Author's Note

The title of this chapter is dedicated to the incredible fanfiction that inspired me to write this story to begin with. I mentioned it in the first chapter and it is more than worth mentioning it again. Tell Me I'm Crazy is an Inuyasha AU by the super talented WitchyGirl99 that takes place in a college setting. It's fast paced writing, incredible humor, and touchingly awkward love story is the main reason this silly Jack and Ashi AU exists.

21 Credits

Chapter 26


"Tell Me I'm Crazy"

The time is 1:30 a.m.

And Jack and Ashi are doing something they did not expect.

Walking 'Brent' and 'Ashley' home.

Well, not exactly 'home'.

By the time the New Year's festivities had started to wind down, Ashi and Jack had been preparing to leave, only to spot their favorite couple at the entrance of the hall. 'Ashley' was in near tears after both she and her date had lost their coats. 'Brent' was doing his best to console her but it wasn't helping much, given the two had both gotten so drunk that neither of them could really grasp how to handle themselves.

They, being Jack and Ashi, found themselves struck momentarily with remorse. They had been following the couple around for a good chunk of the evening, cracking jokes at their expense. It was all in good, harmless fun. But now? Losing your coats on New Year's Day where the temperatures outside had dropped and the snow from Christmas still stuck to the ground? That was just cruel.

Jack, being the good-natured gentleman he'd always been, approached the couple with a proposition.

"Would you like a ride home?" he had asked. He'd explained to them that he had the number of a private driver and that he would be more than happy to call him so they could get home safely. He'd insisted that he and Ashi could find their own way back.

'Ashley' sniffed at the idea, seemingly grateful despite her tears.

"That's, like, super nice of you," she'd said. "But I mean, I guess it's not that big of a deal. We're staying in a hotel just a few blocks from here. I'm just, like, super pissed cause that coat was, like, super vintage." Then, she'd started wailing. "Now I'm gonna have nothing to wear for my sister's baby shower! It's gonna be, like, a who's who of the city's finest. And if I can't be the best dressed, then what's the point?!"

Ashi couldn't help herself but roll her eyes at 'Ashley's' tirade. What kind of person wants to upstage their sister at her baby shower? Fortunately, she's (arguably) mature enough to set aside her utter annoyance and join Jack, in his grand 'Walker' fashion, in offering to at least walk them home. 'Ashley' stands with her heels in her hands, which, probably isn't the best idea given how cold it is outside but, Ashi supposes, it's better than completely eating it on the rough pavement while attempting to cross the street.

Which is how Jack and Ashi found themselves navigating the busy streets of downtown, trying to suppress the constant need to groan in frustration, as an alleged 'five-minute walk' turns into twenty because the drunk couple can't seem to remember which hotel they're staying in.

Ashi is anxious to get this all over with. Jack had been gracious enough to lend 'Ashley' his coat and while he doesn't appear too bothered by that fact, Ashi doesn't want him to suffer in the cold for any longer than he has to.

"Perhaps it is this one?" Jack asks. He points to a tall building some blocks away. The top of the building shines in blue light. Ashi looks up the name via the maps application on her phone.

"Elemental Hotel," she reads. 'Ashley' responds by jumping up and down, proclaiming that—"Yes!"—they've finally found what they've been looking for. 'Ashley's' jumping, however, results in her losing her balance and nearly tumbling into the street. Fortunately, Jack's reaction time is quick and he reaches out to steady her by her shoulders.

"Hey man!" 'Brent' shouts, nudging Jack away from her. "Don't touch my girlfriend!"

"I apologize," Jack says. He holds his hands up to show he had no ill intention. "I just wanted to make sure she did not injure herself."

"Yeah, well, keep your hands to yourself, man," 'Brent' replies. "That's, like, totally not cool, you know?"

"Totally," Jack says, his voice a barely restrained imitation of the other man before him. Ashi snorts and flashes Jack a wide grin. Jack returns it and winks at her and for the millionth time, she wishes this part of the night could be over so she could flash something else for him.

