Large hands wrapped around Nadine's throat in an effort to choke Nadine to death. The man pinned her against the grass, sheer hate in his eyes. She frantically searched for a weapon, her eyesight getting hazy from lack of oxygen.

"You think you could stop the Templar order from succeeding?" The man snapped, "Think again." His grip tightened and Nadine was almost ready to give up. Her fingertips came in contact with a rock before hurrying up to grab it. With a strong grip, Nadine whacked the man with her new weapon. He cursed as he stumbled to her right, holding his head in pain. Nadine gasped and coughed, getting to her feet as she had the advantage.

With the same rock, she landed an uppercut, making the man fall on his back while groaning. Blood stained his face and her hand. He struggled to get up and face her like a man. Nadine wasn't having the chance of him having the upper hand again.

So she hovered over the man, bent down and grabbed his collar. The forest was dark, so everything became difficult to see without the night of the moonlight. But the man could clearly recognize Nadine's harsh tone, acid coming out from her lips. She was pissed.

"Why does the Order want to go back to the eighteenth century?" She interrogated.

"I'm not telling you." He spat blood onto her clothes, making her strike him across his cheek. The man shouted in anguish as Nadine tried again.

"That's not the answer I was looking for." She tried again, "Clearly the Order has been planning this type of thing for months. The time anomaly, the location, everything." Nadine grabbed his throat, slamming his head into the hard terrain. "But I need to know why in Boston, out of all places, Sam."

Sam's chest heaved, his green eyes staring at Nadine. "You're smart, Nadine." A smirk appeared on his face, "You figure it out." She felt a sharp blade pierce the side of her skin, making her jolt at the unexpected feeling. Nadine couldn't even feel her side as she grasped the rock tighter. Her mind went into killer mode as she smashed the rock against Sam's face multiple times. Small bits of skin and blood stained the rock and left the Templar spy a mess.

Nadine's heart beat against her chest, legs helping her get up and keep moving. The warm blood started to stain her robes. She sharply inhaled at the pain, bending down to remove Sam's hidden blade from his wrist. Nadine figured that he wouldn't be needing it anymore.

The wound on her body was enough for her to lose plenty of blood. She tore apart some of his clothes to use as a bandage, hopefully, the fabric was enough to stop the bleeding. Nadine trekked through the forest like area, the light of the moon leading her away from the crime scene.

She had no idea where she was. Boston, yes, but where? The assassin had followed Sam for a half an hour, leaving her car and a bag of supplies behind just in case. but there was a strange feeling hung on her body. Like she wasn't where she initially was.

Nadine leaned against a tree, eyesight starting to fail. She felt exhausted and cold, the chilly air covering her body. She had to find her car or a person who could help her. A snap of a branch and Nadine froze, her back against the tree bark. She squinted her eyes to get a good look at what was coming. The black woman wished she had her phone or a flashlight.

She had put on Sam's hidden blade, not knowing where hers was as he tossed it aside during their scuffle. The sound of a huff made her jump, the figure being a caribou. The animal peacefully walked across, licking his lips in thirst. She thought that she could follow him to a water source. Maybe find civilization.

The caribou was unaware that Nadine was following him, watching her footsteps so she wouldn't startle the creature. She rapidly blinked once and a while to stop the massive head spin occurring. Luck was on her side as a water source was nearby, a lake that appeared to be of fresh drinking water. The moonlight reflected off of the rippling liquid, a beautiful sight that the woman wished she had a camera.

The Assassin wanted to move and locate someone for assistance, but her entire body felt weak and all she wanted to do was to lie down. But she had to keep going, or she was going to die. Her legs felt like jelly and Nadine fell to her knees. Her face connected with the dirt but didn't care as she wanted to lay there for a while. She wondered if taking a nap would be okay. Just for five minutes.

As her eyes closed, an arrow critically hit the animal on his side. The caribou fell to the ground as a man walked over, an eagle-like symbol on his hood.

"I'm going to miss you." Nadine whimpered as she held her sister's hands at the airport. There was a boarding call for a flight to London, her sister being relocated to station over there. Nadine could see that her sister was doing her best to keep her smile under painful tears.

"Same, little sis." Myra sniffled, "But don't worry. We can video chat and I'll send you those British cookies you wanted to try." The two embraced, their tight bond showing in the hug.

Myra had a soft, cocoa butter scent that Nadine will miss. When they pulled away, Myra grabbed her suitcase and proceeded to board the plane. The eldest looked back one last time and waved before disappearing behind the door.

