"Sabee you need to stay quiet." Ari whispered at the bat that was hanging off his bag. His friend was somehow stuck in her animal form and he needed to find somone who could help. Those army men were relentless in hunting the two teens. He gripped the green scarf in his hands. Sabeeha's hijab was the only thing that didn't transform with her.

They stayed hidden for awhile longer until Ari deemed it safe enough to leave. He ran for awhile, clutching his bag and Sabee close. Eventually he darted into the first building he saw that was open.

The woman at the front desk looked up at him. "May I help you?"

He was breathing hard from all the running but nodded. He carefully showed Sabee to the woman.

"My friend is stuck in this form. Is there anyone you know who can help us?"

The woman sighed and pressed a buzzer on the desk. "Mr. Doofenshmirtz I'm sending two kids up to your laboratory. One of them is stuck in mutant form." She looked back at him. "Top floor. Penthouse."

"Thank you." He breathed a sigh of relief and went to the elevator. The whole ride up he was riddled with anxiety.

The elevator dinged at last and the doors opened. He went to the door he supposed was the right one and rang the doorbell. A middle aged man in a labcoat opened it.

"Hello. You must be the kids. Martha said you were coming." He spoke in a strange accent and glanced at Sabee. "Seen this before. Come on in."

Ari hesitantly stepped inside. "Thanks for helping us."

"No problem. My nemesis is a mutant too and he's always getting stuck." He said while picking up some sort of device off the table. "You're going to need to set the bat down so I can blast it with this. Always works, don't worry."

Ari glanced down at Sabee who nodded. He sighed and placed her down.

"Do you mind turning around or closing your eyes after?" Ari asked. He made sure to have the green scarf ready.

"Sure, I guess." Doof did so as soon as the green ray had made contact with the little bat.

The small creature immediately turned back into her human form. Ari handed her scarf to her and she wrapped it around her head.

"Can I turn around now?" Doof asked. He sounded impatient.

"Yes, it's fine." Sabee said, tucking the last parts in place.

They thanked him once more and left. They planned on going to a friends house for the night.


Perry had trouble sleeping that night. He tried to convince himself that telling Monogram was a good idea but he kept feeling this nagging in the back of his mind. A voice kept telling him that it would all backfire.

The next morning at school his anxiety wouldn't go away. It lasted all throughout the day.

Finally, as he stepped into the headquarters of the O.W.C.A. and approached Monogram's office he felt like he should just turn around and walk away but he didn't. He pushed open the door and stepped into the office.

"Major Monogram, we need to talk." He tried to keep his shaking hands out of sight.

"Yes, Agent P?" The Major looked concerned.

Perry took a deep breath and told him about what had happened in the woods.

Monogram was silent for an agonizingly long time. Finally he spoke. "This is concerning but it does match up with the stories some of the other agents have told me."

"What other stories?" Perry was almost delighted to hear that he wasnt the only person who had something weird happen to him.

"Well, Terrence came in here yesterday and said that a tree suddenly sprouted fully grown right next to him. He even described the same gut pulling sensation you did."

Perry pondered this while Monogram kept talking. To be honest he kind of zoned out after awhile.

The door opened and Carl peeked in. "Sir, we have two new recruits who just came in from the European division."

He opened the door a little wider and revealed two teenagers. A male and a female. The girl was shorter than the boy and was wearing a green hijab. The boy kept nervously looking around as if he expected something to jump out and attack him.

Monogram stood up. "Hello. I'm Major Monogram, this is Agent P, one of our best agents."

The girl waved and the boy simply nodded respectfully. Not really a talker but he was kind of cute.

No. Stop with the gay thoughts. Perry told himself. O.W.C.A. was no place for developing romantic feeling for a co-worker.

"I'm Sabeeha al-Kamel and this Aristidis Kellidis." Sabee introduced. Both newcomers shook hands with Monogram.

Carl cleared his throat and gave them both a look.

"Sorry. I'm a Pygmy bat and he's a sabre-toothed tiger." Sabee said.

Monogram's eyes widened. "Not many prehistoric mutants out there. Good to have you on board son."

Ari nodded. "Thank you. America is alot nicer than Arabia."

After talking with them for a little while longer Perry offered to show them around. "So, are you both from Arabia?"

"Technically I guess. Sabee is Muslim but I'm greek. My parents moved to Arabia just before I was born." Ari explained.

Perry listened intently. He didn't know why but he found Aristidis so intriguing.

"What about you?" Sabee asked.

"I was born in Australia. My sister and I were brought here and adopted by our current family." Perry explained quickly. He didn't really like talking about his past.

The conversation carried on normally and Perry left feeling like he'd made new friends.

Heres a mini note. I will be doing updated character forms or something I guess with new information on these two new characters and current ones.