PLEASE READ: This story was recently deleted and I posted it again because the new chapters are re-makes. So, instead of you guys suffering, you have new and better chapters that are more recently written as well. Here are some things you will see in this story, so please take note of these and if you don't like them, get the fuck out of this goddamn story and fuck off. I don't want people PMing saying that they didn't know about certain themes or that they are against LGBT+ themes. Anyway, here they are:
Main ship: Peter/Percy (because there is literally non of this ship and I like it.)
- Lots of bad language. Because of this, I changed the theme to Teen, because I like to cuss a lot. Whatever, it's life. Don't judge me please.
- Crossposted on Wattpad
-Multiple Crossovers
-Character Deaths
-Triggering themes [i.e. depression, suicidal thoughts, bullying, etc]
- the LGBT+ themes(this shouldn't even be a warning or a note, others need to be more accepting.)
And that's all, I might update this in the near future, but whatever. Please continue with the story.
Chapter 1: After the War I Went Back To New York
Hello there, my name is Perseus Achilles Jackson. But please, call me Percy. First of all, I am not what you call a normal child. Actually, I am not a normal child in any way. If you don't believe me, then continue to do so. Please continue to think that my life is perfect, that I didn't have an abusing step-father, and that six of my best friends didn't die. Please believe that I'm not a demigod, please believe that my life is normal, because that is the life I have always wanted.
However, if you believe me, and already know the secrets of my demigod life, then I hope that you will listen closely, and understand, because that is something that no one seems to be doing. So, let me start again; hello, my name is Perseus Achilles Jackson, and I was one of the Seven to fight in the Giant War, but I was the only one that survived.
Jason Grace:
Running, running, and more running. His chest hurt, but the pain didn't stop him. He cut his spear through the monsters, and the bodies of the rebel demigods.
It was finally ending. The war was finishing. Everything was finally going to end. Jason couldn't stand it anymore, the toll of the bodies going through his head like an explosion. Jason didn't understand, he thought he understood the meaning of war, but he didn't. He believed he was invincible. However, he had forgotten a simple thing: he forgot that not all heroes live through their winnings.
Jason searched for Piper, wanted to see her face. Finding her, he smiled, she was still alive. "Piper," he whispered, soft as the grass without wind. She couldn't hear him, but that was okay, he would talk to her after the war was over.
Piper didn't notice the demigod behind her, raising a knife that glinted in the light, but Jason did. His breathe raised. He's going to stab her! He wanted to scream, to run after her, but his legs wouldn't let him, as if they were paralyzed. "Piper!" It was then, when his legs finally decided to move, he couldn't let her die.
As he pushed Piper out the way, he never noticed the knife being plunged in his chest.
Piper McLean:
"Oh my gods, no Jason." Piper, with soft hands, grabbed at Jason's body. "No, no, please don't leave me." Piper knew the demigod that Jason had killed, he was from her own cabin.
Blood soaked through his orange shirt, dripping its way onto Piper's hands. Jason looked at his girlfriend, his own eyes mirroring the colors that changed in Piper's big orbs. Sadly, it reminded him of the sky, maybe even the forests of Camp Half-Blood. "It's...o-okay. Love y-you."
And that's when the screams started, as the sky-blue eyes turned to a dull, disgusting light grey, galaxies and stars that twinkled in his orbs exploding. Piper's voice was as sharp as a sword, blasting the air and killing the monsters near her. The demigod that had killed Jason, laying on the ground with blood polling out his ears.
A giant, screaming from pain, ran around the field, crushing demigods and Piper under their feet.
Havel Levesque:
Bodies dropped everywhere, like feathers from birds, blood in every corner. Hazel, continued to hack at the monsters, tears making permanent marks on her face. "Frank," she called out, her voice breaking from the strain.
She thought that she could protect everyone, she thought that they were going to survive.
The ground started shaking, Hazels' eyes glowing a brighter brown. Metal grew out of the earth like plants, flying everywhere and melting on the monster's bodies. This was it, she couldn't let anymore of her family die. As she continued to kill them with her powers, she missed the fear that appeared on Frank's face, not because of her unrelenting powers, but because of the Hellhound behind her.