Shortly after 'Brent' asserting that he'd be the only man watching 'Ashley', she suddenly slumps forward, worrying aloud that she was going to be sick. 'Brent's' reaction time isn't nearly as good as Jack's. 'Ashley' nearly fell to the ground. Ashi decides to give Jack a break by wrapping her arm around 'Ashley's' waist and guiding her down the block. She even offers to hold the girl's shoes and she congratulates herself for being a fucking saint.

They walk in relative silence for a few moments—save for 'Ashley's' constant hiccups and the sound 'Brent's' shoes clomping against the ground with unsteady steps —before Ashi tries her (terrible) hand at small talk.

"So, um. What's your name?"

The girl lifts her chin from her chest. "Lorelai Hyacinth—" Hic. "—Hayden-Palladino."

Well, that's certainly a mouthful.


"No," 'Lorelai' giggles. "That's just a fake name I use."

Ashi rolls her eyes. 'Ashley' it is, then.

"Hey, can you keep a secret? Can I, like, trust you?" 'Ashley' slurs. "I'm, like, super famous on social media and I don't want any—" Hic. "—paper-at-zi to, like, find me, you know?"

"You mean paparazzi?"

"That's what I said," she whines. "Oh my god," she says after another round of hiccups. "Are we like, best friends now?"

Ashi angles her head back to look at Jack and grins. "Maybe we are."

She tries to keep her laughs from sounding too mocking as the four of them finally get the front of the hotel. Ashi finally relinquishes her hold from 'Ashley's' waist and steps over to stand next to Jack. Jack immediately wraps his arm around her to bring her in for a quick hug against his side.

"Hey, man," 'Brent' says. (Jack had never bothered to ask for his real name.) "I said don't touch my girlfriend!"

"This is my girlfriend," Jack says.

"Oh." 'Brent' steps back and gives Ashi a quick look up and down. His eyebrows lift as if he's genuinely shocked. "Whoa," he says. "You're, like, really pretty."

"Oh my god! You jerk!" 'Ashley' shrieks. She hits 'Brent' with her bag and huffs while he does a shit job of trying to cover his tracks. 'Ashley' rolls her eyes and looks back at the couple.

"Although," she says slowly, "you guys are really hot. You know, like, as a unit." She smiles in what Jack and Ashi can only assume is some sort of attempt at a look of... seduction? "You guys wanna come up to our room? We have wine spritzers." Her voice is low but her words are still slurred which causes them to lose most of the desired effect.

"Eh, no," Jack says quickly. "We must be getting back to our car. Happy New Year to the both of you."

'Ashley' pouts for a brief second before waving her hand and turning to 'Brent'. "Okay, babycakes. Guess we're alone tonight."

"Right on, buttercup." 'Brent' nods his head toward Jack and Ashi. "You guys sure you don't wanna come up? We've got plenty of space."

"No," Jack says quickly.

"But thanks anyway!" Ashi beams.

"Brent' shrugs with a 'whatever, man' before he and his girlfriend walk through the doors, swaying together as they went. Jack and Ashi are rooted to the spot for a moment, reflecting on the absurdity of it all. Ashi can barely contain herself.

"Did... did we just get propositioned for a foursome?"

"Did you just thank them for it?"

"Fuck yeah I did!" She bellows, cackling as she pumps her hand into the air in victory. "Oh my god, I can't wait to tell Ami about this. Best New Year's ever!"

All previous excitement aside, the car ride home is quiet. Jack sighsin peaceful relief as he lazily looks out of the car window, watching the landscape glide by once they'd finally escaped the heavy traffic of downtown. He idly rubs Ashi's shoulder as her head nestles against his chest, her breath even with sleep.

He nudges her awake as he starts to recognize the area. They're about five minutes from campus and Ashi grumbles as she's woken up. Jack laughs quietly, hating to be the one that has to wake her up but smiling as she squirms like a toddler.

Jack thanks the driver for his time and wishes him good fortune with the new year. He takes Ashi's hand and guides her towards his front door. Ashi shakes her head as she starts to wake up more. The cold accomplishes what Jack couldn't. She rubs her hands together to warm them up and quirks an eyebrow at Jack when he doesn't open the door.

"Can't find your keys?" she asks.

He pats down his suit before rummaging in his coat pockets. "I know they're in here somewhere," he mumbles.

