Don't Own.


Naruto Uzumaki, a four year old orphan, walked down the street. Everywhere he went, the whispers followed.





He was the pariah of the Konohagakure no Sato. People looked over him as if he were a piece of trash, worthless, and unworthy of their time. He had no salvation from this terrible existence. He could not wake up from this horrific dream. He had no purpose. Until she came.

In Naruto's eyes, she was an angel. And a far too kind one. She looked at him, pale, lavender eyes appraising him. Time seemed to slow down, as her eyes found his. There was no anger, no malice, no hatred in those eyes. Only kindness, acceptance, and warmth. Naruto almost lost himself in her eyes, soaking up every last drop of her warmth, before she turned away and continued down the street with her bodyguard.

And suddenly, Naruto's life had purpose. He would devote his entire being to his angel. He would make himself useful for her, and he would serve her every wish and need. He now knew what to do with his life.

"Team 1 is….. Team 7 is Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, and Kiba Inuzuka. Team 8 is Hyūga Hinata, Aburame Shino, and Uzumaki Naruto. Team 9 is still in circulation, so Team 10 will be Akimichi Chōji, Nara Shikamaru, and Yamanaka Ino."

"Alright, introductions. I'll start. My name is Yūhi Kurenai. I like Genjutsu, red bean soup, and relaxing in the hot springs. I dislike perverts, and traitors. My hobbies include making new Genjutsu, and talking to my friends. My dream is to become the best genjutsu master in Fire Country. You next" She said, pointing to Shino.

"My name is Aburame Shino. I like bugs. I dislike people who squash bugs for no reason. My hobby is to look for new bugs. My dream is to become strong and become clan head," Shino stoically explained.

"Alright, you next Hinata"

"Ano.. My name is Hyūga Hinata. I like cinnamon buns, and Naruto-kun. I dislike people who can't see past the surface. My hobby is flower pressing. My dream… my dream is to free birds from their cages." Kurenai smiled knowingly at Hinata, after her statement.

"Alright, last but not least, you" Kurenai spoke, pointing to Naruto.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki. I like protecting Hinata-sama. I dislike people who threaten or belittle Hinata-sama. My hobbies are serving Hinata-sama, and protecting Hinata-sama. My dream is Hinata-sama's will."

"... er, Well now I will test you all for the real Genin Test."

Silence met her statement. Two stoic faces and one of curiosity met her gaze.

"...So! You guys have two hours to subdue me, no leaving these training grounds. GO!"

Shino fled into the forest, intent on setting traps or an ambush. Hinata stood staring at kurenai, as Naruto stood two respectful steps behind her on the left.

"Permission to engage, Hinata-sama?"


Before Kurenai could even blink, she was face down in the dirt, hands tied behind her back, legs trussed up. Above her stood Naruto, fully engaged in his sage mode and his nine-tails chakra mode.

There was absolute silence for all of two seconds, before Kurenai's mind caught up with her.


"Momochi Zabuza, Demon of the Hidden Mist."

"Ah, Yūhi Kurenai, the Genjutsu Mistress of Konoha, and three little brats. I have no quarrel with you, step aside and you will not be harmed."

"Permission to engage, Hinata-sama?"

"Huh? What, you think you can take me, fucking brat?" Zabuza exclaimed with amusement.

"Granted." Hinata spoke quietly.


When the smoke cleared, the clearing was gone, and Naruto stood over Zabuza's broken body.

"Fucking hell Naruto, do you have to do that every time?"

"ZABUZA-SAMA!" Came a feminine voice from the barely intact trees. A masked ninja hopped out of the treeline and ran straight for Zabuza's body.

"Permission to engage, Hinata-sama?" Naruto asked as he returned to his self-appointed guard position behind Hinata.

"Denied. We do not know if she is an enemy."

"You- You Assholes! You killed Zabuza-sama! I'll kill you!"

"Naruto, engage"

"As you wish Hinata-sama." Naruto bowed low, before taking off and slamming his palm into the enemy ninja's chest. A crunch could be heard, before the ninja flew back and slammed into a tree. Naruto followed up, pulling a kunai from his pouch and ending the ninja's life with a swift cut to the throat.

"Area cleared, Hinata-sama."