Yuuri was nervous. He hadn't been this nervous in a long time, but he was seriously about to flip out. Yuuri had been dating Viktor for a few years, and he'd finally managed to win a gold medal at worlds. Yuuri was an extremely shy omega, and Viktor was one of the sexiest alphas alive.
Viktor was always patient with Yuuri. For an alpha, he was incredible at respecting the younger skater's boundaries. Yuuri definitely loved Viktor. There was no question about it. However, Yuuri had decided that he was completely sure that Viktor was his mate, and that he wouldn't leave.
Yuuri bustled around their apartment trying to cook, clean, and make everything perfect. Yuuri curled up on the couch when he was done and waited patiently for Viktor to get home from practice. He couldn't do much else other than sit and wait for his fiancé to get home.
"Yuuuuuuuuuri~," Viktor called to him when he got home. "Yakov was soooooo mean today," he pouted. Yuuri smiled and gently wrapped his arms around Viktors waist.
"That sounds awful, Vitya," Yuuri murmured. He tried to let some of his calming omega voice slip into his words. Viktor shivered and turned around.
"You seem different," Viktor commented. Yuuri smiled happily, and bit his lip.
"I actually had something I wanted to tell you," Yuuri confessed. Viktor's eyes flashed with worry. "Nothing bad, I promise," Yuuri assured him.
"What is it?" Viktor asked. Yuuri shook his head and lead Viktor to the couch. Viktor just raised an eyebrow at him.
"I, um," Yuuri started, "I've been thinking about how we're engaged and how you're my mate." Yuuri blushed and looked at his lap. Viktor just smiled. He couldn't help the low, possessive growl that slipped out at Yuuri's words. Yuuri's blush creeped down his neck.
"You see me as a person and not just another omega to take," Yuuri smiled happily and looked up at him. "So, I decided that I'm ready for you to mark me," Yuuri stated. "I-if you're ready, that is," he fumbled shyly.
"Seriously?" Viktor's eyes were wide but excited. Yuuri nodded and unconsciously moved closer to Viktor.
"I don't want it to be a spur of the moment thing if I happen to be in heat," Yuuri whispered. "I wanted this to be my choice because I'm in love with you." Viktor was grinning at his words like a schoolboy.
"I can't tell you how happy this makes me, Yuuri. Still, if you take suppressants and control your heats, then we can wait if you're not ready," Viktor reassured him. Yuuri smiled and shook his head.
"I've been taking suppressants for so long, the effects have started to build up. I was told a little while ago it's possible that I'll get unwillingly knocked into heat," Yuuri paused, "since I have an alpha mate around," he mumbled.
Viktor sighed and could feel the alpha part of him feeling guilty at Yuuri's embarrassment. He pulled Yuuri into a gentle hug.
"Yuuri, I just want you to be sure," Viktor whispered. Yuuri pulled back and stared into Viktor's eyes.
"I am ready," Yuuri insisted. He smiled and turned on every piece of omega charm he could muster. "I want to be your omega," he purred. Viktor growled lowly and pinned Yuuri back on the couch in a heartbeat. He was somehow gentle enough so Yuuri knew he could easily move if he wanted, but Yuuri had no intention of moving.
"May I?" Viktor asked politely and kissed Yuuri sweetly. Yuuri could hear the strain in his voice as he tried to bury his instincts to completely take over and loose control.
"Go ahead," Yuuri whispered and tilted his head back so his neck was exposed and opened. He hated how vulnerable he felt, but he felt his heart flutter at the thought of being at the mercy of the alpha. The omega in him loved it.
Viktor gently nuzzled Yuuri's neck but hesitated. "It's probably best to wait a little bit," Viktor whispered. "It'll hurt a lot less if we wait for your heat." Yuuri pouted but nodded.
"I've been off suppressants for a while, so I should have one next week," Yuuri whispered bashfully. Viktor smiled and shifted so he was curled up against Yuuri.
"Then I can wait."
"P-please?" Yuuri mewled pitifully. Viktor growled possesively and shifted so he was straddling the omega.
"I love you," Viktorwhispered against Yuuri's neck. Yuuri dug his nails into Viktor's back as he bit down on Yuuri's scent gland. Yuuri whimpered softly, but sighed happily at the pleasure thatchased away the waves of heat.
Boldly, Yuuri leaned up and bit through the scent gland on Viktor's neck, marking him in return.
"My alpha," Yuuri whispered. Viktor smiled and pulled the smaller man close.
"My omega," Viktor replied.
"WHAT. THE..." Yurio's exclamation was cut off with a hand over his mouth. Yurio's apartment was being inspected, so he was spending a couple nights with Viktor and Yuuri.
When he'd gotten to the apartment with Otabek after training, he hadn't expected to see his mentors lying naked on the couch with new marks spiraled on their necks.
Otabek had clamped a hand over Yurio's mouth at the outburst, but it wasn't enough to stop him from waking up Viktor.
Viktor wrapped a blanket around the two of them and blushed furiously. He still let out a low growl directed towards Otabek. Instinct screamed for him to keep the other alpha away from his omega.
"Are you kidding?! This is the last thing I needed!" Yurio tried to keep his voice down. He was sympathetic for Yuuri, knowing what it was like to be an omega in heat. Yurio didn't want to wake him up, buthe was going to rant nonetheless.
"I can't deal with this. I could've gone my whole life without seeing that. Ugh, I need coffee," he groaned. Otabek snorted softly and escorted the smaller man into the kitchen away from the other two.
Viktor sighed and curled up beside Yuuri. He traced a finger of the delicate mark on his mate's neck. "My omega."
I absolutely love the omegaverse au, and I thought I'd write a fic using this au. This is probably the closest to making smut you'll see me write. I tend to prefer fluff writing, but I really wanted to write this idea. Thank you all for any support you've given me! It means the world to me!