She steps in front of him interrupts his search to grab him by the lapels and pull him towards her. His face is inches away from hers and a shiver runs down her spine as his breath fans her lips.

"Have I told you how downright sexy you look in a suit?"

"Um," he says. "You have. Many, many times tonight." He laughs a little and it's quiet and shy and the cold can be damned because she's about ready to melt.

"It really isn't fair," she says. "You look good in everything. It's honestly one of the things I can't stand about you."

He rolls his eyes, not really having a response to that, but the faint blush on his cheeks caused by the cold deepens with her compliment (turned insult).

"Ah, that famous blush," she laughs. "That's one of the things I love about yo—oh!"

She claps her hands over her mouth and it's her turn to blush. His brows furrow in confusion. "Are you okay?" he asks.

No, she thinks. Oh shit, oh shit, what did I just say?!

"Um." She pats her cheeks down to calm the burn of her blush. She isn't really able to form words but she tries as hard as she can to regain her composure. "Yep. Totally fine. I just, you know, meant I, ah, I really like you. Your blush, I mean! It's cute and um..."

"Ashi, it's okay," he laughs. "I love it when you blush, too."

"I didn't mean I love you. I mean... it! Your blush!" Fuck! "I mean, it's not even that cute! No, no, what am I saying? You're super cute. I'm just trying to mask my embarrassment with insults because I'm completely out of my element here and now I've definitely said too much. Holy shit, I'm rambling and I can't stop."

"Ashi," he says slowly. "I'm... confused."

"Ha!" she barks out. Entirely too loudly. "You're confused?" She throws her hands up in the air and roughly brushes them through her hair. "I mean, we just met each other, what, the beginning of September? We really only started dating in October! We've only been together for, like, three months and to say something like that so early it's, I mean..."

"Say something like what?" He's truly having a hard time understanding what she's freaking out about so much.

"The... the!" Her words are sputtering and she almost feels like she's hyperventilating. "The 'L' word!" she finally chokes out. "I mean, of course, there are things I love about you. I love the sound of your voice. I love that stupid look you get on your face when you drink tea because you never wait for it to cool down first. I love the fact that you're a fucking nerd that can probably bench press a boulder yet you still blush like a schoolgirl when I kiss you on the cheek when you don't expect it."

She can hear him say her name. He's trying to stop her but her heart is pounding and as much as her brain is screaming at her to shut up and run away, those eyes of his are searing into her soul and she just can't stop herself.

"But that's crazy, right?" she says. "All of this. This is crazy. Right? Tell me I'm crazy!"

"Ashi." He grabs her shoulders and the sudden movement finally shuts her up. He's silent for a moment, and Ashi looks into his eyes. He's searching for something but she can't identify what it is.

"You are one of the smartest people I've ever met," he whispers. "It's... often intimidating. You do your crossword puzzles in pen and you can predict the weather days in advance by looking at cloud formations. You have an insatiable curiosity about everything around you." He releases the grip on her shoulders and looks down at her with a shake of his head. "And yet as smart as you are. I can not believe how silly you are acting."

She sniffs, now realizing that her eyes are burning with unshed tears.


"I've been trying to tell you those same words for days. But something always got in the way. The other day we were sitting on the couch and I told you and you replied 'yes please, with extra olive oil.'"

She slumps back against the door. "What... what are you talking about?"

"That's what I said. I had no idea what you were talking about. Or that you were falling asleep. You woke up minutes later to tell me you were hungry and asked me the whereabouts of the bowl of olives I had offered you."

She sniffs again and, miracle of miracles, her lips begin to turn upwards in a smile. "You hate olives," she says.

"Now you understand my confusion," he replies; a small smile matches hers. "I've told you over and over and you never hear me. I thought you were ignoring me. I told you two hours ago and I thought I had finally gotten through to you."

"You did?" she breathes. "When?"

"During the countdown. I told you twice!"

"Seriously?" Her previous embarrassment suddenly shifts to mild irritation. She nudges him in the shoulder. "Well, why the hell would you tell me then? I obviously couldn't hear you!"

"I thought you did!"

"And you didn't think it was strange I didn't say it back?"