Nadine wiped her eyes on her sleeve and walked back to the car.

The drive felt like an eternity. The airport from Nadine's apartment was only a half an hour away, but the entire ride home felt empty. She constantly looked over to the passenger seat as if she was speaking to Myra, but her brain had to register that she was truly gone.

The blue-haired woman was pissed that the Brotherhood couldn't let her go with her sister, saying that she was more valuable here than there. How she wanted to go against orders and go with her twin, but Myra agreed that she should stay.

"You should stay here and kick ass for the both of us." Her voice rang in Nadine's ears. Another tear fell down her cheek, making the woman hold back from having another breakdown in the car. She would just have to accept that her sister was doing other things. Nadine didn't have to be with her all the time.

The smell of spices made Nadine get into consciousness. Her head was throbbing and her side was terribly sore. On top of that, her back ached and her feet were killing her. She just felt like shit.

"Ah..." Nadine breath hitched as she sat up to take in her surroundings. She was on a cot inside a tent. Her eyes glanced at the medical tools that didn't look like the modern ones she had grown accustomed to. They looked old, enough to make Nadine question what time period she was in.

She had not remembered going through the anomaly when she fought with Sam. They were in the forest during 2018. Not in...whatever timeline she was in.

"How is she?" Faint voices were heard outside the tent. Nadine lied back down, pretending to be unconscious.

"She's stable. Good thing you gave her to me as fast as you could, or else she would be dead by now." Nadine could feel their presence nearby, lying still to avoid suspicion.

"Good. When she wakes up, I would like to ask her a few questions." The voice said, making Nadine raise an eyebrow. Questions? What questions does he want to ask her?

"It appears that she already is up." Nadine huffed and opened her eyes, knowing that she had been had. Her eyes widened as her brown eyes came into contact with someone she never thought she would meet. She recognized the famous robes, the face, the insignia on his belt. Nadine was on the verge of pissing in her pants.

" god." She said out loud, abruptly sitting up and facing the famous Assassin. Connor was stunned at her sudden action, eyes wide. Nadine realized that she shouldn't fangirl about meeting the man that she had studied for years. But she couldn't help but not to. "You're...Connor. Or Ratonhnhaké:ton." She said perfectly.

"I..." Nadine watched Connor step away from her, rubbing the back of his head. "You know of me?"

"Yes. I have..." The woman paused, unsure if she should tell him her true origins. Saying that she's from the future might put her in a mental hospital. "heard of you and how you had a big role in the revolution." Nadine twiddled her thumbs. That lie would have to do. The doctor appeared confused at the entire situation, standing awkwardly on the sidelines as he watched the two.

"I shall...go gather some more medicine for your wound." He exited, leaving the two in the tent.

"And you me?" Connor asked, motioning to the hidden blade she equipped.

"Yes, I am." She shifted in her seat with a smile.

"How did you get injured?" He asked, pointing to her fixed wound. Nadine ghosted a hand over it, her mind flashed of how Sam stabbed her with his blade.

"I was stopping an assassination attempt. On your life." Nadine admitted, the pieces coming together when she saw Connor before her very eyes. It would explain why she saw the temporal anomaly calculations in Sam's car, leading him to Connor's time period. Nadine still didn't know why Connor was chosen or why Sam had to go that certain period and time. And Nadine couldn't ask him either.

"An assassination?" The master assassin questioned, "How do you know this information?"

"An assassin who was secretly working for the Templars tracked your location and pinpointed where you are so he could strike quickly and quietly. He had gotten reckless in discussing the plot with his superiors, which is how I found out." Nadine had realized that she was sitting up straight, head held high in respect, like an officer to a general. She felt like the action was right since Connor is in a higher rank than her.

"Hmm, interesting." The master assassin paced the room, hands behind his back. "I had obliterated the order in this area recently. I had thought they were all gone."

"He was simply a straggler," Nadine informed, though she didn't know either. She had researched everything about Connor and The American Revolution back when she was sixteen. Some information had gotten lost in her mind, her memory fuzzy.

"Thank you." Connor nodded, "I appreciate you catching that detail."

"No problem." She smiled, "I'm just glad you're safe." A small blush crept on Nadine's cheeks, "Well, I'm sure everyone is...And stuff like...that." She facepalmed, hissing at the sharp pain from her side. Connor looked past her awkwardness, his dark eyes staring at her while his arms were folded.

