test!"

"Of course it'd be a test," Theo said, rolling his eyes. "It's Hermione fucking Granger."

Before she realized what she was doing she stuck her tongue out at him. His eyes went wide and she silently cursed as a huge grin came to his face.

"Yes!" he shouted, throwing his fist into the air. "I finally got you to do it! I fucking win!" his excitement immediately beat Draco's as he kept fist bumping the air. Hermione couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Mate, you're so weird," Blaise said, staring at him like he'd lost his mind. "Between you and Draco I don't know how I became friends with either one of you."

Calvin looked at her, slowly lowering the worm away from his mouth. "Second test?" he asked, amused.

Hermione nodded. "I had to make absolute sure that you were the one."

Calvin raised an eyebrow. "And am I?" he asked, throwing the worm back into him bowl. Hermione nodded shyly. "Well, good then. Glad I passed. Now, how about we go read a book?" he said nonchalantly, as if he hadn't just eaten a dead worm.

But he decided that it had been worth it when he saw her small face light up and nod excitedly.

"He is awesome," Draco said, nodding his head. "That boy is just awesome."

"You're so weird," Harry said softly, still staring at him.

Draco just gave him a large grin in response. Harry jerked back as if he'd been slapped and his eyes widened.

"So weird," he repeated before turning back to the screen, ignoring Draco's chuckles.

*Scene Change*

"Hey," Sonya said tiredly as she entered through the front door. Dan turned and smiled happily at her from where he was leaning on the archway that opened into the living room. "What's got you so happy?" she asked, placing her purse and keys on the table next to the door.

"What doesn't make this man happy?" Padma laughed.

With a smug smile he said, "I finally found the right one. She hired him."

"No way," Sonya said disbelievingly, stopping in her tracks.

Dan grinned widely and nodded his head before motioning to the inside of the living room. Sonya slowly made her way towards the archway as if scared of what she'd discover. When she reached the open space and glanced inside she gasped at what she saw.

"Oh my," she said breathlessly.

Lying on his back across the couch with his eyes closed was Calvin. On his chest with one hand tightly holding onto his shirt while her head was snuggled into the crook of his neck was none other than little Hermione. Calvin had his left arm securely wrapped around her waist while his right arm fell off the couch. His right hand rested on top of Dean's head, where he slept on a pile of pillows with a blanket thrown over him.

"How. Bloody. Cute," Daphne said as a lot of the girls cooed. Hermione and Dean smiled happily up at the scene, that being the first of many cuddles.

"Isn't that just so precious," Sonya sighed in awe, hands clutched to her chest as she took in the scene. "But Hermione never let's anyone that's not family touch her."

"You let me hug you," Harry stated.

"Because you're family," Hermione said, as if it was obvious.

Harry grinned. "I know, I just wanted to hear you say it."

"Well, he's as good as family now. I mean the kids put worms in his pasta and he ate it willingly."

"He ate it?" Sonya said incredulously, and Dan nodded. "And he's still here?" again, Dan noddd. "Oh, he's definitely not going anywhere."

Dan chuckled lightly and drew her to his chest. "No, I have a feeling he'll be around for awhile," he said gently, kissing the top of her head. Looking back at the sleeping children he smiled. "I also have a feeling that our lives just got a little more interesting."

*Scene Fades*

"That was great," Harry said. "I like him. Can I meet him?"

"Of course, Harry. He'll be at graduation," Hermione smiled.

"And your parents, too, right?" Harry asked excitedly.

Hermione froze. She opened and closed her mouth a few times before, fortunately, the door opening saved her from answering.

McGonagall entered the room and looked around suspiciously. "Oh, wow, look at this. You're all still alive," she said sarcastically. Most of the room blushed and looked away from her stern gaze. "It is lunch time. You have an hour break, and then I expect you right back here come twelve o'clock."

Everyone nodded and started filing out of the room.

"We need to talk," Hermione said lightly to Dean as they exited the class, and he immediately agreed. They walked the opposite way of their classmates, not paying attention to the three sets of eyes trailing after them.

Hope you guys enjoyed this character as much as I did! I absolutely LOVE Calvin so much. He's literally just . . . ugh amazing. If you want to know how I picture him look up the actor Lance Gross. Please please leave me reviews of what you think! If you have suggestions or things you want to see I'm all ears! Also I will be replying to reviews at the end of each chapter, so responses to reviews from chapter two are below! Love you guys!


Oliviaa Rose


Maddening Dreams: Glad you approve of the talk of racism. I was a little worried about that, but I never saw it done before so I wanted too. There will definitely be more touchy subjects in the future that I will cross the best I can without it being too cringe worthy. And I love the way they meet too! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much!

Ragsweas: Thank you! I'm glad I didn't disappoint

Roon0: Thank you! I'm happy for Dean as well, and I hoped this satisfied your concern for the other children. I was NOT going to leave them with that awful woman, haha!

Inevitabledeathh: Aw, thank you so much! I'm glad to hear it! It means so much! And yes, those two are QUITE cute, but no promises yet!

PrincessSparkles95: Thank you so much! There will be a lot of cliffhangers in the future, so be prepared! I hope this chapter revives your dying reader sould again, haha!

Rotten Princess4: Thank you, it means so much that you like it!

Steelmagnolia247: I haven't decided if I'm doing any of the other students after this yet, I'm not sure. For now, I'm going to try to get through this one, but the thought is still there! Thank you! Glad you like it!

Wewerk1977: Thank you so much! I'm so happy you like it! Just warning you, there will be a lot of hurt and drama in the future, but hopefully I can write it in a way that keeps you reading! Thanks again!