A.N: All the amazing messages and reviews made me want to reward you guys so here's the next chapter even though I uploaded a chapter yesterday. Hope you enjoy.


"Percy…I am truly sorry about what happened. I will explain what those monsters were as you grow stronger, but for now you just need to focus on surviving" Elina's comforting voice washed over me. It was soothing and subdued my anger a little as I agreed with her. The reason everyone died was because I was weak. This happened in my previous life and it's happening again now. Zoe, Bianca, Luke, and so many more. It was all my fault. Deep down I knew I couldn't have done anything about it, but on some level, I still blamed myself for their deaths. I pushed those thoughts away and focused on the present.

"You're right. I will do as you say for now. So how do I get stronger?" I asked Elina.

"I am glad you agree. While getting stronger in this world truly requires a lifetime's worth of hard work and dedication for most people, you are special. For starters, press RESUME and you will see what I meant by you being special" replied Elina in an almost cheerful voice.


I took Elina's advice said RESUME in my head and everything unfroze. It was a weird feeling; you don't really miss regular things happening around you until it's gone.

I took a moment to look around me and found I was in some sort of forest. The forest had an enchanted feeling to it and I felt like it was beckoning me to the dead center: it's pulsing heart. It was calling me, no…telling me to follow a path to god knows where. But who could resist this beautiful forest made up of tall, almond-brown trees which blocked most of the sunlight? It was heavenly to be surrounded by such lush green plants and trees…almost like the Garden of Eden. I resisted the urge to let the feeling take over me and looked around me.

The trees seemed to stretch on forever and the further I tried to see, the more mythical and mysterious it got. The enormous roots spread all around the trees going in and out of the ground, above and below other roots, and twisting and knotting around rocks and boulders. The deeper I looked, the denser and lusher the foliage became. The high arching trees created an illusion of a barrier protecting you from the outside world.

There were several paths leading deeper into the forest from where I was standing, each one seemingly more dangerous than the previous one. The paths were heavily littered with their bounty of nuts. The paths, or trails to be more accurate, were flanked by lines of briars, brambles and berry trees.

I took a deep breath to take in the scent of the forest: it had this woody incense from centuries of branches snapping and falling to the ground and seemingly melting into it and rotting away. I could smell the lingering scent of decaying meat along with the sweet and intoxicating smell of the berries.

I could hear the numerous sounds of the forest: from the birds chirping in a rhythmic tone to the fallen leaves brushing against the trees due to the wind and distant traces of what sounded like howls. There seemed to be a stream nearby if the sound of a slow-moving flow was anything to go by. At least I won't have to search too long for a reliable water source.

I was still taking in the details of my surrounding and was being awed at every little detail when I got a jump scare from a beep going off in my head.

Beep! Would you like to start the tutorial? All notifications will be held until tutorial is complete or the user declines the tutorial.

[YES] [NO]

I guess that it was obvious that I was going to be offered a tutorial since I didn't know much about…. well, anything. Although, I did know quite a decent amount about video games. You won't believe how much time the Hermes cabin kids spent playing video games (and stealing them). I got roped into playing with them a lot and I learnt a lot about video games and soon came to like them a lot. They gave you the freedom to do whatever you wanted which was a rare occurrence in my previous life given how the Fates were always gunning for me and I was always involved with the gods and mortals and the Ancient Laws and all that stuff. I was always a pawn in someone else's games and I felt like I never had any control over my life.

From Zeus threatening to blow me up for stealing his master bolt to my friends dying, I was never in control. Well, that's about to change. In this life, I will never let anyone control me or force me into doing something I didn't want to do. And to do that I must get stronger…and to get stronger…well, let me not get ahead of myself. I quickly cleared my mind and pressed YES.

You have started the tutorial.

First, you can check your stats by saying/thinking STATS. This will give you an overview of your abilities. Below are your stats:

Name: Perseus Jackson (Isn't it funny you have the same name twice?)

Age: 5

Level: 1 (XP 10/50)

HP: 100/100

Mana: 50/50

STR: 4

END: 2

VIT: 2

DEX: 1

INT: 15

WIS: 20

LUC: 10

Skill Points: 5

Money: None (You're a kid, why the fuck would you have money?)

General: Perseus Jackson is the currently is the son of Emily and Shamus. He remembers his life from Earth and has lost his friends and family twice.

