A/N: I sat down today intending to write the next chapter of Make You Fall, but this came out instead. Hope you guys enjoy.
Disclaimer: Do not own Teen Titans
"Hey Rae, don't you think it's weird how Starfire learns languages?"
Raven turned around from making her tea and looked at him, eyebrow raised. "What makes you say that? She's an alien, Beast Boy, who are we to say what's weird and what isn't in her culture?"
Now Beast Boy looked sheepish as he moved from his spot at the window to face her. "Well...yeah, but I just mean, she kisses Robin right?"
Wary of where his thoughts were taking him, Raven nodded slowly. "Right, I'm not really following wha-
"Exactly! She kissed him to learn English but now she just kisses him for the heck of it! Do you think she can choose when to kiss someone for their language and when to kiss just because?"
Raven looked at him strangely and shook her head.
"First of all, I hardly think Starfire kisses Robin "for the heck of it" because they're a couple and it means something to them. Secondly, I doubt it's as complicated as choosing what to absorb. It's more likely that she can kiss someone once to learn their languages and then kiss them again if she desires, without learning anything new. Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, why are you suddenly so curious about Starfire's kissing habits?"
Beast Boy noticed an unusual quality to her voice as she spoke her last point. For a second there she almost sounded...jealous? Nah, he must be imagining things.
He blushed slightly as her answered her question.
"Look I know what you're thinking! But it's not true. I'm not trying to break up her and Rob and I'm certainly not interested in her like that at all! I guess I was just kinda thinking about kissing in general and my thoughts led me there."
He didn't voice that his thoughts had first and foremost led to Raven herself when he started pondering kissing.
Raven felt the pressure in her chest dissipate at his honest answer. She was purely relieved. Her relief, of course, stemmed from the fact that he wasn't trying to break up her two good friends. Of course.
"Well...good I suppose."
"Yeah...I miss it sometimes, ya know?"
Raven was confused, what was he talking about?
"Er, miss what?"
He sauntered over and joined her at the kitchen counter, taking the stool directly next to her.
Raven began to feel slightly nervous at his proximity, especially with where their conversation had deviated. She certainly didn't want to prolong the discussion but she was...curious.
"What do you miss about it?"
He stared at her while he gathered his thoughts. She thought he might have even been looking at her lips but she shook off the dangerous thought and waited for his response.
"I guess I just miss having someone that close. Being able to hold someone and to know that they're interested in you. The physical sensation is nice too, and right before the kiss, is the hope that there'll be sparks, even though there never were in my cases."
Raven thought over what he said. It all sounded really nice to her, even though she knew she'd never get a chance to experience it for herself. Who would want to kiss a half-demon? And even if someone did, she wouldn't know how to kiss back or initiate anything.
"So what about you, Rae? Ever felt any sparks?"
Crap. She'd been hoping he wouldn't ask. She hadn't wanted to tell him she'd never been kissed.
"I've never...I don't...Nope. No sparks."
Beast Boy found her hesitation strange, he felt he knew the reason.
"Raven...you've never been kissed before, have you?"
She fought off an enormous blush and struggled to find her way out of answering but it was no use, he'd already made up his mind.
"You totally haven't! Wow. I've gotta say, I'm surprised."
At this point she'd given up denying it and accepted that he knew her secret.
"What's so surprising about that? I'm a half-demon witch who blows stuff up. Not exactly every guy's first choice in the dating pool."
Now Beast Boy looked even more surprised.
"That's not true, Rae! You may be a half-demon but you're also a hero. And it's not like you want to blow stuff up all the time, it just happens. That's not your fault. Plus, ya know, you've got other great qualities. You're all smart and stuff, and strong, and, well...you'rereallypretty!" He said quickly hoping she wouldn't hear.
But she heard him anyways causing her heart to flutter slightly.
"Um, thank you Beast Boy. Even though you may think that's all true, the majority of society still finds me..creepy. As well, even if I did manage to find someone willing to, well, to want to kiss me...I wouldn't have the first clue how to go about it. It wasn't exactly something taught to me by the monks of Azarath."
"Well, jeez, I'd hope not!"
The conversation tapered off and there was a silence in which they both sat, wondering what to say next. Raven swirled the tea around her mug and pointedly avoided looking at Beast Boy. He, on the other hand, couldn't stop sneaking glances at her as he drummed his fingers on the counter top.
He was contemplating something. Something crazy.
"Hey, Rae?"
"What if...what if we kissed?"
The room grew silent once more. Raven scrambled to pull up her hood to hide her blushing face, she could only stare at him with wide eyes.
"Wha-what did you say?" She asked, a panicked tone creeping in.
Beast Boy held up his hands in surrender.
"Look, before you freak out. Just think about it, alright? I already told you I miss kissing and you've never been kissed, so it's the perfect situation. I could, like, be your mentor or something. For kissing. I'll teach you how to kiss. Soooo...what do ya say?"
Beast Boy's heart pounded as he waited for her to say something. He prayed his face didn't betray how desperately he wanted her to say yes.
Raven, meanwhile, was thinking it over. It scared her how much she initially wanted to agree. Now she was even more scared realizing that his logic was fairly sound.
It was true, Raven wanted to learn how to kiss. Or, at the very least, to get her first (and probably only) kiss out of the way. In addition, he seemed to crave a kiss as well. What he proposed could kill two birds with one stone.
Still...they were friends. Wouldn't that make it weird?
She said as much out loud to him.
"No way! It wouldn't be weird unless we let it. It'll just be a harmless couple of kisses. You can even think of it as a training lesson if you'd like. It's just me teaching you a new skill. Simple as that."
"Simple as that huh?"
Raven couldn't believe she was about to say it but, "Okay...I guess we could...kiss. But just to be clear, this is a one time thing. I don't want anyone finding out about this! You teach me how to kiss, and then we go straight back to being friends. None of this ever happened. Got it?"
Beast Boy couldn't contain his excitement and smiled hugely. "I got it, Rae."