Teeth ripped into her flesh, the hound hungry for its promised food. The metals that once held in the air, dropped on the ground, melting and disappearing from back whence they came.
Frank Zhang:
His body buckled, the sword dropping from his hand as Hazel's body dropped to the floor from the Hellhound's ragdoll-like shaking. "Hazel!" He tried to yell as monsters distracting him. He needed to get to her before anything else happened. Frank lost his mom, his family, he is not losing one of the only people he has left.
Before he could, a bright fiery glow enveloped him, as if the sunset's colors swarmed him and hugged him. It smelled horrible, like decay, like…fire. He felt it too, the singe and pain of burns. He was on fire. The burn wrapped around his body, clutching his heart, holding it, crushing it.
He looked one last time at Hazel's body, and that's when he noticed it. A girl, short, stocky, and a guilty frown on her face as she watched him burn. A empty pouch held in her left hand, and a burning stick in her right. Frank never knew that the stick can burn so brightly, but every light diminishes…just like his life.
Leo Valdez:
Leo couldn't fathom all the debris and bodies around him, mounds and mounds of bodies piled everywhere. His heart and body couldn't move from the sight of it. Leo liked to consider his brain and heart like a clock that was hand-made, constantly ticking and moving, telling him that there's still life in him that he was allowed to live. And suddenly, as he stared at the bodies around him, he knew. He knew that he was going to die, he had felt that the clock had stopped moving.
He didn't want to die though. Leo knew that he made jokes about dying in battlefield in glory, but he didn't want that. He wanted to live. He wanted to fulfill the promise he made to the girl he loved. But Doom followed him, disguised as a demigod, grabbing him by the back of his shirt and dragging him to a nearby river. He remembered Percy saying something about a river that made people forget, Leo hoped that it wasn't that one.
"Let me go!" He cried, kicking his legs back and forth as the demigod pulled his hair, inching him closer and closer to the water. The demigod he named Doom, pulled him forward, smiling as he pushed Leo's head into the water. Leo struggled with all his might, his brain plodding with the thought of surviving. Maybe he could hold out for long enough and pretend to be dead? But it was too late. Leo opened his mouth from the excruciating pain in his head, letting the water slowly and painfully envelop his lungs. Even though the pain felt lasting, there was a moment before his clocked stopped forever, a short moment of peace. There wasn't any pain, just him, staring at the dark abyss of the river, and he smiled. A cursed smile being buried to his death.
Annabeth Chase:
A trail of vomit left her mouth, her lungs dry-heaving and wanted air. Annabeth couldn't believe, they were all dead. All of them. Every. Last. One. She saw all of their deaths, the scenes forever implanted in her mind.
She couldn't believe it all, just before the war, they were all laughing and smiling. Jason's arm around Piper's shoulder as she leaned into him. Frank and Hazel laughing at Percy's joke. Leo, marvelous and beautiful Leo gave out a smile, one that was genuine and happy. They talked and conversed of what they would do after the war, they had pledged to each other saying that they would see each other in college and with families. "You liars…you promised." She whispered, feeling once again like the child she was once before, weak and scared, hiding in an alley and waiting for a savior to come rescue her from this hell.
Annabeth's sadness turned into sudden anger, "I'm not going to let their deaths be in vain. I'm not going to be that weak little girl anymore. Percy stepped by her side, eyes looking empty, but filled with the ocean's raging anger, promising suffering everyone that cross his path. It was this that sparked the memory of Annabeth's fear, fear of the power Percy held in him. But this also showed why she loved him, and she wasn't going to lose him like she had lost the others. Annabeth didn't want him to die, she wanted to go to Rome with him and go to college. Maybe have a family, or even children. "No more." She stated adamantly, her chin held high.
Percy and Annabeth fought like synchronized dancers, every step complimenting each other like fire and water. However, everything ends, like invincibility.