"Where are you from?" Nadine held her breath as she thought of another lie.

"New York." She said proudly. That wasn't technically a lie but she didn't say when.

"So, you are free?" Connor asked shoulders lowered as if he heard good news. Oh yeah, she was obviously black. Her dark skin gave it away. If she was light-skinned, Connor wouldn't ask.

"Yes." Nadine hid her annoyance of him asking, but she understood. He probably didn't want no slave master knocking down his door, asking for a blue-haired woman back. That wouldn't be weird at all.

The master assassin nodded and unfolded his arms. He walked up to her, a serious expression on his face.

"I can escort you back there if you like." He offered. Nadine thought that was sweet, but stopped him right there. She needed to stay with him and find another time anomaly. She wouldn't know how to locate one, cause technology was not advanced.

"Ah, I was actually thinking if I could stay here and assist you." Nadine said, "Since my division of the Assassin's were wiped out, I thought that coming here might be the best. For you and for me." She didn't like hiding these things from Connor. Of course, she had just met him, but she knew that this was going to backfire sooner or later. Nadine had hoped later would be for a little while.

"Really?" Connor wondered, his face scrunched up. "I do not need help."

"You do." Nadine retaliated, "You need to continue to build up the brotherhood and strengthen your hold on the free nation." She mentally rolled her eyes as this sounded similar to a cliche moment in movies. "And I want to help." She never lost eye contact, staring at Connor with her own brown eyes.

The hit of pine touched her nose and she gripped the end of the cot gently. She felt a little dizzy, not knowing that Connor smelled wonderful.

"Okay." He decided, backing away. "I would gladly appreciate your assistance." Nadine smiled, giving herself a pat on the back for convincing him. "But I would like for you to rest up first. You are still unwell."

"Nah, I'm cool." She got off of the cot but held her head as she felt vertigo hit. Nadine shut her eyes and shook her head to get rid of the dizziness, not wanting to look weak in front of her partner. Or was he her boss? She didn't know. The task would be something to do as she figured out how she would get home.

Nadine didn't know how the hell she could get home. The training she received back in the future included computers, research databases, and calculators. She didn't have any of those. Pen and paper still existed, but she couldn't figure out a way to suspect when the next time anomaly occurred. It might be weeks, months before she could find one. Years.

Whenever Nadine had trouble or needed to go clear her head, she would go to the roof of her apartment and gaze at the sky. The bright city lights were blocking the beautiful stars, but she thought it was nice to get fresh air. The assassin decided to do that on the roof of Connor's home, thinking that it would help her figure out what to do.

The stars flashed their beauty in front of Nadine's eyes, showing her that florescent lighting always ruined everything. She felt close to the balls of light that she wanted to reach out and touch them. But her wound pulled her back into reality.

Nadine placed a hand on top of it, her mind continuing to flash images of Sam stabbing her. She had been kicked, punched, and sliced before, but this was different. He was her ex-boyfriend. Nadine had grown to like him, which was a shame of her finding out that he was working with the Templars. Myra told her that she should tell her superiors but before Nadine had the chance too, everything else happened.

The blue haired woman hugged herself, her thick hair covering the sides of her face and part of her eyes. Uneasiness settled in Nadine's stomach. She didn't like being lost. Or alone.

"Nadine." Connor called, walking towards her on the roof. She looked up, not knowing that she was showing her sad face. "What is wrong?" He sat down next to her. Nadine wanted to tell him, after all, Connor experienced an alternate timeline. He would get what she would be talking about. Right?

"I..haven't been honest with you..." Nadine blushed, looking into his eyes.

"...what is it?" He asked, frowning in disappointment.

"Well, I'm...from the future." She then explained to him how she got here, why she lied, and that she needed help. Nadine felt bad for not telling him before, the guilt slowly beating her up. And the day was almost over. Plus, she was by herself in her misadventure and figured that telling someone about it would ease her mind.
Connor just sat there and listened, brows furrowed and Nadine couldn't tell if he was angry or confused. But she was satisfied to know that he got it, able to pick up on what had happened.

"I am still not pleased that you had lied to me." He admitted, making Nadine feel bad.

"I'm sorry. If I said something about this before, I would be acting crazy. Crazy isn't cute." She folded her arms.

"But I shall try to help you, I would not want you to be without your home." Nadine melted at those words, knowing that Connor appreciated the idea of family and being with loved ones.

"I appreciate that. Thanks." She smiled.

"You are welcome."