I've spent the last week watching Game of Thrones (Currently in Season Three) and I got the idea of this story. It's a little different because it's not set in modern times like my other stories but I think I can manage. Also I've received multiple requests for story ideas and I have a few on my profile, if you really wanna see those stories just let me know. This story is a Naruto x Game of Thrones x Assassins Creed crossover.
This is so the Structure of the Assassins is not confusing. The Ranks go from top to bottom with a few things thrown in.
Grand Masters: Tsunade Senju, Gaara, Ōnoki, A, Mei Terumī. (The Five Kage) They are addressed by Grand Master, Master if they have an apprentice, or they're normal name if they are close with each other or amongst their fellow Grand Masters. In formal meetings it is proper to address them as Grand Master. There are only five spots for Grand Masters and they choose who they wish to be their successor. If one should die before a successor is chosen the remaining Grand Masters vote on a new Grand Master.
Below the though it is not an official rank are the Sannin which of course compose of Tsunade, Jiraiya and Orochimaru. The proper way to address a member of the Sannin is Lord or Lady. Only three Sannin have ever existed and they were awarded they're title by the Mad King when they saved his life from a rouge dragon.
After that is Master Assassins. Master Assassins are formally addressed as Master. Master Assassins take the most challenging and demanding missions of the Brotherhood. They undergo advance and grueling training where they are pushed to their limits and beyond. (I'm molding a majority of their training after NAVY SEALS) Master Assassins are also the only rank that is allowed to accept and initiate one into the ranks of the Brotherhood. A Grand Master could recommend someone but a Master can turn them away
Then there are Mentors. Mentors are properly addressed as Mentor. They have experience and skill. They are in charge of training recruits and assassins as well as assigning missions. There are few Mentors who have achieved the rank of Master Assassin.
Below them is Assassins. Basically the soldiers of the brotherhood they carry out simple or somewhat advanced missions. There is no proper way to address an Assassin. Once one reaches the rank of Assassin they are allowed to wear the Brotherhoods symbol.
Below is Recruit. The lowest rank of the brotherhood. There are many phases of the recruit rank but a recruits main job is to train whether that be with a single instructor or at a training outpost. Only advance recruits about to ascend to the rank of assassin are allowed to accept missions and they are normally accompanied by a capable Assassin.
Chapter One
In a dark room stood seven people. Five stood in front of a table that held a map with several markings on it while two kneeled before them.
"Rise, there is no need to kneel before us. Give us your reports."
The two rose and the first one spoke.
"I have news from Kings Landing Grand Masters. Jon Arryn Hand to the King has passed on, Descansa en la paz."
The words were repeated amongst all present before the man continued.
"King Robert and his family are preparing to set off for Winterfell where the King plans to offer the job to Eddard Stark Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North."
A heavy fist hit the table.
"Why should we care about who will become the next Hand!"
The young man gulped as he looked at a man who was feared for his strength just as much as his ability to sneak up on you.
"I apologize Grand Master A. The reason why I am bringing this to your attention is because the Masters in Kings Landing have suspected foul play in the Hands death. They request a small squad be sent to investigate and act if it is deemed to be Templar interference."
Grand Master A grunted before turning to his fellow Grand Masters.
"It wouldn't be the first time they've tried something like this. They've had their claws in Kings Landing since Robert Baratheon was named king. I say we send as many squads as we can to purge the city of those scum!"
"Calm yourself A. Remember our words."
A huffed. "Then what are we supposed to do! Let them take the city!"
Grand Master Gaara placed his hand on A's shoulder hoping to calm him.
We watch and wait from the shadows and intervene when necessary."
Gaara turned to the young man before him.
"Head to Mentor Iruka and he'll assign a team. Then you will rest before heading back to Kings Landing with the team. You are dismissed."
The young man nodded before taking his leave and the second one spoke.
"Grand Masters I bring news from Lord Jiraiya."
The blonde haired Grand Master perked up upon hearing the name.
"What did the old toad have to say."
The young man looked grim as he spoke.
"He has discovered that one of the final two remaining Targaryen children is preparing to invade the seven kingdoms."
A turned to Gaara and scowled.
"What do you have to say this time?"
Gaara remained silent and it was Grand Master Ōnoki who spoke.
"The Targaryen's are a family who all should have burned when we found out that the Free Lands were allowing them to live!"
The dwarf assassin slammed his small yet powerful fist against the table.
"I say I lead a unit to the Free Lands and make sure Robert Baratheon's work is finished."
Ōnoki went to give the young man an order but the tall female red head next to him stopped him.
"How about we let the young man finish his report before we make any decisions."
Ōnoki grumbled before motioning for him to continue.
"Thank you Grand Master Mei. Lord Jiraiya says Viserys Targaryen has traded his sister Daenerys Targaryen to Khal Drogo of the Dothraki in exchange for forty thousand Dothraki soldiers."
All of the Grand Masters eyes widened. The Dothraki were feared warriors, so feared that even the Mad King never attempted a move against them.
"This may be true but the Dothraki will never cross the narrow sea."
Everyone turned to Gaara who remained calm.
"But what if they do! The Seven Kingdoms are too divided to fend off an attack of that magnitude!"
Ōnoki nodded his head in agreement.
"A is right I say me and him go show the Targaryen's that our mercy has hit the end of the river."
A nodded as he reached for his robe but stopped when a fist hit the table splitting it right down the middle.
"Enough! Boy what did Jiraiya have to say on the matter?"
"Grand Master Tsunade, Lord Jiraiya requested Master Apprentice Naruto Uzumaki to meet him in the city of Qarth before heading to infiltrate and observe the situation to deem if it is a serious threat or not."
Tsunade shook her head.
"No. Absolutely not. Naruto is nearing the end of his teachings to rise to the ranks of Master Assassin. I will not put that on hold for a possible suicide mission. Do you know what the Dothraki will do if they discover he is a spy?"
"Is it his training or that you are afraid that he'll end up like his no good father."
Mei managed to hold back Tsunade before she could kill the dwarf assassin.
"You better watch your tongue Ōnoki before I cut it out."
"As much as it pains me to say Ōnoki is right Lady Tsunade. Naruto Uzumaki is the best that our brotherhood has besides us that stand at this table...or what's left of it."
Tsunade turned her head at Gaara's words.
"I vote we assign Naruto Uzumaki to the mission, all in favor say I."
A chorus of I's from everyone but Tsunade rang out.
"It is decided. Temari! Kankuro! Go find Naruto. I believe he's training with Master Guy."
Two hooded figures emerged from the shadows and walked out of the room as Gaara turned to the young man.
"Rest for tonight. You and Naruto will leave at sunrise, you are dismissed."
And Done!
Let me know what you guys think. Should I turn this into a full story.
As always read, follow favorite and review.