"Well, perhaps... maybe. I didn't want to pressure you!"

"But I would have said it back!"

"Why are you yelling at me?!"

"I don't know! I guess... I'm just... I don't know!" She looks away and blinks rapidly to hold back her tears. She can barely understand the source of them. Embarrassment? Fear? Shock? It feels like all of the above. "I've never felt this way before. I didn't want to say... something like that... too soon. Because that would be crazy and you have to think I'm crazy because I still can't stop talking and rambling like an idiot—"

"Ashi, stop." He grips her shoulders again and angles his head down to catch her gaze. "Stop calling yourself crazy. Stop calling yourself an idiot." He reaches up and twirls a lock of her hair through her fingertips. "You are the furthest thing from it."

Her nose burns with the tears she's holding back and the cold of the night air. She takes a deep breath before she's ready to speak again. "So," she says in a small voice. It seems as though she's finally caught her breath. "You really do? Feel... that way?"

"Yes. I really do."

"Will you say it again?"

He tucks a lock of her hair behind her ear, a lock that had managed to come loose from her sparkling headband. He tilts her chin up and he hopes this moment is as romantic for her as it is for him. He's finally gonna say it and she's finally gonna hear it.

"I love—"

"I love you, too," Ashi cuts in. Jack's mouth hangs open, the words he was saying at a temporary standstill. "Sorry," she says with a sheepish smile. "I just couldn't wait."

He feels the same way. His eyes close as he laughs, the irony of the situation not lost on him. His smile is as wide as it's ever been and he wraps his arms around her waist. She wraps her arms around his neck but doesn't dive in for that 'true love's first kiss' she's heard so much about.

She gives him a second for his laughter to calm and plucks the fedora off of his head to place on her own. Her arms move back to settle on his shoulders, using her fingertips to stroke the back of his neck. Her tongue darts out quickly to wet her lips.

"Kiss me," she says. Then, she grins. "Pudding pie."

He laughs again tilts the hat on her head up to get a better look at her eyes. He leans forward until his forehead rests against her own. "Anything for you, my blueberry muffin."

Their lips meet and it's more giggles than actual kissing. At least, for a moment. Ashi stifles a groan in the back of her throat as she arches her back to press against him. His hands slip down her waist and one hand is so bold to grab her ass and she laughs into his mouth. He picks her up and holds her against his door. Ashi wraps her legs around his waist and cuts off their kiss with a gasp.

"Ah!" she says. "Something's poking me." She looks down between them and squeezes her thighs around him tighter and snorts in amusement at the source of her discomfort.

"I think I found your keys."

An awkward laugh escapes him as a blush spreads across his cheeks, reddening them to a degree that even the cold couldn't accomplish. He fishes his keys out of his front pocket and unlocks the door. He never sets her down.

Before he can open the door he hears a loud 'thump'. Someone had just been standing right at the front door. He opens it and sees Scotsman and Bonnie, now standing a few feet from the door. Bonnie's putting on her most innocent smile that's completely lopsided and fools no one. Meanwhile, Scotsman looks like he's barely holding back tears.

The dam breaks before Jack can utter a word.

Scotsman barrels towards the two and embraces them in his massive arms. He even manages to pick the two up as his sobs escalate.

"You have no idea," he howls, "how happy I am for the two-o-yeh." His accent is made thicker with emotion and—if the scent of his breath were the only indication—the booze coursing through his veins.

Had Jack not been currently embracing Ashi, he might have tried to pat his friend's back, in the hopes that it would get him to calm himself. Or, at the very least, put them both down. No such luck. Fortunately, Bonnie is there to do that for him and gently pries her boyfriend's arms away from the couple.

"Sorry, lads. You know how emotional he gets when he's been hitting the sauce." She pats the still crying Scotsman on the back affectionately. "Scotty loves love."

"Heh, yes," Jack says. He rubs his hand on the back of his neck, no doubt embarrassed by the display his roommate had just put on and even more so when he realizes that Scotsman and Bonnie might have been at the front door long enough to hear everything.

He decides not to bring it up at all.