Enraged at her fallen pawns, Gaea made her final move and grabbed Annabeth's body like it was a stick made for kindling, crushing it with more pressure every second. Annabeth heard Percy scream at Gaea, telling her to put Annabeth down. So this is how I'm going to die, Annabeth thought with a smile on her face. A warrior on the battlefield, like my mother had always wanted me to be. She took one last look at Percy, memories flooding her eyes. Those memories weren't just about Percy, but memories of everyone. Camp Half-Blood, her home, she knew she was going to miss it.
She felt the hand crush her ribs, a crack noise a fire would make pierced her ears. But before Annabeth submerged herself in the hands of the dead, she remembered. The favorite memory, the feel of everyone's hands under her, the feeling of falling in the water. She longed for that again, the time where there was no fear, no hate. She felt the kiss on her lips, she remembered her love for Percy. Seeing his shocked face, she smiled at him for the last time. "I love you, forever and ever. I'll see you in Elysium."
Percy Jackson:
Small sounds escaped his lips as Gaea dropped Annabeth's body on the floor like a girl dropping her broken doll. As he stared at her body, Percy felt like any moment…Annabeth would get up and move. She would smile and joke around; "I'm not going to die anytime soon, dumb Seaweed Brain."
He scrambled from where he was to get to her body, grabbing her face and cradling it in his hands. Her blonde hair didn't seem that bright as it once had been, dulling like her skin and eyes. Percy raked his hands through Annabeth's hair, tucking it behind her ear like he would usually do when they would walk together on the beach, hand-in-hand. Annabeth would usually smile and lay against him, but she didn't move this time. "Please, don't do this to me Annie, I love you." Percy kissed her, thinking that this was all just a dream, but she didn't move. "Please, you promised, we all did. You said that we would go to New Rome, remember that? We would go together, we would spend our lives together, you promised."
He couldn't breathe, like he was drowning once again in the water, but instead…he was drowning his own personal nightmare. Everything that they had went through together, was gone, it was worthless. The girl Percy loved, was dead.
The ground started shaking, the gods started yelling at Percy, yelling at him to stop, to calm, but he couldn't, not when she was dead. Water started bursting from the ground, drowning the rest of the monsters on the battlefield. Percy looked at the demigods that went against his friend, feeling their blood move through their bones. Percy's eyes started changing, instead of pupils, a solid green color replaced them. Percy growled animalistically, Those demigods don't deserve that. Their hearts, moving, they don't deserve to have them move when she is dead.
They stopped. All at the same time, the blood destroying their insides.
Percy looked at Gaea with a calm presence, fear no longer striking him. Gaea's body, it was made from the earth, and the earth she shall return. Using her blood, he solidified it and squished her, chocking her with the powers she was going to use Percy for. This is what she wanted, she wanted me to be afraid. Well, she should be. She should be terrified of the weapon she helped create.
Gaea chocked, trying to move her body. "Mercy," she whispered, her voice cracking from the blood spilling out of her throat. Percy smiled as he brought his sword to her neck.
"No, you don't deserve it, not after what you did." He sliced the neck slowly, like one would slice butter. The smile was gone from his face, replacing it, a frown. "I declare this war over, Gaea. We won."
The Ending of the War:
The gods spoke to him, but he couldn't hear. Their voices a mere distant buzzing. What was there to listen too? Percy had already known what they wanted to say. "Percy Jackson," Zeus boomed with a bored, monotone voice. "For your…bravery and…help to defeat Gaea, we have won the war." Silence was held before Zeus shot the other gods a look, forcing them to clap. "The Council and I have made a decision, we will give you two wishes, two of any kind." Zeus' face darkened, "Think carefully, puny demigod. We cannot raise the death back to life, that is a force we cannot control."
Percy's thoughts cut back to the war with the Romans and the Greeks, "I want a portal to be made between the Camps. But of us have lost so much, so many of our brothers and sister have died on this field. It is time for us to unite and protect each other. To have the peace we need for unity, I advise all to spend more time with your children, stop ignoring your mistakes and own up to them. Olympus forbid you sleep with more people and make them start another war." The gods erupted in anger, but Percy shrugged. "My second wish is that you gods would cut all ties with me."
