Quintis :Genius-sitting Chapter 1

"Thank you so much Happy" Paige said as she leaned in to hug the petite brunette. "I owe you big time for this" she finished.

Happy shrugged out of Paige's embrace "Don't worry about it waitress, just stop with all the hugging, You know I don't like hugs"

Happy made her way across the office to her work station and picked up the laser pen she had been trying to fix.

"I know you and Toby probably had plans, but Walter really needs me to go with Sly and Cabe. And since this case is so last minute I didn't have time to line up a sitter for Raph" Paige explained walking towards Happys work station .

"Paige, it's ok we'll be at the garage most of the time anyway, besides It's really nice of you to let Doc have a play date" she joked.

Happy continued her work and gave Paige a reassuring smile to let her know she really didn't mind taking care of the kid. Paige thanked Happy once again and went off to gather her luggage for the flight that would be taking off soon.

Happy was pretty reserved and although she had a tough outer shell Happy knew she was a softie when it came to kids. And deep down she was happy that Paige trusted her enough to look after Ralph for the weekend... or maybe she trusted Toby, either way Happy knew she wanted to be a mom one day so taking care of a kid for a weekend would be like practice.

Happy continued to work on fixing the slim laser pen when she heard the garage door open.She sees Toby waking in with a bag of bagels and two cups of coffee.

Toby makes his way to Happy and sets down a large cup of coffee in front of her.

"One large cup of Joe, 4 creams, 7 sugars, for my lovely sugarbear" he expressed as he set down one of the bagels on Happys table and leaned in for a quick kiss on her forehead.

"Don't call me sugarbear Doc" happy complained.

"You know I hate all your little nicknames" she said as she rolled her eyes at Toby.

"How can someone who likes 7 sugars in their coffee be so bitter" Toby teased back. Looking down at her unhappy she didn't appreciate her nicknames.

"Yeah, yeah save your babbling for another time. We got babysitting duty this weekend" she said rolling her eyes.

"Babysitting? You mean Ralph? That's genius-sitting if you want to get techinical. And Happy, you remember what happened last time don't you? Poor kid almost fell into a Sugar coma." Toby replied.

Happy glared at Toby, remembering the time she had to take care of Ralph on her own. "Well he turned out ok last time. And I was alone all day with the kid, I got you this time. Besides I need to make sure you're good around kids" she said as she walked to the back of the garage. She knew her statement would rile Toby up especially since she knows he would love to make their family a little bigger.

Happy knew she wanted kids one day. She wanted to be there for every important milestone and every step, and to watch him or her grow up. And even though 9 out of 10 times Toby annoyed the living hell out of her, she knew he would father her children one day. She even married the guy for crying out loud, something Happy Quinn would never have done before.

Toby took a moment to process what said and felt a surge of joy fill his stomach. "Happy!" Toby yelled "What the hell is THAT supposed to mean". Toby was aware of everything Haplpy felt and all her fears, but having her actually say what she's feeling out loud was something that always made him smile.

He knew she was only joking but something about the way she said it made him feel like there was some sliver of truth in her words. She was planning a future and that made happy.

"Don't be a dumbass Toby! I don't mean what you're thinking" she laughed. And continued out the back Door and up towards the roof. "But bring that bagel and up here and I might let you sit next to me"

"You don't want to tell me twice, sugarplum" he muttered.

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