Bonnie gives Scotsman another pat on the back and tells him it's time for bed. She leads him up the stairs—Scotsman sniffing "It's just so beautiful!"—and escorts them both down the hallway to his room. Ashi's right behind them and Jack locks the door and flicks off the lights to follow.

"Um, Happy New Year?" he calls out.

"Yes," Ashi says. "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year. And congratulations." Bonnie winks. She opens the door to Scotsman's room and ruffles his hair as he walks through. She steps back out into the hall just as Jack opens his own door.

"Oh, and Ashi?" She holds up her hand as if she's going to tell Ashi a secret but her voice is loud and clear. "Do me a favor and try to keep the noise down, will ya?"

Ashi looks at Bonnie, then at Jack, then at Bonnie again and her face splits with a toothy grin as she roughly shoves Jack by the chest back into his room. She winks back.

"No promises."

As it turns out, saying 'I love you' is really, really great for one's sex life.

Two days later.

The scent of freshly cooked breakfast wafts through the room as the house buzzes with energy. Their university had been kind to them following the holiday break. Since New Year's Day fell on a Monday, the school had given them one final day off to, what everyone could only assume, give the students reprieve after 'National Hangover Day.'

Jack and Ashi are sitting on the couch, finishing off the remaining bits of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast she'd prepared for breakfast. They both have class in thirty minutes and even though they aren't taking the same class, the buildings are right next to each other so they can walk together. One of Jack's other roommates enters the room with a loud yawn and walks past the couch towards the kitchen. He pats Jack heavily on the shoulder and ruffles Ashi's hair which makes her squirm. She flicks a piece of her toast at him and is amazed when he opens his mouth and catches it. She breaks off another piece and throws it at him to see if he can strike gold twice and he does.

He laughs and she laughs and Jack smirks at how comfortable she's grown in his house.

Ashi drains the rest of her coffee and stands to take hers and Jack's dishes into the kitchen. She grabs a thermos from the cabinet to fill with more coffee to stave off the inevitable sleepiness she'll feel one the first day of early classes. Ashi has never been much of a morning person.

Her bags are packed, thermos full, and she moves to the front door. She pulls on her coat and smooths her hands down the lapels at the front. Meanwhile, Jack grabs his own coat from the back of the couch and buttons it up across his chest. He folds a thick scarf over his neck—a gift both he and Ashi received, hand knitted by Bonnie herself—and tucks it into his coat to shield his neck from the wind. He does a mental scan to double check he has everything with him. His phone. His wallet. His keys. His backpack is sitting on the floor next to the door.

"Ready, Jack?" Ashi turns to him and stretches out her hand.

He looks at her standing in his doorway and a lazy smile eases his features.

There are plenty of things that Jack has yet to figure out. What will he choose to do after school? Will he remain in this city or move to another one? Even the thought of what he'll have for dinner this evening escapes him. The future is never certain. Yet as he steps outside on that cold morning—hand in hand with the woman he's somehow managed to meet, befriend, and fall head over heels in love with—both of them embarking on their final semester together, Jack is certain of one thing.

He's never been more ready.

The End

Author's Note

Oh my god.

I must have said this a dozen times already but it's worth saying again: this has been, without a doubt, the most fun I've ever had writing a story. And the fact that so many of you followed along with this journey warms my heart so much, I mean, good lord, you don't even know.

I do have a sequel planned out for this! Because I can't get enough of my OTP's silliness, especially in a modern setting. Ideally, I'd like to finish it in it's entirety so that I can publish and update on a more regular, (hopefully) weekly basis. It may be a while before that happens but, if you enjoyed this story, I promise (re: hope) that the wait will be worth it!

In the meantime, I will be working as hard as I can to finish up my other works in progress like I Exist and Kiss, Marry, Kill. At the very least, I pray that I can give those stories the same treatment I gave this one: a conclusion that I'm truly happy with and one I hope readers are satisfied with as well.

I hope it goes without saying but thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone that took the time to read my silly, little story. Every follow, favorite, and review just made this whole process so much more meaningful and I feel so fortunate to share this with you all.

Thank you again. With all my love!

Happy New Year!

To Techno, Nalem, Steshin, Sally, Gator, Fox, and Heart. Ya'll are the real MVPs. XD