Additional: He has been blessed by ? (You will know when it's time kid)

Second, since you are [The Gamer], you have the Gamer mind and body meaning you will be able to restore your HP and MP and remove all negative status effects by sleeping.

You also have stats like STR which indicates how physically strong you are, while WIS indicates how wise you are and affects the damage of your magical abilities. For more details on all the stats, you can always say HELP and clicking on the stats tab.

Lastly, you have skill points which are points you can spend on any of your stats. As you are [The Gamer], you have unlocked the bonus point ability which lets you buy bonus perks.

The perks available at your level are:

[Wonderful Luck] – Lvl 1 (Passive)

The God of Luck has smiled down upon you!

Increases chances of finding rarer drops by 10%

Increases EXP and Money by 10%

Cost: 1 bonus point per level.

Max Level: 10

The effects increase by 10% with each additional bonus point and levels up skill

[Perfect body] – Lvl 1 (Passive)

Your body becomes naturally better.

Passively increase all stats except Luck by 10%

Cost: 1 bonus point per level

Max Level: 10

The effects increase by 10% with each additional bonus point and levels up skill

[Strong and Sturdy] – Max Lvl (Passive)

Conquer the world with your strength!

Increase damage dealt by 50%

Reduce damage taken by 50%

Cost: 5 bonus points.

Max Level: Achieved. Cannot be upgraded.

[Reflector] – Lvl 1 (Passive)

Give your enemies a taste of their own medicine.

Absorbs 10% of the damage taken and reflects damage absorbed at the source

The effects increase by 10% with each additional bonus point and levels up skill

Cost: 1 bonus point per level.

Max Level: 3

[Percy Booster] –Max Lvl (Passive)

Wanted a way to boost all your stats? Well, here it is…

All stats will increase by 50% every 100 levels

Cost: 1 bonus point

Max Level: Achieved. Cannot be upgraded.

All values will be rounded down when calculating with percentages.

You have 10 bonus points to start with. You will gain Active bonus perks at higher levels. You will be given 1 bonus point every 5 levels. Spend these points wisely. You can level up 5 times before any perk you unlocked 5 levels ago, but didn't purchase, will be made unavailable. You will also not gain any bonus points till level 10.

Please select your bonus perks now

First, I was extremely surprised that I unlocked an ability like the bonus perk ability. It seemed ridiculous, but I only gained 1 point every 5 levels, so I guess it balanced itself out. Basically, it would prevent me from becoming drastically stronger every time I levelled up and instead limited it to every 5 level ups. I thought about it and realized just having the perks will make me ridiculously strong and it was free, so I was thrilled to say the least. Looking at the perks, it wasn't a tough decision. I wanted them all. Unfortunately, I could only rank them up a little at the start, but it still wasn't that bad. I wanted to get them all now because if I didn't purchase a perk right now, I would lose it permanently at level at Lvl 6 since I wouldn't get any bonus points at Lvl 5. I made up my mind and made my choice:

[Wonderful Luck] – 2 Point

[Perfect Body] – 1 Point

[Strong and Sturdy] – 5 Points

[Reflector] – 1 Point

[Percy Booster] – 1 Point

Tutorial has ended. You have unlocked Quests.


Daily Quest: Survive the night (Limit – 3 times per week)

Survive until sunrise tomorrow morning.

Rewards: 20 EXP, 50 C (50 Copper)

I quickly accepted the quest since it didn't look too bad. Hopefully it's an easy quest and I can do it often.

I put the quest aside for now because I was itching to check out my stats.


Name: Perseus Jackson (Isn't it funny you have the same name twice?)

Age: 5

Level: 1 (XP 10/50)

HP: 110/100

Mana: 55/55

STR: 6

END: 2

VIT: 2

DEX: 1

INT: 16

WIS: 22

LUC: 10

Skill Points: 5

A.N: Thanks to LandlordTheLordOfTheSeas and Dylan-A-Friend for recommending the increased rare drops skill.

Thanks everyone for the amazing PM's. It's late at night and I might have calculated the stats wrong, so if anyone finds any mistakes, please let me know. Thanks!

I spent a lot of time on this chapter, especially on the description of the forest and the skills and the stat calculations and stuff so I would love to hear your feedback on it.

Please REVIEW!

Next chapter will probably contain Percy's first fight and more exploration. Who knows? I certainly don't