The gods, forgetting their previous anger, gaped at my request. Poseidon stepped forward, a sad and betrayed expression on his face. "Percy. Think about what you're doing. Think about what you're asking here! Are you sure—"
Percy snapped, "I'm done. You understand? I'm done with all of this." Tears threatened to come out of his eyes, so many problems would have been avoided if the gods had never entered his life. "Do you know what you all have done to me? I have been used, like a pawn for most of my life! All my friends are dead. I was never more sure in my life!" He spat out with vigor and obvious anger.
Zeus still continued to look bored, he was not entertained. "It is settled then, I shall do as he wished." With a snap, a bright light covered Percy. And seconds later, there he was, in his room. It felt strange to him, to be in his room after all of…that.
He sat on his bed, his hand feeling the sheets. How many months has it been since he left his mother and father to fend for themselves How many months has it been since he slept in his own bed? The moment Percy layed down, the tears started flowing out of his eyes. Yet no sound came out of his mouth, his pain was silent, never to be noticed. "Mom…mommy," he whispered into the darkness of his room, calling for a woman who probably couldn't hear him. "Mom…please…" Tears streamed down his face and stained his sheets, a sob coming out of his mouth. "Where are you?"
Time Skip:
Percy was awake even before Sally had shook him, but he couldn't tell her that. "Percy," she said softly, moving the hair away from his eyes. "It's time to wake up. It's today, don't be late. Paul and the others wouldn't like to be kept waiting, do they?"
Percy yawned and stretched before smiling at his mother. Every day Percy woke up to scan his mother's face. He wanted to, months of leaving her and Paul behind made Percy scared that he was going to lose her again. He didn't want that. So every day, he would memorize his mother's face, every grey hair, the wrinkles on her cheeks, everything. "I'm going, I won't be late. Annabeth would have called me a Seaweed Brain if she found out that I was late.
Sally smiled, "She would, wouldn't she?" Sally observed the way her son's face would turn darker when he continued to think of Annabeth. "Percy, don't you dare do what I think you're doing. Stop it, stop feeling guilty for something you couldn't control. Annabeth would never want you to feel like that about her, she would tell you to be strong. That girl, was one of the strongest people I have ever met. So stand up, chin up, rise up to the challenge life is giving you. No regrets, remember that?"
Smiling once more, Percy kissed Sally on the forehead. "I love you, so much. You know that?"
She nodded, "Of course I do. Now, don't keep Peter waiting. He's probably already at the cemetery. And while you're there, you can ask Peter if he can accompany you while you shop for the groceries. Don't look at me like that, Percy! My future son-in-law needs to learn about the necessities of life."
He laughed, a nice feeling spreading through Percy's stomach. Later, after the war, he went to a new school and created a new life for himself. And that's where he me the fabulous Peter Parker; his boyfriend. Percy didn't even remember how it started, how they came together and stuck like glue. But, Percy was grateful in every way, he loved that boy so much, and he didn't want to lose him. "Hey mom, do you think that Peter and I can get drinks afterwards? Just to hang out."
Sally grabbed her purse and gave Percy a few dollars, "Of course. Here's ten dollars, give me the change when you get back."
"Alright," Percy said assured as he mom left his room for him to change out of the Aquaman pajamas Peter had bought him. He then changed into simple clothes; a blue hoodie, black cargo shorts, and black converse with mismatching socks. Before he went outside, Percy grabbed the list Sally had left for him and started walking to the cemetery, not knowing that this where the rest of his adventure would start.
Thanks for reading this chapter! This chapter is a complete re-make of the old one, I literally made a new word document and typed out everything because I didn't like how the old one was written. Basically, I am going to be re-writing all forty-seven chapters that I had already written. That is hell but I guess that's worth it. Anyway, the ship is Peter/Percy because I haven't seen this ship in other fanfictions and would like to try something new. Anyone want to guess Percy's sexuality? Trust me, he's not gay or bi or pan. I actually thought of making him bisexual or asexual, but those just didn't work with me. Anyway, thanks for reading.
Valar Morghulis