Hi everyone! Welcome to my first HoO fanfic! The timeline centers around the building of the Argo II, and Leo's thoughts throughout the time. Please feel free to review, constructive criticism is welcome! And, since this fic centers around our resident fire user, I can't exactly say no flames now, can I? Hope you enjoy it, and let me know whether to continue!

Disclaimer: There is NO WAY that I own any of this, evidenced by the fact that Riordan would never write something like this.

The sweat drips from my forehead, stinging as it falls into my eyes. Grimacing, I shake out my arm, flexing my stiff fingers. The Argo II should have been finished by now, but I can't just devote all my time to the stupid ship now, can I? I glance at my watch, 9:00. Shoot, I missed dinner! None of my friends noticed, I guess, but can I blame them? I mean, I am just the odd one out. Jason used to help me out, controlling the winds around me so I could do maintenance off the side of the ship without a harness and flying up himself to help hold the mast or secure a bolt. I can't expect him to help me out more. After all, he does deserve to be happy with Piper. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I sprint out of Bunker 9 back to the cabin to make sure everything is set and stuff, because as Head Counselor, I need to make sure everyone is okay.

"Leo! Hi! Guess what, I made this!" Harley dashes up to me and thrusts something in my face.

"Harvey, hey! What's up, lil' bro? Hey what's that?"

"It's the Argo I! Since you're making the Argo II, I thought I'd make you an Argo figurine to go with it! Ya like it?"

"It's awesome, little dude! You getting ready for bed now?" Harley is only eight, and I've set curfews on the kids based on their ages for the younger ones, because I know they'll try to stay up too late if I don't.

"Of course Leo! It's almost bedtime!"

Okay, sure, most kids aren't usually this excited to go to bed early, but I have a rule. If the 8-10 year olds all follow the curfew, I give them something special, like a new invention, or a fire show, courtesy of Firemaster Leo. I go through the motions this time, even though I usually enjoy the nighttime ritual. As I finish up the flame routine with a ring of fire and jump through it, neatly tucking into a flip before landing on my feet, I stumble and trip on the floor.

"Leo! Are you okay?" Nyssa is propped against the doorframe, enjoying the show. She rushes over to me when she sees me stumble.

"Nys! Chill! I'm fineee! I'm the Supreme Badboy Commander McShizzle, nothing can hurt me!" I turn back to the kids, flicking off the lights before stepping out of the door. Nyssa frowns at me.

"You sure you're really okay? You seem... burnt out."

"Burnt out? Please Nys, I control fire, I am fine. Just, a bit tired is all."

She nods at me. I take a long look at her. I take stock of the dark bags under her eyes, shaky knees, and her unruly hair.

"Nyssa, just go relax tonight okay?"

"But we usually work a bit more on the Argo after the younger kids go to bed."

"I know, but we're all too tired. I need a break, and so does everyone else. We can double up the shifts tomorrow."

Nyssa peers at me, then sighs. "I guess you're right Leo, we do need a rest every once in a while. Just- you get some sleep tonight too, okay?"

"Sure thing Nys." I wave goodbye and head towards my bunk. What she doesn't know is that back when I first got Beckendorf's bunk, one of the first things I did was make a secret door, protected and hidden by about sixty different safety measures and traps. I'd been feeling too trapped in, and I hated being trapped, especially after foster home number- no! I won't bring up those memories again. It's done, it's over, and I'm free now.

I slip out of the cabin and glance around, but none of the campers seem to notice me. As usual. I quickly jog back to the Bunker and start working again. I can't expect my cabin mates to work on the Argo around the clock, not when it's my responsibility. I grab my pixie stick stash and quickly down a few, before sticking a piece of gum in my mouth and picking up my wrench. I'm already behind schedule, and I can't afford to lose more time. Around 6 in the morning, however, I finally succumb to the mind numbing exhaustion that overtakes my body, and drift off, propped up against the unfinished hull.